1、英美文學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)匯總一、選擇Chapter OneEn glish Literature and Overview1. In Anglo-Saxon period, Beowulf represented thepoetry. A. pagan2. Prose literature did not show its appeara nee un til thecen tury. C. 8th3. Beowulf describes the exploits of ahero, Beowulf, in fighti ng a-ga inst the mon ster Gren del, his re
2、ve ngefulmother, and a fire-breath ing drag on.B. Scandin avia n4. En glish literature bega n with thesettleme nt in En gla nd.Of old En glish literature, Beowulf, the n ati onalepic of the En glish people, is an example of the min gli ng of n ature myths and heroic lege nds. A. An glo-Saxon5. In 10
3、66, with his Norma n army, succeeded in in vad ing and defeat ing En gla nd. A. William the Conq ueror6. The prevail ing form of Medieval En glish literature is the. C. roma nee7. After the Norma n Conq uest, three Ian guages existed in En gla nd at that time. The Norma ns spoke. A.French8. The most
4、 famous cycle of En glish ballads cen ters on the stories about a lege ndary outlaw called. B. Rob inHood9. , the father of En glish poetry and one of the greatest n arrative poets of En gla nd, was born in London about1340.A. Geoffrey Chaucer10. Chaucer died on the 25th October 1400, and was buried
5、 in. D. Westmi nster Abbey11. was the first to be buried in the Poet s Corner of Westm in ster Abbey. A. Chaucer12. was the first to in troduce the sonnet into En glish literature. B. Thomas Wyatt13. The epoch of Ren aissa nee wit nessed a particular developme nt of En glish drama. It waswho made bl
6、a nkverse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. A. Christopher Marlowe14. Sir Philip Sid ney is known both as a poet and as a. C. a critic of poetry15. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen .B. Elizabeth16. En glish Ren aissa nee Period was an age of. B. p
7、oetry and drama17. Shall I compare thee to a summer s day? This is the beg inning line of one of Shakespeare s.D. sonn ets18. Which is not one of the four great tragedies of Shakespeare? E. Henry VIII19. Who is not one of the“ UniversityC/Wfilliam ”h?kespeare20. “ Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality”
8、were first uttered in the bookUtopia .Chapter 2Exercises Neoclassicism1. was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18 th century.B. The Enlightenmentth2.ln the 18 cen tury, satire was much used in writ ing. All of the follow ing are con sidered great satirists except.
9、D.Daniel Defoe3.ln the first half of the 18 th century, the representative author of neo-classicism is.Alexander Pope4. The 18 th cen tury wit nessed the emerge nee of two political parties, which were satirized by Swift in his Gulliver s Travels.The Whigs and the Tories5. , written in heroic couple
10、t by Alexa nder Pope, was a man ifesto of En glish n eo-classicism as Pope put forward hisaesthetic theories in it. B. An Essay on Criticism6. Which of the following is NOT A lexander Pope s worA? Essay of Dramatic Poesy7. Which two periodicals were Steele and Addis on chief con tributi on to En gli
11、sh literature? A. The Tatler and The Spectator8.ln the middle decades of the 18 century,became the leader of the classical school in English poetry and prose.B. Samuel Joh nson9. compiled the Dictionary of the English Language , which became the foundation of all the subsequent Englishdict ion aries
12、.B. Samuel Joh nson10. Who was the greatest dramatist in the 18th cen tury? B. Richard Sherida nChapter 3Exercises Roma nticism1. The Romantic Age began with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which was written by. D.Wordsworth and Coleridge2. The Roma ntic Age came to an end with the death of t
13、he last well-k nown roma ntic writer. B. Sir Walter Scott3. The publicati on ofmarked the begi nning of Roma ntic Age.C. The Lyrical Ballads4. The En glish Roma ntic Age produced two major no velists. They are. C. Waller Scott and Jane Auste n5. As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, or
14、der and the old, classical traditions the criteria in their poeticalcreati ons,based his own poetical prin ciple on the premise that all good poetry is the spontan eous overflow ofpowerful feeli ngs.D. William Wordsworth6. In 1850, Wordsworth s long autobiographical poem entitledwas published posthu
15、moSs后 ( by his wife. B.The Prelude7. For his pamphlet, Percy Bysshe Shelley was expelled from Oxford and disow ned by his father. D. The Necessityof Atheism8. The unfini shed long epichas bee n regarded as Joh n Keats greatey.acCeHperit)im poe9. Which is Percy Bysshey Shelley s mastferpecaetheus Unb
16、ound10. His sister Mary sudde nly went mad, sotook care of his unfortun ate sister for the rest of his life. A.Charles Lamb11. Charles Lamb smade Shakespeare a familiar author to the gen eral readers. B. Tales from Shakespeare12. Charles Lamb wrote a series of miscella neous essays, collected in 182
17、3 as the. D. Essays of Elia13. Walter Scott s first novelappaaoedmously in 1814 with immediate success. D. WaverleyChapter 41.ln the 19 th cen tury En glish literature, a new literary trendappeared, and it flourished in the forties and in the earlyfifties.D. Critical realism2. E nglish critical real
18、ism found its expressi on chiefly in the form of. The critical realists described with vivid nessand artistic skill the chief traits of the English society. A.Fiction3. The greatest English critical realist novelist is, who criticized the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery ofthe com mon pe
19、ople.B.Charles Dicke ns4. is a critical realist who severely exposed con temporary society. His no vels, such as Vanity Fair, are mainly asatirical portrayal of the upper strata of society. C.William Makepeace Thackeray5. Which of the followi ng does not bel ong to the En glish critical realists? Ol
20、iver Goldsmith6. _ was a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century, between 1838 and 1859. It was possibly the first mass work ing class labor moveme nt in the world. C.Chartism7.ln the Victorian age, poetry was not a major art form. The main poets of
21、 the age include all the following except.D.Robert Burns8. The first period of Dicke ns aB3lite(-ayJ6-1841) is marked for youthful optimism. The main no vels writte n in thisperiod in clude all the followi ng except. D.L ittle Dorrit9. The second period of Dickens s literary care-e1r8(4198)4w2as a t
22、ime of excitement and irritation, when his optimismtoward society was profoundly shaken. The Main novels written in this period include all the following except .D.Our Mutual Friend10. The third period of Dickenss literary care-1e8r7(108) 5s2howed intensifying pessimism. His novels produced in thisp
23、eriod include all the following except . Nicholas Nickleby11. Dickens took the French Revolution as the background of his novel . A Tale of Two Cities12. is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of Charles Dickens, in which the early life of the protagonist islargely based on the author s childho
24、odBy.Dearvsid. Copperfield13.In the novel , Dickens exposed the terrible conditions in the English workhouses of the time and the corruption offake philanthropists.B.Oliver Twist14. Which of the following is the masterpiece of William Makepeace Thackeray?B.Vanity Fair15. The Bronte sisters, who are
25、all talented but short-lived writers, include all the following except . D.Jane16. Which of the following is not a novel by Charlotte Bronte?D.Agnes Grey17. Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled . Wuthering Heights18. All of the following are characters in Wuthering Heights except . Mr. Rochest
26、er19. Which of the following comments about Jane Eyre is not right? B.It criticizes the bourgeois legal system.20. Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English novelist at the end of the 19 th century. Realist21. Which of the following statements is not true about Thomas Hardy?D. His master
27、piece is A Pair of Blue Eyes.22. According to Hardy s own classification, his novels fall into three groups, including all the following except .D.Working Class Literature23. Hardy nsovels of Character and Environment take his home region Wessex as their setting. They include all the following excep
28、t .C. A Pilgrim s Progress24. , whose best works include the novel The Picture of Dorian Grey and the comedy The Importance of BeingErnest, is an Irish writer and poet known for his involvement in aestheticism ( 唯美主義 ). C.Oscar WildeChapter 51. is the founder of the“ stream of consciousness” schooBl
29、 o. fJnaomvesl wJoriyticneg.2. David Lawrence s autobiographical novel is C_.Sons and Lovers3. Lenin s judgment “ a good man fallen among the Fabians ” referAs .toG_. _B_. _S_h_a_w_.4. George Bernard Shaw s play tells a story about a proprietress of brothels. She considers the profit derived fromthi
30、s business quite honorable. D.Mrs. War ren s Profession5. In 1923, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. D.William Butler Yeats二、作品作者搭配*Geoffrey Chaucer 喬叟 Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集William Shakespeare 莎士比亞 Sonnets 十四行詩集; Macbeth 麥克白 ; Hamlet 哈姆雷特 ; Othello 奧塞羅 ; King Lear 李爾王Francis Bacon 培根 Es
31、says 論說文集(名文: Of Studies 論學(xué)習(xí))Alexander Pope 蒲柏 An Essay on Criticism 批評(píng)論 ; The Rape of the Lock 卷發(fā)遇劫記Daniel Defoe 笛福 Robinson Crusoe 魯賓孫飄流記 ; Moll Flanders 摩爾弗蘭德斯*Jonathan Swift 斯威夫特 Gullivers Travels 格列佛游記*Samuel Richardson 理查遜 Pamela 帕米拉 ; Clarissa 克拉麗莎*Henry Fielding 菲爾丁Tom Jones 湯姆 瓊斯*Samuel Joh
32、nson 約翰遜 Dictionary of the English Language 英語語言辭典 ; Lives of Poets 詩人列傳William Blake 布萊克 Songs of Innocence 天真之歌 ; Songs of Experience 經(jīng)驗(yàn)之歌。名詩: The Chimney Sweeper 掃煙囪的孩子 ; The Tiger 老虎Robert Burns彭斯A Red, Red Rose 一朵紅紅的玫瑰;Auld La ng Sy ne往昔的時(shí)光William Wordsworth 華茲華斯 Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌謠集 ; The Pre
33、lude 序曲。名詩: My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold 我心歡躍 ; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我孤獨(dú)地漫游,像一朵云 ; The Solitary Reaper 孤獨(dú)的割麥女George Gordon Byron 拜倫Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 恰爾德 哈羅爾德游記;Don Juan 唐 璜。名詩:She Walks inBeautyPercy Bysshe Shelley 雪萊Ode to the West Wind 西風(fēng)頌John Keats 濟(jì)慈 Ode to a Nightingale 夜鶯頌*W
34、alter Scott 司各特 Waverley 威弗利 ; Ivanhoe 艾凡赫J(rèn)ane Austin 奧斯丁 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見 ; Sense and Sensibility 理智與情感 ; Emma 愛瑪Mary Shelley 瑪麗雪萊 Frankenstein 弗蘭肯斯坦Charles Lamb 蘭姆 Dream Children 夢(mèng)中的孩子Charles Dicke ns 狄更斯Oliver Twist 奧列佛 退斯特(霧都孤兒);A Christmas Carol 圣誕歡歌;David Copperfield大衛(wèi) 科波菲爾;A Tale of
35、Two Cities雙城記;Great Expectations遠(yuǎn)大前程Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂 勃朗特Jane Eyre簡愛Emily Bronte 艾米麗 勃朗特 Wuthering Heights 呼嘯山莊Thomas Hardy 哈代Far from the Madding Crowd 遠(yuǎn)離塵囂;The Return of the Native 還鄉(xiāng);The Mayor ofCasterbridge卡斯特橋市長;Tess of the DUrbervilles德伯家的苔絲;Jude the Obscure無名的裘德George Bernard Shaw 蕭伯納 Mrs.
36、Warrens Profession 華倫夫人的職業(yè) ; Pygmalion 匹克梅梁 ; The Apple Cart 蘋果 車William Butler Yeats 葉芝The Lake Isle of Inni sfree 茵納斯弗利島;Dow n by the Salley Garde ns 柳樹園邊David Herbert Lawrence 勞倫斯 Sons and Lovers 兒子與情人 ; Women in Love 戀愛中的女人 ; Lady Chatterleys Lover 查泰萊夫人的情人James Joyce喬伊斯Dubliners都柏林人;Ulysses尤利西斯
37、( * 代表補(bǔ)充的作家 )三、文學(xué)術(shù)語搭配1、敘事詩 Narrative poem : A narrative poem tells a story in verse. It includes ballads;epics and metrical romances.2、抒情詩 Lyric poem: A lyric poem expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker.3、頌詞 Ode: The ode is a lyric poem of some length that honors an individual,
38、a thing,or a trait dealing with a lofty theme in a dignified manner. For example: Ode to The West Wind4、十四行詩 Sonnet: A sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem with a single theme.Sonnets vary but are usually written in iambic pentameter,following one of two traditional patterns.5、素體詩 Blank Verse: Blank
39、 verse is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter lines.6、自由詩 Free Verse: Free verse is poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter.7、圖畫詩 Pictorialism :Pictorialism is an important poetic device characterized by efforts to achieve striking visual effects.8、韻律 rhyme: Rhyme is the
40、 repetition of sounds at the ends of words.9、韻腳 Rhyme Scheme: A rhyme scheme is a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem or stanza.10、格律 Meter : The meter of a poem is its rhythmical pattern.格律分類: 抑揚(yáng) iamb 揚(yáng)抑 trochee 抑抑揚(yáng) anapest 楊抑抑 dactyl 揚(yáng)揚(yáng) spondee 抑抑 pyrrhic 抑揚(yáng)抑 amphibrach 揚(yáng)抑揚(yáng) ampimacer (Iambi
41、c pentameter; heroic couplet. 必考 )音步分類:一步 monometer 二步 dimeter 三步 trimester 四步 tetrameter 五步 pentameter 六步 hexameter 七步 heptameter11、詩節(jié) stanza: A stanza is a group of lines in a poem, seen as a unit.12、小說分類 Fiction : Fiction is prose writing about imaginary characters and events including novels and
42、 short stories.13、長篇小說 Novel :A fictional prose narrative of considerable length,dealing especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of event,typically having a plot.14、傳奇 Legend : A legend is a widely told story about the past.15、神話 Myth :A myth is a fictional tale origina
43、lly with religious significance,which explains the actions of gods or heroes.16 、 哥 特 式 小 說 Gothic : Gothic is a term used to describe literary works that make extensive use of primitive,medieval,wild,mysterious,or supernatural elements.17、現(xiàn)實(shí)主義小說 Realism : Realism is the presentation in art of detai
44、ls from actual life.18、意識(shí)流小說 Stream of Consciousness:Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique that presents thoughts as if they were coming directly from a characters mind.19、象征 symbol : symbols are a part of our everyday lives.20、象征意義 symbolism : symbolism is especially appropriate for poet
45、ry because it enables poets to compress a very complex idea or set of ideas into one image or even one word.21、沖突 conflict : is a struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.22、反語 irony : irony always involves a contrast, a disparity between th
46、e expected and the actual.23、人物性格 characters: characters are persons or animals, thins, or natural forces presented as persons appearing in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.24、人物刻畫 characterization : characterization refers to the personality a character displays; also, it is the means
47、by which an author reveals that personality.四、作品辨析( 1)第一章第一節(jié)莎士比亞的十四行詩18 When in disgrace with fortune and mens eyesI all alone beweep my outcast state,And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,And look upon myself, and curse my fate,Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, l
48、ike him with friends possessed, Desiring this mans art, and that mans scope,With what I most enjoy contented least;Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising,Haply I think on thee, and then my state,Like to the lark at break of day arisingFrom sullen earth, sings hymns at heavens gate;For thy sw
49、eet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.Questions 必考This is Shakespeares 1_ Sonnet 29 (不考) . The rhyme scheme of this poem is 2_ abab cdcd efef gg, and the meter (rhythmical pattern) _, and the meter (rhythmical pattern) is 3_ iambic pentameter._.( 2)第二
50、節(jié)培根論學(xué)習(xí)Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. For expert men can exe-cute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but
51、 the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perf
52、ected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need proyning, by study; and studies themselves, do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not
53、 their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed an
54、d digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them bothers; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and
55、the meaner sort of books, else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.Reading make a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit: and if
56、 he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know, that he doth not. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores. Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but ma
57、y be wrought out by fit studies; like as diseases of the body, may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. So if a mans wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics;
58、for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again. If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the Schoolmen; for they are cymini sectors. If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let h
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