1、its the fifth time i stand on this shore,the cuban shore,looking out at that distant horizon,believing, again,that im going to make itall the way across that vast,dangerous wilderness of an ocean.not only have i tried four times,but the greatest swimmers in the worldhave been trying since 1950,and i
2、ts still never been done.the team is proud of our four attempts.its an expedition of some 30 people.bonnie is my best friend and head handler,who somehow summons will,that last drop of will within me, when i think its gone,after many, many hours and days out there.the shark experts are the best in t
3、he world -large predators below.the box jellyfish, the deadliest venomin all of the ocean, is in these waters,and i have come close to dying from themon a previous attempt.the conditions themselves,besides the sheer distance of over 100 milesin the open ocean -the currents and whirling eddiesand the
4、 gulf stream itself, the most unpredictableof all of the planet earth.and by the way, its amusing to me thatjournalists and people before these attemptsoften ask me,well, are you going to go with any boatsor any people or anything?and im thinking, what are they imagining?that ill just sort of do som
5、e celestial navigation,and carry a bowie knife in my mouth,and ill hunt fish and skin them alive and eat them,and maybe drag a desalinization plantbehind me for fresh water.(laughter)yes, i have a team. (laughter)and the team is expert, and the team is courageous,and brimming with innovationand scie
6、ntific discovery,as is true with any major expedition on the planet.and weve been on a journey.and the debate has raged, hasnt it,since the greeks,of isnt it what its all about?isnt life about the journey,not really the destination?and here weve been on this journey,and the truth is, its been thrill
7、ing.we havent reached that other shore,and still our sense of pride and commitment,unwavering commitment.when i turned 60, the dream was still alivefrom having tried this in my 20s,and dreamed it and imagined it.the most famous body of wateron the earth today, i imagine, cuba to florida.and it was d
8、eep. it was deep in my soul.and when i turned 60,it wasnt so much about the athletic accomplishment,it wasnt the ego of i want to be the first.thats always there and its undeniable.but it was deeper. it was, how much life is there left?lets face it, were all on a one-way street, arent we,and what ar
9、e we going to do?what are we going to do as we go forwardto have no regrets looking back?and all this past year in training,i had that teddy roosevelt quoteto paraphrase it, floating around in my brain,and it says, you go ahead,you go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chairand you be the critic
10、, you be the observer,while the brave one gets in the ring and engagesand gets bloody and gets dirty and failsover and over and over again,but yet isnt afraid and isnt timidand lives life in a bold way.and so of course i want to make it across.it is the goal, and i should be so shallow to saythat th
11、is year, the destination was even sweeterthan the journey.(laughter) (applause)but the journey itself was worthwhile taking.and at this point, by this summer,everybody - scientists, sports scientists,endurance experts, neurologists,my own team, bonnie -said its impossible.it just simply cant be done
12、, and bonnie said to me,but if youre going to take the journey,im going to see you through to the end of it,so ill be there.and now were there.and as were looking out, kind of a surreal momentbefore the first stroke,standing on the rocks at marina hemingway,the cuban flag is flying above,all my team
13、s out in their boats,hands up in the air, were here, were here for you,bonnie and i look at each other, and we say,this year, the mantra is -and ive been using it in training -find a way.you have a dreamand you have obstacles in front of you, as we all do.none of us ever get through this lifewithout
14、 heartache,without turmoil,and if you believe and you have faithand you can get knocked downand get back up againand you believe in perseveranceas a great human quality,you find your way, andbonnie grabbed my shoulders,and she said, lets find our way to florida.and we started, and for the next 53 ho
15、urs,it was an intense, unforgettable life experience.the highs were high, the awe,im not a religious person, but ill tell you,to be in the azure blue of the gulf streamas if, as youre breathing,youre looking down miles and miles and miles,to feel the majesty of this blue planet we live on,its awe-in
16、spiring.i have a playlist of about 85 songs,and especially in the middle of the night,and that night, because we use no lights -lights attract jellyfish, lights attract sharks,lights attract baitfish that attract sharks,so we go in the pitch black of the night.youve never seen black this black.you c
17、ant see the front of your hand,and the people on the boat,bonnie and my team on the boat,they just hear the slapping of the arms,and they know where i am,because theres no visual at all.and im out there kind of tripping outon my little playlist.(laughter)ive got a tight rubber cap,so i dont hear a t
18、hing.ive got goggles and im turningmy head 50 times a minute,and im singing,鈾?imagine theres no heaven 鈾?鈾?doo doo doo doo doo 鈾?鈾?its easy if you try 鈾?鈾?doo doo doo doo doo 鈾?and i can sing that song a thousand times in a row.(laughter)now theres a talent unto itself.(laughter) (applause)and each
19、time i get done with鈾?ooh, you may say im a dreamerbut im not the only one 鈾?222.鈾?imagine theres no heaven 鈾?and when i get through the end of a thousandof john lennons imagine,i have swum nine hours and 45 minutes,exactly.and then there are the crises. of course there are.and the vomiting starts,t
20、he seawater, youre not well,youre wearing a jellyfish maskfor the ultimate protection.its difficult to swim in.its causing abrasions on the inside of the mouth,but the tentacles cant get you.and the hypothermia sets in.the waters 85 degrees, and yet youre losing weightand using calories, and as you
21、come overtoward the side of the boat, not allowed to touch it,not allowed to get out,but bonnie and her team hand me nutritionand asks me what im doing, am i all right,i am seeing the taj mahal over here.im in a very different state,and im thinking, wow, i never thoughtid be running into the taj mah
22、al out here.its gorgeous.i mean, how long did it take them to build that?its just - so, uh, wooo. (laughter)and then we kind of have a cardinal rulethat im never told, really, how far it is,because we dont know how far it is.whats going to happen to youbetween this point and that point?whats going t
23、o happen to the weatherand the currents and, god forbid, youre stungwhen you dont think you couldbe stung in all this armor,and bonnie made a decisioncoming into that third morningthat i was sufferingand i was hanging on by a threadand she said, come here,and i came close to the boat, and she said,l
24、ook, look out there,and i saw light, because thedays easier than the night,and i thought we were coming into day,and i saw a stream of white lightalong the horizon,and i said, its going to be morning soon.and she said, no, those are the lights of key west.it was 15 more hours,which for most swimmers
25、 would be a long time.(laughter) (applause)you have no idea how many15-hour training swims i had done.so here we go, and i somehow, without a decision,went into no counting of strokesand no singing and no quoting stephen hawkingand the parameters of the universe,i just went into thinking about this
26、dream,and why, and how.and as i said, when i turned 60,it wasnt about that concrete can you do it?thats the everyday machinations.thats the discipline, and its the preparation,and theres a pride in that.but i decided to think, as i went along, about,the phrase usually is reaching for the stars,and i
27、n my case, its reaching for the horizon.and when you reach for the horizon,as ive proven, you may not get there,but what a tremendous build of character and spiritthat you lay down.what a foundation you lay down in reachingfor those horizons.and now the shore is coming,and theres just a little part
28、of me thats sad.the epic journey is going to be over.so many people come up to me now and say,whats next? we love that!that little tracker that was on the computer?when are you going to do the next one?we just cant wait to follow the next one.well, they were just there for 53 hours,and i was there f
29、or years.and so there wont be anotherepic journey in the ocean.but the point is, and the point wasthat every day of our lives is epic,and ill tell you, when i walked up onto that beach,staggered up onto that beach,and i had so many timesin a very puffed up ego way,rehearsed what i would say on the b
30、each.when bonnie thought thatthe back of my throat was swelling up,and she brought the medical team over to our boatto say that shes really beginningto have trouble breathing.another 12, 24 hours in the saltwater,the whole thing - and i just thoughtin my hallucinatory moment, thati heard the word tr
31、acheotomy.(laughter)and bonnie said to the doctor,im not worried about her not breathing.if she cant talk when she gets to the shore,shes gonna be pissed off.(laughter)but the truth is, all those orationsthat i had practiced just to get myself throughsome training swims as motivation,it wasnt like t
32、hat.it was a very real moment,with that crowd, with my team.we did it. i didnt do it. we did it.and well never forget it. itll always be part of us.and the three things that i did sort of blurt outwhen we got there, was first, never, ever give up.i live it. whats the phrasefrom today from socrates?t
33、o be is to do.so i dont stand up and say, dont ever give up.i didnt give up, and therewas action behind these words.the second is, you can chase your dreamsat any age; youre never too old.sixty-four, that no one at any age, any gender,could ever do, has done it,and theres no doubt in my mindthat i a
34、m at the prime of my life today.(applause)yeah.thank you.and the third thing i said on that beach was,it looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world,and in many ways, of course, it is,and in other ways, and the most important ways,its a team, and if you think im a badass,you want to meet bonn
35、ie.(laughter)bonnie, where are you?where are you?theres bonnie stoll. (applause)my buddy.the henry david thoreau quote goes,when you achieve your dreams, itsnot so much what you getas who you have become in achieving them.and yeah, i stand before you now.in the three months since that swim ended,ive
36、 sat down with oprahand ive been in president obamas oval office.ive been invited to speak in front ofesteemed groups such as yourselves.ive signed a wonderful major book contract.all of thats great, and i dont denigrate it.im proud of it all, but the truth is,im walking around tall because i am tha
37、t bold,fearless person, and i will be, every day,until its time for these days to be done.thank you very much and enjoy the conference.thank you. thank you. thank you. (applause)thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.thank you.find a way! (applause)這是我第五次站在這個(gè)海岸,古巴海岸,望著遠(yuǎn)處的地平線,我再次相信我可以穿越這一片廣闊、危險(xiǎn)的海
41、擊臺(tái)開(kāi)始比賽,血流了下來(lái),有點(diǎn)臟,他倒了下去,一次又一次,但是他不害怕不膽怯,用一種勇敢的方式去生活?!彼援?dāng)然我想要跨越這一灣水。這是目標(biāo),我也坦率地跟大家說(shuō)今年,目的地嘗到的滋味比旅途更甜(笑聲)(掌聲)但旅途本身是值得的。這個(gè)時(shí)候,今年夏天,每個(gè)人科學(xué)家、 運(yùn)動(dòng)科學(xué)家、耐力專(zhuān)家、神經(jīng)專(zhuān)家,我自己的團(tuán)隊(duì),邦妮 都說(shuō)這是不可能的。這是肯定做不到的。這時(shí)邦妮對(duì)我說(shuō),但是如果你真的要踏上這個(gè)旅途,我會(huì)從頭到尾看著你,所以我會(huì)在的。“而我們就去了。啟程之前,我們一眼望去,感覺(jué)一切都是那么地不真實(shí),在劃出去的前一刻我們站在海明威碼頭的巖石上,古巴旗幟在上空飄揚(yáng),我的團(tuán)隊(duì)在他們的船上,手高高舉起并說(shuō)著
43、的雄偉,真的讓人嘆為觀止。我有一個(gè)大概85首歌的播放列表,特別是在半夜的時(shí)候,那個(gè)晚上,因?yàn)槲覀儧](méi)有燈光燈光會(huì)引來(lái)水母、鯊魚(yú),燈光會(huì)引來(lái)那些鯊魚(yú)喜歡的餌料魚(yú),所以我們就在一片漆黑的黑夜中行進(jìn)。你從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)過(guò)這種黑暗。你看不見(jiàn)自己眼前的手,和船上的人,邦妮的我的團(tuán)隊(duì),他們透過(guò)聽(tīng)到手臂拍打的聲音,才知道我在哪里,因?yàn)橛萌庋凼强床灰?jiàn)的。而我就在那兒沉浸在我的音樂(lè)里(笑聲)我戴著一個(gè)很緊的橡膠帽,所以我什么也聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)。我戴著泳鏡,一分鐘內(nèi)轉(zhuǎn)50次頭而我在唱,想象沒(méi)有天堂doo doo doo doo doo這不難,如果你嘗試 doo doo doo doo doo這個(gè)歌我可以連續(xù)唱上一千遍。(笑聲)我覺(jué)
44、得這本身也是一種才能。(笑聲)(掌聲)每一次到結(jié)尾的時(shí)候, 你可能說(shuō)我是一個(gè)夢(mèng)想家,但我不是唯一的 222。想象沒(méi)有天堂當(dāng)我唱完一千遍的時(shí)候,約翰列農(nóng)的想象我已經(jīng)游了9個(gè)小時(shí)45分鐘,絲毫不差。當(dāng)然也有危機(jī)出現(xiàn)時(shí)候,當(dāng)然有。我開(kāi)始嘔吐,還有海水,你感覺(jué)不舒服,你戴著高效保護(hù)的水母面具。帶著它更難游泳導(dǎo)致你嘴巴里面出現(xiàn)磨損,可是你不會(huì)再被水母觸角螫到接著身體出現(xiàn)低溫。水溫是85華氏度(約29攝氏度),你的體重開(kāi)始減輕和消耗熱量,當(dāng)你慢慢靠近船只邊緣,不能觸碰,不能放棄,但是邦妮和團(tuán)隊(duì)遞給我營(yíng)養(yǎng)物質(zhì),并問(wèn)我怎么樣,是否一切都好,而我卻看到了泰姬陵。我已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了一個(gè)非常不同的境界,我在想,天那,我從來(lái)沒(méi)有想過(guò)我會(huì)在這里看到泰姬陵。簡(jiǎn)直太美了。這,他們得用了多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間才造出來(lái)啊?簡(jiǎn)直,簡(jiǎn)直哇?。ㄐβ暎┪覀冇幸粋€(gè)基本規(guī)則,就是沒(méi)有人會(huì)告訴我已經(jīng)游了多遠(yuǎn),因?yàn)槲覀儾恢?。從這里到那里會(huì)發(fā)生什么?從這里到那里會(huì)發(fā)
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