1、2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 1 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase WORLD-WIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY FocusPM Applying FocusPM for Non-Project Managers Initiation Phase Planning and Pro
2、posal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 2 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Todays Topics n Project Management Initiative n
3、 History of Development n Content and Strategy n Required inputs to FocusPM n Key Business Points n Methodology Overview n Benefits of FocusPM n Why choose HP? FocusPM: It will change the way we do business. Jim Sherriff 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 3 Initiation Phas
4、e Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Current State n The size and complexity of solution projects have been consistently growing n Different result while delivered by different PM ( even excellent) n Project Managers use methodologies incons
5、istently n Best practices are not captured, shared, or reused n The Project Managers role, responsibility and authority are not clearly defined n Client dissatisfaction and low profitability are issues in many projects 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 4 Initiation Phase
6、Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Future State n Projects are a major contributor to our profitability n Clients perceive our Project Management as one of HPs competitive advantages n The Project Manager is perceived as a highly desired job
7、 within HP with clear authority and responsibility to make projects a success n Using a single global methodology and tools contribute to successful projects n Knowledge capture and reuse greatly increase the effectiveness of our Project Managers 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restric
8、ted Page 5 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 6 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Pro
9、ject Management Initiative Objective 2: nClearly define role and authority as well as measures, rewards, and scoping of Project Managers Objective 3: nRapidly enhance our Project Management capability through development and hiring Objective 1: n Enable the implementation of a consistent Project Man
10、agement methodology world-wide 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 7 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Role of Project Manager n Responsible for profitability (scope / terms & conditions / cost / s
11、chedule) of project n Key role in selling process - qualifying project and recommending GO / NO GO n Assesses and manages risk during selling and delivery process n Manages project team during the project n Manages relationship between clients and HP / partners / subcontractors n Major relationship
12、with CBM, CBL & Principal Consultant in pre- sales n Drives the success of the project 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 8 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase PMs are Empowered to: n Have sole acco
13、untability for profitability of projects n Have a major responsibility in the selling process n Have authority to be the only manager of project delivery n Have authority to be the major interface to client during the project Does NOT mean that Project Manager is the most important person for projec
14、t success - entire HP Team is important for project success 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 9 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase WORLD-WIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY FocusPM Initiation Phas
15、e Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 10 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase History of Development n Pro
16、ject Managers asked for a more professional methodology for planning and implementing projects nBased on previous principle (CPLC) & HP best practices n November 1996 initial strategy,January 1998 Final Review nWW Review Team 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 11 Initiatio
17、n Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 9、 人的價值,在招收誘惑的一瞬間被決定。21.6.2421.6.24Thursday, June 24, 2021 10、低頭要有勇氣,抬頭要有低氣。18:50:0018:50:0018:506/24/2021 6:50:00 PM 11、人總是珍惜為得到。21.6.2418:50:0018:50Jun-2124-Jun-21 12、人亂于心,不寬余請。18:50:0018:50:0018:
18、50Thursday, June 24, 2021 13、生氣是拿別人做錯的事來懲罰自己。21.6.2421.6.2418:50:0018:50:00June 24, 2021 14、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2021年6月24日星期四下午6時50分0秒18:50:0021.6.24 15、一個人炫耀什么,說明他內(nèi)心缺少什么。2021年6月下午6時50分21.6.2418:50June 24, 2021 16、業(yè)余生活要有意義,不要越軌。2021年6月24日星期四18時50分0秒18:50:0024 June 2021 17、一個人即使已登上頂峰,也仍要自強不息。下午6時50分0秒下午6時5
19、0分18:50:0021.6.24 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 12 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 9、 人的價值,在招收誘惑的一瞬間被決定。21.6.2421.6.24Thursday, June 24, 2021 10、低頭要有勇氣,抬頭要有低氣。18:50:0018:50:0018:506/24/2021
20、 6:50:00 PM 11、人總是珍惜為得到。21.6.2418:50:0018:50Jun-2124-Jun-21 12、人亂于心,不寬余請。18:50:0018:50:0018:50Thursday, June 24, 2021 13、生氣是拿別人做錯的事來懲罰自己。21.6.2421.6.2418:50:0018:50:00June 24, 2021 14、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2021年6月24日星期四下午6時50分0秒18:50:0021.6.24 15、一個人炫耀什么,說明他內(nèi)心缺少什么。2021年6月下午6時50分21.6.2418:50June 24, 2021 16、
21、業(yè)余生活要有意義,不要越軌。2021年6月24日星期四18時50分0秒18:50:0024 June 2021 17、一個人即使已登上頂峰,也仍要自強不息。下午6時50分0秒下午6時50分18:50:0021.6.24 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 13 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Compared to Pr
22、evious Methodology H Is consistent with the Project Management Institutes (PMI & Prince2 standards) H Incorporates HP best practices H Provides rigor and detail in the planning phases H Includes a robust toolkit in the planning and implementation phases H Meets the need of Project Managers to manage
23、 increasingly larger and more complex projects 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 14 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Benefits of FocusPM H Improved HP bottom line by cutting losses on projects H
24、 Ensures consistent world-wide approach to client projects (will be used by HPC, ISBU, and OSD) H Developed under leadership of global HPC/ ISBU Steering Committee HIncorporates WW HPC/ ISBU best practices and industry standard Project Management methods and terminology (PMI and Prince2) H Can be us
25、ed for any type of project (Scaleable) H Provides a full set of forms, tools and templates HIncludes a rigorous process for assessing / managing risk 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 15 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementa
26、tion Phase Warranty Phase Components of FocusPM Guide, Manual and all Tools on the Web Continuous Improvement accessed through the Web Web based Knowledge Sharing (Project Snapshots and Best Practices) Documentation Management System (under investigation) n Documentation Methodology Guide (Phases /
27、Activities / Tasks) Reference Manual (Processes and Techniques) Toolkit (Forms, Templates and Examples) Quick Reference Card (Quick Overview) n Electronic Tools n Training and Communication Applying FocusPM for Project Managers - 2 days Applying FocusPM for Non-Project Managers - 1/2 day Internal Pr
28、esentations for HPC and Sales External slide set Sales slide set Web based training - Qtr 3 (Virtual University) 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 16 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Key Strateg
29、ies n Consistent quality criteria and measures n Knowledge sharing and re-use (Project Snapshots) n Sequence of activities and tasks (Bid Plan, Design, Plan, Propose, Negotiate) n PM process measurements by phase, i.e., Quality Reviews n Quality reviews - process and content (local process) n PM Met
30、hodology for Project Managers n Scaleable: Use on all projects 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 17 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase n Review Criteria for each Tool / Output n Quality reviews in
31、 each FocusPM Phase and Activity Quality in FocusPM 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 18 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase FocusPM: Scaleable for All Projects Very large, complex project Small pr
32、oject Medium-sized project How? Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 19 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Ph
33、ase Warranty Phase Methodology Structure of FocusPM Phase Activity Task Process Output* (Tools)Input * Dont confuse Output with Client Deliverables 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 20 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementati
34、on Phase Warranty Phase FocusPM Methodology Overview 2.1 Prepare Technical Solution 2.2 Develop Project Scope Statement and WBS 2.3 Develop Project Schedule 2.4 Establish Project Resource Requirements 2.5 Develop Project Risk Management Plan 2.6 Develop Additional Preliminary Project Plans 2.7 Devel
35、op Project Budget 2.8 Resolve Inconsistencies in Project Plan 2.9 Perform Project Plan Quality Review 2.10 Prepare and Present Client Proposal 2.11 Perform Planning and Proposal Quality Review Activities 3.1 Reach Agreement on Proposal 3.2 Produce Final Proposal and Project Baseline 3.3 Complete Con
36、tract 3.4 Perform Selection Quality Review Activities 4.1 Start Up Project 4.2 Conduct Project Control lProject Plan Execution lSchedule Tracking and Control lFinancial Tracking and Control lHuman Resources Mgt. lCommunications Mgt. lQuality Control lRisk Management lChange Control lConfiguration Mg
37、t. lContract and Procurement Mgt. 4.3 Implement Solution lManage to the Project Plan Project Teams Client Expectations Project Deliverables lPerform Client Acceptance lTransfer to Warranty and Support 4.4 Close Project Implementation 4.5 Perform Implementation Quality Review Activities 5.1 Fulfil Wa
38、rranty Commitments 5.2 Perform Warranty Quality Review Activities 6.1 Initiate Post-Warranty Support Services 6.2 Perform Support Quality Review Activities 1.1 Appoint Project Manager 1.2 Estimate Bid Effort of Engagement 1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement 1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid Acti
39、vities PHASE 1.0 INITIATION 2.0 PLANNING AND PROPOSAL 3.0 SELECTION 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION 5.0 WARRANTY 6.0 SUPPORT 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 21 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Required Inp
40、uts (From Principal Consultants, Solution Consultants) Improved Win Ratio and Repeatable Business FocusPM Methodology Local Authorisation Form Opportunity Investigation (AO, SBC, etc.) Request for Proposal (RFP) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) Signed Risk Opportunity and Analysis Model (ROAM) 2021-6-24Int
41、lnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 22 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase IT WILL CHANGE THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS - Jim Sherriff n Following FocusPM is mandatory for PMs n The Project Plan content is used in the
42、proposal n Planning components (Design and Project Plan) can be deliverable templates in a consulting project n HPs service methodologies (from FOIs) are included in the development of the WBS n The Project Plan is the basis for the contract and becomes the Addendum to the contract - (Not the Propos
43、al) n New Roles and Responsibilities for PMs and others n Scalability - all activities and tasks required Key Business Points 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 23 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phas
44、e n If required resources are not available, PM escalates the issues and stops the project - Rescheduling occurs upon start-up n Checkpoints in the FocusPM Bid Plan require management approval before proceeding -Bid Plan - Presales -Project Plan - Implementation -Proposal - Submission -Client negoti
45、ated proposal changes -Scope changes Key Business Points (Continued) 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 24 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase The Project Manager is responsible for n leading the de
46、livery of large integrate solution and for key steps in the sale of solution n overall project plan, budget, schedule, staffing. n overall risk management and profitability n making a recommendation to management (GO/NO GO decision) n effectively applying the FocusPM Methodology to solution project
47、2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 25 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase n is the single point of contact with client n is the Business Manager for the project n is accountable for the agreed-upon
48、margin for the project n manages all people resources on the project n is accountable to Senior Manager n must have all change control requests approved by HP Management and Client n provides performance feedback on all project team members at major milestones and project close-out - aligned with HP
49、 Consulting Couselee Review Process During the Project, the Project Manager 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 26 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase FocusPM Methodology Overview 2.1 Prepare Technic
50、al Solution 2.2 Develop Project Scope Statement and WBS 2.3 Develop Project Schedule 2.4 Establish Project Resource Requirements 2.5 Develop Project Risk Management Plan 2.6 Develop Additional Preliminary Project Plans 2.7 Develop Project Budget 2.8 Resolve Inconsistencies in Project Plan 2.9 Perfor
51、m Project Plan Quality Review 2.10 Prepare and Present Client Proposal 2.11 Perform Planning and Proposal Quality Review Activities 3.1 Reach Agreement on Proposal 3.2 Produce Final Proposal and Project Baseline 3.3 Complete Contract 3.4 Perform Selection Quality Review Activities 4.1 Start Up Proje
52、ct 4.2 Conduct Project Control lProject Plan Execution lSchedule Tracking and Control lFinancial Tracking and Control lHuman Resources Mgt. lCommunications Mgt. lQuality Control lRisk Management lChange Control lConfiguration Mgt. lContract and Procurement Mgt. 4.3 Implement Solution lManage to the
53、Project Plan Project Teams Client Expectations Project Deliverables lPerform Client Acceptance lTransfer to Warranty and Support 4.4 Close Project Implementation 4.5 Perform Implementation Quality Review Activities 5.1 Fulfil Warranty Commitments 5.2 Perform Warranty Quality Review Activities 6.1 In
54、itiate Post-Warranty Support Services 6.2 Perform Support Quality Review Activities 1.1 Appoint Project Manager 1.2 Estimate Bid Effort of Engagement 1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement 1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid Activities PHASE 1.0 INITIATION 2.0 PLANNING AND PROPOSAL 3.0 SELECTION 4.0
55、IMPLEMENTATION 5.0 WARRANTY 6.0 SUPPORT 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 27 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase Key Decision: - HPs Response to Client Input Local Authorisation Form Opportunity In
56、vestigation Request for Proposal (RFP) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) Risk and Opportunity Analysis Model (ROAM) Output Project Manager Appointment Client Requirements Project Mission and Objectives Bid Plan Bid Quality Review Local Authorisation Form Activities 1.1 Appoint Project Manager 1.2 Estimate B
57、id Effort 1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement 1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid 1.0 INITIATION 2.0 PLANNING AND PROPOSAL 3.0 SELECTION 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION 5.0 WARRANTY 6.0 SUPPORT 1.0 Initiation Phase - Overview Objective: Manage HPs opportunity cost Key Decision: - HPs Response to Client 2021-6-
58、24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restricted Page 28 Initiation Phase Planning and Proposal Phase Support Phase Selection Phase Implementation Phase Warranty Phase 1.1 Appoint Project Manager 1.2 Estimate BID Effort 1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement 1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid Engag
59、ement Opportunity Planning and Proposal Activity 1.1 Appoint Project Manager Select Project Manager Review Project Requirements Establish Project File Local Authorisation Form Opportunity Investigation Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Quote (ITQ) Risk & Opportunity Analysis Model (ROAM) H
60、PC Form Project Manager EngagementPMT5200 Letter and Project Charter Project FilePMC1250Client RequirementsPMT1080 Project File - EstablishedPMC1250 Project Manager EngagementPMT5200 Letter and Project Charter InputOutputTools 1.0 Initiation Phase 2021-6-24IntlnoA4 (Version 3 / 2-Apr-1999) HP Restri
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