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1、2021-7-15 1 專業(yè)英語 Review無機化合物命名 Element periodic table 2021-7-15 2 無機物質(zhì)的命名 Nomenclature Of Inorganic Chemicals elementcompound 2021-7-15 3 一一.元素和單質(zhì)的命名元素和單質(zhì)的命名 “元素”和“單質(zhì)”的英文意思都是 “element”,有時為了區(qū)別,在強調(diào)“單質(zhì)” 時可用“free element”。因此,單質(zhì)的英文 名稱與元素的英文名稱是一樣的。下面給出 的既是元素的名稱,同時又是單質(zhì)的名稱。 2021-7-15 4 H Tim Helvey He Li Be

2、 Solids固體Man Made ElementsB C N O F Ne Na Mg Gases氣體Liquids液體Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Un q Un p Un h Un s Un o Un e Uu n Uu u Uu b Uut Uu q Uu

3、p Uu h Uu s Uu o Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Element periodic table 2021-7-15 5 Element IA H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Hydrogen Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium Cesium Francium5frAnsiEm IIA Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra Beryllium Magnesium Calcium Strontium Barium

4、Radium 2021-7-15 6 Common Transition Metal Element Fe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold 2021-7-15 7 Common Element C : carbon N : nitrogen O : oxygen F :f l u o r i n 5flu(:)Erin Si: Silicon S: sulfur5sQlfE Cl :chlorine Pb: lead Sn: tin 2021-7-15 8 二化合物的命名二化合物

5、的命名 化合物的命名順序都是根據(jù)化學式從左往右讀, 這與中文讀法順序是相反的。表示原子個 數(shù)時使用前綴:mono-di -tri- tetra - penta- hexa- hepta- octa-,nona-,deca-, N2O4 :Dinitrogen tetroxide 。但是在不會引 起歧義時,這些前綴都盡可能被省去, Al2O3 。 cover 2021-7-15 9 1化合物正電荷部分的讀法化合物正電荷部分的讀法 正電荷部分相對簡單,一般為金屬,直呼其名,即讀其元素名稱。 如CO: carbonmonoxide Al2O3: aluminium oxide N2O4 :Dinit

6、rogen tetroxide (tetra-,mono-后綴中的a,o在后一o之前省去) 對于有變價的金屬元素,除了可用前綴來表示以外,更多采 用羅馬數(shù)字來表示金屬的氧化態(tài),或用后綴-ous表示低價,-ic表 示高價。 如 FeO: iron(II)oxide 或 ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron(III) oxide 或 ferricoxide Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或 cuprous oxide CuO: copper(II)oxide 或 cupric oxide 2021-7-15 10 化合物負電荷部分的讀法:化合物負電荷部分的讀法: 負電荷

7、部分比較復雜: 二元化合物 非金屬氫化物 無氧酸 含氧酸與含氧酸根陰離子 鹽 name 2021-7-15 11 二元化合物 常見的二元化合物有鹵化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化 物,金屬氫化物等,命名時需要使用后綴-ide aid, 如:fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, oxide ,sulfide ,nitride, phosphide, carbide,hydride; OH -的名稱也是用后綴-ide:hydroxide, 非金屬氫化物不用此后綴,而是將其看成其它二元化合物(見。 );非最低價的二元化合物還要加前綴, 如O22-: pe

8、roxide O2- : superoxide 舉例: NaF sodium fluoride AlCl3 aluminium chloride Mg2N3 magnesium nitride Ag2S silver sulfide Fe(OH)2 iron(II) hydroxide 有些物質(zhì)常用俗稱,如 NO nitric oxide N2O nitrous oxide 二。2 2021-7-15 12 非金屬氫化物 除了水和氨氣使用俗稱water,ammonia以外,其它的非金屬 氫化物都用系統(tǒng)名稱,命名規(guī)則根據(jù)化學式的寫法不同而有所 不同。對于鹵族和氧族氫化物,在化學式中寫在前面,因此

9、 將其看成另一元素的二元化合物。 舉例: HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen chloride HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodide H2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenide H2Te hydrogen telluride 對于其它族的非金屬氫化物,在化學式中寫在后面,可 加后綴ane,氮族還可加-ine 舉例: PH3: phosphine或phosphane AsH3: arsine或arsane SbH3: stibine或stibane BiH3: bismuthan

10、e CH4: methane SiH4: silane B2H6: diborane 二。2 2021-7-15 13 無氧酸 H+non-metal 命名規(guī)則:hydro-詞根(non-metal) -icacid 舉例: HCl: hydrochloric acid H2S : hydrosufuric acid 二。2 2021-7-15 14 含氧酸與含氧酸根陰離子 化學專業(yè)英語用前后綴的不同組合顯示不同價態(tài)的含氧酸 和含氧酸根陰離子,價態(tài)相同的含氧酸及含氧酸根陰離子具有 相同的前綴,不同的后綴。 高某酸 per-ic 正酸 ic 亞酸 -ous 次酸 hypo-ous 高某酸根 pe

11、r-ate 正酸根 ate 亞酸根 -ite 次酸根hypo-ite 其它的前綴還有 ortho-正 meta- 偏 thio-硫代 舉例:HClO4 perchloric acid ClO4- perchlorate ion HClO3 chloric acid ClO3- chlorate ion HClO2 chlorous acid ClO2- chlorite ion 二。2 HClO hypochlorous acid ClO- hypochlorite ion H2SO4 sulfuric acid H2SO3 sulfurous acid HNO3 nitric acid HN

12、O2 nitrous acid HPO3 metaphosphoric acid S2O32- thiosulfate ion 2021-7-15 15 鹽 正鹽正鹽:根據(jù)化學式從左往右分別讀出陽離子和陰離子的 名稱。 如 FeSO4 iron(II) sulfate KMnO4 potassium permanganate 酸式鹽酸式鹽:同正鹽的讀法,酸根中的讀做hydrogen,氫 原子的個數(shù)用前綴表示。 如 NaHCO3: sodium hydrogencarbonate NaH2PO4: sodium dihydrogenphosphate 二。2 2021-7-15 16 復鹽復鹽:

13、同正鹽的讀法,并且陽離子按英文名稱的第一個字 母順序讀。 如 KNaCO3 potassuim sodium carbonate NaNH4HPO4 ammonium sodium hydrogenphosphate 水合鹽水合鹽:結(jié)晶水讀做water或hydrate 如AlCl36H2O: aluminum chloride 6-water 或aluminum chloride hexahydrate AlK(SO4) 212H2O aluminium potassium sulphate 12-water 2021-7-15 17 ferrous oxide ferricoxide FeO

14、 Fe2O3 aluminium chloride AlCl3 magnesium nitride Mg2N3 silver sulfide Ag2S 非金屬氫化物 hydrogen fluoride hydrogen chloride HF HCl Review無機化合物命名 2021-7-15 18 Review 無氧酸 HCl Hydrochloric acid hydrosufuric acid H2S 含氧酸 H2SO4 sulfuric acid sulfurous acid H2SO3 HNO3 nitric acid 二。2 nitrous acid HNO2 鹽 FeSO4

15、iron(II) sulfate potassium permanganate KMnO4 potassuim sodium carbonate KNaCO3 2021-7-15 19 1. Conversion 2. Derivation 3. Composition 4. Shortening 5. Blending 6. Sighs 7. LetterSymblizing 科技英語構(gòu)詞法科技英語構(gòu)詞法 2021-7-15 20 常用化合物英文名稱常用化合物英文名稱 詞首詞首碳鏈的長度碳鏈的長度+詞尾詞尾重要官能團重要官能團 詞首:詞首:mono-,di-,tri-, tetra-,pen

16、ta- 無機無機一,一,二,二, 三,三, 四,四,五五 hexa-,hepta-,octa-,nona-,deca- 六六七七八八九九十十 meth-,eth-,prop-,but-,pent-,hex-, 有機有機甲甲乙乙丙丙丁丁戊戊已已 hept-,oct-,non-,dec-,cyclo-,poly- 庚庚辛辛壬壬葵葵環(huán)環(huán)聚聚 2021-7-15 21 詞尾詞尾:-aneein-enei:n-yne,-one,-al(aldehyde) 詞尾詞尾:烷,烷,烯,烯, 炔,炔,酮,酮,醛醛 -yl-anol,-acid,-amine,-amide,-ester, 基基醇醇酸酸胺胺酰胺酰胺酯

17、酯 carboxy-amine-ammonio-nitroso- 基團基團:羧基羧基氨基氨基銨基銨基亞硝基亞硝基 -COOH-NH2-NH3-N=O nitro-hydroxy-methoxy-ethoxy- 硝基硝基羥基羥基甲氧基甲氧基乙氧基乙氧基 -NO2-OH-OCH3-OC2H5 2021-7-15 22 常用化合物英文名稱常用化合物英文名稱 詞首:詞首: meth-,eth-,prop-,but-,pent-,hex-, 甲甲乙乙丙丙丁丁戊戊已已 hept-,oct-,non-,dec-,cyclo-,poly- 庚庚辛辛壬壬葵葵環(huán)環(huán)聚聚 詞尾詞尾:-ane,-ene,-yne, -

18、one,-al(aldehyde) 烷,烷,烯,烯,炔,炔,酮,酮, 醛醛 -yl-anol,-acid,-amine,-amide,-ester, 基基醇醇酸酸胺胺酰胺酰胺酯酯 乙烷 丙基戊烯 丁醇 辛辛烷戊基 ethanepropylpentene butanol octanepentyl 2021-7-15 23 常用化合物英文名稱常用化合物英文名稱 詞首:詞首: meth-,eth-,prop-,but-,pent-,hex-, 甲甲乙乙丙丙丁丁戊戊已已 hept-,oct-,non-,dec-,cyclo-,poly- 庚庚辛辛壬壬葵葵環(huán)環(huán)聚聚 詞尾詞尾:-ane,-ene,-yne

19、, -one,-al(aldehyde) 烷,烷,烯,烯,炔,炔,酮,酮, 醛醛 -yl-anol,-acid,-amine,-amide,-ester, 基基醇醇酸酸胺胺酰胺酰胺酯酯 壬壬烯 已已烷 乙醇乙醇 葵葵醛醛 丙丙醛醛 nonene decyl aldehyde ethanol hexane propyl aldehyde 2021-7-15 24 縮略詞 (a) etc., et cetra= and so on (等等)(不用于指 人) (b) et al. 讀作“and others”,等(人) (c) i.e. = that is; (d) viz. = that isBi

20、nary means two, implying that only two digits are used, viz., 0 and 1. (e) e.g. = for example; (f) ibid (ibidem) = the same同上,同前,在同書, 出處同上(多用于腳注)(References) 2021-7-15 25 圖(Figure) 表(Table) 圖(Figure)a. 編號:Fig. 1 or Figure 1, 第一 個字母大寫; b. 圖題(Caption)對圖的內(nèi)容加以簡要 說明 c. 圖例(Legend)表明圖中符號/線型等 的意義。 2021-7-15

21、 26 若圖是引用其他人文獻,還需說明圖的 來源,注明經(jīng)某機構(gòu)許可重印。(, reprinted with permission of. ) 2021-7-15 27 a. 編號Table 1. or Table 1.1 b. 標題寫在表標號后 c. 表中欄目稱為Column,每一項具體內(nèi) 容稱為Entry d. 表的來源,在表下方說明,同圖相似 e. 表下方為表中注釋符的意義,對表內(nèi) 容的簡單說明(如反應(yīng)條件等) 2021-7-15 28 1. be graphed as 以對作圖 Y (be) graphed as X 以Y對X作圖,一般以縱坐標對橫坐標作圖 一般圖形坐標表示,都是先縱坐標

22、,后橫坐標,兩者可用versus (簡寫為 vs.) 或against 連在一起 即:y versus x, 或y plotted against x e.g. A) A plot of dc voltage versus time normally produces a straight line. B) In Fig. 1, lgI is plotted against v. LognX: log x to the base n; lnx: log x to the base If a pressure-volume diagram is made, 其它:If a pressure-vo

23、lume diagram is made, (壓力體積圖) 例外:伏安特性,伏特為橫坐標,安培為縱坐標,但表達為volt- ampere characteristics 2021-7-15 29 線型: 實線solid line; 虛線dashed line; 點線dotted line; 粗線heavy line; 細線light line; 點劃線dot-dash line 2021-7-15 30 7.1仍譯成被動句 The atomic theory was not accepted until the last century . Other evaporation material

24、s and processes will be discussed briefly. The laws of thermodynamics will be discussed in the next articles. Purified hydroden is passed over a liquid metal halide . Considerable use is made of these data . Since methane is made of the data . 第七章 被動語態(tài)的譯法 2021-7-15 31 Since methane is its first memb

25、er,it is also known as the methane series. 7.2 譯成漢語主動句 1.譯成漢語的無主語句 Measures hanve been taken to diminish friction . When the solution in the tank has reached the desired temperature , it is discharged . If the product is a new compound ,the structures must be proveed independently. 2021-7-15 32 Now

26、headings, sud-headings and tables of contents in English are providded. 2.加譯“人們,我們,大家,有人”等主 語。 The workers are see repairing the generator The metal, iron in particular ,is known to be an important material in engineering . If one or more electrons are removed ,the atom is said to be positively char

27、ged. 3.用英語句中的動作者作漢語中的主語 2021-7-15 33 The complicated problem will be solved by them. The molecules are held together by attrative forces . 4.將英語句中的動作者作漢語中的主語。 The students have been answered all the questions. The oxides of nitrogen are absorbed in water to give nitric acid. 5.在原主語前加譯“把,將,使,給”等 詞。 2

28、021-7-15 34 Borax was added to beeswax to enhance its enulsifying power. The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy through a generator. Absorption process is therefor conveniently divided into two groups:phsocal process and chemical process. 6.將被動語態(tài)譯成“是的,對進 行”等。 2021-7-15 35 T

29、he slurry is filtered to recover the eletrolyte solution . An aldehyde is prepared from the dehydrogenation of an alcohol and hence the name. The higher degree of unsturation is associated with somewhat greater cheemical reactivity. 4.被動意思譯成主動意思 Batch operations are frequently found is experimental

30、and pilot-plant operations. 2021-7-15 36 In the reaction both the acid and the base are neutralized forming water and salt . The kinds of activities which engage the organic chemist may be grouped in the following way. 7.3 科技英語中常用的被動句型。 譯法: It is condered that . It is unstood that. 2021-7-15 37 It i

31、s supposed that . It suggested that . It is noticed that It is preffered that. It generally recongnized that It can be foreseen that It must be stressed that It has been shown that 2021-7-15 38 Ionic Surfactants (1) 離子型表面活 性劑 2021-7-15 39 An Ionic fat surfactant contains one or more charged moieties

32、 in its structure .The charges may be either positive (cationics) or negative (anionics); the amphoterics contain both a negative charged moiety in the same molecule . Anionics The anionic emulsifiers are a large class of compounds. 2021-7-15 40 The negative charge is carried by the molecule is usua

33、lly a metal ion or a low- molecular-weight ammonium derivative. Alkyl sulfates: Fatty alcohols, prepared by the catalytic hydrogenation of fatty esters, readily react with concentrated sulfuric acid ,oleum,or sulfur trioxide to form an alkyl sulfate ester.This product is neutralized with a base; eit

34、her sodium hydroxide,ammonia, or triethanolamine is usually chosen for the neutralization. 2021-7-15 41 ROH + SO3ROSO3HROSO3Na + H2O Sulfur trioxide is often selected as the sulfation reagent since excessive amounts are not required for the reaction as in the case of oleum or sulfuric acid. Lesser a

35、mounts of inorganic salts are present in the neutralized surfactant whensulfur trioxide is the sulfating agent. U.S.Pharmacopoeia and food grades are available in addition to technical products. 2021-7-15 42 The alkyl sulfates are detergents, emulsifying agents ,and wetting agents with a high HLB. S

36、odium alkyl sulfate has remained one of the most important fat-based surfactants in use since its commercial introduction in about 1930. They find wide application in household products, where they are compounded for use in laundry,dishwashing, and rug cleaning chores.Shaving creams and cosmetic for

37、mulas often include alkyl sulfate salts. 2021-7-15 43 The diethanolamine and triethanolamine salts of lauryl sulfate are less irritating to the skin than are their ammonium or sodium counterparts.Sodium lauryl sulfate can be used as a whipping agent or emulsifier in egg whites,the preparation of mar

38、shmallows,and the preparation of fumaric acid-acidulated fruit drinks.As afood additive,it must meet the restrictions include in the code of Federal Regulations. 2021-7-15 44 The use of sodium lauryl sulfate a wetting agent in the separation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids as well s solid/l

39、iquid fats is well known. It is also used as an emulsifier in textile applications and as a surfactant in emulsion polymerizations.A possible use in reducing power costs of pumping petroleum crudes by formation of an oil- in-water emulsion has been patented. 2021-7-15 45 Alkyl ether sulfates: Ethoxy

40、lated fatty alcohols may be sulfated to obtain surfactants which have improved water solubility compared to the corresponding alkyl sulfates. In the preparation an alcohol ethoxylate is treated with chlorosulfonic acid. This intermediate product is next neutralized with a base such as sodium hydroxi

41、de to give the surfactant. 2021-7-15 46 The alkyl ether sulfates are biodegradable. They fnd use where highfoaming detergents are desired ,as in bubble baths, shampoos, and car wash surfactants. Products of this type are listed in the DFTA Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary. NaSOOCHCHROHSOOCHCHROHClSOHO

42、CHCHRO x OHNaOH x HCl x322322322 2 )( 2021-7-15 47 Soaps: The use of soaps as laundering agents and in cleansing the use of soaps for home laundry purposes, in North America, soap is still the main ingredient in toilet bars for personal use. Bar soaps are manufactured commercially by saponification

43、of fats or by neutralization of fatty acids with alkali. The classical method of preparation is saponification of fats by alkali using a batch process. In this process the fat was heated with an aqueous lye solution ; 2021-7-15 48 soap and glycerol were formed. The soap was separated form the glycer

44、ol by the addition of salt(graining out) and then washed. the resulting soap was dried and formed into bars. The saponification method is still used. The process is, however continuous and employs centrifuges for separations at various stages of the process. A soap containing about 35% water is prod

45、uced; the product is spray-dried. After working to improve the physical nature of the soap it is extruded and finished into bars. 2021-7-15 49 The formation of water-insoluble soaps in the presence of calcium, magnesium, iron ,and other ions in hard water limits the use of soaps. Another limitation

46、is imposed by the pH of the system in which the soap is dissolved; under acidic conditions, the soap is converted to the insoluble free fatty acid, which separates from the solution. Large volumes of soaps are used in industrial applications and industrial cleaning compounds. 2021-7-15 50 They are u

47、seful in textile scouring and as an emulsifier. Cosmetic applications of soaps include cold creams and lotions, where the soap is formed during the mixing process and acts as a major component of the emulsifier system. A mixture of ammonium and triethanolamine soaps lecithin has been patented for us

48、e as an emulsifier and source of nutrients to promote the biodegradation of oil spills on water. 2021-7-15 51 Anionic derivatives primarily intened for use in foods:A group of anionic derivatives of monoglycerides and lactic acid derivatives are marketed not only for use in bread but also in whipped products and creamers.These products mu


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