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1、Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good(一)教材分析:本單元以looking good, feeling good為話題,旨在通過單元學習,使學生了解如何氣色好,感覺好。從Amy冒著生命危險減肥的事例,讓學生深刻領悟出健康的價值,以及社會上人與人之間的友誼和關愛的重要性。能通過閱讀討論了解保持健康的各種方法,鼓勵和幫助同學朋友積極參加體育鍛煉,合理飲食,養(yǎng)成良好的生活習慣。1.1 Welcome to the unit是本單元的一個熱身活動,通過五幅圖片和三個開放性問題讓兩名學生針對生活現狀談論關于如何顯得美麗和保持健康。引發(fā)學生通過同伴合作討論穿著、飲食和鍛煉,從

2、而也引出了本單元的話題氣色好,感覺好。1.2 Reading 包括A、B、C、D、E和F五項活動。A設置了幾個閱讀理解的問題,要求學生在快速閱讀三封郵件后回答。B呈現的是兩個朋友間關于減肥和健康問題的通信。C設置了兩種題型,要求再讀課文后對六個問題作出選擇并列出各部分的要點,檢驗學生對細節(jié)以及故事中各角色的觀點行為的理解。D 設置了填空和配對題,幫助學生通過上下文語境猜測詞義。E 要求學生通過上下文選擇合適的單詞填空,是對學生綜合理解能力的培養(yǎng)。F 是一個會話練習,要求學生就某一問題提出看法并展開討論,然后仿照范例進行會話練習。1.3 Word power 的主題是關于不同類型的運動,旨在語境

3、中擴充詞匯。它包括四部分的內容:第一部分要求學生閱讀一學生關于參加運動俱樂部的日記;第二部分是不同體育運動的圖解;第三部分是有關運動健身的短文填空;最后一部分要求給不同體育運動進行分類。1.4 Grammar and usage 總結了非限制性定語從句和反意問句的分類、用法、構成和意義,并通過相關練習題幫助學生鞏固對這兩種語法的掌握。1.5 Task的主要任務是邀請朋友去一健身房,其中包含了3種技巧并分別設計了三個步驟幫助學生掌握這些技巧:第一了解查找信息的方法;第二速記要點信息;第三如何正確運用標點符號。學生在掌握這些技巧的基礎上就能輕松完成向朋友推薦健身運動的任務。1.6 Project

4、部分提供了一篇關于如何保健的報道,要求學生在理解大意的基礎上,收集一些背景信息,并通過小組合作討論后,根據提示步驟及指導列舉保健要點,幫助他們發(fā)揮想象,制定一健康手冊并向全班展示。該步驟是一種開放性的探究學習活動,除語言能力外,也是對學生綜合素質的一種鍛煉。1.7 listening的前兩部分是關于父子、醫(yī)生間談論超重問題的起因、后果和建議。第三部分通過學生幫助朋友減肥的回信,復述概括聽力材料的主要內容。(二)教學目標1語言知識詞匯gym, stay, slim, figure, weight, ashamed, since, exercise, work, recover, failure,

5、 contain, harmful, chemical, operation, exact, match, follow, advice, seldom, damage, attractive, touching, stranger, embarrassed, pressure, actress, overweight, diet, property, skinny, lift, consider, effect, affect, sportsman, achievement, risk, post, recognize, energy, regularly, regular, yet, sk

6、ip, control, system, skin, count, relaxed, ability, concentrate, amount, loss, suggestion詞組Work out, go on diets, in secret, side effect, fall out, put on weight, along with, in the long term, as a matter of fact, in no time語法Non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags功能1. Talking about he

7、alth2. Describing problems3. Talking about physical exercises話題Looking good, feeling good; health, sports, diet2 語言技能聽聽懂關于推薦一健身房的廣播內容;學生、家長和醫(yī)生間關于超重問題的對話。說用表示觀點、原因的句型來進行對一些警示性標志進行功能表達;對“保持健康的最佳方法”這一辯題訓練學生綜合說的能力。讀略讀、細讀、語義場在段落篇章閱讀中運用以及對文章風格特點把握的訓練。寫寫信和郵件推薦并邀請朋友去一健身房。3學習策略學生在一定程度上形成自主學習、合作學習、信息處理、英語思維能力

8、以及綜合運用語言能力(辯論、寫作)的能力認知猜測、細讀、速讀、略讀、演繹及說、說以及綜合運用信息等技能調控小組活動中通過對同伴的意見歸納,用自己的方式表達出來,從前面的閱讀和同伴處得到反饋,對自己在作文中的錯誤進行修改;同伴合作,探究發(fā)現規(guī)律并靈活運用交際積極地參與雙人或小組的討論,創(chuàng)設情景進行交際,有效完成任務4教學的重點和難點(1)重點1) 討論外表、衣著,了解保持美麗、健康的方法2) 學會表達觀點和理由3)歸納復習語法項目-非限制性定語從句和反意問句4)讓學生學會就如何保持健康提供建議5)讓學生掌握談話技巧,對提供的話題進行會話6)讓學生參照要點,寫信和郵件推薦并邀請朋友去一健身房。(2

9、)難點1)讓學生學會概括要點,就如何保健提供建議2)讓學生掌握對話技巧,對提供的話題進行會話3)推薦并邀請朋友去一健身房的書面表達(三)教學安排 對課本內容進行優(yōu)化組合,可將本單元分成7個課時 Period 1 Welcome to the unit Period 2 Reading Period 3 Word power Period 4 Grammar and usage (2)Period 5 Task (2)Period 6 ProjectPeriod 7 ListeningPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit. Teaching aims:1. Enable th

10、e students to describe peoples current situations 2. Train the students speaking ability by expressing their opinions on looking good and feeling good. Teaching important points: Enable the students to express opinions about how to look good and feel good. Teaching difficult points: Enable the stude

11、nts to tell different ways about how to both look good and feel good. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures:Step I Brainstorming1. Greeting2. Let the students enjoy some pictures about some beauties a

12、nd some handsome young men Then activate students imagination by asking the following questions:T: Everybody likes beauties, so lets enjoy some pictures. Are the girls beautiful? Will you fall in love with them when you first see them?Are the young men very handsome? Are they very famous?Where can y

13、ou find them? Do you want to be as beautiful and attractive as them?3. Ask Ss to say something about some unpleasant pictures and answer:Do they look good and feel good? Why?Step Further discussion1. Ask Ss to discuss two questions:1). Do you think looking good is as important as feeling good? Why?

14、2). What makes one look better and feel better?2. Get the Ss look at some pictures and give the answersStep conclusionAfter the discussion is finished, the teacher sums up the balance of how to look good and feel good. How can we both look good and feel good? 1) Confident2) Healthy Physically 3) Hea

15、lthy mentally4) Exercise regularly5) Healthy diet Step Advice Ask the Ss to work in groups to discuss the advice about how to keep fit. The teacher gives some suggested measures for the students to stay healthy: Dont eat junk food. Try and eat a healthy diet. Dont go to bed too late. Make sure you g

16、et sufficient sleep. Get regular exercise. Go to see the doctor if youre not feeling well. Dont spend too much time using computers or watching TV, as it is bad for your eyes.Step V Homework1. Find more information about how to keep fit.2. Write a passage about “health and beauty” or “healthy eating

17、 and exercise”.Period 2 Reading. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to learn about the three letters2. Train the students reading ability(skimming, detailed reading, consolidation). Teaching important points: Get the main points about the three emails . Teaching difficult points: Enable the studen

18、ts to identify the main topic of each email and understand sentences with “however” and “but”. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures: Step Lead-in1. Greetings2. Ask Ss to talk about the pictures and a

19、nswerDo they look good and feel good?Then show some pictures including some fat persons Students may laughT: Do you feel its interesting? Why?S: In the picture, therere women models. Women models means they have good figures. But theres a fat man among themT: What kind of person do you like better,

20、the fat or the slim?3. Ask the students to look at the picture about a fat man being treated by a doctor and ask: What is he trying to do?Step Pre-reading1 Discuss about this question:If you are the person who is a little over-weight, how would you lose weight? Please discuss with your partner.Sugge

21、sted answersGoing on a dietExercising in a gymReceiving surgical treatmentTaking weight-loss pills2. Talk about the ways to lose weight and discuss which methods they prefer, including the advantages and disadvantages. Finally fill in the form.3. Prediction Look at the title and predict what will be

22、 talked about in the text(Who, , what, how, why, the results)Step Reading1. Fast reading Read the text fast and answer the three questions on page 42. and the meaning of the title “Dying to be thin”1) The first is that Amy wanted to be thin very much.2) The second is that Amy was going to die becaus

23、e she had taken some weight-loss pills.3. Careful reading1) True or false2) Multiple choices on page 44 C13) Discuss the main point of each letter and the whole passageStep Further Discussion Ask the Ss to work in groups to discuss the following questions.1. What lessons has Amy learnt from her expe

24、rience?2. What kinds of advice would you give to Amy? Step Reading strategy1. Explain the differences in meaning between the sentences with “however” and “but”.2. find out in the text the sentences using “however” and “but”.Step language points 1. Explanationa) used to; work outb) workc) followd) re

25、cover/ uncover/ discovere) match/ fit/ suit/ go with 2. PracticeFill in the blanksSentence transformationStep VII Homework1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Recite the new words and phrases of Reading3. Preview the Word Power.Period 3 Word Power. Teaching aims:Enable Ss to use t

26、he new words about the types of sportEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary. Teaching important points:Enable Ss to learn and master words about sports Enable Ss to know the importance to health. Teaching difficult points:Enable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new

27、wordEnable Ss to classify the sports. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures:Step GreetingsStep Brainstorming1. Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one?2. Are you interested

28、 in sports clubs? Are you planning to join one?Step PracticePart A1. Read the diary by Zhou Ling and summarize the types of sports she mentioned2. Talk about which school clubs Zhou Ling can join and list some of the reasons. Discussion1. Are you interested in sports? Whats your favorite?2. Can you

29、name some types of sports you know?Part B1. Look at the following pictures and describe the sports 2. Decide which sports in the pictures you would like to play.Words focus Fill in the blanks with the names of sports1. _ is a game which is usually played in the us by 2 teams of 9 people. Each player

30、 tries to hit the ball and then around in the field.2. Sang Lan is a happy girl, even after she got hurt seriously in a _ competition.3. The first gold medal that China won in the Olympics is in Mens _.4. _ is a sport in which people play on lakes which have a thick layer of ice.5. You will be attra

31、cted by the traditional music and _ in Tibet or in Yunnan Province.6. Wushu, which is a Chinese _, is trying to get into the Olympics.7. In _, people will compete in three different sports, usually swimming, cycling and running.8. When doing _, you will not only enjoy the beautiful music, but also s

32、trengthen the heart and lungs.9. _ is a sport in which the athletes run 42,195 meters.10. When playing _, you kick a ball and there are 10 other people in your team.11. Wang Liqin is one of the best _ players in the world.12. In a game, there are 6 players in each team. They try to pat a ball over a

33、 net. It is a _ game.13. Tiger Woods is one of the best _ players in the world. He is from the US.14. Michael Jordan, Oneal and Yao Ming are _ players.15. Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing won gold medals for _ in the 10th National Games.Key: 1. baseball, 2. gymnastics, 3. shooting, 4. skating, 5. folk da

34、nce, 6. martial art, 7. triathlon, 8. aerobics, 9. marathon, 10. football, 11. table tennis, 12. volleyball, 13. golf 14. basketball, 15. divingPart C1. Read and complete the e-mail to Amy. 2. What are the advantages of the sports according to Zhou Ling?Part D1. Look at the pictures above again and

35、talk about whether the sports are played indoors or outdoors. 2. Fill in the columns on page 47. Step IV Topics for discussionWork in groupsgroup 1: What can we benefit from sports?group 2: Say something about your favorite sport.group 3: Look at the body movements and guess the names of the sports.

36、group 4: Talk about some indoor sportsStep V Homework1. Try to find more names of sports.2. Talk about different kinds of indoor and outdoor sports.Period 4 Grammar and usage. Teaching aims:Enable the Ss to grasp the non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags. Teaching important points:Ho

37、w to use correctly non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags. Teaching difficult points: The function and formation of the non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags. Teaching methods:Inductive and deductive methods, task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids:

38、 A computer, a blackboard. Teaching procedures:Step I Revision and lead in1. Ask the students to recall what theyve learned about the attributive clauses2. Ask them practice finishing some sentences using attributive clauses3. Conclusion of what has been learnt about the attributive clauses4. Make a

39、 comparison to introduce the non- restrictive attributive clausesStep II work on the non- restrictive attributive clauses1. Ask the Ss to find out the restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clauses in the text.2. Tell the differences between the two kinds of attributive clauses by giving examp

40、les and making conclusions3. Ask them to summarize what has been learnt and practice using the non- restrictive attributive clauses4. The important points of attributive clauses 1) non- restrictive attributive clauses led by “as” and “which”2) non- restrictive attributive clauses led by “some/ any o

41、f which/ whom”5. Practice (correction, multiple choices, comparison)Step III HomeworkGo over the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.Step IV work on question tags1. ask questions and lead in2. discuss what question tags are3. discuss the situations in which question tags are used acc

42、ording to examples4. practice finding out the question tags in the text and explain them5. ask questions about the types and formations of question tags6. give examples and conclude the formation of question tags7. tips on how to use the question tags8. practice timeStep V Language points Explanatio

43、n and practice1) consider 2) affect/ effect/ effort/ offer3) recognize/ realizeStep practice and consolidation of the grammar pointsStep VII Homework1. Go over the question tags.2. Preview Task.Period 5 Task. Teaching aims:Enable the Ss to learn how to invite their friends to join a gym by writing a

44、n email. Teaching important points: Enable the Ss to learn how to find information, take notes and use punctuations. Teaching difficult points: Teach the Ss how to talk about and write letters to recommend a gym. Teaching methods:Task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A compute

45、r, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures: Step I Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Ask some students to talk about how to find informationStep Finding information1. Discuss what are the main points and key words2. Practice finding out the main points and key words in the letter on page 45Step Recommend

46、ing a gym to a friend1. Practice finding out the main points and key words in the advertisement and web page2. fill in the note sheet on page 533. listen and complete the note sheetStep writing 1. Ask the students to read the information about Wu Tong and find the reason why he should join a gym 2.

47、Write a letter to him inviting him to join a gymA sample letter Dear Wu Tong,How are you? I know youre thinking of joining a gym. I think you should join Better Body Gym. It is not expensive. It costs just 500 yuan a year for a student. If you join now, you can get one month free membership, which i

48、s open to anyone aged 14 or over. One of its branches is near the King Hotel, which is not far away from your home. It opens from 6 a.m. to midnight every day. So it is very convenient for you. Whenever you are free, you can go there. They have very good equipment and there are 35 classes every week

49、, including yoga, aerobics and swimming. If you want to know more, you may call 5555, 4567.Best wishes!Yours,Li pingStep V Assignment 1. Review how to find information and try to mark the main ideas and key words in the passage on page 47.2. Prepare a letter to advise one of your classmates to join

50、a gym. Step VI Note taking1. Discuss about the form and function of symbols, abbreviations and contractions1. Talk about how to write down information quickly2. listen to the recording and try to take notes2.2.2. Listen and take notes about the equipment available in the gym.Step VII Interview1. Let

51、 the students ask the partner questions about how he or she keeps fit and take notes about the answers, using the prompt box for ideas: 1). basketball/ dancing/ football/ gym/ running/ swimming 2). fit/ fun/ healthy/strong 3). often/ sometimes/ seldom/ never 4). classmates/ family/ friends2. Tell yo

52、ur class what exercise your partner does and find out whats the most popular exercise in your class.Step VIII using punctuation1) Talk about the common punctuations2) Discuss the function of punctuations3) Read the e-mail on page 57 and add the missing punctuation4. Discuss what the students have le

53、arnt from step 1 and 2 about recommending a gym to someone. Talk with your partner about writing a letter to recommend Better Body Gym to your friend. Step VIII Homework1. Make notes about the e-mail by your partner and Check the punctuation marks in it.2. Preview project Period 6 Project. Teaching

54、aims:1. Enable the Ss to read the passage about how to keep fit2. Enable Ss to make a booklet about fitness. Teaching important points: Enable the Ss to understand the importance of keeping fit Enable the Ss to make a survey and list the points about keeping fit. Teaching difficult points: Enable th

55、e Ss to list the ways about how to keep fit Enable the Ss to write a booklet. Teaching methods:Task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures:Step I Introduction1. Discuss about health and fitness2. Discuss about living a health

56、y life3. Talk about pictures and introduce the topic of this sectionStep Discussion1. Talk about the proverbs and how to keep fit1) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.2) 2) Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 3)3) A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctors book4) Fresh air impoverishes the docto


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