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1、An alysis of livelihood archives Colleges andUni versitiesAbstract college livelihood files related to survival and developme nt of teachers and stude nts of the article describes the file to enhance livelihood of the importa nee of colleges and universities,colleges and universities tostrengthenthe

2、 people s livelihood proposed threeprinciples of archival work, that people s needs-orientedteachers and students to laws and regulationsfor theprotecti on to the rich collecti on of resource-based, and on this basis that the current performaneeof the teachermust focus on promoti ng the files, stude

3、 nt developme nt files, teacher teachingfiles, campus culture focused oncollege livelihood file archives buildi ng.Paper Keywords livelihood developme nt of college stude nts file file file of campus culturePartycon gressclearly concerned about thelivelihood of the people, protect people s livelihoo

4、d, improving people s livelihood is the scientific concept ofdevelopmentan important part, and the people s ilivelihood as the focus of the party and gover nment work.To implement the 17 spirit, 12 in 2007, the NationalArchives 29 issued <<archival work on stre ngthe ningthe livelihood of the

5、views of> >the archivesdepartme ntat all levels to work con scie ntiouslytopeople s livelihood files into their work areas, and actively explore the livelihood of file man ageme nt and useof best andeffective way to September, .20081impleme ntati onof the & It ;<Measuresfor theAdmi nistrati

6、o nof UniversityArchives>>clear thatthe uni versityarchives institutionis the only schoolcertificate issued by the file orga ni zati on, file orga ni zati on college seal stamped copy of the file, and the orig inal has the same effect, therefore, Un iversity Archives departme ntaccord ing to i

7、ts own characteristics, i n order to establish accurately the perspective of developme nt covered by the archival resources of staff andstudentsto facilitate efficient service means good service for the majority of staff and stude nts.First, colleges and uni versities to enhancepeople s livelihood,

8、the importaneeof archival workFile is the people s livelihood, social organizationsandin dividualsin employment,socialsecurity, healthcare,educatio n,publicadmi nistrati onand other areas ofpeople s livelihood in the form of documentation of thecarrier, is to safeguard people s rights in the origina

9、l documents, is the people most concerned about , the most direct and most practicalin terestsin theembodime nt of archival work, so colleges and uni versities to enhance livelihood of archival work has very importa nt sig nifica nee.1 University Archives is to enhance livelihood spirit of the 17th

10、implementthe necessary requirement,the party s congress report clearly pointed out, speeding up in order to improve people s livelihood and social construction, efforts to make all people to education, workers with in come , support the sick, and hous ing.This is notonly definedthe critical stage of

11、 China sreform anddevelopmentof the key elements of socialcon structi onand strategic objectives, but also for thearchives service of the party and state work poin ted out the directi on this end, the file must be closely around thedepartmentto improve people s livelihood and socialconstruction, fir

12、mly grasp the people s livelihood and without wavering, to develop around people s livelihoodand developme nt goals, deployme nt tasks, i ntegrati on of various livelihood of archival resources, the results of the archives service more representative of people s livelihood,improvingpeople s liveliho

13、od.Currently, theuniversity should strengthen the people s livelihood as arecordsmanagementservices improve people slivelihood and promote the developme nt of archival work is an importa nt task, to effectively enhance their un dersta nding, and enhance aware ness of the work, clear goals,carefully

14、studyand pla nto push forwardtheimplementation of efforts to promote the establishment of thepeoplecoveredby the filesystem resourcesandservices people use file system.2 Uni versity is a comprehe nsive archival work to enhance people s livelihood to improve the quality of higher educationa necessary

15、 requirement.New era ofeducation reform and developmentfocus is to improvethe quality, take the connotationof development, whichrequirestrai ningmust firmlygrasp this fun dame ntal,alwayseducation to educatingpeopleadhere tothestude nt,school tale nt-orie nted,teacher-ce ntered.tothestude nt,the uni

16、versity archivesto servethe growthandsuccessof students,accordingto therequireme ntstoimprovethe qualityof |personneltrai ninganddevelopme nt characteristics of college stude nts enhancemen talhealth, employme nt, public services such ashelping the vulnerablestudent to better promote thecomprehensiv

17、edevelopment of students. the teacher asthe mai n body, theuni versityarchives to servehigh-quality teach ing staff, develop new service cha nn els to improve the livelihood of teachers quality and level of archival work, efforts to promote teacher threw himself into teach in g, research and educati

18、o nal work.3 universities to enhance people s livelihood isa comprehe nsive archival work n ecessary requireme nt for building a harmoniouscampus. Buildinga harmonioussociety is in separable from the con structi onof aharm onious campus, Un iversity Archives to develop better and faster use of the s

19、chool s livelihood archivalinformationresources, building a harmoniouscampus isvery role inpromot ing.archives should bepeople-oriented, and actively to achieve, maintain,anddevelop the fun dame ntal in terests of the majority of staff and stude nts as the uni versity archives the start ing point an

20、d end point,changethe re-do young man,light-weight people, the official re-light the people, ordin arylight weight celebrity,pers onal re-orga ni zati onof light concept,change the file exists in the use ofheavy school use, pers onal use of light and heavy for the school services, light services for

21、 the staff and students practice attention to all the files related to the value of people, truly recog nize the importa nee and usefu In ess of the file is no Ion ger confined to the gover nment and schools, and to face the public, for stude nts, departme nts should attach importa nee to the use of

22、 as great importa neeas teachers andstude nts the use ofemployees,staff and students as quickly as possible tofacilitate the use of file system, establish a people s livelihoodandboth services, bothpublic serviceleadership and service con cept, give full play to the file in livelihood issues in the

23、work of an importa nt role.Second, theuni versitybuild ing the basicprinciplesof people s livelihood and archivesUniversity Archives is the epitome of the history of the school, which in cludes teach ing,research, man ageme ntand many other aspects, reflect ing the various periods of previous activi

24、ties of staff and studentsover the yearsprimarily for the Un iversity Archives of the work, such as the school s history of Local Records compiled , examine the work, academic research, econo micdevelopme nt,education and other services, but also contains a large nu mber of uni versity archives in t

25、he livelihood of the file, the file main livelihood college personnel,wages andben efits,teacher training, job title, teacher research,en rollme nt, stude nten rollme nt, stude ntemployme nt,health care,in sura nee,employme nt con tracts withteachers and students of related files.Work in school,live

26、d experienee of faculty and students if the lack of evidenee,documents,etc. can be lost to the archives,queries, and get that resolved the releva nt academic qualificati ons,seni ority,salary con firmati on,proof offamily, i ntellectual property and other livelihood issues.Un iversity livelihood fil

27、e servicesmai nlyteachers and studentsin the livelihood of the peoplefound in the releva nt in formatio n can ope n that file, copy file archives, related materials and stamped proof seal, a copy of the orig inal can play the role, such as the use of archives for working party to examine and enjoy t

28、he farmer-friendly policy, the use of studentstatus file foremployment procedures, personnel files for use abroad, buy a house loan, inheritanee procedures,the use ofproperty files to determine property rights,the use oflen gth of service for retired pay file to verify procedures, etc., which not on

29、ly solve the urge nt n eeds of faculty and graduates, to a certain extent, to resolve social conflicts and stabilize social order, promote socialharm ony.livelihood files related to survivalanddevelopme ntofteachersand1stude nts,wemustadheretopeople-ce nteredcon cept,determ inationto establishalivel

30、ihood files prin ciples.1Un iversitylivelihoodfilesmustbedema nd-orie ntedstude nts. The work of Un iversityArchives,thepeople s livelihood,thepeople slivelihoodisn ecessarytostaffandstude ntsn eed-orie nted,soearn estlyUn iversityArchivesdepartme nttoun dersta ndtheneeds of teachers andstude ntshav

31、efor Archivesof sexualcon ductthepeople slivelihood,livelihoodgrasp basicbus in essman ageme nt and con structi on of the file, the livelihood ofthe file into the file management system, integrate and enrich the collectionof all kinds of scientific livelihoodresource file, highlight the file in live

32、lihood status of the con structi on of archival resources, setti ng up divisio n raw file system resources. files on people s livelihood prioritiescollecti on,catalog ing priority, priority order,priority in put, giv ing priority to use, so that archives work really police the people, know the peopl

33、e,understandpeople s concerns, Victoria civil rights, protect the public safety, better archives play in people s livelihood and social harm ony to the positive role. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free dow nl oad 2. Un iversity livelihood files for the protecti on of the laws and regulatio ns

34、must be in order to better establish the livelihood of the file , Un iversity Archives departme ntmust have a un ified sta ndard system and system security,the guidaneeand supervision of people s livelihoodaffairs departme nt of the archives as a priority, and urgethe departme nt to doarchiv ingthe

35、collecti onthe people s livelihood andtimely con structi onoflivelihood files file, effectivemanagement,to ensurecompleteintegrityof the file slivelihood, for the peoples livelihood and to provide trueand reliable source ofin formatio n.Also, because thelivelihood of the manyfiles in volvedin public

36、 privateinformation,the provisionand use ofprocess, violationsmay occur, harm thein terestsofthe behavior, asof archival material, to ensure14preve ntive measures, weneed to establish and improve people s livelihood and file legal system, specifically the range of livelihood ope n the file, methods

37、and procedures to protect the in terests of teachers and stude nts are not violated.3 Un iversity livelihood files must be based on arich collection of resources. To do the people s livelihoodand archival work, it is n ecessary to do basic file resources and build to meet the needs of teachers and s

38、tudentsresources system files one hand, the archives staff to screeningof the collectionof files, file consolidationschool livelihood resources to better serve students and teachers on the other hand,uni versityarchivesdepartments should focus on people s livelihood,andactively adjust collecti on de

39、velopme nt ideas, highlight ing the people, convenience,Huimin theme, plus large andclosely related to the pers onnel files of staff and stude nts, teachers, bus in ess records, files and other types of special schools, celebrities and professionalfiles receivingfilesefforts, con sta ntly en rich th

40、e collecti on of resourcesandimprove the collectionstructure, and gradually establishfor the people s livelihood, livelihood diversification covered file system resources, so that universitiesfiletypes to truly become the livelihood of the school and public file storage base for the ICC.Third, the u

41、ni versity archives build ing focus of people s livelihood Changing people s livelihood is a problem, the university archives to keep people s livelihood and livelihood cha nges, and actively expa nd the range of channels and services, to overcome the past made more research little compilation of re

42、search results can not keep up the situati on of the problem, find quasi-archival work the focus of people s livelihood.1 teacher performa neefile. Collegeteachersnot only bear theresp on sibilitiesof teach ingandeducating, but also charged with the task of scientific research,personnelfiles alone i

43、s not fully reflect theperforma nee of teachers. The curre nt uni versities is based on an in tegratedfileman ageme nt& It ;<U niversityArchivesen tityclassificati on> ;& gt;classificati on,reflect ing the characteristics of teachers, academic sta ndards and tech ni cal expertise of the archiva

44、l material dispersed in teach in g, research, publish ing and other files, the lack of systematic and in tegrity, is not con ducive to thedevelopme ntofhuma nresourcesanduni versitiescon figurati onfileto establish teacherperforma neecantruly reflecttheteachers moralcharacter, ability,dilige nee,and

45、achieveme nts,and1manyothercircumsta nces, can be objectively and accurately evaluatethe performaneeof teachers, level of educationandresearch capacity not only tomulti-a ngle,full-valuejudgmentsof teachers, as school developmentservices,and basic in formati on through in direct feedback, but also c

46、onduciveto teacher s self-regulation.teacherperforma neeis a help file of in dividual teachers, schoolwork is more con ducive to the coord in ated developme nt of practical activities,scie ntificand tech no logicalachievementsof teachers, professional Titles Evaluationtech no logy,applicati onresear

47、ch,report ingandtech no logyawards, and academic leaders to apply forgover nment grants applicati on and assessme nt and other work will play an importa nt role in the refere nee.(2) stude nt developme nt files. College stude nts study ing in colleges and uni versities the stude nts file, i n the fo

48、rm of practical activities, a student s personal experie nee,moral character,achieveme nt,pers on ality,expertise, hobbies, health and other aspects of the orig inal records, to some exte nt reflect on the true face of a student s objective as recording personal learning experie nces, practical expe

49、rie nee, evaluati on s, ideological and political conditions and other contents of the file materials, in employment, job classification, obstetricalproved positive rat ing, meet the political, for pension and other social in sura nee and issued overseas, PubMed and other releva nt certificatescon t

50、i nues to play a certificate,the basis and referen ce.Records man ageme nt staff should regulate student records management,attention to the preciousvalue of studentrecords,studentrecords informationresources to tap and expa nd the scope of the collecti on of archival material of students,enrich the

51、 contents of thefile, adjust the range of stude nts to receive class files, to cha nge the past, teach ing classes to receive a simple file If a studentenrollmentbooks, admission register newstude ntsregistratio nform, Membership books, schoolregistratio nforms and other practices, will receiveexte

52、ndedto the close relati on shipwith the stude nt spers onal in formati on, such as the curre nt stude nts to do good psychological records, files and other stude nt employmentand the utilization of high priority to sortstude nt records, catalog. good work not only to stude nt records the future of in dividual stude nts, but also reflect the school s management, which promote thedevelopme ntof school andeducati onalreform and


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