2、c公共關系狀態(tài)d公共關系策劃21906年,艾維李發(fā)表的著名文件是(b)。a有效的公共關系b原則宣言 c公眾輿論的形成d公共關系學3樹立交往合作的觀念,提高社交能力屬于公共關系的(b)。a優(yōu)化環(huán)境功能b提高素質功能 c塑造形象功能d協調關系功能4與公共關系部比較,公共關系公司的長處之一是(d)。a熟悉組織情況b接近客戶 c工作連續(xù)性、持久性d職業(yè)水準較高5 建設型公關主要適用于組織發(fā)展的(a)。a初創(chuàng)時期b順利發(fā)展時期 c與公眾不協調時期d嚴重失調時期6人們思想中不想向他人公開的內容是(c)。a共同經驗區(qū)b開放區(qū) c秘密區(qū)d個人經驗區(qū)7搞開放組織活動(d)。a應完全公開 b應加強保密工作 c只公
3、開組織的過去 d既公開又不能泄密8 在社交活動中,人與人的距離保持約在o45122米屬于(aa個人距離b公共距離 c親密距離d社交距離9談判工作的第四個階段是(b)。a交鋒階段c妥協階段 c概說階段d協議階段10展覽會的類型,屬于按項目分的是(d)。a宣傳展覽會b室內展覽會 c露天展覽會d專項展覽會11象征物屬于組織vi系統(tǒng)的(a)。a基本要素b傳播要素c廣告要素 d應用要素12中國婦女穿著旗袍適宜出席的場合是(d)。a談判b旅行 c會議d社交13可以繞過“把關人”控制的傳播媒介是(b)。a 報紙b互聯網 c電視d廣播14在人際傳播的過程中,傳播速度快,規(guī)范性強,但信息經過層層篩選,可能造成失
4、真的傳播模式是( b)。a輻射式b鏈式 c交結式dg形網絡15企業(yè)“言必信,行必果”,一諾千金,不缺斤少兩,不以次充好,不欺詐,屬于企業(yè)“cs戰(zhàn)略”中的(c)。a理念滿意b產品滿意 c行為滿意d服務滿意三、多項選擇題(在下列各題的備選答案中,選擇2至5個正確的。多選、少選、錯選均不得分。每題1分,共10分)1根據公眾與組織發(fā)生關系的時序特征,可以把公眾分類為(cde)a首要公眾b內部公眾c潛在公眾d知曉公眾 e行動公眾2公共關系產生的社會條件是(abcd)。a理論條件b經濟條件 c政治條件d技術條件 e民眾條件3把求真務實的原則貫徹到調查工作中應做到(abcd)。a真實b客觀 c公正d 全面
5、e正義4公共關系部在組織中的決策參謀地位,主要是由以下方面的職能決定的(acde)a資料儲存中心b領導指揮中心 c信息發(fā)布中心d環(huán)境監(jiān)測中心 e公眾接待中心5電視作為大眾傳播媒介的缺點包括(abce)。a記錄性較差 b公眾選擇余地小 c接收方式不靈活 d制作周期長 e制作費用高6人際傳播的線路模型主要包括(abce)。a交結式bg形網絡 c輻射式d環(huán)式 e鏈式7演講的形態(tài)藝術包括abde)。a表情b手勢 c語音d站姿 z目光8組織舉辦慶典活動的具體形式包括(abcde)。a開幕慶典b周年慶典 c節(jié)慶活動d閉幕慶典 e特別慶典9ci設計的基本原則包括(abcde)。a客觀性 b系統(tǒng)性 c社會性
6、d穩(wěn)定性 e差異性10在公關禮儀中,尊重公眾的原則包括尊重公眾的(abcd)a人格b權利 c 愛好d 性格 e 地位四、判斷題(在你認為正確的題前畫“”,不正確的畫“x”。每題1分,共10分)(y)1公共關系特指組織與公眾之間的傳播溝通關系。(n)2艾維李創(chuàng)辦世界上第一家宣傳事務顧問所。(n)3公共關系完全是為組織營造生存、發(fā)展環(huán)境服務的。(n)4社會組織與政府有關部門之間的溝通是單向的。(y)5輻射式傳播的特點是便于集中領導,信息傳遞速度快,失真少;但在這種人際關系網絡中,成員之間聯系較少。(n)6在整個企業(yè)識別系統(tǒng)中,行為識別應當是理念識別的靜態(tài)延伸。(n)7去阿拉伯人家中做客,最好公開贊
7、美一件物品。(n)8在為他人介紹時,要遵循“尊者優(yōu)先”的原則,即先把地位高者介紹給地位低者。( y)9所謂名牌就是公眾通過對企業(yè)及其產品的品質和價值而加以確認的著名產品。(n)10與企業(yè)相比,事業(yè)團體的突出特點是非營利性,與政府機關相比,事業(yè)團體的主要特點是權威性。五、簡答題(每題10分,共30分)1為了使公關策劃不斷創(chuàng)新,有哪些思路(請舉出實例)可供借鑒?答;答題要點:我們認為有以下幾個方面可供借鑒:(1)大膽設計,敢于開創(chuàng)前人沒有發(fā)現的新形式。(1分)例如1993年,香港奧美廣告公司為杭州西泠冰箱廠設計的公關廣告,買下了上海文匯報第一版的整個版面,創(chuàng)造了新中國報刊史和廣告史的第一次,造成了
15、構的檢查。2004年lo月13日,國家質檢總局在對“特富龍”的檢測結果中,證明“特富龍”無毒。中國的多家媒體對這一檢測結果進行了報道,從而消除了各方面的誤解,恢復了公眾對杜邦不粘鍋的信任。(5分)單選題:1、 現代公共關系傳播本質是組織與公眾之間信息的(雙向交流)2、 組織開展公共關系活動的基礎是(公共)3、 利用新聞媒介揭露壟斷企業(yè)“愚弄公眾”的現象,形成了美國近代史上著名的運動是(揭丑運動)4、 被譽為公共關系學之父的時(伯尼斯)5、 1952年,卡特里普和森特出版了權威的公共關系學著作(有效的公共關系)6、 樹立交往合作的觀念,提高社交能力屬于公共關系的(提高素質功能)7、 分析組織的自
16、我形象玉實際形象之間的現實距離時使用(形象要素差距圖)8、 企業(yè)言必信,行必果,一諾千斤少兩,不以次充好,不欺詐,屬于企業(yè)cs戰(zhàn)略中得(行為滿意)9、 公共判斷的第三個階段是(交鋒階段)10、 服裝的樣式非常多,我們只能簡單低將其分為(西裝)社交裝和便裝三種。11、 對組織持贊賞支持、合作和新人態(tài)度的公眾是(順義公眾)12、 策劃海斯事件為企業(yè)進行宣傳的時(巴納姆)13、 組織形象處于最佳狀態(tài)的時(高知名度、高美譽度)14、 印刷精美,表現力強的傳播媒介是(雜志)15、 把重點事情實和主要結論放在文章的最前邊,然后按事實重要性擺列時間的新聞公報結構式(倒金字塔結構)16、 成員之間聯系少,群體
17、氣氛不一定和諧,很難產生激勵效應的人際傳播線路是(輻射式)請您刪除一下內容,o(_)o謝謝!2016年中央電大期末復習考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter released from nerve endings (terminals) in both the peripheral and the central nervous systems. it is synthesized within the nerve terminal from choline, taken up from the tissue
18、fluid into the nerve ending by a specialized transport mechanism. the enzyme necessary for this synthesis is formed in the nerve cell body and passes down the axon to its end, carried in the axoplasmic flow, the slow movement of intracellular substance (cytoplasm). acetylcholine is stored in the ner
19、ve terminal, sequestered in small vesicles awaiting release. when a nerve action potential reaches and invades the nerve terminal, a shower of acetylcholine vesicles is released into the junction (synapse) between the nerve terminal and the effector cell which the nerve activates. this may be anothe
20、r nerve cell or a muscle or gland cell. thus electrical signals are converted to chemical signals, allowing messages to be passed between nerve cells or between nerve cells and non-nerve cells. this process is termed chemical neurotransmission and was first demonstrated, for nerves to the heart, by
21、the german pharmacologist loewi in 1921. chemical transmission involving acetylcholine is known as cholinergic. acetylcholine acts as a transmitter between motor nerves and the fibres of skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions. at this type of synapse, the nerve terminal is closely apposed to
22、 the cell membrane of a muscle fibre at the so-called motor end plate. on release, acetylcholine acts almost instantly, to cause a sequence of chemical and physical events (starting with depolarization of the motor endplate) which cause contraction of the muscle fibre. this is exactly what is requir
23、ed for voluntary muscles in which a rapid response to a command is required. the action of acetylcholine is terminated rapidly, in around 10 milliseconds; an enzyme (cholinesterase) breaks the transmitter down into choline and an acetate ion. the choline is then available for re-uptake into the nerv
24、e terminal. these same principles apply to cholinergic transmission at sites other than neuromuscular junctions, although the structure of the synapses differs. in the autonomic nervous system these include nerve-to-nerve synapses at the relay stations (ganglia) in both the sympathetic and the paras
25、ympathetic divisions, and the endings of parasympathetic nerve fibres on non-voluntary (smooth) muscle, the heart, and glandular cells; in response to activation of this nerve supply, smooth muscle contracts (notably in the gut), the frequency of heart beat is slowed, and glands secrete. acetylcholi
26、ne is also an important transmitter at many sites in the brain at nerve-to-nerve synapses. to understand how acetylcholine brings about a variety of effects in different cells it is necessary to understand membrane receptors. in post-synaptic membranes (those of the cells on which the nerve fibres t
27、erminate) there are many different sorts of receptors and some are receptors for acetylcholine. these are protein molecules that react specifically with acetylcholine in a reversible fashion. it is the complex of receptor combined with acetylcholine which brings about a biophysical reaction, resulti
28、ng in the response from the receptive cell. two major types of acetylcholine receptors exist in the membranes of cells. the type in skeletal muscle is known as nicotinic; in glands, smooth muscle, and the heart they are muscarinic; and there are some of each type in the brain. these terms are used b
29、ecause nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors, whereas muscarine, an alkaloid from the mushroom amanita muscaria, mimics the action of acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors. acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons.
30、in the peripheral nervous system acetylcholine plays a role in skeletal muscle movement, as well as in the regulation of smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. in the central nervous system acetylcholine is believed to be involved in learning, memory, and mood. acetylcholine is synthesized from choline a
31、nd acetyl coenzyme a through the action of the enzyme choline acetyltransferase and becomes packaged into membrane-boundvesicles. after the arrival of a nerve signal at the termination of an axon, the vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, causing the release of acetylcholine into thesynaptic cleft.
32、for the nerve signal to continue, acetylcholine must diffuse to another nearby neuron or muscle cell, where it will bind and activate areceptorprotein. there are two main types of cholinergic receptors, nicotinic and muscarinic. nicotinic receptors are located at synapses between two neurons and at
33、synapses between neurons and skeletal muscle cells. upon activation a nicotinic receptor acts as a channel for the movement of ions into and out of the neuron, directly resulting indepolarizationof the neuron. muscarinic receptors, located at the synapses of nerves with smooth or cardiac muscle, tri
34、gger a chain of chemical events referred to as signal transduction. for a cholinergic neuron to receive another impulse, acetylcholine must be released from the receptor to which it has bound. this will only happen if the concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft is very low. low synaptic
35、 concentrations of acetylcholine can be maintained via a hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. this enzyme hydrolyzes acetylcholine into acetic acid and choline. if acetylcholinesterase activity is inhibited, the synaptic concentration of acetylcholine will remain higher
36、than normal. if this inhibition is irreversible, as in the case of exposure to many nerve gases and some pesticides, sweating, bronchial constriction, convulsions, paralysis, and possibly death can occur. although irreversible inhibition is dangerous, beneficial effects may be derived from transient
37、 (reversible) inhibition. drugs that inhibit acetylcholinesterase in a reversible manner have been shown to improve memory in some people with alzheimers disease. abstract expressionism, movement of abstract painting that emerged in new york city during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence
38、 in american art in the following decade; also called action painting and the new york school. it was the first important school in american painting to declare its independence from european styles and to influence the development of art abroad. arshile gorky first gave impetus to the movement. his
39、 paintings, derived at first from the art of picasso, mir, and surrealism, became more personally expressive. jackson pollocks turbulent yet elegant abstract paintings, which were created by spattering paint on huge canvases placed on the floor, brought abstract expressionism before a hostile public
40、. willem de koonings first one-man show in 1948 established him as a highly influential artist. his intensely complicated abstract paintings of the 1940s were followed by images of woman, grotesque versions of buxom womanhood, which were virtually unparalleled in the sustained savagery of their execution. painters such as philip guston and franz kline turned to the abstract late in the 1940s and soon developed strikingly original stylesthe former, lyrical and evocative, the latter, forceful and boldly
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