



1、從前Once upon a time在一個遙遠(yuǎn)地方in a faraway land?f ar ?we? adj.遙遠(yuǎn)的一個年輕的王子住在美麗的城堡里a young prince lived in a shining castle.? a? n? ? adj.光亮的;華麗的雖然他擁有了一切他想要的東西Although he had everyth ing his heart desired ? :l ?e?u conj. 盡管; 雖然 d ? za ? ?d v.希望但這個王子卻被寵壞了the prince was spoiled,sp ? ? Id adj. 被寵壞的非常自私暴躁,selfi

2、sh and un kind.?n?ka? nd adj.不夠和善的,不親切的;冷酷的;無情的 ?self ? ? adj. 自私的,利己的 在冬天的一個夜晚But the n, one win ters ni ght城堡前來了一個乞討的老太婆an old beggar woma n came to the castle ?beg?(r) n.乞丐;家伙想要用她一朵玫瑰花and offered him a sin gle rose?f ?d v. 出(價);提出;演出;做出去跟這個王子換得一個能棲身的地方in return for shelter from the bitter cold.?b

3、? t?(r) adj. 苦的;尖銳的;嚴(yán)寒的;懷恨的,憤憤不平 的? elt ? fr ? m(使)躲避;掩護(hù), 保護(hù);遮擋in return for :作為的回報王子不屑于衣衫襤褸婦人的玫瑰Repulsed by her haggard appeara nee the pri nee sn eered at the giftsni ? ?t v.嘲笑?p? ?r?ns n. 外貌,外觀;出現(xiàn),露面;哲現(xiàn)象;?h?g?dadj.憔悴的,面容枯槁的r ? ?p?lst v. 擊退;駁斥;拒絕并且殘忍地把她趕走and turned the old woma n awayturn awayt ?:

4、n ?wei轉(zhuǎn)過臉去;拒絕(某人)進(jìn)入;辭退;背這個老太婆警告王子不要只看外表but she warned him not to be deceived by appearan ?p ? ?r?ns? z n.外觀 di ?si:vd v. 欺騙,蒙騙w? :nd v.警告;提醒;告誡;預(yù)先通知內(nèi)在才是最美麗的根本for beauty is found within.w? ?e? n prep.不超過,在的范圍內(nèi);在能達(dá)到的地方;在內(nèi),在里面fa ? nd v.發(fā)現(xiàn);找到;到達(dá);發(fā)覺王子不理會,兇狠地趕她離開and whe n he dismissed her aga ind ? sm? st

5、 v.解雇;(使擊球員或球隊(duì))退場;使退去;駁回突然這個丑陋的老太婆the old woma ns ugliness melted awaymelt ?wei融化;逐漸消失;(使)著迷神魂顛倒;渙然冰釋 ? d? n?s n.難看,丑陋;丑陋的東西變成了一個非常美麗的女人to reveal a beautiful enchant ? n?t ? antr ?s n.女巫r ? ?vi:l vt. 顯露;揭露;泄露;神啟示王子趕忙向她道歉The prince tried to apologize,?p?l ?d?a? z vi. 道歉,認(rèn)錯;辯解,辯護(hù)但是已經(jīng)太遲了but it was too

6、late因?yàn)樗l(fā)現(xiàn)王子沒有一點(diǎn)愛心for she had see n that there was no love in his heart為了懲罰他and as punishment,?p?n? ? m?nt n.刑罰,懲罰她把王子變成了野獸she tran sformed him in to a hideous beast bi:st n. 野獸?h? di ?s adj.令人驚駭?shù)?;極其丑陋的,可怕的;丑惡的tr?ns ?f ? :m ? ntu ?把轉(zhuǎn)變成并且對整個城堡and placed a powerful spell on the castlespel n. 符咒,咒語?pa?

7、?fl adj. 強(qiáng)大的;權(quán)力大的;以及里面的人發(fā)下了咒語 and all who lived there.巨大而恐怖的野獸羞于他的外表Ashamed of his mon strous formf ? :m n.形狀,形式;外形;方式;表格?m?nstr ?s adj.丑陋的;巨大的;畸形的;與傳說中怪物相象的? eimd ? v恥于而終日把自己鎖在城堡里The beast con cealed himself in side his castle? n?sa? d prep.在以內(nèi);在內(nèi)側(cè)或內(nèi)部;進(jìn)入里面k ?nsi:ld v. 隱藏,隱瞞,遮住只有一個魔鏡with a magic mir

8、ror可以看見外界的情形as his only win dow to the outside world.?a? t?sa? d adj. 外部的那女人留下的玫瑰The rose she had offered?f?d v.出(價);提出;演出;做出變成有魔咒的花was truly an en chanted rose? n?t? ant ? d adj. 中魔法的將在王子21歲時綻放which would bloom until his 21st year.blu:m vi. 開花;使植物繁盛如果在最后一片花瓣掉落之前If he could lear n to love ano ther王子能夠?qū)W會了愛人而且也有人愛他and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell ?petl花瓣in ri ?t ?:n adv.作為報答;反過來那所有的咒語就會解除then the spell would be broke n.否則If not,他終身都會是一頭野獸了he would be doomed to rema in a beast for all time.r ? ?me? n vi.留下;保持;留待;依然be doomed to: 注定時間一天天的過去了As the years pass


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