必修五 4.9《Unit 4 language piont》_第1頁
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1、新課標人教版課件系列高中英語必修必修5- 5-4.9倒裝句倒裝句 英語句子通常有兩種語序:一種是英語句子通常有兩種語序:一種是陳述語序,一種是倒裝語序。將謂陳述語序,一種是倒裝語序。將謂語的一部分或全部置于主語之前的語的一部分或全部置于主語之前的語序叫做倒裝語序。而倒裝可分為語序叫做倒裝語序。而倒裝可分為二種:將整個謂語提到主語之前的二種:將整個謂語提到主語之前的叫完全倒裝(叫完全倒裝(full inversionfull inversion);而只);而只將將be be 、情態(tài)動詞或者助動詞放在主、情態(tài)動詞或者助動詞放在主語之前的叫做部分倒裝(語之前的叫做部分倒裝(partial parti

2、al inversioninversion)。)。 一、完全倒裝 (1)在以here、there、now、then等副詞開頭的句子里。 1.Here is the seat for you. 2.There goes the bell. 3.Now comes your turn. 4.Then followed three days of heavy rain. (2)在在There be (exist、happen、live、appear、lie、occur、rise、seem、come、remain、stand等等)句型中。句型中。 1.There are at least thousa

3、nds of people in the square. 2.There stands a tall tree in front of our school gate. (3)在象聲詞或以在象聲詞或以out、in、up、down、away等副詞開頭的句子里。等副詞開頭的句子里。 1.Crackle,crackle,crackle came the gun and the young soldier felt very frightened. 2. Out rushed the children. (4)當表示地點的介詞詞組在句首時。當表示地點的介詞詞組在句首時。 1.At the foot o

4、f the hill lies a beautiful lake. 2.The soldiers ran to the building, on the top of which flew a flag. 3.East of the lake lie two towns. 4.Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier. 在上述四種句子中,如果主語為在上述四種句子中,如果主語為人稱代詞,則不需要倒裝。人稱代詞,則不需要倒裝。 e.g. In he came and back e.g. In he came and back he went again.

5、 he went again. 二、部分倒裝二、部分倒裝 (1)Only在句首,修飾副詞,介詞詞組在句首,修飾副詞,介詞詞組或狀語從句時。或狀語從句時。 1.only then did he find it important to get along with others. 2.Only in this way can we make great progress. 3.Only after he came back were you able to see him. (2)(2)當句首狀語為否定詞或帶有否定含義的詞語當句首狀語為否定詞或帶有否定含義的詞語時,常見的這類詞或詞語有時,常見的

6、這類詞或詞語有not, never, not, never, hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely 以及以及not not until, no sooner,.than, until, no sooner,.than, hardly.when, .no.hardly.when, .no.等。等。 1. 1. Seldom had I seen such a beautiful picture. Seldom had I seen such a beautiful picture. 2.Hardly h

7、ad I arrived home when the phone rang. 2.Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang. 3.Not until I began to work did I realize how much time 3.Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.(MET90)I had wasted.(MET90) 4.At no time have I said such a thing. 4.At no time have I

8、said such a thing. 5.Not a finger did I lay on him. 5.Not a finger did I lay on him. 6.To few people does such an opportunity 6.To few people does such an opportunity occur. occur. 但當否定詞否定主語,否定詞組不含否定含義,或但當否定詞否定主語,否定詞組不含否定含義,或者句首狀語的否定意義已為隨后的另一名詞所抵消,者句首狀語的否定意義已為隨后的另一名詞所抵消,此時則不需要倒裝。此時則不需要倒裝。 1. 1.Not a

9、 leaf had fallen from the trees Not a leaf had fallen from the trees though autumn was well advanced. though autumn was well advanced. 2.In no time the locusts came clown and 2.In no time the locusts came clown and started eating everything. started eating everything. 3.Not infrequently they go abro

10、ad. 3.Not infrequently they go abroad.(3)在省去在省去if的虛擬條件從句中。的虛擬條件從句中。 1.Should I be free this afternoon,I would come and help you with your lesson. 2.Were I in your place. I would not be fit for your job. 3.Had it not been for the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board. 我們可以說我們可以說Were it

11、not.或者或者Had it not been.,但不可以說但不可以說Weren t it. 或者或者hadnt it been. .因此下列句子應視為病句。因此下列句子應視為病句。 Werent it for his wifes money, he would never be a director. (4)(4)在在So .that, to such.that So .that, to such.that 或者或者in such .thatin such .that的句型中。的句型中。 1. 1.So excited was he that he couldnt say a So exci

12、ted was he that he couldnt say a word.word. 2.To such lengths did she go in rehearsal 2.To such lengths did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out. that two actors walked out. 3.In such a hurry did the man rush out that 3.In such a hurry did the man rush out that he almost knocked me down. h

13、e almost knocked me down. (5)當當So位于句首,表示前面所說的情況也適用于另一人位于句首,表示前面所說的情況也適用于另一人(或物)時。(或物)時。 I trusted him completely. So would anyone who knew him. 在在So it is (was)with 的句型或者當的句型或者當So表示表示“的確如此,確的確如此,確實是這樣實是這樣”,以示同意和肯定某種說法,或者加以強調時,以示同意和肯定某種說法,或者加以強調時,常常不引起倒裝。常常不引起倒裝。 1.Jack studies German, but he doesnt

14、study French. So it is with Jim. 2.“Its going to be a cold winter.” “Yes, So the newspaper says.” 3.Li Ping studies hard. So he does. 因此我們常??煽吹较铝羞@類句子。因此我們常??煽吹较铝羞@類句子。 You say Tom went to the ball yesterday. So he did, and so did I. (6) 當當neither nor位于句首,表示前面否定的內容也適用于另一位于句首,表示前面否定的內容也適用于另一人或物時;或者表示否定

15、的意義在延伸的時候。人或物時;或者表示否定的意義在延伸的時候。 1.“I didnt mean what I said, you know.” “Neither (Nor) did I”. 2.I dont know. Neither (Nor) do I care. 注意注意Neither nor的特殊用法。的特殊用法。 1.Just as I havent good eyes, so neither has my son, neither have my children.(當當just as.,so.用于否定句時,只用用于否定句時,只用neither.) 2.If he doesnt g

16、o, neither will I. (在(在if條件句后用來引起一個條件句后用來引起一個主句時,只能用主句時,只能用 Neither.) 3.You cant do it, nor can I, nor can anybody else.(連續(xù)多次(連續(xù)多次否定,常用否定,常用nor)。)。 (7)(7)當方式狀語、頻度狀語等提當方式狀語、頻度狀語等提至句首時,有時也可引起部分倒至句首時,有時也可引起部分倒裝。裝。 1. 1.Well do I remember the Well do I remember the day that I saw a terrible day that I s

17、aw a terrible accident on that road. accident on that road. 2.Many a time has he 2.Many a time has he given me good advice. given me good advice. (8 8)用于)用于“形容詞(或名詞、動形容詞(或名詞、動詞)詞)”+as(though) +as(though) 引導的讓步狀語從句中引導的讓步狀語從句中Pretty as she is , she is not clever.Pretty as she is , she is not clever.Tr

18、y as he would, he might fail again.Try as he would, he might fail again.Child as he was, he had to make a Child as he was, he had to make a living.living.注:從句的表語是名詞,其名詞前不加任何注:從句的表語是名詞,其名詞前不加任何冠詞冠詞(9)有時為了平衡句子的需要,有時為了平衡句子的需要,以避免頭重腳輕之感。以避免頭重腳輕之感。 1.Gone forever are the dark days of the old society. 2.S

19、uch are the rewards that always crown virtue.(Shakespeare) 在以上各類句型中,如果謂語在以上各類句型中,如果謂語動詞只有系動詞動詞只有系動詞bebe,則這類句,則這類句子應屬于全倒裝。子應屬于全倒裝。 So small was the mark that I could So small was the mark that I could hardly see it hardly see it 巧記倒裝句巧記倒裝句在帶有倒裝句的復合句(或并列句)中,在帶有倒裝句的復合句(或并列句)中,到底應在何處倒裝,不少初學者覺得難到底應在何處倒裝,

20、不少初學者覺得難以掌握。下面的順口溜可以幫助你較容以掌握。下面的順口溜可以幫助你較容易地掌握其結構形式。易地掌握其結構形式。前倒后不前倒后不, O O,NUNU主倒從不倒主倒從不倒,2N2N前倒后也倒前倒后也倒, NMNM前后均不倒前后均不倒。 NB代表代表Not only,but also引導的并列句。引導的并列句。 not only位于句首位于句首時,所引導的前面的分句倒裝,后時,所引導的前面的分句倒裝,后面的分句不倒裝。故此稱為面的分句不倒裝。故此稱為“前倒前倒后不倒后不倒”。如:。如: 1)Not only did he come,but also he was very happy

21、2)Not only was everything that he had taken away from him ,but also his German citizenship(was taken away)O O代表代表onlyonly狀語從句;狀語從句;NUNU代表代表Not untilNot until狀語從句。此兩種結構位于句首時,倒裝主句狀語從句。此兩種結構位于句首時,倒裝主句而不倒裝從句,即:而不倒裝從句,即:“主倒從不倒主倒從不倒”。如:。如:1 1)Only when he told me did I know itOnly when he told me did I kn

22、ow it2 2)Not until I began to work did I Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wastedrealize how much time I had wastedNo soonerNo soonerthanthan,HardlyHardlyScarcelyScarcelywhenwhen等句型也屬此類用法。如:等句型也屬此類用法。如:No soonerNo sooner(HardlyHardly) had we reached home had we reached home

23、 thanthan(whenwhen)it began to rainit began to rain2N2N代表代表NeitherNeithernornor所引導所引導的并列句。的并列句。2N2N若位于兩分句之首,若位于兩分句之首,則前后分句均倒裝。即則前后分句均倒裝。即“前倒后前倒后也倒也倒”。如:。如:Neither do I know her nameNeither do I know her name,nor does he.nor does he.NM即即No matter引導的狀語從句。引導的狀語從句。此時前面從句及后面主句均不倒裝。此時前面從句及后面主句均不倒裝。即即“前后均不

24、倒前后均不倒”。如:。如:No matter how busy he is,he always comes to help us倒裝句中倒裝句中主謂何時不倒裝主謂何時不倒裝在需要倒裝的種種句型中,有時主語和謂語并不需倒裝,大致可歸納如下幾種: 1.1.疑問句中,如果疑問詞作主疑問句中,如果疑問詞作主語或主語的修飾語,主謂不倒裝。語或主語的修飾語,主謂不倒裝。如:如: What happened to herWhat happened to her? 她出了什么事?她出了什么事? How many persons are How many persons are working in that

25、laboratoryworking in that laboratory?有多少人在那間實驗室里工作?有多少人在那間實驗室里工作? 2.在以在以in,out,back,up,down,off,away,here,there等副詞開頭的句子中,如等副詞開頭的句子中,如果主語是人稱代詞,主謂不倒果主語是人稱代詞,主謂不倒裝。如:裝。如: Away he went to the station.他到車站去了。他到車站去了。 Here she comes.她來了。她來了。 3.3.如果置于句首的由如果置于句首的由onlyonly引導的詞組引導的詞組不是狀語,而是主語,則主謂不倒裝。不是狀語,而是主語,

26、則主謂不倒裝。如:如: Only the teachers are Only the teachers are allowed to use this room.allowed to use this room. 只有教師可以使用這個房間。只有教師可以使用這個房間。 Only some of the children Only some of the children like English.like English. 只有一些孩子喜歡英語。只有一些孩子喜歡英語。 4.如果置于句首的如果置于句首的 not onlybut also僅連接作主語僅連接作主語的兩個并列詞組,則主語和謂語的兩個并列

27、詞組,則主語和謂語不倒裝。不倒裝。如:如: Not only men but also women and children are affected by the new law.新法新法律不僅對男人,而且對婦女和兒律不僅對男人,而且對婦女和兒童也有影響。童也有影響。 5.把副詞性替代詞把副詞性替代詞so提前,如果兩提前,如果兩句的主語相同,且后者只是進一步句的主語相同,且后者只是進一步肯定或強調前者,肯定或強調前者,so后面的語序不后面的語序不倒裝。如:倒裝。如: Its raining.下雨了。下雨了。 So it is.是下雨了。是下雨了。 Bob didnt know about i

28、t. So he didnt. 鮑勃不知道這件事。鮑勃不知道這件事。 他確實不知道。他確實不知道。 6.以以 so開頭的句型,如果是開頭的句型,如果是so it is(was) with+另一主語,此時,另一主語,此時,主語和謂語不倒裝。如:主語和謂語不倒裝。如: Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language.So it was with Engels. 馬克思出生在德國,德語是他馬克思出生在德國,德語是他的母語,恩格斯也是如此。的母語,恩格斯也是如此。 1. Only when you have obtained su

29、fficient data _ come to a sound conclusion.a. can you b. you can c. would you d. you would2. _ that this region was so rich in natural resources.a. Little he knew b. Little did he knowc. Little he did know d. Little he had known3. Never again _ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presiden

30、cy.a. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought b. seriously Alfred E. Smith soughtc. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek d. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek4. Only in recent years _ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.a. people have b. since people have c.

31、 have people d. people who have5. _, we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.a. What may come b. Come what may c. May what come d. What come6. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice _ his head.a. that he turned b. did he turn c. he didnt turn d. he had turned 7. _ r

32、eceived law degrees as today.a. Never so women have b. The women arent everc. Women who have never d. Never have so many women8. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move, _.a. so does a liquid b. so a liquid does c. as does a liquid d. so is a liquid9. On no accou

33、nt _ to anyone.a. my name must be mentioned b. must my name mentionc. must my name be mentioned d. my name must mention10. _ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.a. Such construction robots are clever b. So clever the construction robots arec

34、. So clever are the construction robots d. Such clever construction robots are11. _ do we go for picnics.a. Certainly b. Sometimes c. Seldom d. Once12. _ is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.a. Either b. Often c. Nor d. Usually13. Her answer is

35、 not acceptable, and _.a. neither am I b. either is mine c. neither is mine d. mine is neither14. _, I must do another experiment.a. Be it ever so late b. It is ever so latec. It be ever so late d. So late it be ever15. So fast _ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.a. light travel b. tr

36、avels the light c. do light travel d. does light travel16. A sneeze cannot be performed voluntarily, _ be easily suppressed.a. nor it can b. nor can it c. it cannot d. and cannot it17. _ notebook and report that I promised you last week.a. Here is the b. Here are the c. Is here the d. Are here the18

37、. _ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.a. If he took b. If he has taken c. had he taken d. Should he take19. Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing.a. the earth lay b. the earth lies c. lie the earth d. lies the earth20. _ the beginning of the 1

38、9th century did scientists know that all matter is made up of atoms.a. At b. By c. Up to d. Not until 21. Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.a. had when b. hadthan c. didwhen d. hasthan22. Among these books _ a dictionary that his father gave him as a b

39、irthday present.a. have included b. is included c. has included d. are included23. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; _ is this more true than in Europe.a. nowhere b. hardly c. little d. seldom24. Important _ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter

40、 of no account in his time.a. to b. for c. as d. although25. According to the periodic table, _ still some elements undiscovered.a. there seem to be b. it seems c. it seems to be d. here seems26. Here _ you want to see.a. the manager comes b. comes the managerc. comes a manager d. is coming a manage

41、r27. Barry can hardly drive a car, _.a. so cant Molly b. cant Molly either c. Molly cant too d. neither can Molly28. _ for the leadership of the Party, we should not have succeeded.a. Had not it been b. Had it not been c. There was d. Is there29. _ no air or water, there would be no life in the worl

42、d.a. Were there b. There are c. There was d. Is there30. Not only _ the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.a. the computer can memorize b. can the computer memorize c. do the computer memorize d. can memorize the computer31. Not once _ his view of life.a. did the gentleman mention b. the

43、 gentleman mentioned thatc. the gentleman mentioned d. does gentleman mentioned32. By no means _ their own language well.a. it is true that all English people know b. is it true that do all English people knowc. it is true that do all English people knowd. is it true that all English people know33.

44、The molecules of gases move more freely than _.a. do liquids and solids b. liquids and solids doc. do those of liquids and solids d. those do of liquids and solids34. The worlds birth rates are on a decline and _ are the death rates.a. so b. also c. too d. the same35. _ is the volume of chemical goo

45、ds.a. Constantly growing too b. Too constantly growingc. Growing constant to d. Too growing constant36. Many a time _ me with my English study.a. have he helped b. has he helped c. he have helped d. did he have helped37. Typical of the new type of young people _, who set a shining example to the who

46、le nation.a. was Lei Feng b. Were Lei Feng c. Lei Feng was d. Lei Feng were38. What Mr. Smith did was important , but _. a. more important the way of he did things wasb. the way of he did things was more importantc. more important was the way he did thingsd. more important the way were he did things39. She didnt want to buy it, _.a. however good was it b. however good it wasc. for how good might it be d. for how good it might be40. _ , it is always possible to find out its volume.a. Whatever the shape of a body may beb. The sh


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