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1、 Introduction 自我介紹1. I am a student. 我是一個學(xué)生。2. He is my father. 他是我父親。3. This is my father. 這是我的父親。4. May I introduce Mr.Tang? 我可以介紹一下唐先生嗎?5. Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith to you. 請允許我把史密斯先生介紹給您。6. How do you do? 你好???7. I hope we shall get to know each other better. 我希望我們能更好地了解對方。8. I shall go to

2、the US. 我將去美國上大學(xué)9. Im sure we will (get to know each other better). 我肯定我們會的 10. How long are you going to stay here? 您準(zhǔn)備在這兒待多久?11. Can I introduce Mr. Tang? 我能介紹一下唐先生嗎? Greeting 問候12. How are you? 你怎么樣呀? Im fine. 我很好。 13. Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興!14. I havent seen you for a while. 我有一段時間沒看見你了。15. Wh

3、ere are you going? 您要去哪兒?16. I guess you are hungry. 我猜你餓了。17. Id better let you go to get some supper. 我最好讓你去吃點晚餐。18. Enjoy the day. 我最好讓你去吃點晚餐。 Addressing 稱謂19. Id like to introduce Mr. Lee. 我想介紹一下李先生。20. Are you the dean? 您是院長嗎?21. What do you do? 您的工作是什么?22. My father has a company. 我爸爸有一家公司。23.

4、 He comes from Madrid. 他來自馬德里。24. What are you reading? 你在讀什么呢?25. Could you lend me this book after you finish it?你看完這本書后能借給我嗎? Season 季節(jié)26. Which is the best season in Taiwan? 臺灣最好的季節(jié)是哪個?27. I like fall best of all seasons. 在所有的季節(jié)中我最喜歡秋天。28. How is the weather in Sichuan in spring?四川冬天的天氣怎么樣?29. M

5、y vacation is in winter. 我的假期在冬天。30. Why are you so late? Because I have a traffic jam. 你為什么遲到了?因為我堵車了。31. What do you usually do in fall? 你通常在秋天會做些什么?32. Winter is better than summer. 冬天比夏天好。 Date 日期33. What day is it today? 今天星期幾?34. Whats the date today, do you know? 你知道今天是幾號嗎?35. When were you b

6、orn? 您是什么時候出生的?36. Im happy today.我今天很高興。37. At least one thing I didnt forget. 至少我有一件事沒有忘記。 Time 時間38. What time is it? 幾點了?39. Im pressed for time. 我很趕時間。 Weather 天氣40. I like bright summer.我喜歡晴朗的夏天。41. Thats the sign of wind. 那是刮風(fēng)的預(yù)兆。 42. Everything looks so fresh after the rain. 下雨后一切看起來都很新鮮。43.

7、 What a lovely day! 真是好天氣??!44. This summer is too rainy for me. 今年的夏天對我來說雨水太多了。 Telephone Conversation 電話交流45. 7899 6443 whos calling, please? 這是7899 6443,請問哪位打的電話?46. Id like to talk to Helen Taylor, please. 我想和海倫談?wù)劊ㄎ艺液悾?7. Im sorry, but Ms. Taylor is out of town until Friday. 很抱歉,但是泰勒夫人出城去了,直到周五

8、都不會回來。48. Is there anyone else who can help you? 有其他人能幫助你嗎?49. What else do you want? 您還想要點其他什么嗎?50. I really have to talk to her. 我真的不得不跟她談一談。51. Would you care to leave a message?你要留張條嗎? Bus 乘車52. Can I get to Labor Park on this bus? 我坐這輛車能到勞動公園嗎?53. Does this bus go to Park Avenue? 這輛巴士去林蔭大道嗎?54.

9、 How much is the fare to the next stop? 去下一站多少錢?55. May I sit here? 我可以坐在這兒嗎?56. Yes, get in, madam. 是的,上車吧,女士。57. Im going to Park Avenue. 我要去林蔭大道。58. Ill let you off when we get there. 當(dāng)我們到那里的時候我會讓你下的。 Taxi 打的59. Do you know this place? 你知道這個地方在哪嗎? Asking the way 問路60. Where is the bus stop? 巴士站在哪

10、兒?61. Itll take you about five minutes. 大概要花掉5分鐘。62. Whats the best way to get to the museum from here? 從這兒到博物館哪條路最近呀?63. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 您能告訴我郵局怎么走嗎?64. Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and its the first turning on the right. 向前

11、直走直到你到達(dá)紅綠燈在那兒左轉(zhuǎn),它就在第一個轉(zhuǎn)角的右邊。65. Could you draw a map for me? 你能給我畫張地圖嗎?66. What can I do for you? 我能幫你什么嗎? Looking for a restroom 找?guī)?7. Ill be right back. 我馬上回來。68. Wheres the bathroom? 廁所在哪里?69. May I use the bathroom? 我能用一下廁所嗎?70. Is it free? 是不收費(fèi)的嗎?71. Im sick. 我不舒服。72. Id like to deposit some m

12、oney. 我想存點錢。 Opening 開場73. May I join you here?我能加入你們嗎?74. Im from China. 我來自中國。75. How long have you been learning English? 你學(xué)英語多久了? Compliments on dressing 稱贊76. May I try them on? 我可以試一下嗎?77. Do you have deep blue color? 你有深藍(lán)色的嗎?78. My mother often says: “Mine hasnt bought me a single rose since

13、we married.” 我媽媽喜歡說:“我的丈夫自從我們結(jié)婚后一支玫瑰也沒有給我買過?!?9. I (quite) agree with you. 我非常同意你的觀點。80. Where did you get your new hat? 你在哪里買的新帽子?81. I like the dress, it must be the latest fashion. 我喜歡你的裙子,肯定是最新款的吧。82. What lovely earrings you have. 你的耳環(huán)真漂亮! E-mail 電子郵件83. May I have your email address? 我可以知道你的郵箱

14、地址嗎?84. Have you got my email? 你收到我的郵件了嗎?85. Hows my son/daughter doing in school? 我的兒子在學(xué)校表現(xiàn)怎么樣?86. Looking forward to your prompt reply. 期待您的回音。 On an airplane 在飛機(jī)上87. Could you show me where the departure hall is, please? 請給我指一下出發(fā)大廳在哪兒好嗎?88. Where should I go for check-in? 我應(yīng)該去哪里辦理登機(jī)手續(xù)呢?89. May I

15、have a look at your ID card or passport? 可以看一下你的身份證或者護(hù)照嗎?90. Sure, here you are. 當(dāng)然,給你。91. This is your boarding pass. The boarding gate is A22, and your seat number is 23A. 這是你的登機(jī)牌,登機(jī)口A22,座位號23A。 Booking a ticket 訂機(jī)票92. Is that Stilwell Flight Company? 請問你是史迪威航空公司嗎?93. Yes, this is Stilwell Flight

16、Company. 是的,這里是史迪威航空公司。94. Id like to reserve a seat. 我想訂一個座位。 95. Hold on, please. 請不要掛電話。96. How many seats, please? 請問幾個座位?97. Do you prefer first class or economy class? 你偏好頭等艙還是經(jīng)濟(jì)艙?98. OK, no problem. 好的,沒問題。99. Let me check for you. 讓我?guī)湍悴橐幌隆?00. Our flights are fully booked. 我們的航班都訂滿了。 Baggage

17、 Damaged or Lost 行李損壞或遺失101. My baggage is lost. 我的行李丟失了。102. My baggage is damaged. 我的行李損壞了。103. I cant find my baggage. 我找不到我的行李了。104. Could you describe it for me? 請你給我描述一下它好嗎? Inquiring service 詢問服務(wù)105. I have a reservation for a single room我已經(jīng)預(yù)定了一間單人房。106. What service can you provide? 你能提供什么服務(wù)

18、?107. Is there any gym in the hotel? 在酒店有健身房么?108. Could you recommend a good hotel for me? 你可以給我推薦一個好的旅館嗎?109. How about Hilton Hotel? 希爾頓酒店怎么樣?110. Hilton is the best hotel in our city. 希爾頓是我市最好的酒店。111. It sounds good. 聽起來還不錯。112. Youre welcome. 不客氣。 Go to American Hotel 前往美國酒店113. How long will y

19、ou stay in America? 你將要在美國待多久?114. How far is it from hotel to airport? 從酒店到有機(jī)場多遠(yuǎn)?115. What kind of room do you like? 你喜歡什么樣的房間?116. Is this your first time to visit America? 這是你第一次來美國嗎?117. This is my first time to come to America. 這是我第一次來美國。118. Can you help me to carry this trunk? 你能幫我搬一下這個行李箱嗎?1

20、19. Let me help you. 讓我來幫你吧。120. Follow me, please. 請跟我來。121. This way, please. 這邊請。 Check-out 酒店退房122. I will check out at noon. 我將在中午退房。123. Can you get my bill ready? 你可以將我的賬單準(zhǔn)備好嗎?124. May I pay in cash? 我可以用現(xiàn)金付賬嗎?125. Can I ask someone to take down my baggage? 我可以叫人把我的行李拿下來嗎?126. Does the amount

21、 include the service charge? 總費(fèi)用包括服務(wù)費(fèi)了嗎?127. Dont bother. 不必麻煩了。128. Thank you all the same. 同樣感謝你。(還是謝謝你)129. By the way. 順便一提。Having meals 用餐130. Please give me the menu. 請把菜單給我。131. Can I take your order now? 可以幫您點餐了嗎?132. What do you offer for breakfast? 你們早餐提供什么?133. Anything else? 還要點別的嗎?134.

22、Have you ever tried French food? 你嘗試過法國菜嗎?135. I used to try pizza. 我曾經(jīng)吃過披薩。136. How do you like it? 你覺得怎么樣?137. A little hot. 有點辣。 Chinese and Foreign Alcoholic Drinks 中外酒類138. Mao Tai is one of the most famous liquors in China. 茅臺是中國最有名的酒之一。139. Beer never goes to the head. 啤酒從不上頭。(不會喝醉)140. Chong

23、qing is well-known for its beer. 重慶以它的啤酒聞名。141. Besides Mao Tai, for liquors we have Wu Liang ye, Fen jiu and so on. 除了茅臺,我們還有五糧液、汾酒等酒。142. Im trying to lose weight. 我在嘗試減肥。143. Could you introduce some wine to me? 你可以給我介紹一些酒嗎?144. Have you ever heard dry red? 你聽說過干紅酒嗎? In a bank 在銀行145. I want to o

24、pen a student account. 我想開一個學(xué)生賬戶。146. How many kinds of accounts do you have? 你們有哪幾種賬戶?147. I want to deposit 2000 dollars. 我想存2000美元。148. Could you fill in this application form? 你可以填一下這張申請表嗎?149. This is your deposit book. 這是您的存折。150. Could you break this fifty into change? 你可以把這50塊錢換成零錢嗎?151. Wha

25、t is the exchange rate today? 今天的匯率是多少?152. Is the account available oversea? 帳戶在海外也能用嗎? In the post office 在郵局153. I want to send this parcel to China. 我想把這個包裹寄到中國。154. Whats in the parcel, please? 請問包裹里是什么?155. How much is this parcel to New York? 這個包裹到紐約要多少錢?156. Please wrap it up. 請把它打包。157. Wha

26、ts its weight? 它的重量是多少?158. How much will it cost? 它要花多少錢?159. How do you want it to go? 你想用什么方式寄呢?160. Its kind of expensive. 有點貴呢。 visiting 拜訪 161. Lucy, havent seen you for a long time! 露西,好久不見了!162. How are your families? 你的家人都好嗎?163. Was everything all right during the journey? 一路上都順利嗎?164. How

27、 was the lunch on the flight? 飛機(jī)上的午餐如何?165. Are you hungry? I have prepared some food for you. 你們餓了嗎?我給你們準(zhǔn)備了點吃的。166. Do you want to have dinner at home or in restaurant? 你們想在家吃還是在餐館吃?167. Would you like to try some wine? 要喝點酒嗎?168. Thank you for your gift. You are so sweet. 謝謝你們的禮物,你們太貼心了。 Complemen

28、t 恭維169. You have a nice figure. 你的身材很好。170. Im so flattered. 我很榮幸。(你恭維我。)171. You look fantastic! 你看起來棒極了!172. It is really attractive. 這很吸引人。173. She always dresses well. 她穿著總是很講究。174. I love your blouse. 我喜歡你的上衣。175. It perfectly matches your skirt. 它配你的裙子真是無可挑剔。176. You look terrific in this spo

29、rts suit. 你穿上這身運(yùn)動裝真是棒極了。 Invataion 邀請177. Do you have any plan tonight? 今晚有什么計劃嗎?178. Nothing special. 沒什么特別的(計劃)。179. How about going to gym to practice yoga? 去健身房練瑜伽怎么樣?180. Could you pick me up at 7 oclock? 你可以七點鐘開車來接我嗎?181. What should I wear for the dinner? 我應(yīng)該穿什么參加晚宴呢?182. You can wear whatever you like. 你不管穿什么你喜歡的都可以。183. Michael invited us for launch. Micha


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