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1、An alysis from the East Asia n Miracle to EastAsia n Ren aissa neeAbstract: East Asia after World War II to the prese ntcourse of sixty years of econo mic developme nt has gonefrom the East Asian miracle to the East Asian crisis to East Asian Renaissanee, the road of ups and downs of the article att

2、empts to lead the East Asian model of econo mic growth theory of the dispute as the entry point,from the Second World War, East Asian miracle to the 21stcen tury,theemerge neeof the East Asia nrenaissanee period of the literature on economic growth mecha ni sms, especially the regi onal in dustry cy

3、cle model docume ntati on, a comb, hop ing to in crease a develop ing country on econo mic growth of kno wledge, but also help us to grasp the East Asia n econo mies in the future.Keywords:East Asia n Miracle, East Asia nRen aissa nee,econo micgrowth mecha ni sms, regi onalindustrycycles The East As

4、ian model of economicgrowth in the study of the methods, we believe that the study of the East Asia n miracle must grasp the com moniEast Asian economic developmentand characteristics ofthe former mainly refers to East Asia, the regional econo micdevelopme nt characteristics of the mostcom mon and d

5、ecisive,thelatter mai nly After thedevelopmentof East Asia as a region whose economicdevelopment is differentfrom the rest of the world inareas after the special. East Asia n model is actually a system model andregio nal in dustry cycle model of the complex. This will be from World War II East Asia

6、nmiracle to the 21st cen tury, the emerge nee of the EastAsian Renaissanee, this time the mechanismof theliterature on econo micgrowth, especially from theperspective of regi onal in dustrial in specti on cycle process of econo mic growth in East Asia to do some sort of such literature.This paper is

7、 structured as follows, the first part of the East Asia n miracle in the regi onal in dustry cycle model of literature review, the sec ond part of the EastAsia n ren aissa nee in the comme nts area in dustry cyclemodel, the third part con cludes the paper.First, the East Asian Miracle period FromWor

8、ld War II to the 1990s, East Asian economies have achieved rapid growth, the len gth of time is unprecedentedin other countries,and thus economicgrowth in East Asia duri ng the period known as the EastAsian miracle. Cycle from the perspective of regional in dustry, East Asia n econo mic growth mirac

9、le in East Asia duri ng the mecha nismcan be summarized in threeaspects,n amely, sno wballeffect ,the flyi nggeesepatternand fountain model.1. Snowball effect .20 201970mostof the1980s,econo mic growth inEastAsiahas astro ngdepe ndence on the exter nal en vir onment .20 1980s fourlittle dragons and

10、ASEAN s rapidecono micgrowthdependsin foreign trade, especiallytradewiththe U.SThe U.S. gover nment expa nsionary policies, the expa nsionof fiscal deficits and expa nsion of the con sumer to providea huge market for the developmentof East Asiancoun tries provided a golde nopport un ity.Mean while,t

11、he U.S. and Japa n to East Asia n coun tries, capital in flows, tech no logydevelopme ntand assista nee for econo micdevelopment in these East Asian countriesalso have agreat role.dema nd-pullIn fact, duri ng this period there is aStates posedby the supply of capital topromote thepush pull model of

12、economic growth(Figure 1, thismodel is theEast Asian Miracle periodof economicand the U.S. market in Japan, the United17growth of the most importa nt mecha nism.2. Flying geese patter nmecha ni sm, which someecono mistsbelieve that theEast Asian model ischaracterized by a leader ofthe coun try, foll

13、owed byseveralcountriesat differentstages of development,econo mic growth rate at higher speed ahead, just as Thegeese flying in a group formed by the camps, it isalsoknown as the flying geese pattern. The theory wasfirstproposed by Akamatsu in 1935 to thetre nd of Chinawool trade of in dustrial goo

14、ds> > a paper prese nted,its Kojima a more in-depth elaborati on. Kojima imports ofthe product cycle is divided into phases, stages of importsubstitution,export expansion stage, mature stage,andthen import the five stages of phasedue to the level ofin dustrial developme nt in differe nt coun t

15、ries, so a varietyof products in differentcountriesthe stage is alsodifferent betweencountriesand thus the formationofflying geese patter n in the empiricaltheory, manyJapanese scholars believe that economic data in Japan,divisionof labor with inthe regionin a similar industryechel on tran sferproce

16、ss or trend,is a comparativeadva ntageover time among coun triesin East Asia,of the facts. whichJapan astheEast Asianecono micengine of growth,formi ngamulti-levelecono miccatch-up phe nomenon. Flyinggeese modeldivisio n,East Asiancountriesis essentially basedonthe differentstages offour little drag

17、 ons and ASEAN econo mic developme ntdevelopme ntestablishedon the basisof the verticalunin terrupted the tran sfer process. In this process, FDI as a dominant factor in the loss of a home country adva ntageof the in dustry or econo mic activity shifted to the regio noutside of the kinds of industri

18、es or other economic activity in the host adva ntage so that on the one hand lowlevels of the host countrymuch-needed econo micdevelopme ntfunds and tech no logy,on the other handthe home country s domestic restructuringtransferringthe new space. Some scholars summed up the image ofthis phenomenon a

19、s cross-backed restructuring thatis, FDI as the core dyn amic in dustrial structuretran sfer - coun tries (regi ons) or to optimize the in dustrial structureadjustme nt- - in crease trade flows betwee n coun tries(regi onalscale ofproducti on,capacityexpa nsion,industrialization,raise the level of e

20、conomic take-off orcontinuous - - more rapid growth or a higher level of industry echelon pass which, FDI in East Asia regional n etworkproducti onstructure and the flyi ng geeseupgrade mode the leading force in the positive, since the 1980s, the flying geese upgrade mode clearly mani fested FDI gro

21、wth rate of trade growth rate of real economicgrowth, the dynamic process to FDI-basedEast Asian flying geese enhance mode with the region s economicdevelopmentinindustrialized coun tries in order that the start ing point of choice in closecon tact with Japa n is un doubtedly the flyinggeeseupgrade

22、mode, the first lead ing pack and foreig n direct in vestors. 3 fountainpatter ns.80 years after the beg inningof the 20th century, the East Asian economicgrowth tosome extent from the mere form of geese not only in Japan, Asian Tigers have begun to shift out of capital and tech no logy, and eve n A

23、SEAN coun tries have beg un to actively carry out foreig n direct in vestme nt,therebycon stitute a source of multi-source in vestme nt phe nomenon, which led to the growth of the East Asia n regi on with multiple sources. In this regard, scholars in the 1980s after the East Asian model of economicg

24、rowthknown as the fountain model or multiple source of econo mic growth. the mecha ni sm.Second, the East Asian Renaissanee period1 cycle of the Asia n econo mic self-mecha nism Wata nabeLeaf Japa nese econo mistfound that in 1990, to 1995,import growth in the amount of the Asia-Pacific region, the

25、newly industrialized economiesaccounted for 33%,followed by the Un ited States, and the third is Chi na (18%, the fourthASEAN countries (17%, Japan 9% .3 Asiancoun tries and regi ons, the total amount of import growth in the Asia Pacific share of the amount of import growth rate of 68%. regi on of A

26、sia from mutual trade with in the $ 32.7 billio n in 1980 to 1990, 1366 millio n, an in crease of4.2 times, which in tur n in creased to 3 in 1995, $ 36.1 billi on, an in crease of 2.5 times the .1995 share of intraregionaltrade in Asia Asia, 37% of world exports,imports around the world for 39% .20

27、 Since the 1990s the largest investorin ASEAN countriesis not Japan, theUnited States, but the newly industrialized economies. slargest in vestors in China based in Hong Kon g, led by the newly industrializedeconomiesof .1992 to 1995 fouryears the introductionof FDI that China has actuallyutilized t

28、he amount of 58% occupied,includingMacau,Hong Kong, followed by Taiwan, accountingfor 10% ofthe total Un ited States and Japa n, but also 14 perce nt.Based on these data, Professor Wata nabe, develop ing Asia s rapidly grow ing dema nd with in the region, the circulation of goods within the Asian re

29、gion, self-loop system is taking shape, through the area with in the object and export dema nd for in vestme nt goods money supply target, such a let goods and capital in the regi on self-cycle, to obta in a susta ined high growth in Asia s conditions. Asia as the world is animporta nt engine of eco

30、no mic growth, on the one hand toachieve,in clud ingn eighbori ngcoun tries,in clud ingperipheral and expansion of the extension, on the other hand to achieve a restructuring of the division of labor with in the regi on and deepe ning his view both the same table, together The directreas onis called

31、 dualfunction of the role of foreign direct investment, which is a comparative disadva ntage of the in dustry to foreig n investment,foreigninvestmentis designedto promotein dustrialadva nceme ntof the act, will promote thecomparativeadva ntagescha nges in the structure ofoverseas direct in vestme n

32、tdouble fun cti on served totransferto Asia s economic vitality throughout theregion and to achieve re-use of the conduit role.2 cis-trade ambiti onsbased on foreig ndirectinvestment-driven.KojimaWatanabe s theory of afurther deepe ning of research, he believes Asia n coun tries since the mid-1990s

33、with the participatio n of theand establishingnew growthmecha nism.To this end,the successfulimpleme ntati onof two transformations:one is from thedevelopme ntmodel factor in putstoIn dustrialStructure of the competiti on,productivity-ledcon vers ion,the other is with theechoes of foreig n directin

34、vestme ntdual fun cti on from the previous hierarchical model to a level con verter.This foreigndirect investment can play the economicvitality throughout the regio n and sent to Asia to achieve re-use of the catheter role. Kojima 15 APEC countrieswill be divided into two groups(Asian groupsandnon-A

35、sia ngroup), for1980, 1990and1992 tradeandin vestme ntdata forempirical an alysiscon cludedthat:in crease foreig n direct in vestme nt and trade depe ndency with a sig nifica nt positive correlati on of econo mic growth, regi onaltrade and rapid in crease in direct in vestme nt,APEC, especially in A

36、sia in vestme nt links within the group to further deepe n trade ties with in the regi on. in vestme nt and trade it to the compleme ntary role of the exam in ati on, there has bee n improved by in vestme nt in trade relati ons, which in turn promotesin vest in such a virtuous cycle. Shun trad ing a

37、spirati ons type is the key to expa nsionof compleme ntarytrade,directin vestme ntmust becarried outin accordaneewithcomparativeadva ntagemodel, thein vestme ntofthecountry scomparativedisadva ntagein dustriesstartedto in vestin order tostre ngthe nthecountrybyfundingindustry scomparative adva ntage

38、.3 of the East Asian economy as a whole bite, growth mecha nism lin kage .20 Sincethe 1990s, the EastAsia n economy has show n in tegrity, the in ternalizatio n of growth trends, the level of divisionof labor has beendevelopingrapidly. Xuejing Xiao that the East Asianeconomiesin the formationof a sp

39、ecial kind of growthmechanismthat the whole bite, linkage of the growthmecha ni sm, Japa n, the four small, ASEAN and China asfew gears as with each bite, one affectingeach other,complement each other s dynamic economic growth mechanism,and bite each gear linkage is a division oflabor based division

40、 of labor, market trade, investment, tech no logytran sfer and econo miccycle stage of theocclusal factors, li nkage. From the perspective of divisi on of labor in East Asia, Xue Jin gxiao that the level of divisio n of labor in East Asia still exists, but there were four new cha nges first appeared

41、 in the level of in ter-i ndustry divisio n of labor mani fested in the four little dragons , ASEAN and China s labor- inten sive the mutual in ter-i ndustry product imports, as well as other in ter-i ndustry product imports from one ano ther. The sec ond is the emerge nee of vertical divisi on of l

42、abor with in the in dustry, such as in the textile in dustry, Japan, and four small woven products imported from ASEAN lot, and from Japan and ASEAN, four dragonslarge nu mber of imports are capital-inten sive syn thetic products. This form of divisio n of labor in the automotive in dustry and elect

43、r oni cs, motor in dustry in side. Third, the emerge nee of horiz on taldivisi on of labor with intheindustry, such as Japan, the four little dragons , ASEAN and China gradually between yarn and fabric in the textile in dustry, electr onics or electro nic comp onents in the automotive in dustry in t

44、he middle of auto parts and other products the level of divisi on of labor. 4 is due to the above divisi on of labor in the form of new cha nges in the division of labor in East Asia, the gradient between the tran sfer and promoti on is not simply the first step to the other two from the ladder, the

45、 ladder from the sec ond to the third step, but there have been variouslevels ofdivision of labor intricatelyintertwined,and all levels ofthe division of labor betweenthe push-pulldynamiceleve n expa nsion anddeepe ning,the evolutio nofmecha ni sms.Moreover, according to East Asian countries and reg

46、i ons and the degree of trade in tegrati on betwee n the n eeds of the multiplier an alysis, Xue Jin gxiao that East Asia n in tra-regi onal trade (the tran sfer secti on 101 of the close relati on ship is much greater tha n the world average, and the asymmetry in the narrow From an investment persp

47、ective, East Asia has a faster rate of capital formatio n, capital accumulati on rate has rema ined at about 30%, and the formatio n of the pattern of lin kage bite in the foreig n direct in vestme nt in East Asia, Japa n and the four littledragons accounted for a larger proportion of ASEAN and Chi

48、na s foreig n direct in vestme nt also in creased rapidly since the latter half of .80 ASEAN s rapid econo micgrowth was mai nly due to in crease of foreig nin vestme nt to en courage ASEAN to four little drag ons of ASEAN and Japa n-basedin vestme ntsubsta ntiallycon tributed to the growth of expor

49、ts and the in crease in investmentdecisions,and China s rapideconomicgrowth and ASEAN have a similar experie nee.Fin ally, from the perspective of the econo mic cycle, the formation of the East Asian region linked bite situati on whe n a country or regi on in the decli ne phase of the economiccycle,

50、 while in another country or region,but the rising phase of the econo mic cycle, due to close betwee n the two coun tries trade and in vestme nt ties, the latter to the former reduce the rate of econo mic decli ne, and fall out of phase adva nee, which is mainly mani fested in the early 1990s, China s econo


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