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1、Improve the lear ning effect on the practiceof stude nt revoluti onAbstract:“ student revolution” to promote the firststudy and teach, not to teach but to teach the classroom to the stude nts, for stude ntsto take the in itiative,in depe ndent lear nin g, i ndepe ndent excha nge of stude nts, dem on

2、 strateresults, andchalle ngeeach other incooperati on, com muni cati on,questi oningand activelearning, access to kno wledge and problem-solv ing skills un der the guida nee of the stude nt of educatio nal theory, grouplearning,hierarchical preview, AC display, fouraspects of moral educationdesigne

3、d to create studentsthe classroom to improve lear ning outcomes.Keywords:stude ntclassroom group ingLear ning hierarchical preview excha nge show MoralTaoXingzhi said: “ Yes, sir, not teaching, nor is it to teach students,but teaching students tolearn. ”“ Healtheducatio n ” , the esse nee of teach i

4、ng is lear ning, teach ing con verts to learn.Educati on on ly allow stude nts to learnindependently,only to have vitality, which is studentiieducatio n is fun dame ntal methodology and how teachers teach schoolstude nts,in order to improve lear ningoutcomes?HealthEducationTheory support efforts of

5、thefollowi ng four aspects to the carefully desig ned to create stude nt classroom to improve lear ning outcomes.First, the group lear ningGroup lear ning is tocreate stude nt classroom teachers should be based on the actual situati onwith in the class, con scious of differe ntlevels, differe nt typ

6、es of stude nts in accorda nee with the prin cipleof homoge neousgroups, heteroge neitywith ingroups “ to group, its purpose is to the cooperati on of the stude ntsdo group cooperati on,competiti onbetwee ngroups, so that each stude nthas cha nee to showthemselves in the cooperation,learning difficu

7、lties andhelp each other in rising, so lear ning good stude nts can get self-c on fide nee.In additi on,in cooperati on, themembers of the group, there should be a certa in divisi on of labor, that every stude nt should serve as a specific role, such as incen tives, i nspecti on, records, reports, o

8、perator, etc. and team roles should be rotatio n, with each other toin teractio n.enhance the effective ness of stude ntsTraditi onalteach ingevaluatio nconcernin dividual stude nts in the overall positi on, eager to line up in scores to compare the stre ngth of the outcome of this competitive evalu

9、ati on has limitati ons and is not conducive to the development of most students in my group of students cooperativelearning to be evaluated,focus ing on the competiti on betwee n in dividual stude nts into a team competiti onbetwee n the in dividual scori ngchanged to team scoring, the overall grou

10、p results as a basis for evaluatio n, the formati on of a“ group membercooperati on, group betwee n members of the competiti on,“ the patter n which would allow the majority of childre n can be en couraged by teachers or peers, can feel the joy of success, to obta in vary ing degrees of progress, an

11、d thus step by step to success.Second, the hierarchical previewIs expectedto preview the key to a good one class. << Book of Mean>>have a sayingsaid:“ Forewarnedisforearmed, withoutprejudgingthe waste. ” Means thatregardless of what you do, i n adva nee to prepare, it is to be successful

12、, otherwise it will fail. I gen erally divided into four levels of Ian guage teach ing,arran geme ntsforpreview:First floor: master the vocabulary, words, writers, works to un dersta nd the article backgro und.The second layer: read through the perception, un dersta nding of the text large segme nt

13、content can say this text to write what happe ned,what some one orsometh ing is, what order to write well pave the way for the un dersta nding of the text.The third layer: read it to un dersta nd, to clarifythe hierarchy of the article, the author s writing ideas and identify some of the center is c

14、losely related to the sentences, paragraphs. Share in the fourth layer of the free paper : read to the bottom, read the text with the problem, un dersta nd the sentence the profo und meaning of new words and Ianguage programannotationcircledepth understandingof the idea of thetext, to appreciate the

15、 characteristics of the writi ng of the article.Preview lectures can improveefficie ncy,develop stude nts self-learni ng ability to con solidate students knowledge of memory in the preview process, the difficult point, make the student a high degree of focus, attention to the state to be able to dee

16、pen the impressi on of the stude nts on the kno wledge and guide students thinking points to the difficult problems to solve, i n order to improve lear ning outcomes.Third, the excha nge showClass truly reflectsthe dominant positi on of stude nts, to awake nthestudents sense of participation, which

17、is the soul of the“ Health education ” classroom teaching time, I have to learn the protag onist to the stude nts, my role is stude nt learningorga ni zers, the In spirati on ,incen tivenot to the teacher speaks how good, but how won derfulthe studentsspeak. this part, let the studentsask theirown q

18、uestio ns,the first group discussi on,groupnotsolved the problem,get the wholeclass to discuss andresolve where teachersin spire stude ntsto be good atquestio ningand dared to question,to pay attentiontoguide the stude nts around a particular issue multi-a ngle, multi-level thinking, en courage inno

19、 vati on, to en courage stude nts to explore The stude nts are very serious discussion, classroom atmosphere is warm, from time to time wise spark burst out, bring me a shock, is art.Display guida neelink, requiresstude ntstodem on stratethe results of their thinking,focus ing onstude ntsoralcom mun

20、i cati onskills, Ian guage,orga ni zati onal capacity in order to allow stude nts to showtheir style better, I told them specific guidanee, such as: Ianguage, behavior, and gesture to the guidanee of a teacher standards to strict requirementsthat they aftertraining,Ianguage classroomappear the one b

21、ut also a“small teacher ” , studentsin the processof “ smallteacher ” of experienee to the joy of learning, reflects the their value and become more self-c on fide nee.Fourth, the Moral& It ;&It; The Rites > >:“ Teacher, teach at all, it being un derstood in Germa ny.The Ian guage of the ultim

22、ate goal is to n urture stude nts to become one will liste n, will express civilized in terpers on al,as apsychologicalin tegrity stude nt educati on, la nguagecarrier of “ Moral Educatio n” has blessed the adva ntagesTherefore, my stude nts recomme nded the many text quality and Chief America, clos

23、e to them life, and edify the book, them. Beauty rich the stude nts lives, the fragra neeof the student s mind, so that students in the Ianguage learning experie nee . This is an in tegral part of the liv ing body educati on by read ing, the stude nts found their own world, so that bursts of scholarly drifting across their desks. Chin ese and foreig n masters


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