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1、湖北仕科旸律師事務(wù)所Thin ksu nny Law Firm委托代理協(xié)議Agency Agreeme nt【2014】仕科旸民字第號【2014】 SKY Min NO.簽約地點:中國武漢洪山區(qū)Place: Hon gsha n District of Wuha n City, China簽約時間:年 月 日Date:甲方 /Party A :住址/Address :聯(lián)系方式/Contact :乙方:湖北仕科旸律師事務(wù)所Party B : Hubei Thinksunny Law Firm住址:武漢市珞瑜路 716號華樂商務(wù)中心9樓,430073ddress: 9t

2、h Floor of Huale Business Center, 716 Luoyu Road, Wuhan,P. R. China, 430073,方現(xiàn)就與關(guān)于事宜,委托乙方代理該案。雙方經(jīng)平等協(xié)商,訂立如下條款,共同遵照履行:Party A hereby with respect to mattersen trusted Party B as the age ncy of the above case. The two parties throughcon sultati on hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by,

3、 the follow ing terms:1. 委托及人員指定 /Agency & Officers Designated1.1. 乙方接受甲方的委托,指派 律師辦理甲方上述事項的談判、協(xié)商、和解、調(diào)解、一審代理、二審代理、代理申請執(zhí)行 。Party B accepted the en trustme nt of Party A and appo in ted Lawyer to deal with the transaction, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, the first trial proxy, the sec ond trial p

4、roxy, the applicati on for executio nof theabove matters of Party A.2. 代理權(quán)限 / Agency Authority2.1.乙方代理權(quán)限為_1、一般代理?;?、代為承認、放棄、變更訴訟請求, 進行和解、調(diào)解,提起反訴或者上訴,申請執(zhí)行,代為簽收、簽發(fā)法律 文書。The age ncy authority of Party B is:1.Ge neral age ncy; 2. To admit, waive ormodify claims, to participate in recon ciliatio n or med

5、iati on, to file a coun terclaim or an appeal, to apply for executi on, to sig n or issue legal instruments on Party A s behalf.3. 甲方義務(wù) /Responsibility of Party A3.1. 積極配合乙方律師相關(guān)工作,提供必要的文件資料,并對所提供文件資料的真實性、 合法性、準確性及完整性負責;Party A should cooperate with the work of Party B positively and provide n ecessa

6、ry materials. Party A should be resp on sible for the authe nticity, legality, accuracy and complete ness of the docume ntatio n provided;3.2. 甲方必須如實向乙方律師陳述案情,提供有關(guān)本案的證據(jù)。乙方接受委托后,發(fā)現(xiàn) 甲方捏造事實弄虛作假,有權(quán)終止法律服務(wù),依約所收費用不予退還;Party A should prese nt its case to Party B truthfully and provide evide neeof the case.

7、After accepti ng the commissi on, Party B has the right to termi nate the legal services if Party A fabricates the facts or frauds. The fees which have bee n charged accord ing to the con tract are non-refun dable.3.3. 根據(jù)本協(xié)議按時、足額向乙方支付法律服務(wù)費。Party A should, in accorda nee with this con tract,pay the l

8、egal service feesin full and on time to Party B.4. 乙方義務(wù) /Responsibility of Party B4.1. 乙方應(yīng)勤勉盡責、謹慎地執(zhí)行甲方委托的法律事務(wù),依法維護甲方合法權(quán)益;Party B should be positive and responsible for Party A to provide services with in the scope of the con tract, and to do its utmost to safeguard the in terests of Party A;4.2. 無論何

9、時,乙方對服務(wù)過程中獲知的甲方任何秘密均負有保密義務(wù),非由法律規(guī)定、司法裁決或者甲方同意,不得向任何第三方披露;Whenever, informed of Party A s all inf ormation, party B should undertake the duty of con fide ntiality obligati ons, and should not disclose them to any2/5湖北仕科旸律師事務(wù)所Thinksunny Law Firmthird party without the permissi on of Party A, laws or ju

10、dicial decisi ons;43 乙方對甲方業(yè)務(wù)應(yīng)當單獨建檔,應(yīng)當保存完整的工作記錄,對涉及甲方的原始證據(jù)、 法律文件應(yīng)當妥善保管。Party B shall keep separate files and complete documents of the work records for Party A. The originalevidenee and legal files related to Party A shouldbe kept properly.5. 收費 /Charge5.1.5.1. 因本協(xié)議工作需要,乙方律師在武漢中心城區(qū)(不包括江夏、新洲、漢南、黃陂、 蔡甸

11、、東西湖等遠城區(qū))內(nèi)花費的交通費由乙方承擔。Dueto the n eeds of the legal work of this con tract , party B s tran sportati on expe nses spe nt in the Wuha n Cen ter City (not in clud ing Jia ngxia, Xin zhou, Hannan, Hua ngpi, Caidia n. East and West lake and other remote city areas) should be borne by Party B.5.2. 因本協(xié)議工作

12、產(chǎn)生的文印費、翻譯費、相關(guān)部門收費及武漢中心城區(qū)外的交通、食 宿等必要費用由甲方承擔。Dueto the legal work of this con tract, the text prin ted fees, the tran slati on fees, the gover nment fees and charges, tran sportatio n expe nses, accommodation, catering and other necessary expenses that mayoccur outside the Wuha n Cen ter City should b

13、e borne by Party A.6. 通知和送達 / Notice and Service6.1. 甲乙雙方因履行本協(xié)議而相互發(fā)出或者提供的所有通知、文件、資料,均以本協(xié)議 所列明的地址、傳真或電子郵件送達,一方如果遷址或者變更電話、傳真、電子郵 件的,應(yīng)當以書面形式通知對方。All notifications, files and data mutually issued by both parties arisingfrom the performa nee of this Agreeme nt should be served accord ing to theaddress, f

14、ax or e-mail specified in this Agreement; Any party shall notifythe other party in writing in the occasion of relocationor changing the phone,fax, or e-mail.6.2. 使用傳真方式的,在發(fā)出傳真時視為送達;以郵寄方式的,掛號寄出或投郵日視為 送達;使用電子郵件方式的,郵件發(fā)送成功視為送達。By fax, the fax is deemed served upon the issue; by mail, the mail is deemed3

15、/5湖北仕科旸律師事務(wù)所Thin ksu nny Law Firmserved on the date of posting or registering; by e-mail, the messageis deemed served whe n sent successfully.7. 協(xié)議的終止 / Termination of Agreement7.1. 本協(xié)議的雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致后可終止本協(xié)議。Upon the agreeme nt of both parties the con tract can be term in ated.7.2. 本代理協(xié)議涉及的糾紛各方達成和解,或一審(二審)

16、判決、調(diào)解、案外和解及撤 回起訴,則屬于乙方律師完成代理工作,本協(xié)議終止。If the parties of the dispute invoIved in this Agreement reached a settlement agreeme nt, mediati on, rec on ciliati on or got the first trial (sec ond trial) judgment, or withdrew the prosecution,the agency work of Party B is completedand this Agreeme nt is term

17、i nated.7.3. 本協(xié)議終止后,雙方應(yīng)進行相應(yīng)的清理和工作交接。Upon the term in ati onof this Agreeme nt, the parties shall make theappropriate clea nup and tran sfer of work.8. 爭議解決 /Dispute Resolution8.1. 雙方在履行本協(xié)議過程中發(fā)生爭議的,由雙方協(xié)商解決。In the course of performanee of this Agreement, disputes should be resolved through friendly co

18、nsultations.8.2. 協(xié)商不能解決的,可向武漢仲裁委員會申請仲裁。If consensus can t be agreed upon, any party may apply to t he Wuhan Arbitration Commission for arbitration.9. 其他 /Others9.1. 本協(xié)議一式兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份,具有同等法律效力。This con tract has two orig in als; party A and B each has one. Each one has the equal legal effect.9.2. 本協(xié)議未盡事宜由甲、乙雙方另行協(xié)商解決。Parties hereto may revise or suppleme nt the matters not men ti oned here in through n egotiatio n.甲方(簽章):乙方(蓋章):Party A (Se


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