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1、2014. Autoko ntrol Limited. All rights reserved.System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 2OPERATING AND FITTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SY STEM 80M (NT) TOP SPEED CONTROL UNITVehicle Efficie ncy Equipme ntAUTQKONTROLUOMATICItemPageSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontro

2、l Limited. All rights reserved.CONTENTS1SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS3OPERATIONSystem Overview4Component Layout4System Schematic Diagram5Component Installation Diagram6INSTALLATIONFuel Control Solenoid Valve7Pre-setting the Fuel Control Solenoid Valve 9ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT (ECU)The Printed Circuit Board (P

3、CB)10Understanding the ECU11Wiring the ECU to an Electronic Tachograph or Speedometer12Wiring the ECU to a Gearbox Sensor or Transducer12WIRING DIAGRAMSSpeedometer or Tachograph Wiring Diagram15Mechanical Gearbox Sensor Wiring Diagram16TACHOGRAPH SPEED LIMITER CONNECTIONS17TEST AND CALIBRATION UNIT

4、TCU318Understanding the TCU19CALIBRATIONCalibrating the Speed Limiter20Calibrating the ECU20Calibrating the ECU using the K Factor21Road Testing21Checking the ECU22Re-calibrating the ECU with the TCU22SEALING THE LIMITER AFTER INSTALLATIONGeneral Guidelines23Sealing the Fuel Control Solenoid Valve23

5、Sealing the ECU23System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 2? 2014. Autokon trol Limited. All rights reserved.FAULT FINDING PROCEDURESIf the Vehicle Will Not Start or is Under Powered24If the Limiter Does Not Work24If the Limiter is Surging 25STANDARD AND OPTIONAL FEATURESStandard Features26

6、ECU Operation26Operations26TECHNICAL DATA27PARTS LIST28Sensor Applications29System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 2? 2014. Autokon trol Limited. All rights reserved.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSafety must always be thought of whe n work ing on a vehicle. The potential risks should be considered a

7、nd suitable precautions taken.It is important that personnel working on the vehicles are familiar withoperati ng in structi ons and workshop procedures.The follow ing points are gen eral guideli nes only and are not inten dedto be all-i nclusive:1.Never work un der a vehicle supported solely by jack

8、s. Alwaysuse chassis sta nds and make sure that they are resti ng on a firm, flat surface.2.Always use wheel locks to prevent the vehicle rolling if the brakes have to be released.3.The vehicle should always be left out of gear.4.It is advisable to always disc onn ect the vehicle batteries, asthis a

9、cts as a precauti on aga in st in adverte nt start ing and reduces the risk of electrical fires. It also prevents accidental flatte ning of the batteries.5.Airbags -(Suppleme ntary Restra int System- SRS)Many of the models covered by this manual are fitted with airbags as sta ndard equipme nt. When

10、work ing on a vehicle fitted with such a system, extreme caution must be taken to avoid accidental firing of the airbag, which could result in pers onal in jury.Un authorised repairs to the system could ren der it in operative,or cause it to in flate accide ntally.NEVER attempt to test the system us

11、ing a test lamp.NEVER tamper with or disc onn ect the airbag wiri ng har ness.NEVER make extra conn ecti ons to any part of the system wiri ng har ness or term in als.ALWAYS en sure that the airbag wiri ng harn ess has not bee n trapped or damaged in any way whe n work ing on adjace nt comp onents o

12、r systems.6.We recomme nd that all electrical work is un dertake n using a high impeda nee multi-meter that in cludes a 0-20 voltage scale and a low (0-200) and a high (0-20K) range OHM scale formeasuri ng voltage and resista nee of the systemcomp on ehts.Above all, do not jeopardize your own safety

13、 or the operati onal safetyof the vehicle.Any additi onal holes required to mount equipme nt on the chassis frame must be drilled in accorda nee with the in dividual man ufacturer sin structi ons.OPERATIONSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter-DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserve

14、d.Dashboard Mon itor (Optio nal)IgniliciniWiograph/Fvd Filler勺屮旳FT fuiH-rEMTOIIC CoEroi Un 9L-J!_J8mm TubingInsertsCut the hose and insertthe plastic pipe. Clomp the pipe in place with a Jubilee Clip,Jubitee ClipINSTALLATION 11System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limi

15、ted. All rights reserved.Once the pipe fittings are completed it is necessary to couple them to the valve. The valve is piped as follows:PORT 1 is connected to the fuel line from the filter.PORT 2 is conn ected to the pipe con ti nuing to the fuel pump.An arrow may also in dicate the directi on of f

16、low.Flow from Fuel filterFlow from Fuel filterFlow injector pumpFlow injector pumpDrilfed Hexagon nutOAdjustable by-pass screwSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 2? 2014. Autokon trol Limited. All rights reserved.INSTALLATION 13System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. A

17、utokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.|10INSTALLATIONPRE-SETTING THE FUEL CONTROL SOLENOID VALVEOn the base of the valve is located a drilled hexag on n ut. Remove this nut and you will find the by-pass screw. This controls the rate of the fuel flow through the valve whe n it closes.To pre-set the

18、 valve before road test, follow these steps: Remove the shroud and electrical conn ector block from the valve. Pass one end of the supplied twin core cable through the shroud and conn ect into term in als 1 and 2 of the conn ector block.* Re-connect the connector block and shroud onto the valve.* Ru

19、n the other end of the twin core cable to a 12V or 24V supply.* The valve will now open.* Start the engine.* Bring the engine up to full revs.* Remove the electrical block and adjust the by-pass screw un til arou nd three-quarter revs is achieved.The by-pass is now set. However, do not rec onnect th

20、e cover n ut, as fin e-tu ning may be n ecessary whe n the vehicle is road tested.* Re-connect the electrical plug onto the valve, en suri ng the shroud faces the floors so that water cannot en ter and short-out the valve electrical connections. Also, tighten the gland nut at the base of the shroud

21、toin crease its resista nee to water and dust.* The rest of the twin core cable can now be run into the driv ing compartme nt. When running the wire en sure that it does nut run over any hot or moving parts, in cludi ng sharp edges. Use rubber grommets to pass it through the bulk head, then secure w

22、ith cable ties.Fuel Ccxitrol Solenoid VaveWIRING | 14DIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB)The Electron ic Con trol Un it is a black, high impact, moulded A.B.S. box,housing the Printed Circuit Board (

23、PCB). The ECU controls the vehicle sspeed via a Fuel Con trol Sole noid Valve. The ECU beg ins mon itori ng as soonas the vehicle s ignition is switched on. The wiring enters the box throughthree gla nd n uts located in its side. The PCB is faste ned to the un derside oflid and is accessed by removi

24、ng the four screws in the corners of the box.UNDERSTANDING THE ECUCALIBRATE BUTTON on TCU5This butt on sets the speed of the limiter. The butt on is pressed whe n the vehicle reaches the desired speed.15 |WIRINGDIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All

25、 rights reserved.THE GREEN LAMP OR LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE) - POWERThe green LED illuminates when power is fed to the ECU. If the LED does not light, this means that there is no power or that the fuse in the ECU is faulty.THE RED LAMP OR LED (SIGNAL)The red LED illuminates when power is taken away

26、 from the fuel valve, caus ing it to close.THE RED LAMP OR LED (FAULT)The red LED illuminates if the system fails.TEST SOCKETThis socket is the female conn ecti on for the Test and Calibrati on Un it (TCU). The TCU plugs into the socket and allows you to test the speed limiter. It also gives you a d

27、igital readout of the incoming freque ncy from the vehicle tachograph/se nsor.8-PIN ELECTRICAL BLOCKThis is the main conn ector block into which you conn ect the fuel valve, speed pulse and power supply2014. Autoko ntrol Limited. All rights reserved.System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue

28、2DIAGRAMSWIRING THE ECU TO AN ELECTRIC TACHOGRAPH OR SPEEDOMETERBATTERY NEGATIVEAlways connect this to a negative battery terminal or earth point. Never conn ect it any where else, as con tact resista nee in the vehicle may cause voltage differe nces. This may result in the speed limiter work ing po

29、orly or not at all.BATTERY POSITIVEConn ect this to a positive 12V or 24V perma nent live.BATTERY POSITIVE (IGN)Connect this to a positive 12V or 24V after the ignition key switch.SOLENOID POSITIVE (SOL +)This conn ecti on supplies a con sta nt 12V or 24V supply dow n to the valve.The valve is not p

30、olarity conscious, i.e. it does not matter which way the wires from SOL +VE or SOL-/E conn ect into termi nals 1 and 2 of the valve.SOLENOID NEGATIVE (SOL-)This connection supplies a varying voltage to the valve, which causes it to ope n or close.TRANSDUCER SIGNAL (SIG SENSOR)This conn ecti on suppl

31、ies the ECU with the road speed sig nal from the tachograph. This is no rmally called the C3/B7 Conn ecti on or Square wave.NB All tachograph conn ecti ons can be found on page 18.WIRING THE ECU TO A GEARBOX SENSOR OR TRANSDUCERIf the vehicle has a mecha ni cal speedo head it is conn ected to the ge

32、arbox via a speedo cable. As there is no electro nic speed pulse in volved you have to in stall a mecha ni cal gearbox sen sor. This is n ormally fitted onto the output drive of the gearbox. However, in a small number of cases it can be conn ected to the rear of the speedo head.To in stall the sen s

33、or simply remove the speedo cable, screw the sen sor onto the drive and the n replace the speedo cable.The sensor wiring is then run into the driving compartment, where it is conn ected to the ECU.The wiring colour code could vary. However, on the outside of the packagi ng is a label in dicati ng wh

34、ere each coloured wire is to be conn ected.WIRING114WIRINGDIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.If a problem is en cou ntered, i.e. the sen sor does not seem to be work ing, conn ect a multi-meter (set to Volts D.C.) across the tran

35、 sducer n egative and transducer signal. Slowly rotate the sensor s drive pin an(d you shoulsee a voltage variation from 0-4 Volts. This should occur 4 times for each complete revoluti on of the drive pin.When installing a gearbox sensor follow these steps: Ensure that the face of the gearbox fitt i

36、ngs is clea n and free from damage and that the threads are clea n. Insert the pin of the sensor unit into the gearbox fitt ing.* Push the sensor unit tightly against the gearbox and twist the sen sor un it to ensure that it is positioned squarely aga inst the gearbox.* As you tighten the retaining

37、nut keep the sen sor tightly aga inst the gearbox.BATTERTY NEGATIVEAlways connect this to a negative battery terminal or earth point. Never conn ect it any where else, as con tact resista nee in the vehicle may cause voltage differences. This may result in the erratic operation of the speed limiter

38、or prevent it from working.BATTERY POSITIVEConn ect this to a positive 12V or 24V perma nent live.BATTERY POSITIVE (IGN)Connect this to a positive 12V or 24V after the ignition key switch.SOLENOID POSITIVE (+VE)This conn ecti on supplies a con sta nt 12V or 24V supply to the Fuel Con trolSolenoid Va

39、lve. The valve is not polarity conscious, i.e. it does not matter which way the wires from SOL +VE or SOL/E conn ect into termi nals 1 and 2of the valve.SOLENOID NEGATIVE (-VE)This connection supplies a varying voltage to the Fuel Control Solenoid Valve, which causes it to ope n or close.WIRING | 18

40、DIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.TRANSDUCER (+VE)This supplies the gearbox sen sor with a low voltage supply.TRANSDUCER SIGNAL (SIG SENSOR)This supplies the ECU with a road speed sig nal or pulse (similar to the pulse from the

41、tachograph).TRANSDUCER NEGATIVE (-VE)This supplies the gearbox sen sor with a n egative supply.Cont:The STU in dicator LED comes on at the set speed -3%The STU over speed buzzer will sou nd at the set speed +5%The solenoid either switches cleanly at the speed limit or will oscillate with PWM aroundt

42、he set speed depending on whether J5 is fitted.J5 fitted = solenoid oscillates with PWM close to the set limit.J5 not fitted = solenoid switches cleanly at the set speed.SPEEDOMETER OR TACHOGRAPH WIRING DIAGRAMm-mm-ni111 -rn=nt打.iEIIWIRING | 19DIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issu

43、e 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.|20WIRINGDIAGRAMSSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autoko ntrol Limited. All rights reserved.MECHANICAL GEARBOX SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAMITACHOGRAPH | 17SPEED LIMITER CONNECTIONSMANUFACTURERTYPESIGNALEARTHPOSITIVEKIENZLE1313CABLE D


45、gnal from the tachograph may be weake ned by conn ect ing a speed limiter an d/or other equipme nt. If this is the case, it may be n ecessary to in stall a sig nal booster. This can be supplied by Autok on trol Limited? 2014. Autok on trol Limited. All rights reserved.System 80MTop Speed Limiter-Die

46、selAK4004 A Issue 2|22System 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.TEST ANDCALIBRATION UNITTCU5The TCU was designed to aid in the installation of the speed limiter. The facilities it offers the in staller are: It enables the speed limiter to be se

47、t up without driving the vehicle at the required speed. It allows for checking the existing speed settings and the re-calibration of new speeds whilst the vehicle is stati on ary. It gives you a digital readout of the tachograph signal whilst the vehicle is mov ing.DisplayDisplay SwitchSignal Switch

48、DIN-PlugControl KnobSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 2? 2014. Autokon trol Limited. All rights reserved.TEST AND| 19CALIBRATION UNITTCU5UNDERSTANDING THE TCUPOWER LAMP OR LEDThis illuminates when the TCU is connected into the ECU and the vehicle ign iti on is on.DISPLAYUse this to r

49、ead off the freque ncy (pulses per sec ond) and road speed (if calibrated).OPERATING LEDThis illuminates when the ECU begins to supply power to the Fuel Control Sole noid Valve.INTERNAL (INT.) AND EXTERNAL (EXT.) SWITCHESThis is used to select betwee n an internal sig nal, i.e. a sig nal produced by

50、 the TCU, and an external signal which is supplied to the ECU via the tachograph/pulse gen erator.CALIBRATION CONTROLThis is used to calibrate the TCU to the incoming speed signal from the tachograph or mecha ni cal sen sor. Whe n calibrated, the TCU (switched to speed) will give a digital readout i

51、n KPH or MPH.ADJUST KNOBThis con trols the sig nal produced intern ally by the TCU. Turn the knob clockwise and the digital display in creases, tur n it an ti-clockwise and the display decreases.FREQUENCY (FREQ.) AND SPEED SWITCHThis is used to select internal or exter nal sig nal readouts in freque

52、 ncy (pulses per sec ond) or road speed.DIN PLUGThis plug conn ects the TCU into the ECU s test socket.120CALIBRATIONSystem 80MTop Speed Limiter -DieselAK4004 A Issue 22014. Autokontrol Limited. All rights reserved.CALIBRATING THE SPEED LIMITERTHE K FACTORThe K Factor is the n umber of pulses per ki

53、lometre received by the tachograph from its sender on the gearbox. This figure is normally written on the in side of the tachograph head whe n it is calibrated. It is possible to use this figure with the following formula to calculate the frequency (pulses per sec ond) produced at the maximum speed

54、at which you wish to set the speed limiter:FREQUENCY即EEDII猷IT0NKPHi 3600THEWFACTORThe W Factor is in ter-c onn ected with the K Factor. The W Factor gives you the n umber of revoluti ons that the gearbox drive completes per kilometre. This figure is also found in side the tachograph head. Most tacho

55、graphs use an 8 pulse sensor, so in this case the K Factor would be W x 8. However, some earlier tachographs used 2 or 4 pulse sen sors. Therefore, it is n ecessary to know how many pulses the sen sor gives per revoluti on to work out an accurate freque ncy. To calculate the freque ncy at a particul

56、ar speed using W with an 8 pulse sensor, use the following formula:FREQUENCY SPEED LIWTER N KPH)3600CALIBRATING THE ECUThere are a number of ways to calibrate the ECU. These depend upon the equipme nt available an d/or any releva nt speed pulse in formati on known,i.e. K or W Factors.CALIBRATING WHI

57、LST DRIVING THE VEHICLEThe simplest way to calibrate the ECU is by driv ing the vehicle at the required maximum road speed. If you cannot reach this speed, i.e. the ECU is set to a lower calibrati on, press and hold the CALIBRATE butt on un til the limiti ng speed is reached.NB The red LED should al

58、so be flashi ng on and off at this time. If the speed of the vehicle exceeds the limiting speed, press and hold the CALIBRATE butt on un til the desired speed is reached.Once you have calibrated the speed the operation of the limiter should be smooth. If it is erratic (surg in g), it is n ecessary t

59、o turn the by-pass screw an ti- clockwise to give the fuel pump more fuel until the surging is overcome. If the speed limiter allows the vehicle speed to slowly in crease, turn the bypass screw clockwise (reducing fuel) so that the limiter maintains a constant speed.NB The by-pass screw only require

60、s slight adjustme nt to give a no ticeable alterati on in performa nee.CALIBRATING THE ECU USING THE K FACTORInitially, you need to calibrate the TCU. This is done as follows:1. Plug the TCU into the test socket of the ECU.2. Switch the ignition on to power the TCU and ECU.3. Read the K Factor from


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