已閱讀5頁,還剩10頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、CONTRACT合同號:Contract No.:日期:Date:The Buyer:買方:Address:地址:Fax:傳真:Tel:電話:The Seller:賣方:Address:地址:Fax:傳真:Tel:電話:第10頁共15頁通用條款1. COMMODITY AND PRICE 商品和價格This Con tract is made by and betwee n the Buyer and the Seller; whereby the Buyeragrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the commodity and on ter

2、ms and conditionsstipulated below:本合同由買賣雙方訂立,根據(jù)下列條款和條件買方同意購買且賣方同意出售下列商品:Item No. 序號Commodity and specificati ons商品和規(guī)格Quantity 數(shù)量Unit Price + Price Term單價和價格術(shù)語Total Amou nt in U.S.Dollar 總價(美元)專用條款1. TOTAL value: USD (SAY U.S. DOLLAR ONLY)總金額:美元 ( 大寫 美元整)2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: THE NE

3、THERLANDS/ PHIL原PS國 和制造商:3. TIME OF SHIPMENT:裝運時間:The Seller agrees to exercise customary & reas on able bus in ess practices to meet theBuyer s requested delivery dates set forth here in. The Buyer un dersta nds thatshipping dates may depend upon site readiness and the Seller s prompt receipt o fal

4、l necessary information from the Buyer as well as prompt shipment of the products from its sub-supplier. The Seller shall not be liable to pay compe nsati on to theBuyer for non, late or mis-delivery for causes beyond the Seller s control (andif not remedied within a reas on able time).賣方同意采用慣常的和合理的

5、商業(yè)作法滿足買方上述列明的交付日的要求。買方知悉裝運日期取決于場地的準備就緒、賣方從買方及時收到所有必要的信息以及賣方的轉(zhuǎn)供貨商對產(chǎn) 品的及時發(fā)運。賣方不應對超出其控制的原因?qū)е碌奈唇桓丁⒀舆t交付或錯誤交付(并且未在合理的時間內(nèi)補救)對買方承擔賠償責任。4. PORT OF SHIPMENT / LOADING: MAIN SEAPORT OF EUROPE發(fā)運港 / 裝運港 : 歐洲主 要海港5. PORT OF DESTINATION:目的港 :,中國,The People s Republic of China6. MODE OF SHIPMENT: (in case of third

6、party items required)裝運方式:(如果需要第三方項目)Partial shipme nt not allowed-不允許部分裝運Tran shipme nt allowed- 允許轉(zhuǎn)運Uni ess otherwise stated, the Seller shall arrange delivery of the products to theBuyer at the desti nati on port stated here in and by the appropriate tran sportati onmea ns as the Seller shall thi

7、 nk fit.除非另有規(guī)定,賣方應安排產(chǎn)品通過賣方認為適合的恰當?shù)倪\輸方式將產(chǎn)品在本合同項下規(guī)定的目的港交付給買方。7. INSURANCE: 保險To be covered by the Seller for 110% of in voice value aga inst war risks, all risksin cludi ng TPND, breakage and leakage應由賣方按發(fā)票金額的110%投保戰(zhàn)爭保險,一切險包括TPND,破碎及滲漏。8. PACKING:包裝In standard Philips Export Packing and seaworthy mate

8、rials for marine transportation.應以適合海運的材料用標準的飛利浦出口包裝進行包裝。9. SHIPPING MARK:裝運標記The Seller shall mark legibly on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, measureme nts and wordi ngs such as,KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE“HANDLE WITH CARE “THIS SIDE UP” etc. and the shipping mark:賣方應

9、在每件包裝箱上用不褪色的涂料清晰標明件號、毛重、尺碼和諸如“怕濕”、“小心輕放”和“勿倒置”等字樣,以及如下裝運標記:10. PAYMENT 付款_ days before shipme nt, the Buyer shall establish with first class banka % irrevocable, L/C at sight in favor of theSeller. The L/C should with a minimum validity of four mon ths. 10%paid by T/T within2 weeks aga inst Accepta

10、neeCertificate signed by Enduser在裝運之前 天,買方應通過一流銀行開立一份不可撤銷的、以賣方為受益人的、金額為合同總價的有效期至少為個月的即期信用證。憑最終用戶簽字的設備驗收證書2周內(nèi)電匯支付。Any Letters of Credit established in favour of the Seller shall be issued by firstclass banks acceptable by the Seller which have adopted the Uni form Customs andPractice (UCP) for Docume

11、 ntary Credits issued by the Intern ati onal Chamber ofCommerce (ICC), applicable at the date the Contract comes into force.任何開立的以賣方為受益人的信用證應由賣方可接受的一流銀行開出,并應采用本合同生效之日適用的國際商會發(fā)布的跟單信用證統(tǒng)一慣例。In the event, that the Buyer fails to perform this obligati on, the Seller shall have the right to withdraw, cance

12、l all or part of the con tract without obta ining thethe Buyer.如果買方未能履Buyer s consent and without paying any compensation to行上述義務,賣方有權(quán)全部或部分撤銷、解除合同,無需買方同意且無需向買方支付任何賠償。11. RETENTION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEFAULTING PAYMEN所St 權(quán)保留和拖欠付款the Seller s property until allWithout prejudice to the passing of the ris

13、ks in accordanee with the applicable trade term as described below, all goods shall rema in of the Seller s claims aga inst the Buyer in relati on to this Con tract, mostspecifically:FULL PAYMENThave been satisfied. The Buyer shall give any assistanees propert y rights. 在不影in tak ing any measures re

14、quired to protect the Seller響根據(jù)下述貿(mào)易術(shù)語確定風險轉(zhuǎn)移的條件下,所有的貨物應為賣方財產(chǎn)直至賣方在本合同項下對買方的所有要求全部被滿足,尤其是:所有的款項的支付。 買方應就為保護賣方的財產(chǎn)權(quán)而需采取的措施提供任何協(xié)助。Sig ning of the Accepta nee Certificate en titles the Seller to full and immediatepayme nt. If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due or shall default, the n theSeller or i

15、ts age nt, shall be en titled without no tice to the Buyer, to en ter anypremises in which the goods may be found and remove, hold and sell them in accordanee with the applicable law.簽署驗收證書使得賣方有權(quán)獲得全額和立即的付款。如果買方未能支付或?qū)⑼锨啡魏蔚狡诘目铐?,則賣方或其代理有權(quán)進入可能發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物的任何場地,無需通知買方,并且有權(quán)根據(jù)適用的法律移走、扣留并出售該等貨物。In terest at the rat

16、e of 8% per annum will be chargeable on any outsta nding acco untfrom its due date. The own ership of the products will not pass to the Buyer un tilall sums owing to the Seller (includinginterests,if any) have been paid. Levyingof interest will not prejudice the Seller s right stated above. 對于任何拖欠的

17、款項應按8%的年利率自到期日起計收利息。產(chǎn)品的所有權(quán)應在買方付清所有欠付賣方的款項(包括利息,如果有的話)后方能轉(zhuǎn)移至買方。收取利息并不影響賣方上述權(quán)利。12. DOCUMENTS文件The Seller shall prese nt the followi ng docume nts a)-f) to the Paying Bank forn egotiati on/collect ion or to the Buyer in case of Payme nt by Remitta nee:賣方應向付款行提交a)至f)項的文件進行議付/收款或者在匯付的條件下向買方提交 1)至7)項的文 件:

18、a) - Full set of Negotiable Clea n on Board Ocea n Bills of Lad ing (for seatransportation)全套的可轉(zhuǎn)讓的清潔已裝船提單(海運)-Comb ined / Multi-modal Tran sport Docume nt (for overla nd tran sportati on) marked“ Freight to Collect ” / ” Freight Prepaid ” made out to order blank endorsednotifyi ng the Buyer.空白抬頭、空白背

19、書、通知方為買方的聯(lián)運/多式聯(lián)運單據(jù)(內(nèi)陸運輸)標明運費到付” / 運費預付”-Copy of Airway Bill marked“ Freight to Collect ” /“ Freight prepaid ” andcon sig ned to the Buyer at the port of desti nati on no tify ing the Buyer.收貨人和通知方均為買方的空運單的副本標明“運費到付”/ “運費預付”b) Full set of In sura nee Policy/Certificates for 110 perce nt of the in voi

20、ce value.以110%勺發(fā)票金額投保的全套保險單/保險憑證c) In voice in triplicate, in dicati ng con tract nu mber, shipp ing mark and the n ameof vessels, etc.發(fā)票一式三份,標明合同號、裝運標志和船名等d) Pack ing List in triplicate with in dicati on of both gross and net weights,measurements and quantity of each item packed.裝箱單一式三份,標明每件貨物的毛重、凈

21、重、尺碼和數(shù)量e) Certificate of Quality and Quan tity, each in duplicate, issued by theman ufacturers.制造商出具的質(zhì)量證書和數(shù)量證書,均為一式二份f) A true copy of the fax to the Buyer advis ing particulars of shipme nt within 48hours after goods are loaded on board as specified in Clause 13 hereof.根據(jù)本合同第13條的規(guī)定在貨物裝船后48小時之內(nèi)發(fā)送給買方

22、的通知裝運詳情的傳真的真實復印件The Seller shall, with in 5 daysafter shipme ntis effected, send by airmail threeextra sets of copies of the aforesaid documents (except item f) with two sets directly to the Buyer and one set directly to the Tran sportati on Corporatio n at the port ofdestination.賣方應在貨物裝運后5天內(nèi)另外航空郵寄三

23、套上述單據(jù)(f項規(guī)定的單據(jù)除外的復印件,其中兩套直接寄給買方,另一套直接寄給目的港的運輸公司。13. SHIPPING ADVICE裝運通知The Seller shall, withi n 48 hours after the shipme nt iseffected, advise the Buyerby fax of the con tract nu mber, n ame of commodity, qua ntity,gross weight, in voicedvalue, n ame of the carry ing vessel and the date of sail ing

24、.賣方應在貨物裝運后48小時內(nèi)以傳真通知買方合同號、商品的名稱、數(shù)量、毛重、發(fā)票金額、裝運的船名和開航 日期。14. DESPATCH AND DELIVER 丫發(fā)運和交付In case the goods cannot be despatched to their desti nati on at the date scheduledtherefor by reas ons attributable to the Buyer an d/or outside Seller s reas on ablecon trol, the Seller shall be en titled to stor

25、e the goods concerned at the Buyer expense and risk. In such case the warehouse receipt(s) shall serve as substitute(s) for the shipp ing docume nts in all respects and the Buyer un dertakes to reimburse with in fourtee n days of our first dema ndany and all additi onal expe nses so in curred.如果由于買方

26、的原因和/或超出賣方合理控制的原因?qū)е仑浳锊荒茉陬A訂的日期發(fā)運至其目 的地,賣方應有權(quán)將相關(guān)貨物進行存儲,由買方承擔費用和風險。在該等情況下,倉單應在所有的方面替代裝運單據(jù),并且買方保證在賣方首次要求后14天內(nèi)償付賣方因此發(fā)生的所有和一切費用。Any delay in the fulfilment of the above-mentioned conditions will oblige the Buyer to compensate the Seller for the additional costs resulting from the suspension of the executi

27、 on of the Con tract. In case such delay would exceed a period of threemon ths the Seller is en titled to can cel the Con tract without any pen alty or liability towards the Buyer.延遲履行上述條件將使買方有義務賠償賣方由于中止本合同履行而發(fā)生 的額外費用。如果該等延遲超過3個月,賣方有權(quán)解除本合同,并且不應受到任何處罰或者對買方承擔任何責任。Philips will only be resp on sible for

28、 freight and In sura nee from PMG to hospital,all charges happened during customs transfereneeand clearanee at airport or seaport will be born by l/E Corp., i.e. term inal han dli ng charge, port service charge, storage charge, dispatch charge, container yard charge, demurrage charge, customsclearan

29、ee charge, customs transfereneecharge, containerdetention,documentationcharge, in spection charge, etc.飛利浦醫(yī)療大系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品的交貨方式為CIP HOSPITAL條款,即成本+運費+保險到醫(yī)院.在此條款下,飛利浦只負責產(chǎn)品從工廠到醫(yī)院的運費和保 險,其中包括海運及內(nèi)陸運輸部分.清關(guān)和轉(zhuǎn)關(guān)過程中在空港或海港發(fā)生的費用,包括轉(zhuǎn)關(guān)手續(xù)費,報關(guān)費,報檢費,通道費,倉儲費,換單費,掏箱費,轉(zhuǎn)站費,滯箱費,集裝 箱修理費,洗箱費,押車費,港雜費及分撥費等都由外貿(mào)公司承擔.15. GUARANTEE OF Q

30、UALITY 質(zhì)量保證The Seller shallguarantee thatthe Commodity hereof is made of the best materialswith first class workma nship, brand n ew, unu sed, and corresp onds to all respectswith the quality, specificati ons and performa nee stipulated in this Con tract.賣方應保證本合同項下的商品由最好的材料制造、工藝一流、全新、未使用過,并且在質(zhì)量、規(guī)格和功

31、能各方面符合本合同的約定。16. WARRANTY 質(zhì)量保證The warra nty period of the Con tract Commodity supplied by the Seller shall be twelve(12) mon ths counting from the date of Han d-over of the Con tract Commodity to theEnd user; or fiftee n (15) mon ths from the date of landing at the port of dest in ati on,whichever c

32、omes first.本合同項下賣方提供的商品的質(zhì)量保證期為12個月,從該等商品交付給最終用戶之日起算,或者為從該等商品到達目的港之日起的15個月,以先到期者為準。Seller s obligations under this warranty are limited, at Seller s option,to therepair or the replaceme nt of the Commodity (or a porti on thereof), or to a refundof a porti on of the price paid by the Buyer.賣方責任局限于,取其選

33、擇,修改或更換商品(或其部分)或退還部分買方所付的價格。The above states Seller entire obligation and liability, and the Buyer s soleremedy in the event of a breach of Commodity warra nty.上術(shù)歹U出于商品不符合質(zhì)量情況下賣方所有的責任以及買方的唯一補救。17. IMPORT DECLARATION CERTIFICATE 進口報關(guān)單Accord ing to the PRC custom regulati ons, the import duty on servi

34、ce parts shouldbe waived within the warranty period if the equipment was legally imported to China.The Buyer shall provide a copy of the follow ing docume nt to the Supplier with in the stated time in order to obta in this waiver:根據(jù)中國海關(guān)的規(guī)定,如果設備是合法進口到中國的,在質(zhì)量保證期內(nèi)維修零部件應免除進口關(guān)稅的征收。買方應在下述時間內(nèi)向供貨商提供如下文件的副本以

35、取得該等免除:Import Declarati on Certificate (withi n 2 weeks after the custom cleara nee);Tax Exemption Certificate; or進口報關(guān)單(報關(guān)后2個星期之內(nèi)) Receipt of Import Tax of the equipment (within 2 weeks after the custom clearanee)and設備進口關(guān)稅完稅證明(報關(guān)后2個星期之內(nèi)) Receipt of VAT of the equipme nt (withi n 2 weeks after the cu

36、stom cleara nee)設備進口增值稅完稅證明(報關(guān)后2個星期之內(nèi))The free of charge replacement of defective parts during the warranty period provided by the Seller shall be void if the Buyer is unable to supply the aforesaid documents. All taxes on spare parts levied by the China Government shall be borne by the Buyer. 如果買方無

37、法提供上述單據(jù),賣方在質(zhì)量保證期間對有缺陷的部件提供的免費更換應失效。中國政府對部件征收的所有稅賦應由買方承擔。18. INSPECTION AND CLAIMS 檢驗和索賠Un less otherwise specifically agreed hereto in writi ng by the Seller, the Sellershall inspect and test products to its specifications prior to delivery to the Buyer.The Buyer may, at its own expense, inspect and

38、 test the products suppliedhereunderupon arrival at the Buyer s facility.除非賣方以書面方式作出特別相反約定,賣方應在向買方交付產(chǎn)品之前根據(jù)規(guī)格檢驗和測試產(chǎn)品。在貨物到達買方場所后,買方可以自負費用檢驗和測試本合同項下提供的產(chǎn)品。With in 90 days after the arrival of the goods at dest in ati on, should the quality,specifications, or quantitybe found not in conformity with the s

39、tipulationsof theCon tract except those claims for which the in sura nee compa ny or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyer shall, on the stre ngth of the In spect ion Certificateissued by the InspectionBureau, notifythe Seller promptly in writingof any claimfor damages or for compe nsatio n

40、.在貨物到達目的地后 90天之內(nèi),如果發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物的質(zhì)量、規(guī)格或數(shù)量與合同的規(guī)定不符,除非應由保險公司和船東承擔責任之外,買方應憑檢驗機構(gòu)出具的檢驗證書立即以書面方式將任何損害賠償或賠償金的要求通知賣方。18.A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY有限法律責任The liability, if any, of Seller and Seller representatives arising from thisCon tract is limited to an amount n ot exceedi ng the price of the Commodity givi ngrise

41、to the liability.賣方及買方代表在本合同下的責任(如有)不會超過有關(guān)商品的價格。18B. INDEMNIFICATION - In tellectual Property Rights Infrin geme nt claims彌償 -侵犯知識產(chǎn)權(quán)權(quán)利的申索In case (a) a non-appealable judgme nt; or (b) the Commodity is believed by Sellerto infringe such a claim, Seller may, at its opti on, (i) procure the right for t

42、heBuyer to continue to use the Commodity, (ii) replace or modify the Commodity to avoid infrin geme nt, or (iii) refund to the customer a reas on able porti on of the Commodity purchase price upon the retur n of the orig inal Commodity.如果(a)有不可上訴的判決;或(b)賣方相信商品侵犯知識產(chǎn)權(quán),賣方可以,自行作出選擇,(i)為買方獲取權(quán)利繼續(xù)使用商品,(ii)

43、替換或修改商品以避免侵權(quán),或(iii) 于退回商品時退還合理部分的商品價格。The above states Seller en tire obligati on and liability, and the Buyer s soleremedy in the event of a claim of infrin geme nt.上術(shù)列出于侵犯知識產(chǎn)權(quán)權(quán)利的申索情況下賣方所有的責任以及買方的唯一補救。19. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS 理賠In case of the Seller is liable for the discrepa ncies and a claim is m

44、ade by theBuyer with in the period of claim or quality guara ntee period as stipulatedin Clauses15 to 18 of this Con tract, the Seller shall settle the claim upon the agreeme nt ofthe Buyer in the followi ng ways.如果賣方應對貨物的不符承擔責任,并且買方已經(jīng)在第15條至18條規(guī)定的索賠期限或質(zhì)量保證期內(nèi)提出索賠,賣方應根據(jù)其與買方達成的協(xié)議以下列方式向買方理賠:a) Any compl

45、aints of erroneous despatch and/or apparent damageto the goods supplied shall be no tified in writ ing givi ng the reas on for the request to retur n the goodsand the date and nu mber of the Sellers in voice. If retur n of the goods is agreed upon by the Seller in writi ng by means of a retur n auth

46、orisati on no tice, the goods shall be forwarded in accorda nee with the Sellers in struct ions; all goods retur ned must be packed in their origi nal packi ng.對于提供的貨物的錯誤發(fā)運和/或顯而易見的損壞的投訴應以書面方式通知要求退貨的理由以及賣方的發(fā)票日期和編號。如果賣方通過發(fā)出退貨許可通知的書面方式同意退貨,貨物應根據(jù)賣方的指示發(fā)運,并且包裝應為其原始包裝。b) Devaluate the goods according to th

47、e degree of inferiority,extent of damage andamou nt of losses suffered by the Buyer.根據(jù)質(zhì)量差的程度、損壞的程度和買方遭受的損失金額,降低貨物的價款。c) Replace the defective goods with new ones which conform to the specificati ons,quality and performa nee stipulated in this Con tract.用全新的符合本合同規(guī)定的規(guī)格、 質(zhì)量和功能的貨物更換有缺陷的貨物。No goods may b

48、e retur ned uni ess the Seller have previously agreed in writ ing to such return and the Buyer has fully observed any conditions the Seller have prescribed. Under no circumstances will the Seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the Buyer.除非賣方事先書面許可退貨并且買方遵守賣方制定的任何條件,否則任何貨 物不得退回。在任何情

49、況下,賣方均不接受對于買方專門采購的貨物的退回。20. FORCE MAJEURE:不可抗力Should anything happe n which preve nts either Party from executi ng the Con tract which could not be con trolled,avoided and overcome, such as war, serious fire,typho on,earthquake, floods and other cases, the concerned Party shall notify the other Part

50、y by fax or telex withi n the shortest possible time and send by registered airmail to the other Party a certificate issued by compete nt authorities for con firmati onwith in fourtee n (14) days follow ing the occurre nee of the case of force majeure.如果發(fā)生任何不能控制、不能避免并且不能克服的事件防礙任何一方對本合同的履行,諸如戰(zhàn)爭、重大火災、

51、臺風、地震、水災和其他事件,受到影響的一方應在盡可能短的時間內(nèi)以 傳真或電傳通知另一方,并且應在該等不可抗力事件發(fā)生后14天內(nèi)以掛號航空的方式向另一方發(fā)出一份由主管機關(guān)出具的證明加以確認。The concerned Party shall not be responsiblefor any delay or failure in performingany or all of the obligati ons due to the event of force majeure. However, the concerned Party shall inform the other Party

52、by telex or fax the term in ati on orelim in ati on of the cause of the force majeure as soon as possible.受至 U影響的一方不應對不可抗力事件造成的延遲或未履行任何或全部義務承擔責任。然而,受到影響的一方應盡快以傳真或電傳將不可抗力事件的終止或消除通知另一方。The Parties shall proceed with their obligati ons immediately after the date whe nthe case of force majeure has cease

53、d or the effects have bee n removed and the termof the Con tract shall be exte nded corresp ondin gly. Should the effects of the force majeure mentioned above last more than one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days, both Parties shall settle further executi on of the Con tract through frie ndly

54、negotiatio ns as soon as possible.雙方應在不可抗力事件終止或其影響被消除之日立即開始履行各自的義務,并且本合同的期限應相應地予以延長。如果上述不可抗力的影響持續(xù)120個連續(xù)日,雙方應通過友好協(xié)商盡快解決本合同的進一步履行。21. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT合同終止The Seller may term in ate this Con tract without prejudice to the Seller s any other right or remedies in the event that:在下述情況下賣方可以終止本合同,并且其

55、享有的其他權(quán)利和法律救濟不應受到影響:1) The Buyer fails to pay money owi ng to the Seller in strict accorda nee with theterms set forth hereof or any other agreeme nt en tered into betwee n the Buyer andthe Seller; or買方未能嚴格根據(jù)本合同或者買賣雙方訂立的其他協(xié)議中規(guī)定的條款支付其欠付賣方的款項;或者2) The Buyer becomes in solve nt or be adjudged ban krupt

56、or where a petiti on to windup buyer is to be or has bee n prese nted; or買方資不抵債或者被判定破產(chǎn)或者要求買方清算的申請書已經(jīng)或者將要提交;或者3) Where the Seller has agreed to supply the Buyer with goods on credit and the Buyerhas exceeded that credit limit fixed by the Seller; or如果賣方已經(jīng)同意在賒銷的條件向買方提供貨物,買方已經(jīng)超出了賒銷期限;或者4) The Buyer ref

57、uses to accept products delivered un der the terms here un der.買方拒絕接受根據(jù)本合同規(guī)定交付的產(chǎn)品。If the Buyer shall for any reas on termi nate this Con tract in whole or in part, theno tice of term in ati on must be give n in writ ing to the Seller. The Seller shallthereup on cease work and the Buyer shall pay the Seller the price provided in theCon tract for all goods which have bee n manu factured, modified or ordered by theSeller prior to the term in atio n and which conform to the provi


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