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1、Passage 9A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and oneday when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet.“Whaf s the problem The vet asked him when he arrived.“My cow s ill, the farmer said. “I don t know whats the matt er with her. She s lying downand won t eat. She s

2、making a stra nge no ise. The vet looked over the cow. She s certainly ill, he said,and she needs to take some very strong medicine.He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his handand said, Give her these. The pills should make her better.“How should I give them to her the farmer asked.T

3、he vet gave him a tube 管子and said, Put this tube in hermouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That ll makeit.The n ext day the vet came to the farm aga in. The farmer wassitting outside his house and looked more worried.“How s your cow the vet asked.“No change, the farmer said, “and I mfeel

4、ing very strange myself. “Of the vet said, Why“I did what you said, the farmer answered. “I put the tubein the cow s mouth and then put two pills down it.“Anc the vet asked.“The cow blew first, the farmer said.1. In the story, the vet must be.A. the farmers frie ndB. a milk factoryC. a hospital for

5、cows D. a doctor for ani malsfarmer asked the vet for help whe n his cowA. could nt lie dow nB. did nt eat the pillsC. could nt make any no iseD. was illmedicine did the vet give the farmerA. Bottle of pills.B. A long tube.C. Two pills.D. A small box.vet taught the farmer how.A. to blow the tube B.

6、to make the cow take thepillsC. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouthof the following is trueA. The farmer ate the pills himself.B. The cow got better after taking the medicine.C. The vet cameto help the farmer change the cow the next day.D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his h

7、ouse the n ext day.Passage 9 答案:1-5 DDCBAPassage 10Several years ago, a televisi on reporter was talk ing to three of the most important people in America. One was a very rich banker, another ownedone of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildi ngs in the cen ter of New Yo

8、rk.The reporter was talk ing to them about being importa nt.“ Howdo we know if some on eis really importa nt the reporter asked the banker.The ban ker thought for a few mome nts and the n said,“ I thi nkan ybody who is in vited to the White House to meet the Preside nt of the Unit ed States is reall

9、y importa nt.The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company.“Do you agree with that she asked.The man shook his head, “ No. I thi nk the Preside nt in vites a lot of people to the White House. You d only be important if while you were visit ing the Preside nt, there was a telepho ne

10、 call from the preside nt of ano ther coun try, and the Preside nt of the US said he was too busy to an swer it.The reporter tur ned to the third man.“ Do you think so “No, I don t. he said. “I don t think that makes thevisitor importa nt. That makes the Preside nt importa nt.“Then what would maketh

11、e visitor important the reporter and the other two men asked.“Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking tothe Preside nt and the phone rang, and the Preside nt picked upthe receiver, listened and then said,it s for you. story happe ned in.A. En gla ndB. America C. Japa nD. Australiaa

12、rein this passage.A. two men and two wome nB. three men and one woma nC. three wome n and one manD. four wome nban ker thought.A. he was really importa nt because he was a rich ban kerB. the visitor to the White House was really importa ntC. the visitor who met the Preside nt of the Un ited States i

13、n the WhiteHouse was really importa nt.D. the reporter was really importa ntowner of the very large compa ny thought.A. she was really importa nt because she owned one of the largestcompa niesB. the ban ker was really importa nt.C. the owner of many buildings in the center of New York wasreally impo

14、rta ntD. the visitor would be really important if while he wasvisit ing the Preside nt, the Preside nt would not an swer anyteleph one callowner of many build ings thought.A. he was really importa nt because he owned many buildi ngs in thecen ter of New YorkB. the owner of the very large compa ny wa

15、s really importa ntC. the visitor was really important if he talking to thePreside nt and thePreside nt received a teleph one call for the visitorD. the pers on who worked in the White Housewas really importa ntPassage 10 答案:1-5 BBCDCPassage 11Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very

16、 hard and enjoyed traveli ng in his holidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an advertiseme nt in a n ewspaper.“Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse ridi ng. Walki ng. Fish ing. Cheap and in teresti ng.“This sounds a good idea, he

17、thought. “ I ll spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walk ing and fishi ng.They ll makea cha nge from sitti ng by the seasideand swimming. He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July, he left for

18、 West Hill Farm.But four days later, he retur ned home.“What was wrong with West Hill Farm his best friend, Ed,asked him. “Didn t you enjoy country life “Country life was very good, Henry said.“But there wasano ther problem. “Oh. What “Well, he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died,and we ha

19、d roast mutt on for dinner. “Whats wrong with that Edasked. “ Fresh meat is the best. “ I know, but on the sec ond day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.Lucky you!“You dont understand, Henry said. “On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.“A different meat every day, E

20、d said loudly, “ and you are complaining! “Let me finish, Henry said.“On the fourth day the farmerdied, and I did nt dare 敢stay for dinner! did Henry find out about the farmA. He saw it in a n ewspaper advertiseme nt.B. His best friend told him.C. He wrote to the farmer.D. Maybe he lear ned it from

21、the radio.2. Henry came back home several days later because.A. he did nt like the country life at allB. the farmer wasn t friendly to himC. his holiday was overD. he thought he might have to eat the farmer3. “and you are complaining! , the word “complain meansof the followi ng sen ten ces is trueA.

22、 Ed could eat a differe nt kind of meat every day.B. Henry thought he could enjoy a cha nge.C. Henry could nt think of any thi ng else to do, so he wentto the farm.D. The farmer died because of the bad meat he ate.is the best title for the passageA. What a beautiful farm! B. Have a good time.short h

23、oliday D. Henry and the farmer.Passage 11 答案:1-5 A DCBCPassage 12Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walkvery quickly and it was difficultfor her to climb stairs. Shewas soon out of breath 氣喘吁吁.“ I suppose I had better go to the doctor, she thought.She went to the doctor and tol

24、d him her problem.“I m not surprised at all, he said. “It s obvious what your problem is. He looked her over the n gave her some advice.he said,you“ If you don t do what I say, Mrs. Parker,will have a heart attack. It could kill you.Elien Parker was very worried as she left the doctor s. Sheknew tha

25、t she had to take his advice but that it would not be easy and it would take time.The n ext day she went shopp ing. The first shop she went into was a butcher s shop 肉鋪.“I d like ten pounds of steak 牛排,please, she said.“ Certainly, madam the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a la

26、rge piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and put it on the scale 秤.“That s just under ten pounds, he said.“ That big eno ugh, Mrs. Parker said.The butcher worked out the price.“ At $ a pound that will be $, please. Would you like me tocut it up into smaller pieces for

27、 you“Oh, I don t want to buy the meat, Mrs. Parker said.“ If you don t want to buy it, the butcher replied angrily,“ why did you ask me to get it for you“ My doctor told me that I am over-weight and I have to loseten poun ds. I wan ted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like. 1. Why did Elien Par

28、ker visit the doctorA. She had had a heart attack.B. She had a problem with her health.C. She was un happy about her weight.D. She could not sleep well.2. What did the doctor advise her to doA. To lose weight.B. To eat more meat.C. To comeand see him again.D. To look after her heart.3. Why did Ellen

29、 Parker ask for ten pounds of steakA. She wan ted to buy some for dinn er.B. She wan ted to lose weight.C. Her doctor had told her to eat steak.D. She wan ted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.4. What was Elle n Parkers real problemA. She ate too much steak.B. She weighed too much.C. The do

30、ctor did not know.D. She could not walk veryquickly.5. What did the doctor think might happen to EllenA. She might put on more weight.B. She might stop eating too much.C. She might have a heart attack.D. She might go to ano ther doctor.Passage 12 答案:1-5 BADBCPassage 5 Shave Me FirstA barber was in h

31、is shop, busily cutting a mans hair, whena handsomeyoung stranger camein. He had a small boy with him. They sat dow n together and waited until the barber had finished.Then the youngman told the barber to shave him and to cut the small boys hair.The barber said, “Do you want meto cut the boys hair f

32、irst, or to shave you“Oh, shave me. said the young man. “Then rII go downthe road and have a glass of wine while youre cutting the boyshair. The young man sat dow nin the barbers chair, and the barber bega n to shave him.Whe n he had fini shed, the young man got up andsaid, “ r II go dow n the road

33、now and have my winewhile youre cutt ing the boys hair.“All right, but I wont take long. the barber war ned him. The young man went out, the small boy obediently sat down in the barbers chair, and thebarber bega n to cut his hair.As he had said, he soon fini shed, and the n the boy sat down and wait

34、ed. At the end of half an hour, whenthe young manhad still not comeback, the barber said to theboy, “ It is a pity that your daddys taking such a long time. Where is he likely to be now“ I cant guess, answered the small boy. “And that man was nt my daddy. r ve n ever see n him before in mylife. I wa

35、s playing in the street this morning, and he came up to me and asked me whether rd like to have my hair cut without hav ing to pay any thi ng.I said I would, because my hair was rather long, so he brought me here. 譯文:先給我刮臉一個(gè)理發(fā)師在自己的理發(fā)店里,正忙著給一個(gè)男人剪發(fā),就在這時(shí),一個(gè)英俊年輕的陌生男人走了進(jìn)來。 他 領(lǐng)著一個(gè)小男孩。他們坐下一直等到理發(fā)師剪完。然后這 個(gè)年輕

36、人讓理發(fā)師給他刮刮臉,給小男孩理個(gè)發(fā)。理發(fā)師問到,“你是想讓我先給男孩理發(fā),還是先 給你刮臉“先給我刮臉。年輕人說到?!叭缓笤谀憬o男孩 理發(fā)時(shí)我去喝點(diǎn)紅酒。年輕人坐在椅子上,理發(fā)師開始給他刮臉。當(dāng)給他刮完臉后,年輕人站了起來,說到,“你給 這個(gè)孩子理發(fā),我去喝點(diǎn)酒?!昂玫?,我一會(huì)就剪完了。理發(fā)師提醒他。年輕 人出去了。小男孩乖乖地坐在椅子上。理發(fā)師開始給他剪 發(fā)。正如理發(fā)師所說,他很快就給男孩理完了發(fā),然后小男孩 就坐下等。半個(gè)小時(shí)過去了,年輕人還是沒有回來,于是理發(fā) 師對(duì)小男孩說到,“你爸爸出去這么長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,他有可能在哪里 呢“我猜不出,小男孩答復(fù)到?!澳莻€(gè)人不是我爸 爸。我以前從未見過他。今

37、天早晨我在街上玩,他走過來問我是否想不花錢理個(gè)發(fā)。我說想,因?yàn)槲业念^發(fā)確實(shí)太長(zhǎng)了。于是他就把我?guī)У竭@兒來了。Passage 6 At the Waxworks Exhibiti onOne rainy Saturday after noon, Nancy and Smith werewon deri ng what to do, whe n sudde nly Smith had anidea.“ I know, he said enthusiastically,“ rIItake youto a place my father used to take me to whe n I wasa

38、boy. No, dont ask questi on s; just get yourumbrella and get into the car. Half an hour later they stopped outside a largebuild ing and Nancy laughed.“ Oh, its the waxworks exhibiti on. Do you know, Iven ever bee n here beforeAnd Smith said, “Oh, we used to comehere often whenI was little. There use

39、d to be a lot of famous peoplein side, all made of wax, but I suppose theyveWhile Smith was buying the tickets at the pay-desk,Nancy looked round.“Did your mother use to come too she asked.“Not very often. Smith told her. “She used to stay at homeand look after babies. Come on, up these stairs. At t

40、he top of the stairs stood an attendant,holdingsome catalogues. Nancy went up to her, ope ning her han dbag, while Smith watched her.“Howmuchare the catalogues, please Nancy asked; but the girl did nt an swer. And she did nt realize that she had been talking to a waxwork until she heard Smith laughi

41、ng behind her.譯文:在蠟像館在一個(gè)陰雨的星期六下午,Nancy和Smith無所事事,突然,Smith想到了一個(gè)主意“我知道,他熱心地說到,“我要帶你到一個(gè)我 小的時(shí)候爸爸經(jīng)常帶我去的地方。不,你什么問題也別問, 帶上雨傘,上車。半小時(shí)后,他們停在了一個(gè)大的建筑物外邊,Nancy笑了起來。“哦,蠟像館,你知道嗎 我還從沒有來過呢。Smith說道,“我小的時(shí)候經(jīng)常來這里。過去里面有 很多臘制的名人。但我想大局部都變了。當(dāng)Smith在買票時(shí),Nancy四處張望?!澳銒寢屢郧俺磉@里嗎她問到?!安唤?jīng)常來 Smith告訴她?!八?jīng)常待在家里照 看小孩。快點(diǎn),上臺(tái)階。臺(tái)階上站著一個(gè)效勞生,手

42、里拿著目錄冊(cè)。Na ncy走 到她面前,翻開手提袋,Smith在一邊看著Nancy?!罢?qǐng)問,目錄冊(cè)多少錢 Nancy問到,但是女孩沒有答復(fù)。直到 聽到Smith在她身后大笑起來,Nancy才意識(shí)到自己是在跟一個(gè)蠟制 的人說話。Passage 3Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but itate too much. So he did nt like it. He wan ted to kill Tod.He tied Tod in a bag and put it in the small boat. He rowed

43、the boat to the middle of a big river. Just as he threw thepoor animal into the river, the boat began to sink. Both beganSam and Tod fell into the river.Tod was able to swim, but Sam could nt. The dog bit the ropeand broke it. It tried its best to swim to save Sam. The manwas saved, so he was very t

44、ha nkful to the dog .He did nt wantto kill the dog any more. From then on, he gave the dog as much food as it wan ted.譯文薩姆有一只狗。他的名字叫Tod。它很有用,但是它食量很大。所以 薩姆不喜歡他。薩姆想殺Tod。薩姆把Tod綁在一個(gè)袋子里,把它帶 上船。他把船劃到一條大河的中央。就在他把這可憐的動(dòng)物扔下河 的時(shí)候,船開始下沉,薩姆和Tod都掉進(jìn)河里面了。Tod會(huì)游泳,但是薩姆不會(huì)。狗把繩子咬斷。它經(jīng)過試驗(yàn)這是游泳去 救薩姆就好的方法。薩姆獲救了,所以薩姆很感謝Tod。他一點(diǎn)

45、也不想殺它了。從那以后,小狗想要多少糧食薩姆給多少。Passage 4Fathers Things Whe n Tom Howard was seve ntee n years old he was as tall as his father, so he bega n to borrow Mr. Howards clothes whe n he wan ted to go out with his frie nds in the eve ning.Mr. Howard did not like this, and he always got very angry when he found

46、his son weari ng any of his thi ngs.One eve ning whe n Tom came dow nstairs to go out, his fatherstopped him in the hall. He looked at Toms clothes very carefully.Then he said angrily, Isnt that one of my ties, TomY es, Father, it is, an swered Tom.And that shirts mine too.Y es, thats yours too, an

47、swered Tom.And youre wearing my belt! said Mr. Howard.Yes, I am, Father, answered Tom. You dont want your trousers to fall dow n, do you譯文:父親的東西湯姆.霍德華十七歲的時(shí)候,長(zhǎng)得和父親一樣高了,于是當(dāng)他晚上和 朋友一起出去時(shí),就開始借父親的衣服穿?;舻氯A先生可不喜歡這樣,當(dāng)他發(fā)現(xiàn)他的兒子穿他的衣服時(shí),總是非常生氣。天晚上,湯姆下樓準(zhǔn)備出去,父親在門廳里攔住了他。他細(xì)細(xì)打量 著湯姆的穿著。然后他氣呼呼地說:“湯姆,那不是我的一條領(lǐng)帶嗎湯姆答復(fù)說:“是的,父親,是你的領(lǐng)帶?!斑€有那襯衫也是我的?!笆堑模r衫也是你的。湯姆答復(fù)說?!斑€有呢,你連皮帶也用我的?;舻氯A先生


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