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1、學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載國際經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)中英名詞解釋Absolute advantage : The greater efficiency that one nation may have over ano ther in the product ion of a commodity. This was the basis for trade for Adam Smith.絕對(duì)優(yōu)勢(shì):一國在生產(chǎn)一種產(chǎn)品上比另一國家有更大的有效性。這是亞當(dāng)斯密自由貿(mào)易理論的基礎(chǔ)。Absolutepurchasing-powerparity theory : Postulates that theequilibrium exc

2、hange rate is equal to the ratio of the price levels in the two nations. This version of the PPP theory can be very misleading.絕對(duì)購買力平價(jià)理論:假設(shè)平衡匯率等于兩國的價(jià)格水平之比,這一購買力平價(jià)理論的解釋是不被接受的。Ad valorem tariff : A tariff expressed as a fixed perce ntage of the value of a traded commodity.從價(jià)稅:一種表示為貿(mào)易商品價(jià)值的一個(gè)固定百分比的稅。Arb

3、itrage:The purchase of a curre ncy in the mon etary cen ter whereit is cheaper for immediate resale in the mon etary cen ter where it is more expe nsive in order to make a profit.套利:在某貨幣較便宜的貨幣中心購買該貨幣,立即在另一較貴的貨幣中心賣掉此貨幣以謀利的行為。Bala nee of payme nts: A summary stateme nt of all the intern ati onaltran s

4、acti ons of thereside nts of a n ati on with the rest of the worldduri ng a particular period of time, usually a year.國際收支平衡表:在一段特定的時(shí)間內(nèi),通常為一年,一國居民同世界上其他國 家間進(jìn)行的所有國際交易的匯總表。Capitalaccount: The change in U.S. assets abroad and foreignassets in the United States, other than official reserve assets.資本項(xiàng)目:美

5、國在國外資產(chǎn),外國在美國資產(chǎn),或其他官方儲(chǔ)備資產(chǎn)的變化。Capitalin flow : An in crease of foreig n assets in the n ati on or areduction in the nation s assets abroad.資本流入:外國資產(chǎn)在本國的增加或本國資產(chǎn)在外國的減少。Capital-intensivecommodity : The commodity with the highercapital-labor ratio at all relative factor prices.資本密集型商品:在所有相對(duì)要素價(jià)格下均具有較高的資本/勞

6、動(dòng)比率的商品。Capital outflow : A decrease offoreign assets in the nation or anin creases the n atio n s assets abroad.學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載資本流出:在國內(nèi)的國外資產(chǎn)的減少或在外國的國內(nèi)資產(chǎn)的增加。Commu nity in differe nee curve: The curve that shows the variouscomb in ati ons of two commodities yieldi ng equal satisfacti onto thecom mun ity or

7、n ati on. Commun ity in differe nee curves are n egatively sloped, convex from the orig in, and should not across.同一無差異曲線:曲線表示對(duì)群體或國家產(chǎn)生相同的滿足程度的兩種商品的不同 組合,它是負(fù)斜率,凸向原點(diǎn),且不相交。Compo undtariff: A comb in ati on of an ad valorem and a specifictariff.復(fù)合稅:從價(jià)稅和另一種具體關(guān)稅的組合。Con sta nt retur ns to scale: The con di

8、ti on un der which output growsin the same proporti on as factor in puts.不變的規(guī)模報(bào)酬:產(chǎn)出與要素投入同比例增長的情況。Consumer surplus : The differeneebetween what consumersarewilling to pay for a specific amount of a commodity and what they actually pay for it.消費(fèi)者剩余:對(duì)某一具體數(shù)量的商品,消費(fèi)者愿意支付的價(jià)格與實(shí)際支付的價(jià)格 的差異。Curre ncy swaps:A s

9、pot sale of a curre ncy comb ined with a forwardrepurchase of the same curre ncy.貨幣互換:即期賣貨幣,同時(shí)遠(yuǎn)期買同樣的貨幣。Curre nt acco unt:The acco unt that in cludes all sales and purchasesof curre ntlyproduced goods and services,in comeon foreig nin vestme nts, and un ilateral tran sfers.經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目:包括所有購買和出售現(xiàn)已生產(chǎn)出的產(chǎn)品與勞務(wù),

10、外國投資的收入和單 方面轉(zhuǎn)移支付。Credit tran sacti ons:Tran sact ions that invo Ive the receipt ofpayments from foreigners. These include the export of goods and services, un ilateral tran sfers from foreig ners, and capital in flow.貸方交易:包括從外國人那里收款的所有交易,如出口商品和勞務(wù),外國人的單方面轉(zhuǎn)移支付和資本流入。Debittran sact ions:Tran sact ionsth

11、at invo Ivepayme ntstoforeig ners. These in clude the import of goods and services, un ilateral tran sfers to foreig ners, and capital outflows.借方交易:包括所有向國外支付的交易,例如,進(jìn)口國外商品與勞務(wù),向國外方 面轉(zhuǎn)移支付和資本外流。Deficit in the balanee of payments:The excess of debits overcredits in thecurre ntand capitalacco un ts,or au

12、t onom ous學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載transactions,equal to the net credit balanee in the official reserveacco unt, or accommodat ing tran sacti ons.學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載:The relativeits welfare intangent to the at the autarky國際收支逆差:在資本和往來賬戶中,或自由性交易中,借方超過貸方的部分, 等于在官方儲(chǔ)備賬戶或融通性交易的凈貸方余額。Dumpi ng:The export of a commodity at below cos

13、t or at a lowerprice tha n sold domestically.傾銷:以低于國內(nèi)商品價(jià)格或低于成本的價(jià)格出口某產(chǎn)品。Effective excha nge rate: A weighted average of the excha nge ratesbetween thedomestic currency and the nation s most important tradepartners, with weights given by the relative importance of the nationtrade with each of these tr

14、ade part ners.有效匯率:國內(nèi)貨幣與本國重要貿(mào)易伙伴國貨幣匯率的加權(quán)平均值。根據(jù)該家貿(mào)易伙伴的相對(duì)重要性賦予適當(dāng)權(quán)重。Equilibrium relative commodity price in isolati oncommodity price at which a nationis maximizing isolatio n. It is give n by the slope of the com mon nation production frontier and indifference curve point of product ion and con sumpti

15、 on.孤立狀況下的相對(duì)平衡商品價(jià)格:一國在孤立狀態(tài)下使自身財(cái)富最大化時(shí)的相對(duì) 商品價(jià)格。它由自給自足的生產(chǎn)和消費(fèi)點(diǎn)處,國家生產(chǎn)可能性曲線和無差異曲線 交點(diǎn)的斜率來決定。Equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade: The com monrelative commodity price in two nations at which trade is balaneed.貿(mào)易條件下商品的相對(duì)平衡價(jià)格:兩國在貿(mào)易平衡條件下的相對(duì)商品價(jià)格。Excha nge rate: The domestic curre ncy price of the for

16、eig n curre ncy.匯率:外國貨幣的國內(nèi)價(jià)格。Factor abundance : The factor of product ion available in greater proportion and at a lower relative price in one nation than in another n ati on.要素豐裕度:可利用的生產(chǎn)要素,其在很大程度上比另一國有相對(duì)低的價(jià)格。Foreig nexcha ngefutures :A forwardcon tractfor sta ndardizedcurre ncy amounts and selected

17、 cale ndar dates traded on an orga ni zed market.外匯期貨:一個(gè)在有組織的外匯市場上以選定的日期、 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的數(shù)量交易的外匯遠(yuǎn) 期合同。Foreig n excha nge opti ons: A con tract specify ing the right to buy orsell a sta ndard amount of a traded curre ncy at or before a stated date.外匯期權(quán):詳細(xì)標(biāo)明在某一指定日期或之前有權(quán)而不是有義務(wù)買或賣標(biāo)準(zhǔn)數(shù)額的 交易貨幣的合同。Foreig n excha nge ri

18、sk:The risk result ing from cha nges in excha nge rates over time and faced by anyone who expects to make or to receive a payme nt in a foreig n curre ncy at a future date, also called an ope n positi on.學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載外匯風(fēng)險(xiǎn):由于匯率隨時(shí)間變動(dòng),使那些在未來要以外幣支付或收到外幣的人面 對(duì)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),也稱為頭寸。Forward disco unt:The perce ntage per ye

19、ar by which the forwardrate on the foreign currency is below its spot rate.遠(yuǎn)期貼水:外幣遠(yuǎn)期匯率低于其即期匯率的年百分比。Forward premium:The perce ntage per year by which the forwardrate on the foreig n curre ncy is above its spot rate.遠(yuǎn)期升水:外幣遠(yuǎn)期匯率高于其即期匯率的年百分比。Forward rate:The excha nge rate in foreig n excha nge tran sac

20、ti onsinvolving delivery of the foreig n excha nge one, three, or six mon ths after the con tract is agreed markets.遠(yuǎn)期匯率:外匯交易過程中按合同規(guī)定1個(gè)月、3個(gè)月或6個(gè)月后交割貨幣的匯率。Gen eral equilibrium an alysis: The study of the in terdepe ndence that exists among all markets in the economy.一般均衡分析:研究存在于經(jīng)濟(jì)中各市場之間的內(nèi)部依存關(guān)系。Gen era

21、l equilibrium model:An econo mic model that studies thebehavior of all producers, and traders simulta neously.一般均衡模型:一個(gè)同時(shí)研究所有生產(chǎn)者、消費(fèi)者和貿(mào)易商行為的經(jīng)濟(jì)模型。Heckscher-Ohli n(H-O) theorem:The part of the Heckscher-Ohli ntheory that postulates that a nationwill export the commodityin ten sive in its relatively abu

22、ndant and cheap factor and import the commodity inten sive in its relatively scarce and expe nsive factor.赫-俄原理:赫-俄理論假定一國將出口本國相對(duì)充足且便宜要素密集的產(chǎn)品,進(jìn)口本國相對(duì)缺乏和昂貴要素密集的產(chǎn)品。Hedg ing: The avoida nee of a foreig n excha nge risk (or the coveri ng of an ope n positi on).套期保值:避免外匯匯率風(fēng)險(xiǎn)(或軋平頭寸)。Infant-industryargument:

23、 The argumentthat temporary tradeprotect ion is n eeded to set up an in dustry and to protect it duri ng its infancy aga inst competiti on from more established and efficie nt foreign firms.幼稚工業(yè)保護(hù)稅:在某行業(yè)的發(fā)展初期,為抵制成熟而有效的外國公司的競爭而 必須采取的暫時(shí)的貿(mào)易保護(hù)。Labor- inten sivecommodity:The commodity with the higher labo

24、r-capital ratio (L/K) at all relative factor prices.勞動(dòng)密集型產(chǎn)品:在所有相對(duì)要素價(jià)格條件下有較高的勞力/資本比率的商品學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載The amount of oneLaw of comparative adva ntage:Expla ins how mutually ben eficialtrade can take place eve n whe n one n atio n is less efficie nt tha n, or has an absolute disadvantagewith respect to, anot

25、her nation in theproduct ion of all commodities. The less efficie ntn ati on shouldspecialize in and exportthe commodityin which its absolutedisadvantageis smaller (this is the commodity of its comparativeadva ntage), and should import the other commodity.比較優(yōu)勢(shì)原理:該原理解釋互利貿(mào)易如何發(fā)生,盡管一國在生產(chǎn)所有產(chǎn)品上都不 如它國有效或比它

26、國來說有絕對(duì)劣勢(shì)。該國應(yīng)生產(chǎn)并出口其絕對(duì)劣勢(shì)較小的產(chǎn)品(這種產(chǎn)品具有比較優(yōu)勢(shì)),進(jìn)口其他產(chǎn)品。Law of one price:The propositi onthat in the abse nee oftran sportati on costs, tariffs, and other obstructi ons to the free flow of trade, the price of each homoge neous (ide ntical) traded commodity will be equalized in all markets by commodity arbitr

27、age.一價(jià)法則:在運(yùn)輸成本、關(guān)稅和其他有礙貿(mào)易自由流動(dòng)的障礙都不存在的條件下, 在所有市場上,由于商品套利會(huì)使所有同種商品的價(jià)格相等。Margi nal rate of substituti on,MRS: The amount of one commoditythat a n ati on could give up in excha nge for one extra un it of a sec ond commodity and still remain on the same indifference curve. It is given by the slope of the c

28、ommunity indifference curve at the point of con sumptio n and decli nes as the n ati on con sumes more of the sec ond commodity.邊際替代率:在同一無差異曲線上,一國為需求一單位第二種商品而必須放棄的 第一種產(chǎn)品的數(shù)量。它由無差異曲線上第二種產(chǎn)品消費(fèi)增加時(shí)該消費(fèi)點(diǎn)的斜率決Margi nal rate of tran sformatio n,MRT: commodity that a n atio n must give up to produce each additi

29、 onal un it of ano ther commodity. This is ano ther n ame for the opport unity cost of a commodity and is give n by the slope of the product ion fron tier atthe point of product ion.邊際轉(zhuǎn)換率:一國要多生產(chǎn)一件某產(chǎn)品而必須放棄的另一種產(chǎn)品的數(shù)量。這是商品的機(jī)會(huì)成本的另一個(gè)名字,由生產(chǎn)點(diǎn)上生產(chǎn)可能性曲線的斜率給出Offer curve:A curve that shows how much of its import

30、 commoditya n ati on dema nds to be willi ng to supply various amounts of its exportcommodity, or the willingness of the nation to import and export at various relative commodity prices.提供曲線:表示一國需要的進(jìn)口商品中有多少愿意提供于出口,或在各種相對(duì)商品價(jià)格下,一國愿意進(jìn)口和出口的程度。Opport unity cost theory:The theory that the cost of a commod

31、ity isthe amount of a sec ond commodity that must be give n up to release學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載just eno ugh resources to produce one moreun itof the firstcommodity.機(jī)會(huì)成本理論:該理論指出某商品的成本等于要多生產(chǎn)1單位的該產(chǎn)品而必須放棄的資源可生產(chǎn)第二種產(chǎn)品的數(shù)量。Persiste nt dump ing: The con ti nu oustendency of a domesticmonopolist to maximize total profits

32、by selling the commodity at a lower price abroad than domestically, also called international price discrim in ati on.持久性傾銷:國內(nèi)壟斷者為其利潤最大化,而以低于國內(nèi)價(jià)格的低價(jià)在國外銷售 商品的持久性傾向,也叫做國家價(jià)格歧視。44、Predatory dumping: The temporary sale of commodity at a lower price abroad in order to drive foreig n producers out of bus i

33、n ess, after which prices are raised to take advantageof the newly acquiredmon opoly power abroad.掠奪性傾銷:暫時(shí)以低價(jià)在國外銷售以擠垮外國生產(chǎn)者,然后可以提價(jià),禾U用新獲得的國外的壟斷優(yōu)勢(shì)獲取利益。Product cycle model: The hypothesis,advaneed by Vernon, thatnew products in troduced by in dustrialn ati ons and produced withskilled labor eve ntually

34、 become sta ndardized and can be produced in other n atio ns with less skilled labor.產(chǎn)品周期模型:該模型由費(fèi)農(nóng)首創(chuàng),指出新產(chǎn)品首先由發(fā)達(dá)國家引入,用技能較 高的工人生產(chǎn),最終標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化后可以在其他國家用技能較低的勞動(dòng)力生產(chǎn)出來。Production possibilityfrontier:A curve showingthe variousalter nativecomb in ati onsof two commodities that a n ati oncanproduce by fully utiliz

35、ing all of its resources with the best tech no logy available to it.生產(chǎn)可能性邊界:表示一國完全使用其所有資源,并利用最優(yōu)技術(shù),而可能生產(chǎn) 兩種商品各種最大的不同組合的曲線。Purchas in g-powerparity(PPP)theory :Thetheorythatpostulates thatthe cha nge inthe excha ngeratebetwee ntwocurrencies is proportional to the change in the ratio in the two countries general price levels.購買力平價(jià)理論:該理論認(rèn)為兩種貨幣匯率的變化部分原因是兩國一般價(jià)格水平 比的變化。Quota: A direct qua ntitative restrictio n on trade.配額:對(duì)貿(mào)易的直接數(shù)量限制。Rate of effective protectio n:The tariff calculated on the domesticvalue added in the product io


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