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3、105SINOPEC E&C MIDDLE063-QP-2-10032 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0A1.0 SCOPEThe p rocedure is aimed to describe the rotat ing equipmen t, like pump, comp ressor, etc in Saudi Kayan U&O P roject.The in stallati on should strictly follow all the app licable sp ecificati on, sta ndard, p rocedure (in clud ing

4、 HSE Plan), draw ing and in stallati on manual from ven dor. If there is any con flict betwee n this p rocedure and draw ing requireme nt for the sp ecial requireme nt from equipment sp ecificati on, the latter shall gover n. At the same time,the p rocedure shall conform to the requireme nt from FLO

5、UR CO LTD.2.0REFERENCES2.1API 6102.2API 6862.3 Plot plan2.4 In stallati on manualIn which the installation proceduresand allowable alignment toleranee can be foundand refere need.2.5 Ven dor dwgDrawings provided by the vendorassembly draw in gs, and sect ionalmecha ni cal assembly can be p erformed

6、correctlyand from which detailed fabricati on draw in gs,drawings can be found in order to ensure the2.6 Piping arra ngeme nt dwgFrom the draw in gs, the orie ntatio n and elevatio n of the equipment can be found.2.7 Packi ng listFrom which the quantity of each equipment part to be packed and more a

7、ccurate weight can be found.SINOPEC E&C MIDDLE063-QP-2-10033 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0A3.0 GENERAL3.1 The insp ecti on work com ply with releva nt p roject sp ecificati ons , draw ings ,manufacturer s documents and applicable codes or local regulations.3.2 Manufacture s documents drawings and installa

8、tion instructions will be used as a part of this p rocedure.3.3 Equipment to be assembled at site , such as large pump will be in stalled in accordanee with the installation instruction supplied by equipment manufactures and refere need docume ntati on.4.0 P ROCEDURE4.1 Work Flow for Con structio n

9、of Rotat ing EquipmentPREPARATIONFOUNDATIONS CHECKJOBSITE RECEIVINGINSTALLATIONPROTECTIONALIGNMENT OF EQUIPMENTiGROUTINGCOMMISSIONINGENDSINOPEC E&C MIDDLEFOR063-QP-2-10034 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0A4.2 Prep arati on4.2.1 Study the Con tract, sp ecificati ons, and releva nt codes to en sure that the wo

10、rk scope, work qua ntity, and con struct ion schedule are thoroughly un derstood.4.2.2 Con structi on Equi pment Mobilizatio n PlanA. Major/ Heavy Equi pment Transp ortati on and Riggi ng Plan.B. Con structio n Equipment Mobilizatio n Plan.4.3 Inspection of Foun dati on and Foun dati on BoltsRemove

11、all the foreign matters including form works, debris, gravel, sand, and p rotective sleeves on bolts, etc. If oil or grease exists on the surfaces and is un able to be clea ned, remove it using brush.After check aga inst releva nt draw ingsand temp lates,Con structi onEngin eer(supervisor) shall car

12、ry out the inspection, Equipment Check List Prior to Installation ”for the followi ng items:A Cen terl ine and elevati on lineB. Whether the dime nsions and orie ntati on of foun datio n is correct or not?C. Curing time is adequate or not after the form works are removed from the foun dati on?D. The

13、 grouti ng block shall be done on the foun dati on. Adjust the height of grout ing block to make sure the top elevation of pad identical with the elevation ofequipment base pl ate and its leve In ess shall be done adequately. The comp letedgrouti ng block must be cured in accorda nee with material s

14、p ecificati ons.E. Check if the surface of the foundation has already been chipped. The surface shall be also kept clea n.F. Whether the size and locati on of foun dati on bolts are in con forma nee withreleva nt draw ings or not?G. The p rotrusi on part of the bolts is in con forma nee with draw in

15、gs or n ot? A little bit l on ger is acce ptable, but not shorter.SINOPEC E&C MIDDLEFOR063-QP-2-10035 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0AH. Any in cli natio n of the bolts found is not allowed; otherwise the equipment base pl ate cannot be firmly tighte ned up.I. It must be free of gravel, sand, wasted water a

16、nd other foreig n materials in the hole of reserved anchor bolt, and its dimension, depth and perpendicularity, etc shall accord with desig n requireme nt.4.4 Equipment Transp ortati on and Rigg ing 441 Unp ack ing, check ing, and storage of equipmentA. Folk-lifts and other mecha ni cal methods are

17、strictly p rohibited duri ng unp ack ing in order not to damage the equipment and its accessories such as p recisi on in strume nts and other small bore piping.B. Inspect the appearanee of the equipment to see if any parts are damaged immediately after it is unpacked. Owner s representative shall wi

18、tness the inspection n ecessary.C. Check and count specification and quantity respectively of each part and its accessories (in cludi ng sp ecial tools) one by one in accorda nee with the Pack ing List.In the eve nt that any shortage or damage found, inform the OWNER and the third p arty, ask for re

19、-sh ipment and fill out the report immediately.D. Check and en sure that the p rotective and an ti-rust ing measures for the machi ning surfaces are adequate. Pro vide remedial action s, if required.E. All the small items, spare p arts and sp ecial tools, etc. exce pt large items shall be stored in

20、doors and clearly listed for man ageme nt.bebeitsF. P rotective measures, such as using the tarpaulin as covers to p reve nt from gett ing damped and foreign matters from entering into the interior of machine, shall pro vided for larger items and p arts, which are stored outdoors and cannot be in st

21、alled within a very short time.SINOPEC E&C MIDDLEG. All moving parts shall be coated with anti-rusting grease and the shaft shall turned every one week to avoid the oil film being pressed by the shaft due to deadweight such that the metal of shaft will con tact directly with that of the beari ng, an

22、d con seque ntly the scratches will be p roduced on the con tact ing surfaces.063-QP-2-10036 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0AH. Inspect all the cooli ng water jackets. Drain off all the accumulated water, if any, dry it with air, and then wrap up with tarpaulin to prevent it from getting rusted due to entra

23、nce of the moisture.442 Equipment Riggi ngThe Con struct ion Engin eer (sup ervisor) shall prepare Rigg ing Plan in clud ing the in formati on of crane type, work ing radius, equipment weight, removal and restorati on of obstructi ons, transpo rtati on route, etc.4.4.3 In stallati on of EquipmentA.

24、The installation of the rotating equipment shall be strictly in accordanee with releva nt sp ecificati ons. The cen ter of gravity and dime nsions of the equipment and foundation location including orientation shall be taken into consideration in determ ining the rigg ing method. Collisi on shall be

25、 avoided duri ng lift ing in order not to cause the damage of foun dati on bolts and equipment itself. If required, the expen sive in strume nts and smaller piping shall be disma ntled in adva nee.B. The riggi ng methods for gen eral rotat ing equipment are as follows:a. Comb in ati on of crane and

26、cha in blockAttach the cha in block to the hook of the crane. Use the crane to acco mp lish thelarger moveme nt and cha in block for smaller moveme nt.b. MonorailMono rails, from which a slid ing cha in block can be attached, are freque ntly located in side the build ing for the maintenance purpose

27、of the rotat ing equipment. This cha in block can p erform the up ward, dow nward, left and right moveme nts as required.c. RollerSINOPEC E&C MIDDLELay two rows of p arallel railroad ties on the ground in side the build ing, and p lace two p ieces of pipe with the same diameter on top of these railr

28、oad ties as rollers. Use of a sledge or cha in block as a mea ns to p ull the equipment up to the top of063-QP-2-10037 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0Athe foundation .Hydraulic jacks or chain blocks will subsequently be used to p erform the riggi ng op eratio n.C. Upon the comp leti on of the equipment in s

29、tallati on, the Equipment Con struct ion Engineer (supervisor) shall carry out the inspection together with the OWNER or Owner s quality inspection rep rese ntative and prepare the records accord in gly.4.5 Horiz on tai Adjustme nt of equipmentA. Uni ess otherwise sp ecified , leveli ng will be carr

30、ied out with a sp irit level on the machined surfaces of the driver base plate , on the machined surfaces of thethe shaft.pads andequipment p edestals or on the surface of the flange on the top of the equipment .The level will be measured in the direct ion of the shaft and at right an gle to Adjustm

31、ent will be made by removing or inserting shims between leveling base p late , However , jack bolts will be used if it is pro vide with the equipment.otherwiseB. The maximum out-of-level tolera nee shall be 0.05mm/M, uni ess sp ecified.4.6 Grout ing of Equipment4.6.1 Upon the comp leti on of the equ

32、ipment rigg ing p ositi oning. The Con struct ion Engin eer (s up ervisor) shall carry out the inspection together with the Quality QC Engin eer. The foun datio n surfaces shall be thoroughly clea ned and subseque ntly wetted by water, if required. If sleeve type foundation bolts are used, the water

33、 accumulated in side the sleeve shall be removed and dried.4.6.2 The material of the grout shall be in accorda nee with the requireme nts sti pu lated in the Con structi on Con tract or rotati ng equipment ven dor sp ecificati on. In gen eral, non-shri nkage ceme nt or epoxy res in are used and po u

34、red into the gaps betwee n equipment base p late and foun dati on and the sp ace in side the sleeves.4.6.3 Supp leme ntary illumi natio nSINOPEC E&C MIDDLEIf an chor bolt is delivered with equipment, and equipment foun dati on is pro vided with reserved hole for an chor bolt, the reserved hole shall

35、 be grouted (first grouti ng) after equipment alignment. The anchor bolt hole shall be free of foreign materials, its wall063-QP-2-10038 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.0Ashall be soaked with water, and its bottom shall be free of wasted water. During first grouting, keep the anchor bolt straight and prevent

36、the mobilization for equipment. After first grouting and curing qualified completion, impiement second alignment in accorda nee with p aragra ph 4.5. Once the sec ond alig nment is checked qualified, the equipment base p late shall be grouted (sec ond grouti ng).4.7 Cen ter Alig nment4.7.1 The rotat

37、i ng mach inery comp riseA. Driving partB. Drive n partCen ter alig nment is to adjust the shaft of two machi nes such that these two shafts are colli near or the misalig nment of these two shafts cen terli nes is within the value specified in the instruction manual. This work is performed based on

38、the two shaft couplings. Therefore, any actions may cause damages to these couplings are not allowed duri ng cen ter alig nment.4.7.2 First Alig nmentBefore grouted with grouti ng material and before conn ected with piping, the EquipmentEngin eer shall p erform the alig nment in accorda nee with the

39、 follow ing guideli nes:TheThe dial in dicator shall be used to obta in the read in gs, the dista nee betwee n two coup li ng hubs, vertical and horiz on tal offset of two shaft cen terl in es. The alig nment toleranee shall be in accordanee with Attachment 3, ” Allowable Working Deviationmaterials

40、for shim p lates used for alig nment shall be sta ini ess steel, i n the thick ness of 0.03, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2 and 2 mm res pectively. But the qua ntity of in sert ing shim is less tha n 5 in the bottom of equipment.4.7.3 Sec ond Alig nmentUpon the compi eti on of the piping work, sec ond alig nment sh

41、all be carried out and the result of the measurement shall be compared to the measured results of the firstSINOPEC E&C MIDDLEalig nmen t. I n the eve nt that any large piping load or bending mome nt exerted on the equipment, deviati on betwee n the first and sec ond alig nments will be found.063-QP-

42、2-10039 OF 11DATE08/01/ 09REV.nAThe p rocedures of the sec ond alig nment are as follows:A. Disc onnect the piping from equipment no zzles and measure the ecce ntricity of suct ion/ discharge no zzles and the piping companion flan ges.B. Inspect and con firm that all the piping flange bolts can be i

43、n serted freely into the bolt-holes of both equipment no zzles and piping companion flan ges.C. I nspect and confirm that no any foreig n matters such as weldi ng slag are left in side of the equipment.D. After the completion of the alignment, connect the piping flanges to the equipment no zzles and

44、 carry out the insp ecti on in accorda nee with P ara. 4.7.2 (First alignment) and compare the measured readings with those of the first alig nment.E. Once there is any deviation in the final equipment alignment due to conn ect ing with piping ,it can be modified by in sert ing or tak ing out shim p

45、l ate on the motor bracket. If the alig nment is big, it can be modified by cutt ing the inlet and outlet of piping, the n assemble and weld once more.4.7.4 Immediately after the comp leti on of the alig nment, the Equi pment Engin eer shall,andcarry out the inspection together with the OWNER or the

46、 Owner s representativeQC Engin eer, and prepare the records.4.7.5 After commissioning, the alignment shall be done for the equipment with high op erati ng temp erature if it is n ecessary.4.8 Maintenance of Equipment4.8.1 All rotating equipment shall be turned 1-1/4 turns every one week to avoid the beari ng from gett ing stuck starti ng from the rece ipt to the turno ver of the equipment to the OWNER.4.8.2 Lubricati on shall be cha nged, clea ned and/ or supp leme nt in accorda nee with the ven d


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