1、中學生VOA英語閱讀之粉絲們排隊等待“星球大戰(zhàn)”系列最新作Fans Line Up in Hollywood as Latest Star Wars Film NearsIt is expected to be one of the highest-grossing films of all time.It broke records advance tickets went on sale in October, and “we sold out instantaneously for all the opening shows and opening weekends.”Even thou
2、gh it would not be in theaters until December 17, devoted fans are lining up to see the latest Star Wars saga Episode VII: The Force Awakens almost two weeks before it release.預計星球大戰(zhàn)又能創(chuàng)下新的票房紀錄。十月出售的預售票已經創(chuàng)下新紀錄。“首映當天和首映一周內的預售票瞬間售罄”。雖然直到12月17日電影才上映,但是不少鐵桿粉絲至少提前兩星期,排隊等待最新系列星球大戰(zhàn)VII原力覺醒?!癐ts a classic mov
3、ie, we all want to see from where it left off to where it is going to go, so we flew for 12 hours to come across, and a lot of other people come from all over America to meet here.”“這部電影非常經典,我們非常想在第一時間知道劇情的進展,我坐了12小時的飛機來到這里,還有很多來自美國四面八方的粉絲都匯聚在這里?!薄癏ere” is the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, forme
4、rly known as Manns Chinese Theatre.“這里”就是好萊塢TCL中國大劇院,也就是中國劇院。“This is where the first movie showed at this theater, so it holds a special place, so to quote from four release talking with Chewie.“ Chewie,we are home.”“1977星球大戰(zhàn)在此首次上映,所以這是個特殊的地方。引用第四部索羅對丘巴卡的話,我們回家啦?!盇ustralian fans Andrew Porters grou
5、p, L, bought over 500 tickets for the opening-night screenings at the TCL Chinese Theatre.In order to get one, fans have to register and accumulate 24 hours of “l(fā)ine time.”The longer you “camp out” in line, the better their seats will be.澳大利亞粉絲安德魯波特組織了粉絲俱樂部,L,他們在 TCL中國大劇院買下500張首映門票。如果粉絲想得到門票,需要注冊,并完
6、成24小時在線任務。在線時間越長,門票的位置會越好?!癢e have got about 130 people signed up at last camp and were nine days out”.上一期已經有130人注冊,我們的活動已經持續(xù)九天了?!癐 am very charity the star light involved and kind of add some incentive to get people to have comment and hangout be a part of this line and can be experienced.”“我非常感激這些
7、粉絲,他們激勵人們一起參與評論,成為隊伍的一員和其他粉絲一起聊天、玩耍也是一個不錯的體驗?!盨ome fans think it is about more than just being first to see the movie.有些粉絲認為,不僅僅是為了第一時間看到電影。“Ninety percent of this is about family, is about our friends, and getting together.Ten percent of it is about the movie.”“百分之九十是因為可以和朋友和家人在一起。百分之十是因為電影本身?!盉ut
8、that does not mean he wont head into the theater on opening night with a critical eye.但并不意味著他對電影毫不在意。“Kids are going to love it, most people are going to love it, absolutely.We are the hardest ones to please, if we even like it, that is a great success.”“孩子們會喜歡這部電影,大多數人絕對也會喜歡。而我們是挑剔的群體,如果我們也很喜歡這部電影,
9、那么這一定是一部非常成功的電影?!薄癐 think the trick is to go in without any real expectations and just be excited for what you get.”“我覺得在此的樂趣是,不帶有任何期待,只對自己擁有的門票興奮不已?!薄癊ven if it was not good, I still be here, but this one actually should be good.All the elements are good, the visuals are going to be good, J.J. is a
10、 great director, we have got the original actors again, it is going to be done right.”“即使電影不盡人意,我也會在這里等著,但這次的電影應該會很好。電影中所有的安排都很棒。視覺體驗感強,艾布拉姆斯是位出色的導演,又是原班人馬出演,相信電影會很棒!”The original “Star Wars” had a record-breaking 62-week run at the Chinese Theatre in 1977.Nowadays, most movies here screen for two w
11、eeks, but not “The Force Awakens.”Initial plans are for the film to screen for four weeks, and, depending on its success, maybe longer.1977年星球大戰(zhàn)在中國劇院創(chuàng)下62周票房紀錄?,F在,TCL中國大劇院的電影一般上映兩周,但是原力覺醒除外。初步預計上映四周,但如果反響巨大,將會延續(xù)上映。單詞及例句詳解1gross英 grs 美 gros adj.總的; 粗俗的; 顯而易見的; 惡劣的n.總額vt.總共收入變形復數:grosses過去式:grossed過去分詞
12、:grossed現在分詞:grossing第三人稱單數:grosses比較級:grosser最高級:grossest例句1.I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.我只有在覺得自己胖得很難看的時候才能拒絕巧克力這類東西的誘惑。2.His gross misman-agement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.他管理上的重大失誤使公司陷入亟須重組的境地。3.They were found guilty of acts of gross ind
13、ecency.他們因存在嚴重猥褻行為而被判有罪。2 advance英 dv:ns 美 dvns vt.(使)前進; 將提前; 預付; 提出vi.(數量等)增加; 向前推(至下一步); 上漲n.增長; 借款; (價格、價值的)上漲; 預付款adj.預先的; 先行的變形復數:advances過去式:advanced過去分詞:advanced現在分詞:advancing第三人稱單數:advances例句1.It is a good idea to place your order well in advance.早早就提前下單是個好主意。2.Clients normally pay fees in
14、advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.客戶通常按月、季度或年度預付費用。3.Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.通常,繪畫中暖色調為近感色,而冷色調為遠感色。3 instantaneous英 nstntenis 美 nstntenis adj.瞬間的; 即刻的; 猝發(fā)的例句1.Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.因為兩顆子彈都擊中了心臟,所以死亡是瞬間發(fā)生的。2.His ho
15、spitality was instantaneous and all-embracing.無論何時無論對誰他都是很好客的。3.Death was almost instantaneous.當時生命垂危。4 devote英 dvt 美 dvot vt.把奉獻(給),把專用(于); 奉獻變形過去式:devoted過去分詞:devoted現在分詞:devoting第三人稱單數:devotes例句1.Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.全院教師大部分時間都用來從事學術研究。2.She had started
16、to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.她已經開始將精力從表演轉移到教學中。3.She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.她拋棄世上的財物而獻身教會.5 line英 lan 美 lan n.線條; 排; 行列; 界線vt.排隊; 用線標出; 沿排列成行; 給安襯里vi.形成一層; 排隊; 擊出平直球變形復數:lines過去式:lined過去分詞:lined現在分詞:lining第三人稱單數:lines例句1.Megamalls
17、 and fast food restaurants line the highway system.公路系統沿線有大型商場和快餐店。2.Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16.他們的第一輛車于12月16日下線。3.Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.埃利奧特跨過終點線時僅比對手落后半秒鐘。6 saga英 s:g 美 s n.薩迦(尤指古代挪威或冰島講述冒險經歷和英雄業(yè)績的長篇故事); (講述許多年間發(fā)生的
18、事情的)長篇故事; 傳說,冒險故事,英雄事跡變形復數:sagas例句1.The president was clearly exasperated by the whole saga.整個事件顯然讓總統很惱火。2.Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.在聆聽這個長篇傳奇故事時,赫伯特自始至終安靜地坐著。3.The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.頭版是對劫持事件的連續(xù)報道。7 episode epsd插曲,片斷;插話;一集;例句1.Did y
19、ou notice any difference in George as a director from Episode I to Episode II?從EP1到EP2,你有沒有注意到喬治作為導演有沒有什么不同?2.Relating to or resembling anepisode.插曲似的關于或類似插曲的3.One of the funniestepisodesin the book occurs in chapter 6.書中最有趣的情節(jié)是在第6章。8awaken英 wekn 美 wekn vt.& vi.喚醒,(使)覺醒; (使)意識到vt.激起變形過去式:awakened過去分
20、詞:awakened現在分詞:awakening第三人稱單數:awakens例句1.Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments.不幸的是,奶奶好像總是醒來的不是時候。2.The British never awaken to peril until it is almost too late.英國人從來不懂得防患于未然。3.Old people awaken early in the morning.老年人早晨醒得早.9 release rili:s釋放;放開;發(fā)布;發(fā)行;例句1.After my exami
21、nation I had a feeling ofrelease.考完試后我有如釋重負之感。2.He secured thereleaseof the hostages.他已經設法使人質獲釋。3.The terrorists will onlyreleasetheir hostages on certain conditions.恐怖分子只有在某些條件下才釋放人質。10 classic klsk典型的;傳統式樣的;著名的;有趣的;例句1.Jane, are you a secretary Classic Communications?珍,你在classic傳訊部擔任秘書的工作嗎?2.It is
22、 aclassicsanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may take refuge.這是一所古雅的圣殿,理性主義者可以躲在其中。3.Interest inclassicmusic has revived recently.近來對古典音樂的興趣又濃厚起來。11 formerly f:mli:原來,原先;以前,從前;剛才;先頭;例句1.Formerly known as Outer Mongolia or Kamika Mongolia, formerly a part of China.原稱外蒙古或喀爾喀蒙古,原為中國的一部分。2.North Am
23、erican Indians,formerlyliving east of the Rocky Mountains從前居住在落基山脈以東的三個北美印第安人部落的成員。3.A piece of linen or frill of laceformerlyworn by women around the neck and shoulders.領布以前的婦女圍在脖子或肩上的一塊亞麻或加褶的花邊12 quote kwut引述,引用;例句1.Can youquoteme a recent instance?你能給我舉一個最近的例子嗎?2.Hequotesthe Bible to support his
24、beliefs.他引用圣經來支持他的信仰。3.The price theyquotedwas very low.他們報的價很低。13 register redist登記,注冊;記錄;登記??;自動記錄器;例句1.Aregisterindicated the number of people who had gone through.記錄器上顯示出經過的人數。2.He slammed the door toregisterhis disapproval.他砰的一聲把門關上以示不滿。3.Each class has aregisterof 50 students.每班有50名學員注冊。14 accu
25、mulate kju:mjuleit堆積,積累;例句1.As they grow old, people alsoaccumulatebelongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing out and throwing away,and sentiment.當人到老年時,他們還會由于兩個原因而積聚東西,其一為缺乏體力和腦力這兩方面的精力在翻出無用的東西并把它們扔掉都是重要的;另一個原因是感情問題。
26、不管是power,force 還是strength,都離不開食物中的營養(yǎng)所提供的energy。用作技術術語時,strength的意思的“強度”2.However, as the evidence began toaccumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.然而,當證據日趨增多時,該動物園的專家們感到有必要進行調查。3.Dust and dirt soonaccumulateif a house is not cleaned regularly.房屋不經常打掃,塵土很快就越積越多。15 charity triti慈善(
27、行為);施舍,捐助;慈善機關;仁愛,寬容;例句1.He founded thecharityin memory of his late wife.他興辦那個慈善機構以紀念他已故的妻子。2.The priest preached a sermon on the need ofcharity.牧師在布道會上宣講慈愛的必要。3.Thischarityaims to help people to help themselves.這一慈善團體的宗旨是幫助人們實行自助。16 involved nvlvd復雜難懂的;與他人有密切關系的;受牽扯的;作為一部份參與的;例句1.A crime or scandal
28、 brings much notoriety to thoseinvolvedin it.罪行或丑聞常使有牽連的人聲名狼藉。2.I gotinvolvedin a quarrel about the price.我被卷入了一場有關價格的爭吵。3.They wereinvolvedin a long legal wrangle over payment.他們在付款問題上陷入長期糾紛。17 incentive insentiv動機;刺激;誘因;鼓勵;例句1.A little bonus will give the employees anincentiveto work harder.一點獎金可以
29、刺激雇員更加努力地工作。2.The management wanted some250 workers to give up their presentincentivepay, which would have cut their daily wages by about$5 a man.資方想使250名工人放棄眼下的增產刺激金,這樣每名工人的工資每天要減少5元。3.They dont try very hard if there is noincentive.沒有獎勵,他們工作就不太努力。18 comment kment評論;注釋;意見;說明;例句1.As the author of th
30、e scheme I cant reallycomment.我作為這一計劃的創(chuàng)始人是不便置評的。2.The minister refused tocommenton the rumors of his resignation.部長拒絕就他辭職一事的傳聞發(fā)表評論。3.He made several favorablecommentsabout their candidate.他對他們的候選人發(fā)表了一些有利的評論。19hangout英 hat 美 hat n.(流氓)住所,巢穴變形復數:hangouts例句1.It has the reputation of being a mob hangout
31、.它很有點名氣,是個壞人經常出沒的地方.2.Ths station served as a hangout for the town delinquents.那火車站成了該城鎮(zhèn)違法者的聚集所.3.Next to the mansion, its the best hangout on the planet.在宅邸外, 它是這個世界上最好去處.20 experienced ksprinst有閱歷的;有見識的;老練的,熟練的;有經驗的,有豐富經驗的;例句1.Only really experienced, careful experienced, they would understand thi
32、s plain truth are indeed the truth.只有真正經歷過,仔細體會過,才明白平淡是真這句話確實是真理。2.The committee plumped for the mostexperiencedcandidate.委員會很有把握地選擇了那個最有經驗的候選人。3.Heexperiencedgreat difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.他申請出國簽證經歷了很大的困難。21 critical kritikl批評的,愛挑剔的;危險的,危急的;決定性的;物臨界的;例句1.All of our cultural
33、 heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in acriticalway.凡屬我國文化遺產中有用的東西,都應當批判地繼承。2.We have come to thecriticalmoment.現在到了緊要關頭。3.I think the chastisement to him is toocritical.我認為對他的懲罰太嚴厲了。22 absolutely bslu:tli, bslu:tli絕對地;完全地;毫無疑問地;語獨立地,分離地;例句1.Absolutely! she chimed in eagerly.“當然了!”她急忙
34、插嘴道。2.I trust his discretionabsolutely.我完全相信他的判斷。23expectation英 ekspekten 美 kspkten n.期待; 預期; 前程; 數期望值變形復數:expectations例句1.The weight of expectation was getting to them.他們逐漸感覺到了期望帶來的壓力。2.We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.我們滿懷信心地期待著完全康復。3.The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal
35、 expectation of life.原告30歲,預期有正常的壽命.24 elements elmnts原理,基礎;要素(舊時認為土、空氣、火和水是構成一切物質的四大要素)( element的名詞復數 );(化學)元素;基礎;成分;例句1.We must check that elements actually pointed to an array before calling deallocate.在調用deallocate之前,必須檢查elements是否實際指向一個數組。2.What a sensational story! It has all theelementsof a s
36、oap opera.多麼聳人聽聞的事! 具備連續(xù)劇的一切要素。3.The twoelementsare synthesized by a chemical process.這兩種元素已經化學合成。25visual英 vul 美 vul adj.視覺的,看得見的; 光學的,視力的; 形象化的; 光學的n.畫面,圖象變形復數:visuals例句1.He has a visual impairment in the right eye.他右眼視力有損傷。2.Visitors are shown an audio-visual presen-tation before touring the cellars.參觀酒窖前,游客們先觀看了有聲的視頻介紹。3.He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.他因發(fā)明了神奇的視聽效果而出名。26 original ridinl原始的;獨創(chuàng)的;最初的;新穎的;例句1.A cross-check with theoriginaltext will show us if the translation is true.核對一下原文就可以看出這樣的譯文是否準確。2.Theorig
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