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1、Module 1Basketball.單詞拼寫1The union said that they would take action to _ (保衛(wèi)) their members jobs.2It was _ (自私的) of him to leave all work to you.3It is _(自然的) that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.4Youve been working all morningyou _ (應(yīng)得) a rest.5The secretary has left, so you must _ (

2、任命) a new one as soon as possible.6This letter requires your _(立即的) reply.7One cannot escape being punished after he _(犯罪) crimes.8The tournament is open to amateurs as well as _ (職業(yè)選手)9Four _ (代) living under one roof is not very common. 10Its then that the song gained _ (流行)答案:1.defend2.selfish3.n

3、atural4.deserve5.appoint6immediate/fessionals9generations10.popularity.完成句子1He _ _ _(被委任)the captain of the football team.2What the teacher said _ _ _ _ _(激發(fā)他好好學(xué)習(xí))。3The old man _ _ _ _(習(xí)慣生活)in the country.4We fail two students per year _ _(平均而言)5He became _ _(對粗暴)everyone in the cast

4、le and behaved like a mad man.答案:1.was appointed as2.motivated him to work hard3.is used to living4.on average5.rude to.單項填空1There is some doubt _ he will do very well in the exam.AthatBwhichCwhether Dwhy答案:CThere is some doubt whether.表示“不確定是否”。此處whether引導(dǎo)同位語從句。2Im sure that your letter will get _

5、attention.They know youre waiting for the reply.Acontinued BimmediateCcareful Dgeneral答案:B句意為:我確信你的信會立即受到注意,他們知道你在等答復(fù)。immediate意為“立即的,迅速的”,符合句意,故B項正確。3Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question.Leave it and come back to it later _.Aif it necessary Bif you are necessaryCif is nece

6、ssary Dif necessary答案:D考查省略句。句意為:不要浪費大量時間去尋求一個問題的答案。先把它放在一邊,若有必要的話,回頭再來解決。if necessary是if it is necessary的省略。4Father Christmas,_on a real person in history,wears red clothes and a long white beard.Ato base Bis basedCbasing Dbased答案:Dbe based on意為“以為基礎(chǔ),根據(jù)”。based on a real person in history作定語,相當(dāng)于定語從句

7、who is based on a real person in history。句意為:圣誕老人來源于歷史上一個真實的人物,身穿紅衣服,蓄著長長的白胡須。5He was too trustingor,_another way,he had no head for business.Ato put it Bto make itCto get it Dto take it答案:A考查固定表達。to put it another way意為“換句話說”。6Broadly speaking,I would agree with Shirley,though not _.Aentirely Bwide

8、lyCextremely Deventually答案:A句意為:盡管不是完全地,但總體來說我同意雪莉的意見。entirely意為“全部地”;widely意為“廣泛地”;extremely意為“極其”;eventually意為“最終”。由句意可知A項正確。7Pauls poor performance at school _ his parents.Aanswered BregrettedCadded Dangered答案:D句意為:保羅在學(xué)校表現(xiàn)不佳,這使他父母很生氣。anger此處用作動詞,意為“使某人生氣”。8As teachers,we should be _ of our studen

9、ts feelings.And then they will trust us.Aanxious BafraidCdelighted Dconsiderate答案:D句意為:作為老師,我們應(yīng)該體諒學(xué)生的情感,那樣的話他們才會信任我們。be considerate of意為“為著想”,符合句意,故D項正確。9Is Peter there?_,please.Ill see if I can find him for you.AHold up BHold onCHold out DHold off答案:B答語意為:請稍等。我看能否找到他。hold up意為“舉起,支撐,使停頓”;hold on意為“

10、稍等”;hold out意為“伸出,維持”;hold off意為“拖延”。只有B項符合語境,故B項正確。10The story of the missing taxi driver has _ sympathy from the public.Aaroused BattractedCdefended Dadopted答案:A句意為:失蹤出租車司機的故事引起了公眾的同情。arouse意為“引起,激起”;attract意為“吸引”;defend意為“保衛(wèi)”;adopt意為“采納,收養(yǎng)”。由句意可知A項正確。11Could you _ to this matter immediately?Asolv

11、e Bwork outCdo Dattend答案:Dattend to“處理”,屬固定短語;solve, work out不必加介詞to;do需將題干中介詞to改為with。12Children and women were the first _ on board.Agoing Bto goCwent Dgo答案:B序數(shù)詞修飾的名詞后常接不定式作定語。13(2013遼寧鐵嶺六校聯(lián)考試題)The brave man was greatly honoured when the organizer announced, “You _ a medal!”Aearn BexpectCdeserve D

12、reserve答案:C句意為:當(dāng)他聽到組織者宣布“你應(yīng)得到這枚獎牌!”這個勇敢的男士覺得非常光榮。deserve意為:應(yīng)得到的。14Hundreds of people gave their lives in _ of freedom.Aprotection BguardCdefence Dfavor答案:Cin defence of意為“為了保衛(wèi)”,是固定搭配。15His attention which should be paid to _ is now being drawn to _ games.Astudying; playBhis study; playingChis study;

13、 play Dstudy; play答案:B句意:他本應(yīng)該將注意力集中到學(xué)習(xí)上,如今卻轉(zhuǎn)移到了打游戲上。pay attention to和draw ones attention to中的to都是介詞。.完形填空Dr. James Naismith is known worldwide as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, near Almonte, Ontario, Canada.After _1_ as McGills Athletic Director, James Naismith m

14、oved on to the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA in 1891, _2_ the sport of basketball was born.In Springfield, James Naismith _3_ by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to invent a new _4_. The main idea of the sport was mainly to play _5_ when it

15、 was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep _6_ in their top condition between the baseball and football _7_. Naismith began to work. The _8_ gameball was a football. The first baskets were baskets that Naismith cleverly _9_ hanging on the wall. From then, the sport of basketball beg

16、an. _10_, there were 9 men to each team, but the _11_ was still the same as todays: to _12_ the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the _13_ teams net or basket back then. From then, basketball _14_ like a wildfire.After the first game played, Naismith drafted (起草) 13 rules as reg

17、ulations, _15_ many more were yet to come. The hoops (籃圈) we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net _16_ from its rim._17_ the creation of the basketball, James Naismith graduated as a medical doctor. He was _18_ in sports physiology (生理學(xué))and _19_ we would today call sports sc

18、ience.Basketball was introduced at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. Today basketball has become one of the worlds most _20_ sports.本文為記敘文,介紹了James Naismith先生是如何發(fā)明籃球的。1A.servingBregardingCtreating Dhaving答案:Aserve as “擔(dān)任”。2A.when BthatCwho Dwhere答案:Dwhere引導(dǎo)一個非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞Springfield。3A.was ordered Bwas

19、askedCwas forced Dwas liked答案:Bbe asked to do sth.是“被要求做某事”之意。A、C兩項的語氣太強硬。4A.class BinstrumentCsport Dtool答案:C后一句有提示。他被要求發(fā)明一種新的運動項目。5A.inside BoutsideCupstairs Ddownstairs答案:A從too cold to go outside可以看出,這項新的運動應(yīng)該在室內(nèi)進行。6A.boys BstudentsCworkers Dathletes答案:D運動應(yīng)該與athletes有關(guān)。7A.game BseasonCsport Dyear答

20、案:B這項運動要使運動員在棒球和足球賽季期間保持最佳的運動狀態(tài)。8A.second BthirdCfirst Dlast答案:C從后一句中的“The first baskets”可得到暗示,這里指的是“第一個籃球”。9A.dreamed of Breminded ofCthought of Dheard of答案:Cthink of是“想到”之意。10A.Originally BFinallyCLuckily DEspecially答案:A這里講的是最初的情況。originally“最初地”。11A.aim BreasonCcause Dprocess答案:A打球的目的與現(xiàn)在是一樣的。12A.

21、kick BhitCstruck Dpass答案:D把球傳給隊友。pass“傳遞,傳給”。13A.fighting BplayingCcrying Dopposing答案:Dopposing在此是“對抗的”之意。14A.caught up Bcaught onCwent on Dturned up答案:Bcatch on是固定短語,意為“風(fēng)行起來,流行起來”。15A.therefore BbutCso Dfurthermore答案:B前后意義發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn)折。16A.pulling BpushingChanging Dcatching答案:C球網(wǎng)掛在籃圈的邊緣。hang“懸掛,吊”。17A.In ad

22、dition to BIn spite ofCWith respect to DIn response to答案:Ain addition to表示“除之外”的意思。18A.inspired BcharmedCinterested Dtired答案:CJames Naismith對體育生理學(xué)感興趣。19A.that BifCwhen Dwhat答案:Dwhat引導(dǎo)一個賓語從句,作介詞in的賓語。20A.common BpopularCspecial Dsplendid答案:B籃球現(xiàn)在成了世界上最受歡迎的體育運動之一。.短文填空根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩

23、項為多余選項。No fight can end,and no friendship can move on,until everyone says these little words:Im sorry.Sometimes,though,they can be difficult to say._1_It is not about winning.Friendships arent like the Super Bowl,and there should never be a winner and a loser.When you start fighting with a friend,it

24、 may feel important that you“win” the fight by proving youre right and he is wrong,or by making him be the first to apologize.In reality,youll both lose if you let your fight ruin your friendship,and youll both win if you find a way to heal it._2_You may have heard the expression “His pride stood in

25、 the way”It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to be“right”that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever._3_Remember:as time goes on,we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement,and only remember the sadness of losing a friend.Take the fi

26、rst step.Are you sick of fighting?Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship?_4_ you dont have to take full responsibility for starting the fight,or even say that your feelings were wrong.But you should find something you did or said thats worth apologizing for.Mayb

27、e youre sorry that you let the fight go for so long,or that you overreacted to something your friend did.If you say youre sorry,its like an invitation for your friend to do the same._5_AThen try to be the first to apologize.BStop thinking about your pride.CIts about taking some responsibility for th

28、e argument.DDont let this happen to a friendship you care about.EHere are some things to keep in mind.FThere are some special cases when you shouldnt be the one to apologize first.GOnce youve both said it,youll both feel a million times better.答案:15EBDAG.短文改錯假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下畫一橫線,并在其下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。Dear Editor,Im a newcomer h


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