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1、Business English Writing(6) Ida GeWriting Principles of Business Letters/Reports Completeness Conciseness Correctness Consideration Clarity Courtesy Concreteness備忘錄收件人:各位秘書發(fā)件人:行政主管日期:2012年5月20日主題:安裝新的日程安排軟件行政總務(wù)部購買了一種新型日程安排軟件,可以大大減輕大家平時(shí)在日程安排上的工作量。我們已安排了專門的軟件使用培訓(xùn),所有秘書都要參加。請(qǐng)聯(lián)系托尼格林安裝新的軟件。培訓(xùn)安排在2012年6月5日,

2、地點(diǎn)是908房間,具體安排如下:13:3014:00 軟件介紹14:30- 15:00 界面和初級(jí)應(yīng)用15:00- 16:00 高級(jí)功能16:00- 16:30 問答請(qǐng)?jiān)谌粘躺项A(yù)留參加培訓(xùn)的時(shí)間并與托尼格林確認(rèn)是否出席。謝謝。Memo To: all secretaries From :General Administration Department Date : May 20,2012 Subject : please install new calendar scheduling softwareMemo The General Administration Department has

3、 purchased a new type of software to make your scheduling tasks easier. A training session has been arranged to provide familiarity with the new system. All secretaries are required to attend the training.Please contact Tony Butcher to have this software installed. The training will be provided on J

4、une 5,2012 in Room908 with the following agenda:13:30- 14:00 Software overview14:30- 15:00 Interface and basic functions15:00- 16:00 Advanced functions16:00- 16:30 Question and AnswerPlease make your calendar and confirm your attendance with Tony Butcher. Thank you. 開業(yè)典禮上的致辭 女生們,先生們: 首先,對(duì)各位今天來參加Sunf

5、lower公司上海廠開業(yè)典禮這一盛大聚會(huì),我表示由衷的感謝和熱烈的歡迎!衷心感謝您對(duì)我們的支持和關(guān)注! 今天揭開了Sunflower在中國(guó)發(fā)展的嶄新一頁。事實(shí)上, Sunflower活躍在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)上已15年有余。我們很早就意識(shí)到,隨著中國(guó)越來越致力于經(jīng)濟(jì)振興和對(duì)外開放,制造業(yè)將會(huì)面臨絕佳的發(fā)展機(jī)會(huì)。 我們?cè)谥袊?guó)的業(yè)務(wù)增長(zhǎng)顯著,一開始,我們?cè)O(shè)立了銷售代表處, 隨后我們?cè)谏钲谠O(shè)立了第一家工廠,而現(xiàn)在我們又在上海設(shè)廠。我們的技術(shù)支持人員和現(xiàn)場(chǎng)調(diào)試團(tuán)隊(duì)也在同步成長(zhǎng)。中國(guó)分公司具有很強(qiáng)的市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,對(duì)此我們深感自豪-正是由于他們的辛勤工作,我們才能取得今天這樣的佳績(jī)。 一支技術(shù)出色,信念忠誠的本地員工隊(duì)

6、伍, 對(duì)Sunflower 在中國(guó)的成功發(fā)展至關(guān)重要。我們對(duì)本地員工的招聘與培訓(xùn)從未停止。這里我要感謝在座的每一位員工,感謝你們?yōu)镾unflower的今天所做的努力。 Sunflower的成功完全取決于在座諸位的才智,經(jīng)驗(yàn),創(chuàng)造力和信念。感謝你們的出色工作,并預(yù)祝你們?nèi)〉酶玫某煽?jī)。 我們珍視擺在面前的絕佳機(jī)會(huì)。千里之行,始于足下-今天的開業(yè)典禮,是我們未來發(fā)展之路上的一個(gè)重要開端。我們深信,中國(guó)制造業(yè)在未來十年內(nèi)必將快速發(fā)展,我們很榮幸能參與其中,共同創(chuàng)造繁榮的未來。 Ladies and Gentleman, First, let me express my warmest thanks

7、and welcome you all for joining us on this great occasion- the inauguration of Sunflower Corporations Shanghai Plant. We appreciate your interest and time. The day marks a new beginning for Sunflowers presence in China, even though we have been active in the Chinese market for more than 15 years. Ve

8、ry early on, we realized the unprecedented opportunity in the vast Chinese market. Especially so in manufacturing, as Chinas development opened up its economy to the outside world. Our business has grown dramatically, first through sales representative offices, and later, with the establishment of o

9、ur first plant in Shenzhen. Now, we are there to celebrate the opening of our second plant in Shanghai. Our supporting staff, and onsite engineers, have kept pace with this rapid expansion to create the foundation of a very capable team in China. We are proud of our staff, and all they have accompli

10、shed as a team, in reaching the milestone we are marking today. We recognize that success in China requires a committed and capable team of local talent. Our recruiting and training program has been an ongoing process in China leading directly to the success we are enjoying today. I want to thank ea

11、ch of you for your commitment to the outstanding performance of the Sunflower Corporation. We rely upon your capability, experience, creativity and commitment to successfully carry out our mission. Thank you for your excellent performance and for your future success as well. We cherish our opportuni

12、ty in China. We regard this inauguration as a beginning of our new journey. We know that manufacturing industry in China is bound to grow rapidly over the next 10 years and it is our honor to be part of that prosperous future! Thank you!xxx有限公司開業(yè)致辭 尊敬的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、各位嘉賓、各位朋友: 大家早上好! 經(jīng)過近半年緊鑼密鼓的項(xiàng)目建設(shè)和設(shè)備安裝調(diào)試,xxx

13、有限公司今天正式開業(yè)了!在這喜慶的日子里,我謹(jǐn)代表xxx有限公司全體員工,向各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和各位朋友的光臨表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝! 我們將滿懷豪情,不負(fù)重望,以優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)回報(bào)社會(huì)。我相信:不久的將來,xxx有限公司必將創(chuàng)造更輝煌的明天!在此我代表xxx有限公司的全體員工、對(duì)給予我們支持和幫助的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、及各位朋友再次表示衷心的感謝! The Opening Speech of xxx Limited Liability Company Distinguished all leaders, guests and friends,Good morning, everyone! Through

14、almost half year of busy project construction and equipment installation commissioning, xxx Limited Liability Company is officially opened today. In this joyous day, on behalf of all the staff of xxx Limited Liability Company, I show our warm welcome and sincere appreciation to all the leaders and f

15、riends, thank you all for coming! We will be full of pride and provide the superior products and service to return society as good as you might expect. I believe, in the near future, xxx Limited Liability Company will inevitably create more splendid tomorrow! Here, on behalf of all the staff of xxx

16、Limited Liability Company, I show our sincere appreciation again to all leaders and friends who give us more support and assistance. Video你們好!今天,是我生命中一個(gè)最值得特別紀(jì)念的日子,也是MTM國(guó)際成立以來最為重要的一個(gè)日子。MTM國(guó)際經(jīng)過幾年爆發(fā)力的成長(zhǎng),今天正式進(jìn)入了全球最大的移動(dòng)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)市場(chǎng)中國(guó)。當(dāng)然,今天能夠在這個(gè)特別的日子并以這種特殊的方式與中國(guó)的事業(yè)伙伴相見,首先我要表達(dá)我對(duì)MTM大中華區(qū)籌備團(tuán)隊(duì)的敬意與感謝。正因?yàn)樗麄儼肽陼r(shí)間來的努力籌備,得

17、以讓MTM國(guó)際開啟新的華麗篇章。 Today is indeed the most memorable day of my life and the most important day for MTM International since its establishment. After explosive growth in past several years, MTM International officially enters China the largest mobile internet market in the world in this very day. First

18、ly, for the opportunity of meeting Chinese partners in this special day and in this special way, I would like to express my respect and gratitude toward the preparation team of MTM Greater China Region, whose efforts in the past half a year make MTM International open a new and beautiful chapter. MT


20、模。 Through several years technology deposition, MTM International has become one of the most influential mobile internet enterprises in U.S. In 2010, we begin to explore the global market with our cutting-edge mobile IM and peripheral products. China is chosen as the first and most important market

21、in our global extension strategy. We have engaged most excellent management team and marketing elites to serve our Chinese partners, and take Hong Kong as the operating center of Greater China Region. In June 2011, we will extend the successful mode of MTM International in China to the markets of Ja

22、pan, Russia, Malaysia and Singapore, for which our preparation teams have been established respectively. It is expected that in October 2011 when the anniversary of MTM China is celebrated, we would realize the size of ten million registered users worldwide.“讓所有擁有共同夢(mèng)想的人凝聚在一起,用極具創(chuàng)新的精神,行事正直的方式成就一家可以改變

23、世界的偉大企業(yè)。”這是MTM國(guó)際的使命。我們希望能夠讓更多年輕人清晰生命的意義與價(jià)值,實(shí)現(xiàn)人生的輝煌!我們也是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)使命來到中國(guó),讓MTM國(guó)際走進(jìn)中國(guó),讓更多中國(guó)人了解MTM國(guó)際,同時(shí)我們對(duì)中國(guó)市場(chǎng)也充滿自信與樂觀。 “Build a great enterprise which changes the world through gathering a group of people sharing common dreams and through innovation and integrity.” That is the mission of MTM International. We hope more young people can understand the meaning and value of life, so as to realize a splendid life. We also come to China with this mission, so that


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