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1、2021-10-16Zhang Li1Topic 5 Consumer Behaviour 2021-10-16Zhang Li22021-10-16Zhang Li3The Objectivesl Define consumer Define consumer behaviourbehaviourl Name the four major factors influencing Name the four major factors influencing consumer consumer behaviourbehaviour lList the major types of consum

2、er buying List the major types of consumer buying behavioursbehavioursl Outline stages in the buyer decision Outline stages in the buyer decision making processmaking process2021-10-16Zhang Li4 1.The Terms of consumer behaviornWhat is the consumer? P145 Consumers are people who buy or use products/s

3、ervices to satisfy needs and wants.nThree types exist:Those who purchase the productdemanderThose who pay for the productbuyerThose who use the productuser2021-10-16Zhang Li5 The Terms of consumer behaviornWhat is consumer behaviour? Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals, groups, and or

4、ganizations select, buy, use and dispose of goods, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.2021-10-16Zhang Li6How you decide you want to buyOther products you consider buyingWhere you buy How you pay for productHow you transport product homeHow you use the productHow you store the pro

5、duct in your homeWho uses the product How much you consumeHow product compares with expectationsHow you get rid of remaining productHow much you throw away after useIf you resell items yourself or through a consignment storeHow you recycle some products2021-10-16Zhang Li7Simple Response Model2021-10

6、-16Zhang Li8Response Model of buyer behaviourBuyers Buyers black boxblack boxBuyer CharacteristicsBuyer DecisionProcessResponseResponseProduct choiceBrand choiceDealer choicePurchase timingPurchase amountStimulusStimulusMarketingProductPricePlacePromotionOtherEconomicTechnologicalPoliticalCultural20

7、21-10-16Zhang Li92.Factors influencing consumer behaviour(P145-161)nCultural FactorsnSocial FactorsnPersonal Factors nPsychological Factors2021-10-16Zhang Li10 Cultural Factors(P153-154)nCulturenSub-culturenSocial class2021-10-16Zhang Li11CulturenCulture - learned patterns of thought and behaviour,

8、characteristic of a population or society. nSocietal values may influence consumption patterns and purchases.nGlobal marketers must understand the cultural differences in each market when they are developing marketing strategies.2021-10-16Zhang Li12Sub-culture(亞文化)nSub-culture refers to a smaller cu

9、ltural grouping within a wider national culturenDefined by nationalities, religions, racial groups, geographical location etcnMarket segmentation2021-10-16Zhang Li13Social class nSocial class - an open group of individuals who have similar social ranknRank is a combination of occupation, income, edu

10、cation, wealth, and other variablesnDetermines to some extent, the types, quality, quantity of products that a person buys or uses2021-10-16Zhang Li14nThe levels of US Social Class Lower lowersUpper lowersWorking classMiddle classUpper middlesLower uppersUpper uppers2021-10-16Zhang Li15Social Factor

11、s(P156-158)nGroupsnFamilynRoles & status2021-10-16Zhang Li16Groups(P156)nReference groups(參照群體(參照群體) those that serve as direct (face to face) or indirect influence in the forming of a persons attitudes or behaviour. Membership groups(成員群體)成員群體) Groups which a person belongs to and that have a direc

12、t influenceThey may influence individuals sense of identity.2021-10-16Zhang Li17Reference groups influence people in three ways:nExpose the person to new behaviour and lifestylesnInfluence the persons attitudes and self-concept because he or she wants to fit innCreate pressures to conform that may a

13、ffect the persons product and brand choices.2021-10-16Zhang Li18Example of advertisement reference group representative2021-10-16Zhang Li19FamilynTwo or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside togethernThere are two families in buyers life: nThe Family of Orientation- Parents

14、 and siblingsnThe Family of Procreation- spouse and children2021-10-16Zhang Li20Marketing implications: nAdvertise to children and teens even though parents are the buyersnMarket towards males for food products as they are more involved in purchasesnMarket towards females for vehicle purchases 2021-

15、10-16Zhang Li21Roles & StatusnThe persons position in each group can be defined in terms of both role and statusnA role consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the persons around themnEach role carries a status reflecting the general esteem given to it by societynMarke

16、ters must be aware of the status-symbol potential of products and brands.2021-10-16Zhang Li22 Personal Factors(P160-161)n Age and life cycle stagenOccupationnEconomic situation nPersonality and self-concept(自我概念)2021-10-16Zhang Li23n Age and life cycle stageFamily life cycle Marketers define their t

17、arget markets in terms of life-cycles stage and develop marketing strategies.2021-10-16Zhang Li24Family life cyclen Family life cycle will determine the purchase behaviour of individuals and reason for purchase.2021-10-16Zhang Li25nOccupationMarketers try to identify the occupational groups that hav

18、e above-average interest in their products and services.nEconomic situation Spendable income, saving and assets, debts, borrowing power, and so on.2021-10-16Zhang Li26nPersonality & self-conceptPersonality refers to the pattern of characteristics unique to the individual.Self-concept refers to a per

19、sons own image of themselves.2021-10-16Zhang Li27n Lifestyle-A persons pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities, interests, and opinionsn Measuring consumers major AIO dimensions: Activities (work, hobbies, shopping, sports, social events)Interests (food, fashion, family, recreation)O

20、pinions (about themselves, social issues, business, products)2021-10-16Zhang Li28Psychological Factors(P146-152)PerceptionLearningBeliefs &AttitudesMotivation2021-10-16Zhang Li29Motivation(P146-148)nMotivation is the internal energizing force that causes behaviour that satisfies a need.nIf marketers

21、 can identify motives then they can better develop a marketing mix. nIt is important to determine what level of the hierarchy the consumers are at to get an indication of what motivates their purchases.2021-10-16Zhang Li30Maslows Hierarchy of Needs(馬斯洛需求層次)Physiological needs(food, water, shelter)1S

22、afety needs(security, protection)2Social needs(sense of belonging, love)3Esteem needs(self-esteem, recognition)4Self-actualization(self-developmentand realization)52021-10-16Zhang Li31What particular motive is the ad appealing to?Esteem needs; Need for achievement2021-10-16Zhang Li32Perception(感知)(感

23、知)P149nPerception is the process of selecting, organising and interpreting information to produce meaningful nStimuli may include products, packages, brand names, advertisements and commercialsnOur senses play an important role for marketers as they try to increase sensory input from consumers2021-1

24、0-16Zhang Li33Selective Exposure(選擇性接觸)nSelective Exposure is the perception by an individual of certain, more relevant, advertisements but not of others.nInformation inputs are more likely to catch a persons attention if they are linked to an event or something, which satisfies a persons current ne

25、ednMarketers have to work harder to catch our attention 2021-10-16Zhang Li34Selective Distortion(選擇性曲解)nSelective Distortion is the tendency to interpret information in a way that fits our preconceptions.nInterpreting information differently to how it was supposed to be understood2021-10-16Zhang Li3

26、5Try this :nCount the number of Fs that are in this sentence below: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF MANY YEARS.nCount the squares you see in this illustration:2021-10-16Zhang Li36Selective Retention(選擇性記憶)nRemembering information that tends

27、to support their beliefs and forgetting those that do notnInterpreting information is based on what is already familiar, on knowledge that is stored in the memory.2021-10-16Zhang Li37 Learning The learning process involves five stages: DriveDrive( (驅(qū)動(dòng)驅(qū)動(dòng)力力) )StimuliStimuli(刺激源(刺激源) )CuesCues( (暗示暗示)

28、)ResponseResponse( (反反應(yīng)應(yīng)) )ReinforcementReinforcement( (強(qiáng)化強(qiáng)化) )Learning2021-10-16Zhang Li38Attitudes, Values and Beliefs nBeliefs are assumptions and thoughts that a person holds about something, and involves holding an opinion.nAttitude describes a persons reasonably consistent evaluations, feeling

29、s and tendencies (leaning) towards an object or an idea.nThe marketers try to develop marketing strategies to change a consumers belief or feeling about a product.2021-10-16Zhang Li39Sample Attitude SurveyPlease answer statements using the following rating scale:5 = Strongly agree4 = Agree 3 = Undec

30、ided2 = Disagree1 = Strongly disagreeStatement Rating1. This company is a pretty good place to work. _2. I can get ahead in this company if I make the effort. _3. This companys wage rates are competitive. _4. Employee promotion decisions are handled fairly. _5 I understand the fringe benefits the co

31、mpany offers. _2021-10-16Zhang Li402021-10-16Zhang Li413. Types of consumer buying behaviours(P163)nBuying decision behaviour is influence by: Level of involvement in purchase decisionLength of time to make a decisionCost of the good or serviceDegree of information searchNumber of alternatives avail

32、able2021-10-16Zhang Li42Types of Buying Decision BehaviourComplexBuyingBehaviorDissonance-Reducing BuyingBehaviorVariety-SeekingBehaviorHabitualBuyingBehaviorSignificantdifferencesbetweenbrandsFewdifferencesbetweenbrandsHighInvolvementLowInvolvementP1632021-10-16Zhang Li43Types of Buying Decision Be

33、haviourl Complex Buying Behaviour/Extensive Decision Making Consumers may be highly involved when the product is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently, and highly self-expressive. With high consumer involvement in a purchase and significant perceived differences among brands 2021-10-16Zhang Li44T

34、ypes of Buying Decision Behaviour The buyer will pass through a learning process, through from developing beliefs about the product, then attitudes, to making a thoughtful purchase choice2021-10-16Zhang Li45Types of Buying Decision Behaviourl Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behaviour With high involvemen

35、t but few perceived differences among brands The purchase is usually expensive, infrequent, or risky Post purchase dissonance (After-sale discomfort)2021-10-16Zhang Li46Types of Buying Decision Behaviourl Habitual Buying Behaviour/Routine Response Behaviour Consumers have low involvement with most l

36、ow-cost, frequently purchased products With low consumer involvement and little significant brand difference Brand Familiarity2021-10-16Zhang Li47Types of Buying Decision Behaviourl Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour With low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences Brand switc

37、hing2021-10-16Zhang Li48Limited decision makingnlower involvement productsnBuys product occasionallynOccurs when consumers need to obtain information about unfamiliar brand in a familiar product categorynRequires a moderate amount of time for information gathering2021-10-16Zhang Li49Impulse BuyingnN

38、o planning or careful though involvednBehaviour that results from a powerful, constant (continuous) urge to buy something2021-10-16Zhang Li504.Buying Decision Process (P165-167)InformationsearchEvaluation ofalternativesPurchasedecisionPost-purchasebehavior2021-10-16Zhang Li51Recognition of an unsatisfied neednConsumers are faced with the difference between the desired state and the actual condition. nRecognising an unsatisfied need is triggered (caused


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