1、Of Studies 翻譯與鑒賞翻譯與鑒賞 Lectured byZhu Jianping作者簡介、主要內(nèi)容和文體風格作者簡介、主要內(nèi)容和文體風格n1.作者簡介作者簡介nFrancis Bacon (1561-1626):文藝復興時期英國著名哲學家和散文家;英國唯物主義哲學奠基人,近代實驗科學的先驅;崇尚科學,提倡從研究事實中歸納出結論,反對從概念到概念的演繹。n2. 主要內(nèi)容主要內(nèi)容n 1)讀書的作用;n 2)讀書的方法。n3. 文體風格文體風格n 1)多排句、類比、短句、省略句;n 2)文字緊湊簡潔,文句機智精辟,分析周密深刻,“頗似我國唐宋某些古文大師的風格”n 3)格言警句俯拾即是n
2、4)文詞古雅1nStudies serve for1 delight, for ornament2, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring3; for ornament, is in discourse4; and for ability, is in the judgement, and disposition of business5.n釋義釋義n1 serve for起作用,被用作(serve the purpose of study)n2 ornament裝飾/裝飾品;此
3、處指多讀書可以旁征博引,顯得有才學。n3 privateness私有/秘密/不公開/(地方等)隔絕/隱蔽/幽僻n retiring =retirement退休/職/役;離群索居/孑然獨處n privateness and retiring 幽居獨處n4 discourse演講/講道;談話/交談n5 disposition (安排/布置/處理management) of business(事情/事務)nStudies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in priva
4、teness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement, and disposition of business.n譯文譯文1:讀書給人樂趣、文雅和能力。人們獨居或退隱的時候,最能體會到讀書的樂趣;談話的時候,最能表現(xiàn)出讀書的文雅;判斷和處理事物的時候,最能發(fā)揮由讀書而獲得的能力。 n譯文譯文2:讀書可以怡情養(yǎng)性,可以摭1拾文采,可以增長才干。在幽居獨處時,最能體現(xiàn)其怡情養(yǎng)性的作用;在友朋交談中,最能體現(xiàn)其摭拾文采的作用;在處世論事之際,最能體現(xiàn)其增長才干的作用。 n譯文譯
5、文3:讀書足以怡情,足以傅2彩,足以長才。其怡情也,最見于獨處幽居之時;其傅彩也,最見于高談闊論之中;其長才也,最見于處世判事之際。n1摭(zh):拾取/摘取(pick up; gather)n2傅:涂抹(如“傅粉”) 2nFor expert men1 can execute 2, and perhaps judge of particulars3, one by one; but the general counsels4, and the plots, and marshalling of affairs5, come best from those that are learned.
6、n1專家/能手/內(nèi)行/閱歷豐富的人n2 carry out/perform an action; to put into effect執(zhí)行n3 a separate case or an individual thing or instance, especially one that can be distinguished from a larger category or class. Often used in the plural細節(jié)/部分/個別問題n4 counsel: something that provides direction or advice as to a deci
7、sion or course of action忠告/勸告/建議n general counsel總的計劃/大計n5plots: a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal(秘密)計劃/密謀/謀劃/出謀劃策n marshal: arrange in logical order; make ready for action or use安排/使準備行動/統(tǒng)率/管理n affairs事務n the plots, and marshalling of affairs對事務的計劃和安排nFor e
8、xpert men1 can execute 2, and perhaps judge of particulars3, one by one; but the general counsels4, and the plots, and marshalling of affairs5, come best from those that are learned. n譯文譯文1:那些有實際經(jīng)驗而沒有學識的人,也許能夠一一實行或判斷某些事物的細微末節(jié),但對于事業(yè)的一般指導、籌劃與處理,還是真正有學問的人才能勝任。 n譯文譯文2:閱歷豐富的人雖能逐一判斷或處理 具體問題,但出謀劃策,統(tǒng)籌全局,唯有博
9、學之士最能勝任。 n譯文譯文3:練達之士雖能分別處理細事或一一判別枝節(jié),然縱觀統(tǒng)籌、全局策劃,則舍好學深思者莫屬。 3nTo spend too much time in studies, is sloth1; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation2; to make judgement wholly by their rules3, is the humour4 of a scholar. n1懶散/懶惰n2裝模作樣/故弄玄虛/矯揉造作矯情n3完全按規(guī)則/規(guī)章/規(guī)定/條例;完全按書本的條條框框n4a characteristic
10、(habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling心境/情緒/性情/脾氣(古義),此處指怪癖nTo spend too much time in studies, is sloth1; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation2; to make judgement wholly by their rules3, is the humour4 of a scholar.n譯文譯文1:耗費過多時間去讀便是遲滯,過分用學問自炫便是矯揉造作,而全憑學理判斷一切,則是書呆子的癖好。 n譯文譯文
11、2:讀書費時過多則懶散;過于追求文采顯得矯揉造作;全憑書中條條框框論事,未免書生氣過重。 n譯文譯文3:讀書費時過多易惰,文采藻飾太盛則矯,全憑條文斷事乃學究故態(tài)。 4nThey1 perfect2 nature3, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities4 are like natural plants, that need proyning5 by study; and studies themselves do give forth 6 directions too much at large7, except8 th
12、ey1 be bounded in9 by experience.n1= studiesn2使完美/完善/改善n3天然/天性/性格/性質n4天生的能力n5proyning(古)=pruning=cultivation修剪枝葉/栽培n6 give forth發(fā)出(氣味)/發(fā)表(意見等)n7(too much)at large (過于)籠統(tǒng)/含糊/任意/不著邊際/不具體n8(古義)=unlessn9bound(vt.):限制/制約 be bounded in (adv.)=be checked限制 nThey1 perfect2 nature3, and are perfected by expe
13、rience: for natural abilities4 are like natural plants, that need proyning5 by study; and studies themselves do give forth 6 directions too much at large7, except they be bounded in8 by experience.n譯文譯文1:學問能美化 人性,經(jīng)驗又能充實學問。天生的植物需要人工修剪,人類的本性也需要學問誘導,而學問本身又必須以經(jīng)驗來規(guī)范,否則便太迂闊了。 n譯文譯文2:須知讀書固可補 天然 之不足,而經(jīng)驗又補讀書
14、之不足。因為天生才干猶如天然花木,需靠讀書修枝剪葉。而書本知識如不以經(jīng)驗相制約,其教導也難免過于籠統(tǒng)。 n譯文譯文3:讀書 補 天然 之不足,經(jīng)驗又補讀書之不足,蓋天生才干猶如自然花草,讀書然后知如何修剪移接;而書中所示,如不以經(jīng)驗范之,則又大而無當。 5nCrafty men1 condemn studies, simple men2 admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use3; but that4 is a wisdom without5 them6, and above them, won b
15、y observation. n1有手藝的人/有一技之長的人/掌握了技術的人n2遲鈍的人/頭腦簡單的人/無知的人/淺薄的人n3 they=studies;學問本身并不教人如何使用它們n4= their own use書本的用處n5=outsiden6=studies書本/學問nCrafty men1 condemn studies, simple men 2 admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use 3; but that4 is a wisdom without5 them6, and above
16、 them, won by observation. n譯文譯文1:技巧的人輕視學問,淺薄的人驚服學問,聰明的人卻能利用學問。因為學問本身并不曾把它的用途教給人,至于如何去應用它,那是在學問 之外,超越學問之上、由觀察而獲得的一種聰明呢! n譯文譯文2:有實際才干的人鄙薄書本;頭腦簡單的人羨慕書本;只有聰明人才會運用書本。因為書籍本身并不教人如何運用,運用之道,乃在書 外,且高于書本,唯有通過觀察才能學到。 n譯文譯文3:有一技之長者鄙讀書,無知者羨讀書,唯明智之士用讀書,然書并不以用處告人,用書之智 不在 書 中,而在書外,全憑觀察得之。 6nRead not to contradict a
17、nd confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. n譯文譯文1:讀書不是為著要辯駁,也不是要盲目信從,更不是去找尋談話的資料,而是要去權衡和思考。 n譯文譯文2:讀書時不可存心與作者辯難,不可以輕信盲從,也不可尋章摘句,作為談助,而須權衡與琢磨。 n譯文譯文3:讀書時不可存心詰難作者,不可盡信書上所言,亦不可只為尋章摘句,而應推敲細思。 7nSome books are to be tasted, others to be swa
18、llowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously1; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy 2, and extracts made of them by others3; but that would be4
19、, only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of book; else5 distilled books6 are like common distilled waters, flashy7 things.n1(古義)=attentively/carefullyn2由人代讀; deputy: a person appointed or empowered to act for another代理人n3=you may read the extracts made of them by othersn4=ought to
20、 ben5=or else否則n6指別人摘錄或重述的書n7giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance浮華/虛飾/炫耀一時/華而不實的nSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously1; and some few t
21、o be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy2, and extracts made of them by others3; but that would be4, only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of book; else5 distilled books6 are like common distilled waters, flashy things. n譯文譯文1:有的書只
22、需淺嘗,有的書可以狼吞,有的書要細嚼爛咽,慢慢消化。也就是說,有的書只需選讀,有的書只需瀏覽,有的書卻必須全部精讀。有的書不必去讀原本,讀讀它們的節(jié)本就夠了,但這僅限于內(nèi)容不太重要的二流書籍;否則,刪節(jié)過的往往就像蒸餾水一樣,淡而無味。 n譯文譯文2:有的書淺嘗即可,有的書可以狼吞虎咽,少數(shù)書籍則需咀嚼消化。換言之,有的書只須閱讀一部分,另一些讀時可不求甚解,但少數(shù)則須通讀,且須勤勉而專心。有的書也可以請人代讀,然后讀其所作摘要;但僅限于題材比較次要以及比較尋常的書。否則書經(jīng)提煉猶如水經(jīng)蒸餾,成為淡而無味的東西。 n譯文譯文3:書有可淺嘗者,有可吞食者,少數(shù)則須咀嚼消化。換言之,有只須讀其部分
23、者,有只須大體涉獵者,少數(shù)則須全讀,讀時須全神貫注,孜孜不倦。書亦可請人代讀,取其所作摘要,但只限題材較次或價值不高者,否則書經(jīng)提煉猶如水經(jīng)蒸餾、淡而無味矣。 8nReading maketh a full man1; conference2 a ready man3; and writing4 an exact man5. n1充實的人n2會議/討論/商談n3(思維)敏捷的人n4做筆記或札記n5準確/精確/嚴謹/嚴格的人nReading maketh a full man1; conference2 a ready man3; and writing an exact man4. n譯文譯文
24、1:讀書使人淵博,辯論使人機敏,寫作使人精細。 n譯文譯文2:讀書使人充實,討論使人機敏,作筆記使人精確。 n譯文譯文3:讀書使人充實,討論使人機智,筆記使人準確。 9nAnd therefore, if a man write little, he had need have1 a great memory; if he confer2 little, he had need have a present3 wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning 4, to seem to know that5 he doth no
25、t.n1=ought to have應該有n2商談/商議/商討n3(古)即可可用/應急/隨時在手邊的n a present wit機智/急智/急才n4狡猾/奸詐n5=whatnAnd therefore, if a man write little, he had need have1 a great memory; if he confer2 little, he had need have a present3 wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning4, to seem to know that5 he doth
26、not.n譯文譯文1:如果一個人很少寫作,他就需要有很強的記憶力;如果他很少辯論,就需要有急智;如果他很少讀書,就需要很狡猾,對自己不懂的事情,假裝知道。 n譯文譯文2:不常作筆記的人須有很強的記憶力,不常討論的人須有急智,不常讀書的人則須十分乖巧,方能不知而佯作知之。 n譯文譯文3:因此不常作筆記者須記憶特強,不常討論者須天生聰穎,不常讀書者須欺世有術,始能無知而顯有知。 10nHistories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile1; natural philosophy2 deep; moral3 grave; logi
27、c and rhetoric able to contend4. Abeunt studia in mores5. n1 (古)=subtlen2(古)自然科學n3 =moral philosophy倫理學n4爭奪/競爭/辯論/據(jù)理力爭n5(拉)培根自己的解釋:Studies have an influence upon the manners of those that are conversant in (了解/熟悉) them.(專心學問者,性格也受陶冶)nHistories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile1; na
28、tural philosophy2 deep; moral3 grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend4. Abeunt studia in mores5. n譯文譯文1:歷史使人聰明,詩歌使人富于想象,數(shù)學使人精確,自然哲學使人深刻,倫理學使人莊重,邏輯學和修辭學使人善辯??傊?,讀書能陶冶個性。 n譯文譯文2:讀歷史使人明智,讀詩使人機靈,數(shù)學使人周密,自然科學使人深刻,倫理學使人莊重,邏輯與修辭使人能言善辯。專心致學者,性格也受陶冶。 n譯文譯文3:讀史使人明智,讀詩使人靈秀,數(shù)學使人周密,科學使人深刻,倫理學使人莊重,邏輯修辭之學使人善辯:凡有所
29、學,皆成性格。 11nNay1, there is no stond2 or impediment in the wit3, but4 may be wrought out5 by fit studies: like as6 diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good for the stone and reins7; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and
30、the like.n1不僅如此n2(古)=hindrance/stoppage阻礙n3=in the mind; wit心智n4=that not (關系代詞)n5=be worked out得到解決n6 =asn7 睪丸和腎臟;一解“結石(病)和腎”nNay1, there is no stond2 or impediment in the wit3, but4 may be wrought out5 by fit studies: like as6 diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good fo
31、r the stone and reins7; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.n譯文譯文1:不僅如此,讀書并且可以鏟除一切心理上的障礙,正如適當?shù)倪\動能夠矯治身體上的一些疾病一般。例如:滾球游戲有益于腎臟;射箭有益于胸肺;散步有益于腸胃;騎馬有益于頭部等等。 n譯文譯文2:心智方面的種種障礙,無不可讀適當之書加以排除,正如身體百病,皆可以適當?shù)倪\動治療。滾球利睪腎,射箭利胸肺,慢步利腸胃,騎術利頭腦,諸如此類。 n譯文譯文3
32、:人之才智但有滯礙,無不可讀適當之書使之順暢,一如身體百病,皆可借相宜之運動除之。滾球利睪腎,射箭利胸肺,慢步利腸胃,騎術利頭腦,諸如此類。 12nSo if a mans wit1 be wandering2, let him study the mathematics; for in demonstrations3, if his wit be called away4 never5 so little, he must begin again. If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen6; for they are cymini sectores7. If he be not apt to beat over matters8, and to call up one thing, to prove and illustrate another9, let him study the lawyers cases; so every defect of the
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