1、Unit9 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVocabulary Task 11. The athlete was very for winning two gold medals at the next Olympic Games to be held four years later. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)ambitiousambitious2. Hes usually indifferent to the feelings of other people; he can neither un
2、derstand nor with my eagerness. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)sympathisesympathize/sympathise3. She has a(n) heart; she is never harsh or cruel to anybody. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)tendertender4. She has done her job quite well, her age and inexperience. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)conside
3、ringconsidering5. I dont believe that absolute power leads to absolute . Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)corruptioncorruption6. He began to gather together his clothes, which he had all over the floor the night before. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)scatteredscattered7. I need a(n) textbook because m
4、y English level is between the beginner and the advanced. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)intermediateintermediate8. I have been with that famous writer for a couple of years, but I havent met him so far. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)correspondingcorresponding9. This car is expensive; it costs the
5、of a whole years salary of mine. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)equivalentequivalent10. Janet herself with dreams of success but they never came true. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)deceiveddeceived11. The length of the new bridge is 1,200 meters; it ranks number one in the country. Your answer(s)Co
6、rrect answer(s)overalloverall12. He wasnt very on buying a car, but we talked him into it. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)keenkeen13. A war has been going on for many years in this African country and countless have flooded into its neighboring countries. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)refugeesrefug
7、eesVocabulary Task 21. The company staff are entitled a two-week holiday with pay every year. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)toto2. The action of the play revolves the struggle between two women. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)aroundaround3. The report they submitted did not correspond the facts. Yo
8、ur answer(s)Correct answer(s)withto/with4. I have signed for a course in computer science at the local college. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)upup5. Look at the photographs and see if you can point the man who attacked you. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)outout6. I look forward meeting with you to
9、discuss further how we could work out an even better plan. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)toto7. Watch for chances to improve your position in the firm; they dont come very often. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)outout8. If you keep trying, youll make something yourself some day. Your answer(s)Correc
10、t answer(s)ofof9. the parents standpoint, it might be a bad move, but if you were a child you might have a different point of view. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)FromFrom10. Mother taught me to keep going even face of great difficulties. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)ininBanked ClozeNobody has eve
11、r had to tell me to get out of bed. My number one has always been that I am much more ambitious than most. The way I see it, life is too short to make periodical to comfort and fun. If you want to accomplish something remarkable, youve got to stay and constantly work toward your goals. My goal has b
12、een to become a(n) since I was a young boy. When I was eight, my father said, That field of work is too for you. You should be more realistic about your and abilities. I didnt want to deceive myself about how hard it would be, so I started that day by getting a job newspapers. I departed from home e
13、very morning at 4:30 to do my work before school. I was with the printing machines so I always arrived to work early to ask questions. I wasnt much of a scholar, so I eventually ended up in an average university. Still, I was on becoming a reporter and did not give up my dream. I wrote for the schoo
14、l newspaper and when I graduated, took a job sorting mail with a local media company. I later convinced them to give me a chance to write some simple articles. Thats how I got my start. ClozeJournalists play a very important part in the way we see the world around us. It is unfortunate that the stan
15、dpoint of the reporter or the news agency is advanced in the story. This is not good reporting, which should all of the key facts and an account of those facts in a(n) manner. In this way, the public can take the information and its own opinion. It is the responsibility of the media to that this hap
16、pens. often these days, reporters from scattered places around the globe are looking for the most thrilling stories focusing on the stories that are the most important. News has become a form of entertainment an accurate source of information. It used to be that we could our news media to find infor
17、mation we are interested in, but many media organizations have owners who have political , and many reporters even receive wages from political groups. , we cannot expect the truth from such journalists. Another problem is that any person or organization can information on the Internet without consi
18、dering whether it is true . It has become a real to find information that has been put out in such manners. Good reporting has become unusual indeed. Translation Task 11. 我確信自己一定會有出息,即使至今我還沒做出大的成績。(make sth. of sb.; even though) Suggested answer: I am sure that I will make something of myself, even
19、though I have not achieved any major success so far. 2. 我這么多年來如此努力,我覺得自己應該有個好的前途。(be entitled to) Suggested answer: I have been working hard for so many years; I feel I am entitled to a good future. 3. 當她丈夫離她而去,只留給她生活的殘局去收拾時,她的心智失常了。(pick up the pieces) Suggested answer: When her husband deserted he
20、r, leaving her with nothing but scattered pieces of life to pick up, she went insane. 4. 從我的立場看,母親當時過于嚴厲,并沒有顧及我的感受。(from ones standpoint) Suggested answer: From my standpoint, Mother was too hard on me then, without taking my feelings into account. 5. 當我登上事業(yè)的頂峰時,??M繞在我心頭的是母親說過的話:面對生活,不放棄。 (in face of
21、) Suggested answer: When I reached the summit of my professional career, mothers words Never be a quitter in face of life were constantly in my mind. 6. 你應該知道,不能在大街上踢足球。(know better) Suggested answer: You should know better than to play football in the street. Translation Task 21. James is an honest
22、 man; I say it, even if I have opposed him. Suggested answer: 詹姆士是個誠實的人,盡管我反對他這個人,我還是要這樣說。 2. The larger the organization is, the more difficult for a decision to be made there. Suggested answer: 組織越龐大,越難做出決定。 3. Only a real hero can remain calm in face of dangers. Suggested answer: 是真英雄方能臨危不懼。 4. T
23、his ticket entitles the bearer to free entry. Suggested answer: 持有該票者能免費入場。 5. He is the first man in England to be working consciously at prose and to be making something of it. Suggested answer: 在英國,他是第一個有意識的從事散文寫作并且有所建樹的人。 6. Having been unemployed for half a year, she signed up for cooking class
24、es in hope of finding a job as soon as possible. Suggested answer: 失業(yè)半年后,她報名參加了烹飪班,希望能盡快找到工作。 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBComprehension Task1. What pushes John TC Yeh upward and onward in his life in spite of hardship? A. His blindness. B. His immigrant status. C. His disability. D.
25、 His attitude. 2. In which area hasnt John TC Yeh proved his abilities according to the passage? A. Education. B. Sports. C. Business. D. Family. 3. According to John TC Yeh, the only way a disabled person can succeed in business is to _. A. find a kind employer B. seek government support C. start h
26、is or her own business D. search employment opportunities 4. Which fact led John to be self-employed? A. He didnt like his first cleaning job. B. It was not easy finding another job. C. He got his masters degree. D. He had lots of money to spend. 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true acco
27、rding to the passage? A. John went to live in the United States with his family. B. Johns lack of hearing didnt affect his first job. C. John founded his own software company on loan. D. Johns company only employed people with disabilities. 6. According to John, most of the difficulties encountered
28、by disabled people in employment are caused by _. A. cultural differences B. racial prejudice C. communication problems D. problems with physical movement 7. Which of the following does John value most in his employees? A. Technical skills. B. Personal abilities. C. A mild personality. D. A positive
29、 attitude. 8. Which of the following is NOT included in the benefits of hiring a disabled person according to John? A. Modesty. B. Stability. C. Understanding. D. Gratitude. Vocabulary Task 11. The politics of a country is usually outside the of a book for tourists. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)st
30、copescope2. Writers of history books often attempt to the past with the present. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)integrateintegrate3. I must speak to you this matter to clear up any misunderstandings between us. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)regardingregarding4. I cant a job offer after your graduat
31、ion from our university. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)guaranteeguarantee5. Though physically he is well-built, intellectually he is . Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)disableddisabled6. We could the work for the time being although it was hard. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)undertakeundertake7. She
32、 was at that time from mainstream society, so she felt a lot of self-pity. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)excludedexcluded8. A forced kindness no thanks. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)deservesdeserves9. This kind of plant was seen in our country, so I brought some of its seeds back for my own garde
33、n. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)rarelyrarely10. I scanned the content of the books for the information to my research. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)relevantrelevant11. Try to your explanation for the children; it is not easy enough. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)simplifysimplify12. In the , he
34、felt he should not leave his child alone at home watching TV. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)meantimemeantime13. I feel to go, as the warm-hearted couple has invited us to attend their party. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)obligedobliged14. While reading, he would write some words in the . Your answ
35、er(s)Correct answer(s)marginmargin15. After so many years of hard work, he lives a(n) life and has a beautiful family. Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)abundantabundantVocabulary Task 21. He is a man who believes in action rather than words. (prefer. to.)Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)He
36、is a man who prefers action to words.He is a man who prefers action to words.2. Very often the child was told not to go near the railway but he didnt seem to listen. (time and time again) Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)The child was told time and time again not to go near the railway bu
37、t he didnt seem to listen.The child was told time and time again not to go near the railway but he didnt seem to listen.3. John studied hard before the examination and it produced a good result. He made an A. (pay off) Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)John studied hard before the examinat
38、ion and it paid off. He made an A.John studied hard before the examination and it paid off. He made an A.4. Meanwhile, focus your attention on something that youre really interested in and never quit. (in the meantime) Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)In the meantime, focus your attention
39、 on something that youre really interested in and never quit.In the meantime, focus your attention on something that youre really interested in and never quit.5. As to the school uniform policy, there were various thoughts and feelings among students. (with reference to) Your answer: Your answer(s)C
40、orrect answer(s)With reference to the school uniform policy, there were various thoughts and feelings among students.With reference to the school uniform policy, there were various thoughts and feelings among students.6. Would you please examine my paper and give your suggestions about it? (look at)
41、 Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)Would you please look at my paper and give your suggestions about it?Would you please look at my paper and give your suggestions about it?7. I felt that I had to go over there to say sorry to him as I didnt want to hurt his feelings. (be obliged to) Your
42、answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)I felt obliged to go over there to say sorry to him as I didnt want to hurt his feelings.I felt obliged to go over there to say sorry to him as I didnt want to hurt his feelings.8. It only took about 30 minutes before the high school became full with the surviv
43、ors of the disaster. (fill up) Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)It only took about 30 minutes before the high school was filled up with the survivors of the disaster.It only took about 30 minutes before the high school was filled up with the survivors of the disaster.9. He slipped and bro
44、ke his leg. Because of this, he will have to be away from school for two or three months. (as a result) Your answer: Your answer(s)Correct answer(s)He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.10. This newly invented device will help those people who are more likely to get themselves injured. (tend to) Your answer: Yo
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