1、walk-in interviewdate面試參考手冊agendatimeactivities8.00ammeet at “area”8.10ambriefing by dohr8.30amreport to own station, ensure all items on checklist are available8.45amstandby to receive walk-in interview candidates9.00aminterview commences1200 lunch rotation commences (interviews continue with remai
2、ning interviewers)18.00pmtidy up and pack all materials get ready for next daybanquet requirement for walk-in interview面試場地布置和要求function roomlayoutrequirementsnusantara 1interview room1. room set up2. refreshment3. stationerynusantara 2screening room1. room set up2. refreshment3. stationerynusantara
3、 3interview room1. room set up2. refreshment3. stationeryfunction roomlayoutrequirementsfoyer1. refreshment (coffee, tea & water)2. television (2x)3. vcr (2x)4. exhibition board5. separator stands6. signages (f&b services, f&b kitchen, front office, housekeeping & others)7. fire drill stands (6x)8.
4、place card on each table should you not have enough interviewers and therefore will only be screening, the set up is similar except that all interviewers are screening for all positions. do not departmentalize just have general areas. checklist for mass recruitment by roles面試前準備檢查表roleschecklisthuma
5、n resources (prior to actual day)- ensure that the recruitment plan will comply with the number of interviewers available.unless there are many interviewers available (ie. other starwood properties in city also provide), it is strongly not advisable to do screening & 1-1 on same day. instead use all
6、 interviewers available to screen all positions and advise each candidate that the hotel will be in contact of the next 3 weeks. hr then to s/list and book in for group interview or 1-1.alternatively hr can schedule in advance group interviews for later in the week and those wow candidates can be bo
7、oked straight in to save ringing.- organise the entire event.1.2.3.confirm # of interviewersorganise space, equipment, stationeryorganise advertisementrunner foyer - to direct traffic, answer queries and ensure smooth flow of applicants..pensclipboards (10 nos. each)application formsstaplerru
8、nner screening room- to take applicants in and out of the room and escort to a screener when interviewer is free..penmarkerstaplerrubber bandrunner interviewing room- to take applicants from the screening runner into the interviewer room.- skip this step if not enough interviewers.penm
9、arkerstaplerrubber bandscreener- to screen / shortlist the applicants for the next step..5.screening documentpensboxes - 3 coloursmarkerstaplerinterviewer- to interview more deeply to ensure a strong behavioural fit for the starwood property.- skip this step if not enough interviewers and com
10、plete behavioural interviewing after the screening days..5.structured interview assessmentpensboxes 3 coloursmarkerstaplerpost-interview processing- to ensure that all applicants are replied to..5.letterheadenvelopelabelspensglue & stapler applicant namestructured interview assessmentr
11、ating12345outstandingaveragepoorfactorsrating (1-5)commentcan you please tell me about the training, education and work experiences that have helped prepare you for this position?(tell me about your employment history)employment experience part time, full time, directly related experience where nece
12、ssaryrelevant technical skills achievements leadership patterns of success in past career experiencestraining & background for positioncommunication skillinterviewing questionsrating (1-5)1tell me what you consider to be your major accomplishment in your current job. 2 tell me about a time when some
13、one at work told you that you provided excellent service?other questionsrating (1-5)3.at some point we have all worked with a supervisor who told us to do something differently than how weve been doing it. tell me about a time when this happened to you?4 describe a situation where you worked closely
14、 with others to get a difficult job done?5tell me about a time when you had an upset customer and you had to turn the situation around?6in your last performance appraisal, what were you praised for? what were areas for development? (strengths/weakness)7what extracurricular activities did you partici
15、pate in school/university/ previous company? 8can you work rotating shifts? days? evenings? nights? public holidays?do you have any form of illness or injury that may interfere with your ability to do the job? have you ever been discharged from employment because your work or conduct was not satisfa
16、ctory?in our hotel, we work to the needs of the business, are you prepared to work as and where directed?y/ny/ny/ny/nkeep in mind that each one of these interviews will potentially take 30-40mins and as such mass interviewers are required if choose to try concurrently. the recommendation is to do se
17、parately and to use the behavioural interview guides.group interviews/ job sportsgroup interviews /job sports are a timely efficient recruitment method of screening large number of candidates within a contained time period to a set criterion.the group interview takes approximately 2 hours. it is gen
18、erally run by one main facilitator with a translator if group requires. several accredited interviewers are utilized within this process as they observe and rate the candidates. this method has two segments which focus on individual behaviours and group based behaviours. this is also an opportunity
19、to show case starwood and the specific property to large groups of people.due to its fun slightly informal atmosphere, interviewers may see a side of potential candidates not normally shown in a formal interview. the first segment is an introduction segment in which the facilitator introduces starwo
20、od and the hotel and in return asks the candidates to introduce their new friend to the rest of the group.in this segment interviewers are rating the following criteria:- communication/ english - clarity, grammar, volume poise under pressure enthusiasm, confidence, friendliness, warmth, smile groomi
21、ng teamwork sometimes can be seen here if a candidate with stronger english quietly helps a candidate with lesser english.the second segment is group based exercise in which the interviewer focuses on team work.does the individual participate well in the team? contribute? listen to others? have fun?
22、 does the team work as a group or pair off?is there a leader of the group? does the individual act aggressively or be non respectful to others opinions?does the individual not participate at all but rather look around, out the window?the interviewers also rate the individuals punctuality and their a
23、bility to take direction. some clear directions are given at the beginning with regards to no talking, listen actively to the speaker up the front; mobile telephones turned off and be respectful. if an individual is told more than once by one of the random interviewers to be quiet for the speaker up
24、 the front, then that candidate will be rated as a talker and one who cannot follow direction.group interview welcome scriptgood morning,welcome to the “hotel name” group interview /job sports. thank you for your time today. my name is _ and i am the _. i would like to explain to everyone today, wha
25、t the process will be. before i start let me introduce you to our team. (introduce the interviewers in the room).this interview process will take approximately 2 hours. it is a lot of fun and we think is an easy way for us to meet you and for you to learn a little about starwood. the process we will
26、 follow today is that we will firstly; show a video on the starwood chain. this video will show you what an international company we belong to and how many properties and brands we have under the starwood brand. “own brand” is one such brand and is very well known through out the world.we will then
27、tell you a little bit about “own hotel name” so that you know what facilities the hotel will offer upon opening.we will then get everyone to participate in some fun exercises so that we can all get to know each other a little better.after this, we would like to ask everyone to take the telephone num
28、ber for the human resources department as they leave and to ring us back between 9am and 11am tomorrow morning. this way, we can ensure a very quick and efficient response to you. if you are successful through this initial screening interview, you will be asked to come in for a longer formal intervi
29、ew with human resources and the department head. it sounds like a long process but in fact we will endeavour to make it as quick as possible. our goal is to have everyone on board by middle of march so we are actively looking now.does anyone have any questions or concerns? can everyone see the telev
30、ision /screen?okay, lets learn a little bit about starwood. (show dvd/video).so who can tell me what the brands are for starwood?thats correct! (show flipchart) as you can see that we will belong to an international chain with very high standards and procedures. there are five brands sheraton, westi
31、n, w, st regis and 4 points. at “hotel name” we will be (give specific hotel information on how many rooms, facilities, f&b outlets). we will be offering the best facilities! the best services! we will be the best hotel! as such we are looking for the best associates! do you think any are here? (hop
32、efully get one or two respond yes, if not ask again?) absolutely! i think so as well!well now that you know a little bit about us, we would now like to learn a little bit about you. can you please turn to the person next to you and spend the next 5 minutes or so, finding out about them. (flipchart)
33、we want to know their name. where they have worked? their hobbies? their favourite colour. we will then ask you to introduce them to the room in english. if you feel that you cannot do this, just speak to one of the team members around the room and we will organize something else for you.(at 5 minut
34、es make sure that you tell them to change over make sure through this period that if anyone looks distressed that you go over and see how they are coping. if they are not coping, tell them they do not have to participate in this exercise they can participate in the team exercises later) facilitator
35、and department head go first.okay time is up. we will start to get to know each other a little better now with our introductions. i will go first with my new friend. before i start though, how do you think you will feel when you are up here? (answers include nervous, scared). i agree, i am a bit ner
36、vous but that is okay! so what do you think we want from our audience? yes! we would like all of us to show respect for our new friends by turning off our mobiles, listening attentively and not talking so that when we come up here they will do the same for us.commence introductions.then break the te
37、ams into groups of 10. and introduce the desert storm exercise. ask each group to come to consensus on the most important through to least important survival items. when time is up, ask a member of each group to read the list of items in order. (no explanations please just the list). there will be d
38、ifferent lists. introduce a member of the team to give the experts opinions and the explanations. thank you all for coming. that concludes todays group interview. we hope that you learnt a little bit about us and we learnt a little bit about you. please take the telephone number on the way and make
39、sure to ring human resources between 900am and 1100 am tomorrow.have a great day and good luck.group interviews/ job sports set upvideo/flip chart/pppoint displayfacilitatoro* * o* *o* * applicants * * * * oo o interviewers desert storm exerciseyou are a member of the jobsport club, on your way to t
40、he sheraton. you have taken a detour and abruptly find yourself in the bao loc pass in the middle of the mountains. as a result of a sudden front tyre blow out, your sheraton courtesy bus has overturned, caught fire and been burnt to a shell.all of the survivors pockets have been emptied, the immedi
41、ate area searched and all items place in a pile. this list of the 15 items that have been found intact and undamaged can be found below.your task is to rank the 15 items in terms of their importance to your survival. place the number 1 by the most important item, the number 2 by the second most impo
42、rtant, and so on through to number 15, the least important.sample ranking form:small bottle of salt tabletsbox of biscuitsblanketsten liters can of waterfour camp cotsthree empty back packsone bottle of rumshaving mirrorone square meter of plasticone case of canned fruit (with opener)rifle and six r
43、ound of ammunitionradio walkmantwo liters can of oillarge sheet of canvascarton of cigarettesdesert storm answersaccording to the experts, the basic supplies needed when stranded in the desert are items to aid survival while remaining where you are and until rescuers arrive. next in importance are i
44、tems to attract attention. the major enemy when stranded the dry and hot mountainous areas in summer is heat, particularly as it affects a persons dehydration. therefore the primary need is to not only have enough to drink but also enough shade to prevent liquid loss from the body.1. ten liters can
45、of waternecessary to replenish loss by perspiring, etc. survival in hot, dry conditions depends on water, and it may be necessary to drink what seems to be an enormous quantity.2. one square meter of plasticused to make water still to supplement water supplies (approximately three liters per day).3.
46、 large sheet of canvasused to make a shade for protection from the heat. remain shaded.4. shaving mirrorused to attract attention to start a fire.5. two litre can of oilto attract attention. ignite with mirror.6. one case of tinned foodfood in basically liquid form. the juice gives great sustenance
47、in heat conditions, but should be broken down by water.7. rifle and six rounds of ammuniationto attract attention and to hunt.8. four camp cotsfor shade and/or to lower the temperature in the shelter. at a height of 12ft above the ground there will be at least a 10 percent temperature drop from the
48、surface temperature.9. blanketsof value for (a) additional shade; (b) to attract attention- waving or making signs on the ground.10. box of biscuitsadditional food. less nutritional value than canned fruit and will result in greater use of precious liquids (saliva and water).11. radio walkmantoo sma
49、ll to be of value. occasional use at night and with certain atmospheric conditions may bring psychological comfort.12. three empty back packsof little value since you will be remaining near your vehicle. could be used to make hats.13. one bottle of rumcontain alcohol- could be used as an antiseptic
50、in emergencies; of little value otherwise; will cause dehydration if drunk.14. small bottle of salt tabletssome people take salt tablets to replace salt lost with perspiration, but it is dangerous to take these tablets if there is any possibility of water supply being restricted.15. carton of cigare
51、ttesdo not smoke in extreme heat conditions when water is a premium for smoking dries up saliva thus unnecessarily expending energy.what do we need for group interviewsitemaccountable1. 50 chairs2. space available3. tv/computer/powerpt & screen, flip chart prepared4. typed list of applicants booked
52、(1 copy for security, 1 copy for each interviewer, 1 master copy for final shortlist )5. confirm interviewers and that there are enough (for 50 applicants 5 min)6. small handouts with printed human resources and two direct telephone numbers for hr7. pens and notepads available should an applicant wish to write something down8. group interview script - english & home country9. starwood video /dvd (latest brand video see pre-opening)10. water, cups, mints, biscuits11. warm room set up, flowers etc12. typed name labels with number of app
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