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1、and solve this problem. he knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. he became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. the first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. a cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it foun

2、d its victims. the second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. from the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died. john snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence. so when another outb

3、reak hit london in 1845, he was ready to begin his enquiry. as the disease spread quickly through poor neighborhoods, he began to gather information. in two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. he was determined to find out why.  fir

4、st he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had lived. this gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. many of the deaths were near the water pump in broad street (especially numbers 16,37, 38 and 40) . he also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 broad stre

5、et and 8 and 9 cambridge street) had had no deaths. he had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations. he discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 cambridge street. they had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the pump. it seemed that the water was to blame.

6、 next, john snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. he found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from london. he immediately told the astonished people in broad street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be used. soon afterwards th

7、e disease slowed down. he had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. in another part of london, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the broad street outbreak. a woman, who had moved away from broad street, liked the water from the pu

8、mp so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water. with this extra evidence john snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus. to prevent this from happening again, john snow suggeste

9、d that the source of all the water supplies be examined. the water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more. finally “king cholera” was defeated.   copernicus revolutionary theory nicolaus copernicus was frightened and his mind was confused. although h

10、e had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system. only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. yet he could not tell anyone about his theory as the powerful c

11、hristian church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea. they believed god had made the world and for that reason the earth was special and must be the centre of the solar system. the problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop, mov

12、e backward and then go forward in the loop. others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others. this was very strange if the earth was the centre of the solar system and all planets went round it. copernicus had thought long and hard about these problems and tried to find an answer. he

13、 had collected observations of the stars and used all his mathematical knowledge to explain them. but only his new theory could do that. so between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete. in 1514 he showed it privately to his friends. the cha

14、nges he made to the old theory were revolutionary. he placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth. he also suggested that the earth was spinning as it went round the sun and this explained changes in the movement

15、of the planets and in the brightness of the stars. his friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but copernicus was cautious. he did not want to be attacked by the christian church, so he only published it as he lay dying in 1543. certainly he was right to be careful. t

16、he christian church rejected his theory, saying it was against gods idea and people who supported it would be attacked. yet copernicus theory is now the basis on which all our ideas of the universe are built. his theory replaced the christian idea of gravity, which said things tell to earth because

17、god created the earth as the centre of the universe. copernicus showed this was obviously wrong. now people can see that there is a direct link between his theory and the work of isaac newton, albert einstein and stephen hawking.  unit 2  puzzles in geography people many wonder w

18、hy different words are used to describe these four countries: england, wales, scotland and northern ireland. you can clarify this question if you study british history. first there was england. wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. now when people refer to england you find wales inc

19、luded as well. next england and wales were joined to scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to “great britain”. happily this was accomplished without conflict when king james of scotland became king of england and wales as well. finally the english government tried in the early

20、 twentieth century to form the united kingdom by getting ireland connected in the same peaceful way. however, the southern part of ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. so only northern ireland joined with england, wales and scotland to become the united kingdom and this w

21、as shown to the world in a new flag called the union jack. to their credit the four countries do work together in some areas(eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. for example, northern ireland, england and scotland have different educati

22、onal and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the world cup! england is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. the zone nearest france is called the south of england, the middle zone is called the midland

23、s and the one nearest to scotland is known as the north. you find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the midlands and the north of england. although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in china, they have world-famous football teams and

24、some of them even have two! it is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. for historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the romans. there you will find out more about british history and culture. the greatest hi

25、storical treasure of all is london with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. it is the centre of national government and its administration. it has the oldest port built by the romans in the first century ad, the oldest building begun by the anglo-saxons in the 106os and the

26、oldest castle constructed by later norman rulers in 1066. there have been four sets of invaders of england. the first invaders, the romans, left their towns and roads. the second, the anglo-saxon, left their language and their government. the third, the vikings, influenced the vocabulary and place-n

27、ames年產5萬噸氯化法鈦白粉工程項目建議書二六年十二月第一章 總 論1.1項目名稱、建設單位、企業(yè)法人及項目負責人1.1.1項目名稱:年產5萬噸氯化法鈦白粉工程1.1.2建設單位:*總公司1.1.3企業(yè)法人:*1.1.4項目負責人:*1.2企業(yè)概況*總公司公司采用國內外先進的生產技術,建成了年產1.5萬噸硫酸法鈦白粉裝置,成為國內目前最大的鈦白生產裝置之一。該裝置生產的銳鈦型 ba0101 鈦白粉,是一種優(yōu)質白色原料,化學性質穩(wěn)定,粒子細小均勻,光學性能佳,著色力高,廣泛應用于涂料、橡膠、造紙、塑料、油墨等行業(yè),產品暢銷全國 20 多個省市。1.3項目提出的背景、投資必要性和意義鈦白粉化學名

28、稱為二氧化鈦,它具有較高的化學穩(wěn)定性、耐熱性、耐候性,良好的白度、著色力和遮蓋力,是最重要的無機顏料和化工原料。顏料級鈦白粉主要應用于涂料、造紙、塑料、橡膠、印刷油墨、化學纖維等行業(yè),非顏料級鈦白粉主要應用于搪瓷、電容器、電焊條等。 顏料級鈦白粉分銳鈦型和金紅石型兩類,金紅石型產品在性能上優(yōu)于銳鈦型,因而得到更為廣泛的應用。由于鈦白粉的應用領域不斷擴展,對產品性能不斷提出新的要求,眾多的品種應運而生。據前幾年不完全統(tǒng)計,全球市場上先后出現的鈦白粉牌號多達600個,其中用于涂料的為375個,占總數的62.5。在375個涂料用牌號中,金紅石占77,銳鈦型占23。但在國外涂料工業(yè)實際應用中,銳鈦型鈦

29、白粉數量很少,不足,而經過表面處理的金紅石型鈦白粉占99。 鈦白粉工業(yè)生產方法有硫酸法和氯化法。硫酸法可生產銳鈦型和金紅石型兩種產品,氯化法只能生產高檔的金紅石型產品。與國外先進水平相比,我國鈦白粉工業(yè)存在生產技術落后、生產規(guī)模小、原料品位低和產品質量不穩(wěn)定等差距。在生產技術上,國外以氯化法為主,而我國基本上都是硫酸法生產。即使是硫酸法,我國大部分廠家在工藝技術、生產裝備、自控監(jiān)測、 “三廢”治理等方面與國外也有很大差距。在生產規(guī)模上,國外鈦白粉裝置平均規(guī)模為年產6萬噸,其中氯化法最大為30.5萬噸,硫酸法為13.1萬噸。而我國鈦白粉生產裝置平均規(guī)模僅為4000噸,最大的也僅為1.5萬噸。生產




33、水平,擴大高檔金紅石型鈦白生產能力,緩解國內市場高檔鈦白供應的緊張狀況、替代進口產品、節(jié)省國家外匯,將具有重要的現實意義。第二章 市場分析2.1國際市場分析二氧化鈦消費需求量與全球經濟發(fā)展息息相關。50年代的二戰(zhàn)后重建,使鈦白粉的需求量劇增,每年以約7%的速度增長,50年代末消費量達90多萬噸。60年代發(fā)展較平緩,以約6%的速度增長。進入70年代,受兩次石油危機的影響,其需求量大大下降,到70年代末,還不到200萬噸。80年代,二氧化鈦工業(yè)第一個發(fā)展期到來。1982-1989年,由于幾家大二氧化鈦生產廠的關閉及全球需求量的急劇增長(最高年增長率為8%),到1989年需求量達300多萬噸。鈦白粉


35、經濟的復蘇和涂料、塑料、油墨等相關行業(yè)需求的激增,估計這一輪增長還將持續(xù)一段時間。2.2國內市場現狀隨著我國國內經濟的快速發(fā)展,國家增加投資、實施擴大內需的政策,促使了以城鎮(zhèn)居民為對象的房地產市場升溫,推動了涂料工業(yè)的發(fā)展,加上塑料、造紙等行業(yè)用量增加,2002年國內總消耗量50萬噸,其中進口高檔鈦白粉16萬噸,出口銳鈦型鈦白粉6萬噸,國內實際產量40萬噸。我國鈦白粉生產市場情況如下:(1) 國內鈦白粉產量與需求量實現迅速增長(見表2-1)表2-1 鈦白粉的國內表觀消費量與產量變化情況年 份1985年1990年1994年2000年2002年產量(萬噸)3.226.377.8128.9240.0

36、0表觀消費量(萬噸)5.016.7811.2737.5650.00(2) 產能極度分散,規(guī)模極不經濟雖然國內年產鈦白粉量達40萬噸,但由56家企業(yè)生產,最大產能不超過2.5萬噸(最大產量不超過1.8萬噸),最小的近1000余噸,即沒有達到經濟規(guī)模的企業(yè),也沒有達到經濟規(guī)模的生產線。(3)鈦白粉檔次低,品種結構不合理與進口的同類鈦白粉相比,國產鈦白粉的質量均屬于中檔水平,國產鈦白粉中又以銳鈦型鈦白粉產量占絕對主導,而國內市場量大、盈利能力強的卻是金紅石產品。表2-2 國產鈦白粉品種結構情況表項 目金紅石涂料級銳鈦型搪瓷級銳鈦型合 計30個主要鈦白企業(yè)產量(萬噸)7.519.03.029.5其余2

37、6個鈦白企業(yè)產量(萬噸)合計(萬噸)7.528.05.040.5各品種所占比例(%)17.570.012.5注:以2002年上半年生產數據為基礎分析。(4) 國內鈦白粉行業(yè)競爭結構國產鈦白粉因質量原因難以進入國內高檔次鈦白粉市場,高檔市場基本被世界前七位生產商壟斷。國內中檔市場由國內部分鈦白粉企業(yè)與國外中型鈦白粉企業(yè)展開競爭,以國內為主;國內低檔市場由國內鈦白企業(yè)供應。表2-3 國內鈦白粉市場競爭結構表鈦白粉種類檔次主要供應商金紅石鈦白粉高檔杜邦公司、美禮聯公司、科美基公司、克朗諾斯公司、日本石原、亨茲曼、凱米拉公司中檔攀鋼、錦州、渝鈦白、四零四等國內企業(yè)與國外部分鈦

38、白企業(yè)銳鈦型鈦白粉高檔日本石原、薩奇賓中檔國外中型鈦白粉企業(yè)與國內攀鋼鈦業(yè)、濟南裕興、鎮(zhèn)鈦等企業(yè)(4) 進出口情況進口絕對量保持快速增長,進口總量占國內表觀消費的35%以上;出口以低擋鈦白粉為主,出口絕對量增長緩慢并占國內產量的比例呈現下降趨勢。表2-4 國內進出口鈦白粉情況項 目1990年1994年2000年2002年進口情況分析進口鈦白粉量(萬噸)2.355.4114.1916.00占國內消費量的比例(%)46.9136.6737.7736.22出口情況分析出口鈦白粉量(萬噸)占國內產量的比例(%)21.924.419.415.0出口鈦白粉的品種結構(以2002年上

39、半年數據為依據分析)國產金紅石涂料級銳鈦型搪瓷級銳鈦型合計出口鈦白粉數量(噸)20.5415158361120823比例(%)10.072.717.3100.0第三章 建設規(guī)模及內容3.1 建設規(guī)模年產5萬噸氯化法鈦白粉工程3.2 建設內容本項目建設內容主要包括四氯化鈦的制備及精制(氯化)、四氯化鈦的氧化(氧化)、二氧化鈦的表面處理(后處理)三大工段。(1)四氯化鈦的制備及精制工段包括:原料粉磨、氯化、分離、冷凝、除釩、蒸餾、蒸發(fā)、尾氣的分離與凈化等主要工序。(2)四氯化鈦的氧化工段包括:預熱、氧化、驟冷、分離、氯氣回收等主要工序。(3)二氧化鈦的表面處理工段包括:打漿、研磨、化學品制備、表面

40、處理、過濾洗滌、噴霧干燥、微粉碎及成品包裝等主要工序。3.3產品質量標準產品設計目標為通用型金紅石型顏料級二氧化鈦,質量指標可按中國國家標準gb1706-93或國際標準iso591-1995生產,并可達到杜邦r902的產品質量標準,具體可按用戶要求生產。中國國家標準gb1706-93、國際標準iso591-1995、杜邦r902的金紅石型鈦白粉技術指標分列如下: 表3-1 金紅石鈦白粉中國國家標準gb/t1706-93、國際標準iso591-1977、杜邦r-902的質量標準對照表標 準gb/t1706-93iso591-1977r-902ba01-03b類優(yōu)等品一等品合格品r1r2r3tio

41、2含量/% 98929097908091顏色(與標樣比)近似不低于微差接近商定樣品98.5消色力(與標樣比)/%10010090與商定樣品相同105揮發(fā)分/%商定經23±2及相對濕度(50±5)預處理24h后105揮發(fā)物/%水溶物/%水懸浮液 ph值6.56.66.6與商定樣品相同8.7吸油量/(g/100g)與商定樣品相同17.0篩余物(45µm篩余)/%2023260.100.10水萃取液電導率1005050與商定樣品相同al2o3典型含量/

42、%sio2典型含量/%相對密度4.0中位數粒徑/µm0.32最低電阻/k4.0炭黑底色11.5有機處理劑(以碳計)根據用戶需要第四章 工藝技術方案4.1 工藝技術方案的選擇目前,世界上二氧化鈦的工業(yè)生產方法主要有硫酸法和氯化法兩種。硫酸法是以鈦鐵礦為原料,通過硫酸使鈦鐵礦分解,鈦鐵礦中的tio2分解成tioso4,過濾除去鈦液中的不溶礦物質,然后通過真空結晶除去鈦液中的七水硫酸亞鐵。鈦液經水解變成tio2·h2o,洗滌除去其它礦物質產生的鹽類,經煅燒除去水分并使其晶型轉化制得。該法對原料品位要求不高,礦源豐富,價廉易得,但工藝流程長,“三廢”排放較多。氯化法對于硫酸法而言是

43、一個技術進步,是以金紅石或高鈦渣為原料,經氯化生產四氯化鈦,然后在高溫下氧化而制得。該方法生產流程短、產品質量好、可實現生產的連續(xù)化和自動化、氯氣可循環(huán)利用、“三廢”排放少,但對原料的品位要求高、技術復雜、對設備材質的要求高。國內目前幾乎全都是采用硫酸法生產,氯化法工業(yè)化生產僅有攀鋼集團錦州鈦業(yè)有限公司一家;國際上氯化法生產工藝已占主導地位,占世界總產能的58%;硫酸法生產工藝僅占世界總產能的42%,并有減少趨勢。綜上所述,本項目擬采用先進的氯化法生產工藝生產高檔金紅石型鈦白粉。4.2 工藝流程簡述*總公司年產5萬噸氯化法鈦白粉工程的流程示意圖見圖4-1,流程大致分三部分:氯化工段、氧化工段和







50、進蒸汽旋風分離粉料,出蒸汽旋風尾氣流進高溫袋濾器再分離出夾帶的tio2粉料,出高溫袋濾器氣流經噴水激冷后進入洗滌器,洗滌后的冷凝水去洗滌水槽用于水洗;出洗滌器的不凝性氣體經汽液分離器,由排風機排入大氣。由蒸汽旋風收集的粉料由空氣風機鼓入空氣流態(tài)化,粉料被空氣冷卻,物流進入冷卻旋風分離出粉料,出冷卻旋風氣流進袋濾器再分離夾帶粉料,出袋濾器氣流由排風機排入大氣。由冷卻旋風、袋濾器收集的粉料進入成品包裝工序。微粉碎工序來的tio2成品進入螺旋輸送機,送入成品料倉;可根據需要供25kg/袋包裝機使用,或供1000kg/袋包裝機使用。出包裝機包裝好的成品經疊縮機、整型機后送往成品中轉料倉。圖4-1 氯化

51、法鈦白粉工藝流程方框示意圖金紅石 粉 碎 氯 化 石油焦 分 離 固體氯化物殘渣 冷 凝 氯化尾氣(co、co2) 粗ticl4 化學處理劑 除 礬 分 離 (cu、h2s或油) 雜質 蒸 餾 凈 化 精ticl4 co al 蒸 發(fā)alcl3 發(fā)生爐 ticl4氣體 h2o alcl3氣體 預 熱 預 熱 o2 氧 化 驟 冷 真空 混合站 分 離 洗 滌 離子交換水 補充cl2 氧化尾氣(cl2) 粗制tio2 噴霧干燥 天然氣 tmp、npg 離子交換水 分散打漿 單異丙醇胺 氣流粉碎 高壓蒸汽 砂磨分級 粗粒子 成品包裝 al、si鹽溶液 表面處理 成品金紅石鈦白粉 真空 過 濾 廢水4.3 物料平衡4.3.1 化學反應如工藝流程圖4-1所示,其主要化學反應如下:(1)氯化反應金紅石氯化:tio2+2c+2cl22co+ ticl4鈦鐵礦氯化:2feti


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