1、 Warming uWarming up pSkimmingSkimmingDiggingDiggingCritical thinkingCritical thinkingLanguage in useLanguage in useUnfamiliar wordsUnfamiliar wordsInterpretingInterpretingTalking pointTalking pointWarming up Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear. A: So
2、, looking back over the year, which are the festivals youve enjoyed most in the UK? B: Well, I suppose you expect me to say Christmas, but actually I didnt enjoy Christmas much. It seemed to go on so long, and I just found it too boring. And then New Year came too quickly afterwards. I didnt have an
3、y money left to enjoy it even if I like joining hands and shouting Auld Lang Syne at midnight with total strangers. No, what I liked most were the English festivals, like May Day morning in Oxford that was A: So, looking back over the year, which are the festivals youve enjoyed most in the UK? B: We
4、ll, I suppose you expect me to say Christmas, but actually I didnt enjoy Christmas much. It seemed to go on so long, and I just found it too boring. And then New Year came too quickly afterwards. I didnt have any money left to enjoy it even if I like joining hands and shouting Auld Lang Syne at midn
5、ight with total strangers. No, what I liked most were the English festivals, like May Day morning in Oxford that was Warming uprather funny and Bonfire Night, with fireworks on a cold December evening. That was atmospheric. The English remember the night a man called Guy Fawkes tried to enter the Ho
6、uses of Parliament back in the 1600s. The only thing is I dont understand whether they are celebrating the fact that he was caught, or that he tried to do it.rather funny and Bonfire Night, with fireworks on a cold December evening. That was atmospheric. The English remember the night a man called G
7、uy Fawkes tried to enter the Houses of Parliament back in the 1600s. The only thing is I dont understand whether they are celebrating the fact that he was caught, or that he tried to do it.Warming upNow listen again and correct the information.Answer: boring commercial ; money energy ; shouting sing
8、ing ; funny strange ; December November ; enter blow up Warming up Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 Which is your favourite festival, and why? 2 Which festivals dont you like, and why? Warming up1 Which is your favourite festival, and why?The Spring Festival is my favourite by far. It is so
9、 nice the way it brings the family together and, of course, I love the new clothes and the red envelopes! The food is another point in favour of the festival. Warming up2 Which festivals dont you like, and why? I dont like Christmas. We have enough of our own festivals. Christmas is just an excuse f
10、or more shopping. I dont much like the Qingming Festival. I am not saying they arent a good idea we should remember the dead, but it isnt very pleasant going to crowded cemeteries with smoke everywhere. Look at the title of the passage and check () the things you expect to read about. 1 going shoppi
11、ng with the family 2 buying presents 3 parking the car 4 sending Christmas cards 5 singing Christmas songs 6 feeling under stress Warming upSkimmingBrowse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 171.TaskTaskSkimming Check () the trad
12、itions which the writer describes in the passage. 1 making the Christmas pudding 2 discussing the Christmas dinner 3 buying presents for relatives 4 sending presents from the Post Office 5 dressing up as Father Christmas 6 looking for a parking place for the car 7 singing well-known Christmas songs
13、8 (not) giving money to charity 9 having fun at the office Christmas party Answer: the traditions the writer describes are 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8.Skimming Answer the questions. 1 What used to happen on Stir-up Sunday? Everyone helped make the Christmas pudding, stirring it and making wishes.2 What cant th
14、e family decide before going to the market, and why? They cant decide what to eat for the Christmas lunch because they have different opinions.3 How is number one Daughter different from the rest of the family? She is a vegetarian.Skimming4 How does the Father choose presents for overseas relatives?
15、 In a rush at the last moment and in a panic.5 How long does it take to park the car when Christmas shopping, and why? A very long time. here are far more shoppers than usual and the car parks are full.6 Why does the Christmas tree cost more than it should? Its Christmas so demand is high, and as it
16、 is the last one there can be no bargaining.Skimming7 What do people do with the presents they buy? They wrap them and put them under the Christmas tree or post them.8 What is the last thing to be done before Christmas Day? Collecting the turkey.Skimming9 Do you think the family in the passage is a
17、typical family? Why / Why not? Yes, the story sounds realistic. Disorganization and doing things at the last minute is common as one can see at any big festival with people rushing round to get things they could have bought a few days before. And families do often repeat arguments and behaviour. Peo
18、ple are rather predictable. However, the situation has been exaggerated. he entire routine would not be repeated every year! Traditional Christmas shopping customs 譯文譯文Digging1 Once again, its that time of year, when all good men and women settle their differences, get back in touch with old friends
19、 and loved ones, and do their utmost to enjoy some centuries-old traditions of Christmas shopping. Background informationDigging2 At the start of the Christmas shopping season is Stir-up Sunday. This used to be a display of family unity when everyone went to the grocers shop to buy the flour, eggs a
20、nd jars of dried fruit, and then stand around the kitchen table helping Mother or Grandmother make the Christmas pudding. Each member of the family would take it in turns to stir up, or mix, the ingredients and make a secret wish. 譯文譯文Digging3 These days it has become the custom, just before we go t
21、o the market to order the turkey, for Mother to say, “With all your family coming for Christmas lunch, well need a ten-kilo turkey,” and Father to reply “Ten kilos! You must be kidding! Well have to saw it in half to get it in the oven.”4 Then number one Son says “Why dont we have a goose this year?
22、” and number two Son says, “What about roast duck?” and finally, number one Daughter “Stirs it Up” by saying in disgust, “But you know I dont eat any meat whatsoever, all those poor turkeys, what about us vegetarians?” Its then traditional for Father to make a wish, not a secret one but at the top o
23、f his voice, “I wish youd eat proper food like the rest of us!” DiggingDigging5 Then theres the custom of Buying our Overseas Relatives Presents on the Last Day of Posting. It begins like this. Someone notices that theres scarcely one day left before parcels to distant countries need to be sent. The
24、n Mother and Father play a game called Its-your-side-of-the-family-not-my-side, usually until they wont speak to each other ever again (so, about five minutes). Then Father (for its always him) rushes into town in a panic to buy something like socks or a tea towel, nothing too heavy because of the p
25、ostage costs, and definitely not the same present as he bought last year. Digging6 Another tradition is Hunt the Parking Space. This involves the annual triumph of hope against experience taking the car into town to go Christmas shopping. Traditionally, Father will steer the car round and round the
26、parking lots, watching for some Merry Christmas shopper staggering past with bags and presents, and then following them, like the Three Wise Men following the star 2,000 years ago, until they lead the family to their parking place. Digging7 At Christmas on street corners in British and American citi
27、es, youll find the brass band of the local Salvation Army playing Christmas music to the shoppers. Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters stop to listen to some of the seasons best-loved songs. Then one of the Salvation Army soldiers takes out a collecting box, asking those around for a donation to
28、 buy gifts for the less fortunate members of the community. 8 At this point, Father will collect his bags, and start to walk quickly away, signalling to the children to follow. This is the old tradition of Father Not Having any pare Change, and is usually accompanied by the words, “Come along, child
29、ren, God will provide!” as he “pretends” to vanish without paying.DiggingDigging9 Perhaps the best-loved Christmas custom is Buying the Christmas Tree. This is traditionally left until the very last moment, long after all the good trees have disappeared. Mother reminds Father that the family needs a
30、 tree, Father replies that Christmas trees are a waste of money, and the children start to cry. So Father goes into town by bus, because the traffic is awful, and buys the last tree, traditionally the smallest tree possible, with the most peculiar shape, from a man on a street corner who demands a t
31、raditional Excessive Payment “because its Christmas”. 10 Father then utters the words, “The price of trees . its an absolute scandal,” hands over large numbers of bank notes, and proceeds to bring the tree home somehow. When the bus driver sees Father with the tree, trying to get on a bus which is p
32、acked stiff with shoppers, he greets him with the words, “You cant get on here with that!” DiggingDigging11 The final tradition is Collecting the Turkey. After everyone has bought all their presents, wrapped them and stored them under the Christmas tree, its time to force their way back into town, t
33、hrough crowded streets, carol singers and bell-ringers, wrapping paper salesmen, past Father Christmas going ho ho ho, office workers on the way home drunk, young women wearing Santas little helper hats, and venture into the market. 12 As day turns slowly to night, the shop lights come on, the Chris
34、tmas music plays at top volume, and the family makes its way to the butchers shop. Hanging high above the crowds are vast sides of red beef, deer without their heads, rabbits still in their fur socks, pink-looking pigs and of course, the turkeys. At this point, in a tradition which is an echo of Sti
35、r-up Sunday, number one Daughter has to say in disgust, “Oh, its so gross! I cant believe youd ever eat all that meat!” Happy Christmas Shopping! Digging1. when all good men and women settle their differences, enjoy some centuries-old traditions of Christmas shopping. (Para 1) all good men and women
36、: all decent people settle their differences: Christmas is referred to as “the season of good will” and one is supposed to be at ones most generous and friendly during the festival. enjoy some centuries-old traditions of Christmas shopping: It is clearly untrue; to create a comic effect, the writer
37、will use the technique of pretending some modern problems are ancient customs. Difficult sentences Difficult sentences 2. These days it has become the custom, (Line 1, Para 3) The writer uses the expression “it has become the custom” to show exaggeratedly that their rather silly conversation was a f
38、ixed routine. Difficult sentences 3. You must be kidding! (Line 5, Para 3) You cannot be serious. Difficult sentences 4. number one Daughter “Stirs it Up” by saying in disgust, (Line 10, Para3) The vegetarian daughter creates an extra problem. stirs it up: This is a pun. In addition to the meaning o
39、f Stir-up Sunday and stirring the pudding, “stir up” can mean to create and encourage trouble and arguments. Difficult sentences 5. Then theres the custom of Buying our Overseas Relatives Presents on the Last Day of Posting. (Line 1, Para 4) The various so-called traditions the writer is laughing at
40、 are ironically capitalized. Difficult sentences 6. Someone notices that theres scarcely one day left before parcels to distant countries need to be sent. (Line 3, Para 4) Everyone has been delaying buying and posting the presents until it is only one day before the last posting date (of course this
41、 varies there are last posting dates for parcels to Asia, the US, Australia, Europe and finally the UK itself). Difficult sentences 7. speak to each other ever again (so, about five minutes). (Line 8, Para 4) This is another technique of humour used throughout the passage, exaggeration. Difficult se
42、ntences 8. and definitely not the same present as he bought last year. (Line 12, Para 4) The writer uses the word “definitely” ironically. In fact, father frequently forgets and sends exactly the same thing as before. Difficult sentences 9. This involves the annual triumph of hope against experience
43、 (Line 2, Para 5) The expression “triumph of hope against experience” is an idiom used when we do something we have often done before and found does not work. Experience tells us not to repeat it, but hope wins and we make the same mistake again. Difficult sentences 10. Merry Christmas shopper stagg
44、ering past with bags and presents, (Line 6, Para 5) staggering past: walking with difficulty because they are carrying so much shopping Difficult sentences 11. This is the old tradition of Father Not Having any Spare Change, (Line 12, Para 6) Probably every year Father does not want to give any mone
45、y and pretends he cannot because he only has big notes and none of the smaller money people usually give. Difficult sentences 12. God will provide! (Line 15, Para 6) This is an expression of religious trust in God to look after us, but here it is used as another weak excuse to be mean. Difficult sen
46、tences 13. who demands a traditional Excessive Payment “because its Christmas”. (Line 11, Para 7) Traders put up prices as it is peak shopping season and demand goes up. “Because its Christmas” also implies that no one would be mean at such a festive time but happily pay what is asked. It is not a t
47、ime to argue. 14. “The price of trees its an absolute scandal,” (Line 13, Para 7) Father complains at how much the tree costs. Difficult sentences 15. a bus which is packed stiff with shoppers, (Line 18, Para 7) packed stiff: extremely crowded Difficult sentences 16. its time to force their way and
48、venture into the market. (Line 4, Para 8) The long sentence, the list of people and the strong verbs (force, venture) help create the impression of how very crowded it is on Christmas Eve. on the way home drunk: It is usual to have an office party on Christmas Eve and many people do indeed drink too
49、 much at the party. venture: Everywhere is so busy and crowded that it takes courage to go into the market. Difficult sentences 17. vast sides of red beef, deer without their heads, rabbits still in their fur socks, (Line 14, Para 8) side: A side of meat is half the animals carcase. rabbits still in
50、 their fur socks: an ironic way of describing the dead rabbits and their paws, contrasting the cuteness of fur socks and an animal carcase Difficult sentences 18. Oh, its so gross! (Line 19, Para 8) The sentence is colloquial and shows that the vegetarian daughter does not give up her annoying comme
51、nts. Difficult sentences utmost 釋義釋義1n. U the greatest amount of degree possible 最大量;極 限;極度 例句例句He will done his utmost to help her.他會盡力幫助她。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power.最佳方案就是繼續(xù)不遺余力地供給他。 翻譯翻譯 utmost 釋義釋義2a. as much as possible, used for emp
52、hasizing a quality or feeling (用于強調(diào)某種品質(zhì)或感情)最大的,極度的 例句例句Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness.安全問題要極其嚴肅地對待。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句You should proceed with the utmost caution. 你要極度小心地行事。 翻譯翻譯釋義釋義1v. to move food around in a dish or pan using a spoon or other objects 攪拌(食物)WordsWords例句例句S
53、tir the soup for a few seconds.將湯攪動幾秒鐘。 翻譯翻譯例句例句There was Mrs. Brown, stirring sugar into her tea.布朗太太將糖攪拌進茶里。 翻譯翻譯 stir 釋義釋義2vt. (also up) to make someone feel upset or angry 激起,激發(fā)(不安或憤怒) WordsWords例句例句His words stirred an anger in her.他的話激起了她的憤怒。 翻譯翻譯例句例句It is a book that really stirs the imaginat
54、ion.這是一本很能激發(fā)想象力的書。 翻譯翻譯 stir 釋義釋義n. U a situation in which people, groups, or countries join together or agree about something 聯(lián)合;統(tǒng)一; 團結(jié)WordsWords例句例句We have achieved genuine stability and unity.我們已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了真正的安定團結(jié)。翻譯翻譯例句例句Unity is the guarantee of victory. 團結(jié)是勝利的保障。 翻譯翻譯 unity It is our consistent polic
55、y that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. (Jan. 2000, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure) 真題真題釋義釋義a. (only before noun) cooked in an oven or over a fire 烘烤的;烤制的WordsWordsroast 例句例句His is fond of roast beef. 他很喜歡烤牛肉。翻譯翻譯例句例句Roast turkey is a traditional food for Thanksgiving. 烤火雞是感恩節(jié)的傳統(tǒng)食物。 翻譯
56、翻譯釋義釋義1a. happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country (在)海外的;來自海外的 例句例句He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip.他結(jié)束了漫長的海外旅行回到南非。翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句翻譯翻譯Every year nine million overseas visitors come to London.每年有九百萬海外游客到倫敦觀光。 overseas 釋義釋義2ad. to or in a coun
57、try across the sea 向海外;在國外 例句例句They used to work overseas.他們以前在海外工作。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句翻譯翻譯When I was a child, my family lived overseas. 我小時候,我們家生活在海外。 overseas The course normally attracts 20 students per year, of whom up to half will be from overseas. (Jan, 1990, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure )
58、真題真題釋義釋義1ad. almost not or almost none 幾乎不;幾乎沒有 例子例子翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句It can scarcely be coincidence. 翻譯翻譯這不太可能是巧合。我?guī)缀醪桓蚁嘈胚@件事。 scarcely I can scarcely believe it.釋義釋義2ad. only just 僅僅;才 例子例子翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句Scarcely had the game started when it began to rain.翻譯翻譯比賽才剛開始就下雨了。他才剛放下電話,門鈴就想起來。 scarcely
59、He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang.釋義釋義n. C (供郵寄的)包裹 例句例句She unwrapped the parcel slowly.她慢慢打開包裹。翻譯翻譯WordsWordsparcel 例句例句He had a large brown paper parcel under his left arm. 他左臂下夾著一個大牛皮紙郵包。翻譯翻譯釋義釋義1v. to control the direction in which a vehicle moves 掌舵; 駕駛 例句例句He steered th
60、e boat into the harbour.他把船開進港口。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句You row and I will steer.你劃槳,我來掌舵。 翻譯翻譯steer 釋義釋義2vt. to influence the way something happens or the way people behave 引導;影響 例句例句He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce.他設法把話題從他離婚一事上引開。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句She steered the team to vic
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