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1、劇情如此奇妙】Show D escriptbn:S o FantasithD eep down in the P acific 0 cean in tie city ofB ikhiBottom lives a square ye lbw sea spongenam ed S pongeB ob S quareP ants,because he alv ays w ears square pants S pongeB ob lives in a pheapple w ilh his petsnail,G ary,bves his j)b as a cook attheKrusty Krab,a

2、nd has a knack forgetting into trouble w ilhoutreally trying.W hen he,s notgetthg on tie nerves of his cranky next-door nehbor;S quidw aid, S pongeB ob can usually be found sm ack in the middle of all sorts of strange situation w ith his bestbuddy,the sin pie yetbvable starfish,Patrrk,orhis thrillrs

3、eekhg surfer-girl squirrel pal,S andy.ln B khi Bottom,fish w aJkhg,bbw ing bubbles in aitand the tastiest undersea teat is adeep 壬fedKrabby P attyBuiger Every thing is so fentastic 在太平洋深處一個(gè)叫做比基尼堡的城市里,住著一個(gè)方塊形的黃色海綿, 名叫海綿鮑勃方短褲,因?yàn)樗偸谴┲叫味萄?。海綿寶寶和他的寵 物蝸牛加里一起住在菠蘿屋里。它非常熱愛在蟹堡王餐廳當(dāng)廚師的工作, 并且有著不費(fèi)吹灰之力就惹一身麻煩的本事。海綿

4、寶寶不是在招惹他的 暴躁鄰居章魚哥,就是和他最好的朋友一一一只單純又可愛的小海星派 大星,或者尋求刺激的潛水小松鼠珊迪一起,深陷五花八門的奇異境況中。在比基尼堡,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)魚類一邊走路一邊吹泡泡是一種藝術(shù),而在海底最誘人的美食就是煎得熟透的蟹黃堡。所有的一切都是如此美妙。C haracters:So Unique角色如此獨(dú)特】海綿寶寶麻煩制造者S pongeB ob is a seasponge w ho lives in aSpongeBob A troubles akerfijllymshed,1w o4)edioomcook at the Kruslypineapple,and w ork

5、s as a fry” sultinateKrab,a ham burger festfoodrestauiant,and his dream in life is to be the ocean fly cook S pongeB ob is optfai is tic and eamestb ut despite hisbest intentions,he can,tseem to avoil creating pioblem s fcrhin self一and usually everyone else around hin ,too.W hile trying too hard,het

6、ends to do things wrong,whichusua spellsdisasterButSpongeEob is ak ays bokhg on the brightside of life,and his enthusiasm about everything m akes hin downright irresisthle.海綿寶寶是一塊海綿,生活在家具齊全,擁有兩間臥室的菠蘿屋里。他在 一家漢堡快餐店一一蟹堡王哪里做煎炸漢堡包的工作,而他的人生,夢(mèng) 想就是成為海洋里最好的煎炸師。海綿寶寶樂觀又認(rèn)真,但是,盡管他 的出發(fā)點(diǎn)都很好,卻好像仍免不了給自己制造麻煩,而且還常會(huì)殃及身

7、 邊的每一個(gè)人。雖然海綿寶寶十分努力,卻總是把事情搞砸,招致災(zāi)難。 好在他總是能看到生活的光明面,他對(duì)所有事物的熱情使他的魅力讓人 無法抗拒。GarySpongeBob ' s byalpet加里海綿寶寶忠誠的小寵物G ary is a snail,w ho leaves a trailof slin e everyw here he goes.H e m ay notbe so good atcatehhg Frisbees orfetehhg slppers,butG ary is hebestpetan hvertebiate sea spongew Uh square pant

8、s could possibp ask fer;and that' s allthatm atters 加里是一只到哪里都會(huì)留下粘液痕跡的小蝸牛。也許他并不擅長接住 飛盤或是幫主人取拖鞋,但加里絕對(duì)是穿著方形褲子的無脊椎海綿能 找到的最好的寵物,而這才是最重要的。Patrick一SpongeBob,s byalbuddy 派大星海綿寶寶忠誠的朋友Patrick s big am bitfonh lifecanbe sum m ed uph fourw ords :U hJU hfcrgetA sS pongeB ob,s bestfriend P a trickisalv aysoff

9、eringhisadviceandencouragem entU nfcrtunatefy,P at ' snotexactiy the brighteststarfish h the sea,and he usua ends up hewing SpongeBobinto a heapof trouble.Even1heir sin pie st plans end up hdisasterBu tfor better or worse, Patrick w ill alv ays beS pongeB ob,s byalbuddy派大星生活的雄心壯志可以總結(jié)成四個(gè)詞:呃我呃 忘了。

10、作為海綿寶寶最好的朋友,派大星總是給他提供建議和鼓勵(lì)。但遺憾的是,派大星嚴(yán)格意義上并不算是海里最聰明的海星,而且他總是越幫越 忙。最后讓海綿寶寶陷入一大堆麻煩中。有時(shí)候,即便是最簡單的計(jì)劃,他們也會(huì)以災(zāi)難收?qǐng)?。但不論結(jié)果是好是壞,派大星永遠(yuǎn)是海綿 寶寶忠實(shí)的朋友。Sandy 一the apple ofSpongeBob ' s eyeS andy is a sea dom e-dw effing squinelw ho lives foraction and adventure .Since she is a land creature,she needs to w ear a pre

11、ssurized suit under the sea.Sandy is B ikhiBottom' sonblesilentroden't.and SpongeBob s ' karate sparring partnerFor Sandy, SpongeBob is lhe sea bottom,.s beststuntbuddy,andwhen they gettogether;ciashheh ets and parachutesareusual required珊迪是一只居住在海底圓形罩子里的小松鼠。 她的生命里充滿了運(yùn)動(dòng) 和冒險(xiǎn)。珊迪是陸地生物,所以在海里她

12、需要穿著潛水服。她是比基 尼堡里唯一的鋸齒動(dòng)物居民,而且也是海綿寶寶的空手道拳擊陪練伙 伴。對(duì)珊迪來說,海綿寶寶是她在海里最好的特技表演伙伴,當(dāng)他們 在一起時(shí),鋼盔和降落傘通常是必不可少的。Squidwaid 一 SpongeBobs Imch' partnerhin .TheS quidwaid is a m ean,whinyjSthk-hHhen ud squid who thinks he,s better than anyone else>E very thing annoys K rustyKrab annoys hin .The custom ers annoy h

13、in .M r. Kiabs annoys hin Butm osto fall, S pongeB ob annoys hin 一a Joi ost24 hours a day.B esiles w orkhg side by side w ith SpongeBob atthe Krusly Kiab,he isS pongeB ob s,next-doornehbor If it w eren ' tfor the feet that S pongeB ob is Ihe onfy one w ho likeslistening to his clarhetpayhg,S qui

14、dw aid would have nothingto do w iih hin 章魚哥是一只吝嗇的、愛發(fā)牢騷的、保守的烏賊。他覺得自己比其他任何人都棒,任何事都可以惹怒他。蟹堡王令他生氣,顧客令他生氣, 蟹老板令他生氣。但最讓他生氣的是,海綿寶寶幾乎每天24小時(shí)都會(huì)惹他厭煩。除了一起在蟹堡王工作外,他還是海綿寶寶的鄰居。要 不是海綿寶寶是唯一愿意聽他演奏單簧管的聽眾,章魚哥根本不愿 他。M r.KiabsSpongeBob s ' boss蟹老板海綿寶寶的老板M rKiabs is the ownerof the Krusty Krab.M aking m oney isw hati

15、:,s allaboutforhin ,and he can usually be found in hisoffice counting his cash and adding up the day ' srecepts.A ithough S pongeBob gets on his nervous, M rKrabslikes that he,s w ffling to w oik bng hours for little pay,andsom etin es acts like his m entor蟹老板是蟹堡王餐廳的主人。對(duì)它來說,賺錢是他的一切,因?yàn)槟憧?能發(fā)現(xiàn)他在辦公室

16、里數(shù)錢,計(jì)算每天的收入。雖然海綿寶寶總會(huì)惹到 他,但蟹老板喜歡利用海綿寶寶的廉價(jià)勞動(dòng)力為他長時(shí)間干活。有時(shí) 候他還會(huì)扮演海綿寶寶的導(dǎo)師。hteresthg S ide lights :S o finny精彩花絮如此搞笑】ffiven Ihough lhe show is based undenv atethe characters can on$ sw in in sw in m ing pools*G aiy, SpongeBob s,byalpetis a snail,but its “m eow ” is sin ilar to a cat刪 rKrabs is a ciab ;how eveghe has a daughterP earl,whois a w halethough it is undeiwate


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