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1、(1)Mr. White works in an office. he liked r_ in bed when he was young. It was bad for his eyes and now he has near sight. But he doesnt want anybody to know about it and he a_ wears glasses. And it often brings him some t_.One winter morning he went to a village. he got off the bus at a stop in a sm

2、all town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasnt quite smooth. Sometimes he fell and it made his clothes very dirty. at last he r_ the village. Suddenly wind began to blow and the weather got colder. The wind blew his hat o_. He began to r_ after it but he couldnt catch up with it.

3、 He couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if it had legs. And he ran into the house, too.A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “I understand if you are running after a girl, but I dont understand w_ you are running after my hen. (3)(2)We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things

4、to make sure they do not destroy whole cities. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where t_ of the earths plates (板塊)join together. Second, if you think there m_ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock, not on s_. Third, you must make the houses as s_ as possi

5、ble. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.Scientists are a_ that one day an even bigger earthquake will happen around San Francisco. They call it “the Big One”. But people today are still building more houses. the p_ in and around San Francisco is now ten times

6、 more than it was in 1906. This means that i_ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. (4)(3)There is no quick and easy w_ to learn English. But there is a s_ and good way. Speak English as m_ as you can. Speak o_ English with your teacher and your classmates

7、. Speak English with them w_ you are in class and out of class. Speak and listen to English as much as you can. Listen to your teacher when he speaks to you in English in class. Listen to your classmates when they speak English to you o_ of class.Speak, listen and read English as much as you can. Do

8、nt only read the t_. Go to the library and read easy English books. Speak, listen, read and write English as much as you can. buy a notebook and write in it every day. (5)(4)San Francisco is called of the most beautiful cities in the w_. It sits on fourteen hills with the Pacific Ocean on one side,

9、and San Francisco Bay on the o_. The Hills have both beautiful buildings and beautiful green trees. People in the city of San Francisco are lucky enough to e_ the scenery. Everyone wants a house with a fine view. Most big cities in the United States are build on land without hills. People in these c

10、ities cant see very far from their houses. When they look out from their windows, they can only see tall buildings. So they look only i_ when they choose their houses. they w_ a house with nice rooms to look at. When people in San Francisco choose theirs, they look not only inside but o_. They want

11、a house with both nice rooms and a fine v_. (8)(5)Computer games and video games have become more and more p_ among people, especially young boys. its hard for one to w_ against the computer. the more people lose, the more they want to win, and at last they even cant l_ without it. For schoolboys, t

12、hings are e_ worse. They are not i_ in their study.So playing computer games and video games too much is rally h_ to students. You should put your heart into your lessons and learn more for the people and be a u_ person for our motherland. (11)(6)Every day, standing at my information desk, I have to

13、 answer l_ of questions of the tourists coming from all o_ the world. People may ask the strangest things sometimes. Im often surprised at the different question that people ask.My job is o_ to give information about bus and underground railway routes in the city. of course, tourists always have que

14、stions a_ the best ways to get to some interesting places. But quite often people are interested to know the names of the best restaurants. Others like to know about museums, hospitals or schools. Once a man w_ me to look after his dog and a_ time a woman asked me to watch her seven children!I like

15、my job a_ I am always busy. (13)(7)In Australia, Christmastime is always in the hottest period in summer! Without s_, white Christmas never comes to Australia. Its a completely d_ holiday from the one that you know.Beaches are very popular d_ that time. you can even see Santa Claus surfing on the oc

16、ean! In the day , families like to go downtown to watch the carnival parade. Everyone d_ up. They are as beautiful as the performers. And this makes the carnival more colourful. At night, people go to different outdoor parties to continue their happy h_.It may be a pity that A_ cannot enjoy a white

17、Christmas, but they never feel upset because they have a s_, happy holiday. (14)(8)The most important thing for me was to adapt to the life here. I d_ like Chinese food at first because it is usually cooked with too much oil. I prefer s_ food, so I make m_+ some chili sauce for every meal. A semeste

18、r has passed, and I am now used to Chinese food. In fact, I eat so much now t_ I have gained weight.I live in the Wangjing New Residential Area. This is the first time I have lived independent of my p_. here, the surroundings are similar to those at my home in South Korea. I s_ a room with four othe

19、r students from my school. Even though I live in Beijng, I have not been to any of the interesting places in the city. This is r_ disappointing. (16)(9)In the past, stamps and envelopes were not u_. When people wanted to send a letter, they would close the paper w_ a seal. The person who got the let

20、ter had to pay for it. Because costs at that time were very h_, most people refused to a_ letters. In fact, the sender would often place secret marks on the outside of the letter. The person who was s_ the letter would read the secret message. Then, they would refuse to accept the letter and did not

21、 have to pay for it.In Britain, Sir Rowland Hill introduced the “Post Office Reforms” in 1837. He decided that letter could go to any place in the country for a penny even if the letter had to go far away. The cost was to be paid by the sender of the letter. P_ was recorded by placing a small piece

22、of c_ paper on the letter: the stamp! On May 6th, 1840, the first stamp called the “Penny Black” was born. (17)(10)Expressions about water are a_ as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant m_. The expression “ to be in hot water” is one of them . Its a very ol

23、d expression.“Hot water” was used five hundred years ago to mean being in t_. One story says it got the meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castles. That no longer h_, but we still get in hot water.When we are in hot water, we are in trouble. It can be

24、 any kind of trouble, serious or not so serious. A person w_ breaks a law can be in hot water with the police. A young boy can be in hot water with his mother if he walks in a house with d_ shoes.“Being in deep water” is almost the same as “being in hot water”. When you are in deep water, you are in

25、 a difficult position. imaging a person who cannot swim been thrown in water over his head. You are in deep water when you are facing a problem that you do not have the ability to s_. You can be in deep water. For example, if you invest in stocks without knowing anything about stock market. (19)(11)

26、Why do people drink? Often they are t_, but this cant be the o_ reason; there m_ be other reasons, too. In many countries, when friends see each other, they often have a drink while they sit and talk. Many English people dont need anyone else; they drink tea several times a day even if they are a_.I

27、n most countries people say s_ when they drink together. The English often say, “Cheers.” In all countries there are many places to sell drinks. Since there are s_ many of these places, it seems that many people drink more o_ than they really need to. (23)(12)Taking photos is f_, and taking good one

28、s is easy if you follow a few simple r_. before you take a photo, think about it. Be s_ you are close enough to your subject. A pretty face against a plain background, for example, makes a good picture. But a distant f_ lost among trees and clouds may make the photo lose its color. In a landscape sc

29、ene, try to k_ at least two-thirds of the picture below the line where the ground m_ the sky.For a sky secne, keep at least two-thirds of the picture above that line.S_ photos in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you learn to improve your own photos. (24)(13)

30、If you have been to America, you may have found that Americans are of all c_ and races. Where did the people come from?The very f_ Americans were the so-called American Indians. They came to the continent in very ancient time from Asia. There used to be millions of them, but their number has d_ to o

31、nly about 900,000 today.The American Indians have n_ to do with the Indians of India. Then why do people call them Indians?Christopher Columbus made his historic voyage in 1492. He did so because he believed the earth was r_ and he could reach the east by s_ to the west. When he reached the land, he

32、 thought he had arrived in India. So he called the people of the New World “Indians”, and Indian is the name that has remained until these days.About 11% of the population of the United States of American are black. they were first brought to America from A_ as slaves. Though they became free in 186

33、3, they have had to wage a long and bitter struggle for equal rights with the whites. Their conditions have improved but they have not won exact equality. (25)(14)I well remember my first contribution (投稿)to the newspaper, I had long dremed of printing m_ name in the paper, b_ never had the courage

34、to send in my rubbish. Then came my primary school graduation, I wrote an essay on it. It was r_ childish and over sentimental, but my teacher thought it was not bad and encouraged me to sent it to the newspaper.After I had sent it to the childrens page in one of the local newspapers, I w_ anxiously

35、 (焦慮地). It did not appear until I almost gave up hope of i_. then when it was printed, my long eager waiting was rewarded. I r_ two dollars from my essay. I treasured the two dollars as the rarest precious stone.Since the f_ print of my work, I have continually sent in many articles. I am not writin

36、g for money, but for the pleasure I derive from it. (27)(15)Have you ever heard the song “Yesterday Once more”? If you have , you certainly know the famous singer, Karen Carpenter. She was one of the most popular s_ in the world. T_ she died quite a long time ago, her songs are still often heard. Pe

37、ople like her sweet v_ and her lovely appearance.Karen and her brother began to perform when they were very young. They studied hard and worked well, and little by little they became well k_ all over the world. Karen bought a house with the money she had m_ and invited her parents to live in. They w

38、ere happy at that time. Later she wanted to lose weight and began to eat very little food. Soon she became very thin and her heart got weaker and weaker, and then she died. All her fans were sad a_ the bad news.While we are listening to her songs today, we couldnt help asking, “Is it r_ to lose weig

39、ht?” (28)(16)Robots are very useful. They can do a lot of work for us today. you know, these kinds of work are usually h_ and dull, but robots never f_ tired or get angry. In some factories, robots are taking the p_ of workers. Robots even can do some work that people cant do. In the deep sea or in

40、space robots do something which is dangerous. In the future, robots will be sued more and more w_. They can also help people do some h_. If you want to have a cup of tea, your robot will m_ it for you. If the house should be cleaned , just s_ on the sofa and watch, your robot will make it clean with

41、out complaining. It is interesting, isnt it? (29)(17)Drinking tea is a main part of English peoples life. In the morning, husband or wife, still in bed, may get a cup of tea that was brought by others b_ getting up. For hotel guests, the first thing they do after they wake up in the morning is to dr

42、ink tea. Sometimes electric teapots are prepared for the c_.Nowadays in England, every company finds it p_ to prepare electric teapots, teacups, tea and milk for its workers. Big office-buildings have the drinking-rooms. China is the hometown for tea. Records about tea-planting in China date back to

43、 as early as 350 B.C. Englishman still had been drinking coffee as o_ Westerners up to the early 17th century. But at that time, Dutchmen first brought tea to Europe from China. It came into England as m_ as 50 years later. East Indian Company at that time did tea b_ on large scale (大規(guī)模)and played a

44、n important and active part in m_ tea popular to the public.(18)The Internet has become an important part of teenage life. Most of them use the Internet to get lots of k_ and information, and to relax in their spare time. The teenagers keep in touch w_ their friends online. It is cheaper than phonin

45、g s_ far away and E-mail is also much q_ than ordinary mail.But some teenagers are not using it in a good way. Many teenagers would find life difficult without it. They spend too much time online. Some of my students who used to do w_ at school are now failing exams because now they spend all their

46、time p_ games online. It is important that you use the Internet in a proper way. Teenagers should learn h_ to use the Internet for study and keep away from bad websites.Teenagers should make sure that surfing the Net doesnt take the place of their homework or being with friends.(19)The way that peop

47、le all over the world watch films has changed these years. People dont just go to the cinema any more. They take the films home! The VCR, has made this possible, and it has helped to change peoples l_.VCRs make it possible for us to watch films at home i_ of the cinema. People can just go to a video

48、 s_ near their houses, rent one or more films for a day or a weekend, and watch them in their won homes.They c_ just a few dollars each day. Many different films are on video tape, from exciting films to interesting plays.Watching a film at home can be very easy, and much c_. VCR owners can make sna

49、cks and sit back and e_ a film with family and friends. They can stoop the film to make more snacks, a_ the phone, or take care of the baby. There are no lines to stand in, no tickets to buy, and no uncomfortable cinema seats.(20)Dear Dennis,We just wanted ot say thank you for putting us up b_ we ca

50、ught the plane last week. It was a lovely evening, and we enjoyed meeting your friends, Date and Sarah. We m_ to get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. We even tried to get an e_ flight, but it wasnt possible.We had a wonderful holiday in Spain. We just loved to drive through the countrysi

51、de, we often stopped to walk round a mountain v_. We met our friends, Bill and Sue, and they invited us to have a meal with them, but we couldnt, a_ we had already booked a hotel.The weather was fantastic. The sun didnt stop s_ all the time we were there. Leaving Spain was very sad. It made me feel

52、like crying.Anyway, were looking forward to h_ from you, and hope to see you soon. Let us know if youre ever in the area.You must call in.Best wishesSandra(21)Leaning and reading require many skills. Finding the main idea in a paragraph is just o_ of these skills.Now lets talk about what a main idea

53、 is and h_ to find out the main idea. Perhaps the best way to understand the main idea is to think of it as a central idea, or the most i_ idea which gives the paragraph purpose and direction. that is to say, when you are trying to f_ the main idea, you are thinking about the purpose of the given pa

54、ragraph: Is it to tell you about something, to explain? Or is it to compare, to argue? W_ you get the right answer for yourself, you are likely to have got the main idea.The main idea of the paragraph u_ appears in the first sentence of the paragraph. It is followed b_ other sentences which support details.(22) I was walking along the deserted street of a small seaside town in England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to get in touch with the Automobile Association (汽車協(xié)會(huì)). Low


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