1、 第 十 三 章 投 保英文版海洋運輸貨物保險保障的風(fēng)險海洋運輸貨物保險保障的風(fēng)險海上風(fēng)險海上風(fēng)險外來風(fēng)險外來風(fēng)險自然災(zāi)害自然災(zāi)害意外事故意外事故一般外來風(fēng)險一般外來風(fēng)險特殊外來風(fēng)險特殊外來風(fēng)險 海上風(fēng)險海上風(fēng)險(perils of sea)。海上風(fēng)險也稱海難,是指海上航行中發(fā)生以及海上與陸上、內(nèi)河或船舶相連接的地方所發(fā)生的自然災(zāi)害或意外事故。w 自然災(zāi)害自然災(zāi)害(natural calamity)。是指自然界的力量所造成 的災(zāi)害,它一般是人力無法抗拒的。如惡劣氣候、雷電、海 嘯地震洪水等。w 意外事故意外事故(accident)。是指由于外來的、偶然的、非意料中的原因所造成的事故。如擱淺、觸
2、礁、沉沒、傾覆、碰撞、失火、爆炸等。 外來風(fēng)險外來風(fēng)險(extraneous risk)。是指海上風(fēng)險以外的其 他外來原因的風(fēng)險。外來風(fēng)險必須是意外的、偶然的、難以預(yù) 防的,而且必須是外部因數(shù)導(dǎo)致的。一般外來風(fēng)險一般外來風(fēng)險是指一般外來的因數(shù)所致的損失,通常包括偷竊、短量、提貨不著、淡水雨淋、混雜、沾污、滲漏、碰損、破碎、串味、受潮受熱、鉤損、包裝破裂和銹損風(fēng)險等。 特殊外來風(fēng)險特殊外來風(fēng)險是指一般外來風(fēng)險以外的其他外來因數(shù)所致的貨物損失,它往往是與政治、軍事、社會動蕩以及國際行政措施、政策法令等有關(guān)的風(fēng)險。如戰(zhàn)爭罷工進口國有關(guān)當(dāng)局拒絕進口或沒收等。 海洋運輸貨物保險保障的損失海洋運輸貨物保險
3、保障的損失全部損失全部損失部分損失部分損失實際全損實際全損推定全損推定全損共同海損共同海損單獨海損單獨海損全部損失全部損失(total loss)簡稱全損,是指整批或不可分割的一批保險貨物全部滅失或可視同全部滅失的損失。w實際全損實際全損(actual total loss)也稱絕對全損,是指保險標(biāo)的發(fā)生保險事故后滅失,或者受到嚴(yán)重?fù)p壞完全失去原有形體、效用,或者不能再歸被保險人所用。w推定全損推定全損(constructive total loss)是指被保險標(biāo)的物發(fā)生事故后,雖然沒有完全滅失,但對其進行救助或修理的費用估計要超過保險價值,于是對此貨推定為全損。部分損失部分損失(partic
4、ular total loss)是指保險標(biāo)的物的損失沒有達(dá)到全部損失的程度。w共同海損共同海損(general average)。運載貨物的船舶在運途中遭到危險,為了船貨的共同安全,人為地采取合理犧牲措施挽救貨船,這種犧牲和額外開支就叫共同海損。w單獨海損單獨海損(particular average)是指保險標(biāo)的物即船舶或貨物在運輸途中,純粹由海上災(zāi)害事故造成的,而且無共同海損性質(zhì)的部分損失。海上運輸貨物保險保障的費用海上運輸貨物保險保障的費用w施救費用施救費用(sue & labor charges)是指保險貨物遭遇保險責(zé)任范圍內(nèi)的事故時,被保險人或其代理人、雇傭人員和受讓人為避免
5、或減少損失而采取各種搶救、保護、整理措施而產(chǎn)生的合理費用。w救助費用救助費用(salvage charges)。當(dāng)船舶遇到海難,雖然經(jīng)船上人員盡力采取辦法亦不能使船舶脫離危險時,必須由他人來救助,由此支付的報酬就是救助費用。w額外費用額外費用 (extra charges)是指保險標(biāo)的受損后,對其進行 查堪、公正、理算或拍賣等支付的費用以及運輸在中途中止時所支付的貨物卸下、存?zhèn)}及續(xù)運至目的地的費用等。海運貨物保險投保實務(wù)海運貨物保險投保實務(wù)投保的注意點投保的注意點保險索賠保險索賠投投保保英文版海洋運輸貨物保險險別介紹海洋運輸貨物保險險別介紹 一般附一般附加險別加險別特別附特別附加險別加險別保險
6、的責(zé)保險的責(zé)任期限任期限基本險別的基本險別的除外責(zé)任除外責(zé)任附附 加加 險別險別主主 要要 險險 別別海洋運輸貨物保險險別介紹海洋運輸貨物保險險別介紹英文版平安險平安險一切險一切險 水漬險水漬險w 三種險別都有貨物運輸?shù)幕倦U別,被保險人可以從中選擇一種投保。此外,保險人可以要求擴展保險期。但在這三種基本險別中,明確規(guī)定了除外責(zé)任。w 除外責(zé)任是指保險公司明確規(guī)定不予承保的損失或費用。 英文版w平安險(free from particular average, fpa)也稱部分損失不賠險,它的承保責(zé)任范圍有六項。w 被保險貨物在運輸途中由于惡劣氣候、雷電、海嘯等自然災(zāi)害造成整批貨物的全部損失和
7、推定全損。w 由于運輸工具遭受擱淺、觸英文版 礁、沉沒、互撞、失火、爆炸等意外事故造成的全部或部分損失。w 在運輸工具已經(jīng)發(fā)生擱淺、觸礁等意外事故的情況下,貨物在此前后又在海上遭受自然災(zāi)害所造成的部分損失。w 在裝卸或轉(zhuǎn)運時由于一件或整件貨物落海造成的全部或部分損失。英文版 w 由于上述事故引起的共同海損的分?jǐn)傄约盀橥炀仁茈U貨物和防止或減少貨損而支付的合理費用。w 運輸契約訂有“船舶互撞責(zé)任”條款,據(jù)該條款規(guī)定應(yīng)由貨方償還船方的損失。英文版w 水漬險的責(zé)任范圍除了包括上列“平安險”的各項責(zé)任外還包括由海上自然災(zāi)害導(dǎo)致貨物的部分損失。英文版w 一切險的責(zé)任范圍除了包括上列“平安險”和“水漬險”的
8、各項責(zé)任外還包括貨物在運輸途中因各種外來原因所導(dǎo)致的全損或部分損失。英文版w 一般附加險有11種:w(1)偷竊及提貨不著險(theft, pilferage and non-delivery clause)w(2)淡水雨淋險(fresh water & /or rain damage clause)w(3)短量險(shortage clause)w(4)混雜、沾污險英文版(intermixture & contamination clause)w(5)滲漏險(leakage clause)w(6)碰損及破碎險(clash & breakage clause)w(7)串味
9、險(taint of odour clause)英文版w(8)受潮受熱險(sweat & heating clause)w(9) 鉤損險(hook damage clause)w(10)包裝破裂險(breakage of packing clause)w(11)銹損險(rust clause)英文版w 一般附加險不能單獨承保,它必須附屬于主要險別下。英文版w 目前中國人民保險公司承保的特別附加險別有:w(1)交貨不到險(failure to delivery risk)w(2)進口關(guān)稅險(import duty risk)w(3)黃曲霉素險(aflatoxin risk)w(4)出口貨
10、物到香港(包括九英文版 龍在內(nèi))或澳門存儲倉火險責(zé)任擴展條款(fire risk extension clause for storage of cargo at destination hong kong ,including kowloon,or macao)w(5)戰(zhàn)爭險(war risk)w(6)罷工險(strike risk)英文版 在保險實務(wù)中基本險通常采用“倉至倉”條款(warehouse to warehouse clause, w/w clause)。具體指被保險貨物運離保險單所載明的啟運地倉庫或儲存處所開始運輸時生效,包括正常運輸過程中的海上、陸上、內(nèi)河和駁船運輸在內(nèi),直至
11、該項貨物到達(dá)保險單所載明目的地收貨人的最后倉庫或儲存處所或被保險人用作分配、分派、或非正常運輸?shù)钠渌渌幩鶠橹?。w 如未抵達(dá)上述倉庫或儲存處所,則以被保險貨物在最后卸港全部卸離海輪60天為止。w如在上述60天內(nèi)被保險貨物需轉(zhuǎn)運至非保險單所載明的目的地時,則以該項貨物開始轉(zhuǎn)運時終止。英文版 除外責(zé)任指保險不予負(fù)責(zé)的損失或費用,一般有屬非意外的、非偶然性的或須特約承保的風(fēng)險。中國人民保險公司海洋運輸貨物保險條款中對除外條款有以下五項:w被保險人的故意行為或過失所造成的損失;英文版w各地發(fā)貨人責(zé)任所引起的損失;w在保險責(zé)任開始前,被保險貨物已以存在的品質(zhì)不良或數(shù)量短差所造成的損失。w被保險貨物自然
12、途耗、本質(zhì)缺陷、市價跌落和運輸延遲所引起的損失或費用。 英文版w屬于海洋運輸貨物戰(zhàn)爭險和罷工險條款規(guī)定的責(zé)任范圍和除外責(zé)任。英文版 一、選擇保險險別,應(yīng)考慮以下因素:(一)根據(jù)貨物的性質(zhì)、特點選擇相應(yīng)的險別。(二)根據(jù)運途中可能遭受的風(fēng)險和損失而定。(三)根據(jù)船舶所走的航線和??康母劭诓煌āS⑽陌妫ㄋ模└鶕?jù)國際形勢的變化而定。(五)根據(jù)以往的經(jīng)驗而定。 采用中國人民保險公司的保險條款有平安險、水漬險和一切險三種基本險可供選擇,可獨立投保這三種險;此外特別附加險和特殊附加險要附加投保;一般附加險不須投保,而平安險、水漬險英文版 要另外加保。 采用倫敦保險協(xié)會貨物保險條款的,有(a)險、(b)
13、險、(c)險作為主險,可獨立投保,惡意損害險要附加投保,戰(zhàn)爭險和罷工險可在特殊情況下作為獨立的險別投保。 二、確定保險金額 (見附錄2)英文版 三、填寫投保單 投保單格式、主要內(nèi)容及填寫要求(見式樣4-1) 英文版 出口投保時,投保人應(yīng)注意以下幾點: 1如果以信用證方式付款,投保險別、幣制及其他條件要與信用證所列保險條款一致,以免銀行拒收保險單或拒付貨款。 2投保險別及其他條件還應(yīng)與貿(mào)易合同一致,以免因違反合英文版 同而致對方索賠。 3如果目的地在內(nèi)陸,保險時應(yīng)盡量保到內(nèi)陸目的地,而不應(yīng)只保到目的港,以保證貨物在整個運輸過程中的損失均能得到保險保障,避免貿(mào)易雙方因貨損產(chǎn)生糾紛。 4對方有特殊要
14、求時,投保英文版 人應(yīng)事先同保險公司商量是否接受,還應(yīng)事先問清保險費,以便向買方收取。 英文版 保險貨物遭受損失后,被保險人根據(jù)有關(guān)規(guī)定向保險人提出賠款請求稱為保險索賠。保險人接到報損通知后處理賠案的過程則稱為保險理賠。保險利益是指投保人或被保險人對于保險標(biāo)的因利害關(guān)系而產(chǎn)生的為法律所承認(rèn)、可以投保的經(jīng)濟利益。英文版 一、索賠的一般程序w1損失通知。各保險公司一般要求被保險人在提貨后發(fā)現(xiàn)損失立即通知,最遲不能超過保險責(zé)任終止后10天。對于集裝箱貨物,一般要求在碼頭或集裝箱站開箱當(dāng)時立即發(fā)出損失通知。w2申請檢驗。在出口保險中,英文版 應(yīng)由保險單上注明的保險公司在國外的檢驗代理人進行檢驗并出具檢
15、驗報告。進口保險中,則由保險人或其代理人和貨主以及船方或其代理人進行聯(lián)合檢驗或申請商檢,并出具檢驗報告。w3提交索賠的必要單證。主要有以下單證:英文版w(1)保險單或保險憑證正本。w(2)運輸契約。w(3)發(fā)票。w(4)裝箱單、磅碼單。w(5)貨損、貨差證明。w(6)檢驗報告。w(7)索賠清單。英文版w二、索賠工作應(yīng)注意的問題 (見附件13-1)w三、賠償金額的計算(見附件13-2)英文版chapter 13 insurance risk of cargo transportationperils of seanatural calamityaccidentextraneous riskcom
16、mon extraneous riskspecial extraneous riskwperils of sea.perils refer to risks which occur at sea,or at the place where the ocean and land,or the ocean and the inland river,or the ocean and the lighter are connected.wnatural calamity.natural calamities are caused by the forces resulting from the cha
17、nges of natures,e.g.,vile weather,thunder,tsunamil,earthquake,flood,etc.waccident.the accident caused by external,haphazard,unexpected reason. e.g.,stranded,grounded,sunk,capsized,collision,fire,explosion,etc.wextraneous risks are the risks that expect sea risk. extraneous risks must be accidental,o
18、ccasional,hard to prevent,and caused by external reasons.wcommon extraneous risks include theft,fresh or rain water damage,shortage,leakage,breakage,sweating and heating,intermixture and contamination,odour,hook damage,breakage of packing,rusting,etc.wspecial extraneous risks are often related to po
19、litics,military affairs,convulsions and international policy,laws,etc.e.g.,war,strike,seizure,etc.the losses guaranteed by insurancepartial losstotal lossactual total lossconstructive total lossgeneral averageparticular averagetotal loss is the loss that a set of goods or indiscerptible goods are to
20、tally lost.wactual total loss is the loss that the goods lost or badly hurt that lose the form or avail or cant belong to owner.wconstructive total loss is the loss that the actual total loss of cargo is inevitable or the cost of salvage or recovery could have exceeded the value of the cargo.partial
21、 loss is the loss that not reach the degree of total loss.wgeneral average refers to a certain special sacrifice and extra expense intentionally incurred for the general interests of the shipowner, the insurer,and the owners of the various cargoes aboard the ship.wparticular average means that a par
22、ticular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of damage dose not reach a general average.maritime chargeswsue&labor charges:when the insured cargo suffers natural calamities or fortuitous accidents within the scope of insurance cover,the insured or his agent or any employees pays the expe
23、nses caused in saving the insured cargo in order to prevent the losses from further expanding.wsalvage charges:when the insured cargo suffers a natural calamity or a fortuitous accident within the scope of insurance cover,the third party who has no contracted relations with the insured and the insur
24、er salvages the cargo successfully.wextra charges:include the fee for reconnaissance,notarization,calculation, auction,and the fee for offload,storage the goods takeout insurance practice of marine cargo insurancepractice of marine cargo insurance cautions for insurancecautions for insuranceinsuranc
25、e claim introduction of the insurance coverage of marine cargo transport introduction of the insurance coverage of marine cargo transportbasic risks additional risks responsibilities and time limit of insurance the exclusion of basic coverage f.p.aw.p.aall risks general additional risks special addi
26、tional riskswthe three kinds of coverage have their own basic coverage of cargo transport, the insured may choose one of them. in addition, the insurer may demand to expand the terms of insurance. whowever, exclusions are clearly defined in the above three coverage. which means the insurance company
27、 clearly stipulates that they are not responsible for some kinds of lost and relative expense. wfree from particular average, (f.p.a.)includes:1.real total loss or constructive total loss caused by natural calamity or accident in the course of transportation; 2 . p a r t i a l l o s s o f t h e i n
28、s u r e d commodities caused by the transport accidents such as ground, stranding, sink, collision, fire and explosion; 3、partial loss of the insured commodities caused by natural calamities such as abominable climate, thunder, tsunami before or after the transport accident, such as ground, strandin
29、g, sink or fire; 4、total loss or partial loss caused by the lost of the insured commodities in the course of loading ,unloading and transshipment; 5、total loss or partial loss in the course of unloading in the refuge port when encountering natural calamity or accident; 6、extra expenses caused by loa
30、ding, unloading, storage and transport of the commodities when encountering natural calamity or accident, and need to berth in the refuge port.wwith particular average (or w.p.a):it includes all the risks in f.p.a. in addition, it includes the partial loss caused by abominable climate, thunder, tsun
31、ami, earthquake and flood. wall risks: it includes all risks in f.p.a. and w.p.a. and it also includes the loss caused by external reasons, during transportation. wgeneral additional risks include: 1、theft, pilferage and non-delivery; or t.p.n.d 2、 fresh water rain damage; or f.w.r.d 3、risk of short
32、age 4、risk of intermixture & contamination 5、risk of leakage 6、risk of clash & breakage7、risk of odor 8、damage caused by heating & sweating 9、hook damage 10、loss for damage by breakage of packing11、risks of rust the above 11 additional risks the above 11 additional risks cannot be indepe
33、ndently insured; cannot be independently insured; they must be attached to the main they must be attached to the main coverage. which means only after coverage. which means only after insuring the main coverage, the insuring the main coverage, the insured are permitted to insure insured are permitte
34、d to insure the additional coverage. and these the additional coverage. and these risks are included in the all risks are included in the all risks.risks. wspecial additional risks cover by p.i.c.c. are the following:w(1)failure to delivery riskw(2)import duty riskw(3)aflatoxin riskw(4)fire risk ext
35、ension clause for storage of cargo at destination hong kong ,including kowloon, or macaow(5)war riskw(6)strike riskw according to the practice of international insurance, basic coverage adopts the warehouse to warehouse clause w/w clause, which means the insurance responsibilities are in effect from
36、 the consigners warehouse or storage to the consignees warehouse designated in the insurance policy, including the course of normal transportation in the sea, land, fresh water or barge.w but it cannot exceed 60 days after the commoditys unloading from the ship. wif the goods transship to the destin
37、ation that not the one in the insurance thin 60 days,it stop when transship begin. wexclusions refer to losses and expenses for which insurance company declares clearly not to be responsible.according to of p.i.c.c.,there are 5 exclusions.w 1、loss caused by the insureds deliberate behavior or fault;
38、 w 2、loss caused by the consigner;w 3、loss caused by fault in quality or shortage in quantity of the insured commodities before insurance responsibilities take effect;w 4、loss and expense caused by the commodities natural wastage, essential defect, characteristics and the market fluctuation, transpo
39、rt delay, etc; w 5、responsibilities and exclusions of the war risk and strike risk. first,when choosing insurance coverage, we should take into consideration the following conditions.(1)quality and characteristic of the goods(2)damage and loss may happen(3)conveyance and line(4)changes of internatio
40、nal political and economic situation.(5)experienceif you choose the insurance of p.i.c.c.,you can choose f.p.a.,w.p.a.,or all risks separately.special additional risks need take insurance specially.general additional risks dont need take specially expect f.p.a. or w.p.a.wif you choose london insuran
41、ce institute cargo clauses, you can choose clause a,clause b,or clause c as main clause.you can take it only.vicious damage has to take specially.war and strike can take specially.second,calculate insurance premium(see addenda 2)third,fill the insurance policythe form of insurance policy,main conten
42、t and request of fill the policy.(see form 4-1)wyou must take attention to the following cases:1、the coverage, currency and other terms must be consistent with the insurance clause of the l/c, for fear that the insurance policy be rejected by banks;2、the insured coverage and relative terms must be consistent with the contract, for fear that against the contract and result in claim for compensation; w 3、if the destination is inland, we should try to insure the inland destin
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