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1、 Nnit 1 NEVER SAY GOODBYEanswer 與與 reply 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別1. 兩者均可表示“回答”,但 answer 屬常用詞,多用于一般性應(yīng)答,而 reply 則較正式,多指經(jīng)過考慮而作出答復(fù)2.answer 可自由地用作及物或不及物動詞,而 reply 除后接 that 從句或引出直接引語是及物動詞外,(直接引語指忠于原文直接引用他人的話,后為第一人稱)一般只用作不及物動詞。其后若接名詞或代詞作賓語,應(yīng)借助介詞 to。如:He replied that he had changed his mind. 他回答說他改變了主意。He didnt answer reply

2、to my question. 他沒有回答我的問題。He did not know what to reply. 他不知道回答什么(即:用什么回答)。He did not know what to reply to. 他不知道回答什么問題(即:對什么作回答)。3. answer 除表示“回答”外,還可表示接聽(電話)或?qū)﹂T鈴等聲響作出反應(yīng)等(常與 telephone, door, bell, door-bell 等連用)。但 reply 不能這樣用。如:Who answered the telephone? 誰接的電話?A little girl answered the door. 一個小女

3、孩應(yīng)聲去開門。Nobody answered my call for help. 沒有人理會我的呼救。4. 兩者除用作動詞外,都可用作名詞。要表示“對的回答(答復(fù),答案)”等,其后均接介詞 to (不用 of)。如:Have you had an answer to your letter? 你寄出的信有回音沒有?I received no reply to my request. 我的要求沒有收到任何答復(fù)。 空格前有the的話后面有to也可以是填answer : the answer tocommon側(cè)重“普通”,表示“時時發(fā)生,人所共有”,并含有“并不高貴,地位低下”之意味,其反義詞為ra

4、re。 general側(cè)重“普遍”之意,表示在大多數(shù)我或事物中流行并受到關(guān)注,不含有“地位低下”之意,其反義詞為specific。 ordinary與common基本同義,側(cè)重“平凡的,普通的”,表示“隨時可以碰到,不值得驚奇”,其反義詞是superior。 usual用來指事物,意為“通常的,慣常的”,含有“隨集體風(fēng)俗或個人習(xí)慣而常常發(fā)生”之意,其反義詞為unusual。舉例如下: a common saying(俗話),a common wish(一個共同的愿望)。 the general opinion一般輿論an ordinary(or a common)event(一件極平常的事),

5、an ordinary(or a common)person(一個普通人)。 Its a usual thing with him. (這對他來說是平常事)。small(a)(adc)(n)一般是描述無生命的物體,比如the small tree. 再比如the first tree is smaller than the second treetiny(adj)是說一個東西非常非常小,有生命搜索的物體和無生命的物體上都可以用,但通常不用在名詞前面修飾(即不通常這樣用tiny sth),比如:it is a kind of tiny cell.這個就是錯的。正確的例子有:Cells are s

6、o tiny that you can not see. they are very tiny! Nunit 2 THE FUN THEY HAD funny 滑稽可笑的,搞笑的滑稽可笑的,搞笑的。側(cè)重指。側(cè)重指人或物的樣子人或物的樣子或或動作動作很很滑稽,可笑滑稽,可笑。funny 還還偏重指通俗偏重指通俗的有意思,好玩,比方說稱的有意思,好玩,比方說稱贊一個可愛的毛絨玩具,就可以說贊一個可愛的毛絨玩具,就可以說eresting 有趣的,令人感興趣的有趣的,令人感興趣的,側(cè)重指,側(cè)重指人或物能激發(fā)人人或物能激發(fā)人的興趣的興趣。偏重指。偏重指比較高雅的有趣,令人感興趣比較高雅

7、的有趣,令人感興趣,比方說某個展,比方說某個展覽,某部電影,某本書,如果有趣的話都可以用覽,某部電影,某本書,如果有趣的話都可以用interesting來來形容。形容。funny:It is a informal (非正式的)word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness(奇怪,奇妙), abnormalty(反常地,變態(tài)地), or inappropriateness(不適合,不適當(dāng)?shù)模?interesting: It refers to sth that attracts(吸引,引起) peo

8、ples attention, usually because it is exciting, unusual and deserves (應(yīng)受,應(yīng)得)their observation (觀察,監(jiān)視)and study. still:側(cè)重一動不動。側(cè)重一動不動。 silent:指不出聲不說話,安靜的(尤其是指環(huán)境,氛圍)指不出聲不說話,安靜的(尤其是指環(huán)境,氛圍)still: It suggests an unruffled or tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and

9、 movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity.silent: It simply means becoming speechless or being without noise; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.argue 指提出指提出理由理由或或證據(jù)證據(jù)為為自己或自己一方的看法或立場辯自己或自己一方的看法或立場辯護護,著重說理搜索、論證和企圖說服著重說理搜索、論證和企圖說服,當(dāng)作不及物動詞時加介詞,當(dāng)作不及物動詞時加介詞,如:

10、如:against ,about,with, for.(自己認(rèn)為一般是人)(自己認(rèn)為一般是人)dispute 側(cè)重對側(cè)重對分歧進行激烈分歧進行激烈或或熱烈的爭論熱烈的爭論或或爭辯爭辯,帶一定,帶一定感感情色彩情色彩,常,常隱含隱含“各持已見各持已見”或或“爭論不休爭論不休”意味。側(cè)重指長時間意味。側(cè)重指長時間,言詞激烈,針鋒相對的爭辯。言詞激烈,針鋒相對的爭辯。(說說-一些事的對錯之分)(針對物一些事的對錯之分)(針對物)dispute: It is often used as a transitive(及物的)(及物的)verb, meaning saying that sth is inc

11、orrect or untrue; fight passionately (熱情地,強烈地,激昂地)(熱情地,強烈地,激昂地)for control or owner ship of sth.argue: It usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views of or to a heated(強烈地,激昂地(強烈地,激昂地 ,激動地),激動地)exchange of opinion; very often, when used intransitively, it is followed by prepositions(介詞)(介詞) l

12、ike with, for, against, about, etc.regularadj. 1.規(guī)則的,有規(guī)律的;固定的;正常的Hes got no regular job. 他沒有固定的工作。 2.定期的,定時的He made a regular visit to his parents. 他定期看望父母親。 3.經(jīng)常的,習(xí)慣性的Laura was one of his regular customers. 勞拉是他的老顧客之一。 4.普通的,一般的,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的Do you want regular or king size? 你要一般尺寸的還是特大尺寸的? 5.正規(guī)的;正式的,合乎禮儀的;合

13、格的B6.勻稱的;端正的;整齊的He is a handsome young man with regular features. 他是個五官端正的英俊青年。 usualadj. 通常的,平常的;慣常的He came home later than usual. 他回家比平時遲。 Shall we meet at the usual time and place? 我們在老地方老時間見面好嗎? 這道題里主要是強調(diào)routine“慣例的,例行公事的”之意。相比之下,usual可譯為“慣常的”,而regular則沒有這層意思,強調(diào)更多的是其規(guī)律性。usual: It is applied to w

14、hatever recurs frequently and steadly, refering to natural happening as well as to occurrences based on the customs of the community or the habits of an individual.regualr; It emphrasizes a comformity to the established or natural order of things, refering to events that happen often, or events that

15、 have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen at the same time, for example, each day or each week.discipline, code, key, principlecode: a set of rules which are accepted as general principles, or a set of written rules which state how people in a particular organization or country s

16、hould behave discipline: the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behavior, and punishing them when they do not (n)-紀(jì)律,訓(xùn)練,懲罰,學(xué)科。(Vt)-訓(xùn)練,懲罰。key: the part of a plan, action, etc. that will make it possible for it to succeed principle: a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how

17、something happens or works (原則,原理,行為準(zhǔn)則)care和mind,mattercare:(n)關(guān)懷,照顧,謹(jǐn)慎,憂慮。 (vi)照顧,關(guān)心,喜愛,顧慮 側(cè)重于關(guān)心,操心,憂慮等 (vt)在意,希望或喜歡。mind:(n)理智,精神,意見,智力,記憶力 (vt)介意,專心于,照料。 側(cè)重于見解,意見,介意在心 (vi)介意,注意。matter:(n)物質(zhì),原因,事件 (vi)有關(guān)系,要緊。 側(cè)重于事情問題,(vi):要緊,有關(guān)eg:what matter with you?Vocabulary IIImatter: to be important, or to a

18、ffect what happens We were late but it didnt seem to matter.happen: when something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not plannedIts important to predict what will happen next.mind: to take care of someone or something She asked me if Id mind the children for an hour while she went s

19、hopping.care: if you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it Does anybody know were here, does anybody care?Vocabulary IIIhurry: to do sth or go somewhere more quickly than usual, especially because there is not much time I hate having to hurry a meal.rush: if

20、you rush somewhere, you go there quicklyA schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a mans life.quicken: to become quicker or make something quicker Ray glanced at his watch and quickened his pace.hasten: you hasten something by acting (n)演技,演戲,假裝in order to make it happen soonerHe hastened to t

21、he office.hurry:(n)匆忙,急忙 (v)倉促(做某事),催促,(朝某方向)迅速移動,迅速處理。 rush:(n)沖進,匆促,急流 (adj)使沖,突襲,匆忙地做,飛躍 (vi)沖,奔,闖,趕緊,涌現(xiàn)。hasten:(vt)加速,使趕緊,催促 (vi)趕快,急忙quicken:(vi)加快,變活躍,進入胎動期 (vt)加快,鼓舞,使復(fù)活Vocabulary IIIcopartner: a joint partner (as in a business enterprise) (n)企業(yè),事業(yè);進取心,事業(yè)心。coworker: your coworker is someone you work with, especially people on the same job or project as you cooperative(adj)合作的,合作社的合作的,合作社的(n)合作社合作社: a business or organization owned equally平等地?fù)碛?by all the people working therecolleague: your colleagues are the people you work with, especially in a professional (專業(yè)的,職業(yè)的職業(yè)性的)job


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