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1、GFI 350 Bar Internal Solenoid Tank Valve 350 BAR INTERNAL SOLENOIDTANK VALVEREFERENCE MANUALTV-2XX VALVESSpecifically designed for 350 bar Hydrogen, the IMPCO GFI solenoid operated internal tank valve provides enhanced storage system safety. Available in both 12 VDC and 24 VDC models. An integrated

2、temperature and pressure activated relief device ensures total system safety by ensuring tank protection.Note: Not all models exactly as shown.1CONFIDENTIALITYThe information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to IMPCO Technologies Control Systems. This information cannot be

3、disclosed to other parties without written authorization from IMPCO Technologies. This document is intended only for customers engaged in a current confidentiality agreement with IMPCO Technologies.DISCLAIMERAlthough every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, IMPCO Tech

4、nologies cannot guarantee performance based solely on this document.Table of ContentsGFIP224 ã 2014 IMPCO Technologies.Printed in CanadaGFI 350 BAR Internal Solenoid Tank Valve PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS2GAS SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONS4ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONS6TEMERATURE SENSOR7OPTIONA

5、L CONNECTOR AND MATING CONNECTOR8PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE (PRD)9MANUAL LOCKDOWN9DIAGNOSTICS10SERVIC CHECKS14SPECIAL TOOLS15APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS162PHYSICAL DIMENSIONSThe internal tank valve is intended to fit into a standard 2-12 UN tank thread, with only 2” 50.8mm protruding beyond the neck of t

6、he tank. To keep space requirements to a minimum, all connections are radial to the tank neck. Even the manual lockdown can be accessed from the side.Main materials in gas contact:- 6061-T6 aluminum- Glass-18-8 Stainless steel- 430F and FR Stainless steel- Nitrile- Dupont Vespel- Delrin- Copper wire

7、, insulation- Heatshrink tubingWeight (w/o sensors): 1.925 lbs0.87 kgTank volume displaced:6.4cu. in.0.105 LInlet/Outlet ports:9/16-18 SAE J1926/1, -6 O-ringPRD Port7/16-20 UNFSAE J1926/1, -6 O-ringTank thread:2"-12 UN3Minimum clearances inside the tank are given below. These are not a gland or

8、 tank design, but only designated minimum clearances.4GAS SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONSGENERALGas:HydrogenNominal pressure:5075 psi350 BargMax. overfill pressure.6350 psi438 BargMin. burst pressure:20,300 psi1400 BargOperating temperature:-40ºC to +85ºCCv, inlet to tank0.7Cv, inlet to outle

9、t1.2FILLINGThe solenoid does not need to be powered to fill. A pressure differential of about 2 bar (30 psi) opens the solenoid. It then acts as a check valve, preventing flow back out.The high pressure sensor reads pressure near the inlet, not inside the tank. At high fill rates, it reads higher th

10、an the pressure in the tank, due to pressure losses through the valve.The temperature sensor reads the temperature of the gas inside the tank.RUNNINGEnergize the solenoid to open the valve.The high pressure sensor reads the tank pressure.Using the manual override tool has the same effect as using th

11、e solenoid.WARNING: Use of the manual override tool will damage the solenoid piston seal and the valve must be replaced. Return the damaged valve to IMPCO Technologies.CLOSEDSimilar condition exists if the manual lockdown is used.Only the PRD is connected to tank pressure. The PRD cannot be isolated

12、 from the tank pressure.The temperature sensor still reads gas temperature.The pressure sensor is not connected to the tank and could be removed if the lines are drained and the manual lockdown is closed.ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONSNominal voltage:12V24VMax. voltage:18V36VCurrent:1 ampTra

13、nsient clip voltage:40VResistance19.2 +/-5% ohms 20C71.82 +/-5% 20cDielectric Strength of coil 1000VRMS1000VRMSDuty Cycle Continuous Continuous6SOLENOIDThe solenoid is not polarity sensitive. A transient suppressor is installed to absorb the voltage spike that occurs when the solenoid is released. T

14、his keeps the reverse voltage spike down to 40 volts, for about 3 milliseconds. 7THERMISTORThe thermistor is on the pressure side of the valve, inside the tank. Because of this location the sensor reads the actual gas temperature at that point. However, under high flow conditions, temperature differ

15、ences of over 30°C have been measured between various points in the tank. This is something that must be tested in given tank setups. Sensor Supplier SpecificationsTYPENTCR25C2.7Kohms +/-2%Tolerance2%Thermal Time Constant10sThermal Dissipation2mW/CPower 25C.25WPower 85C1.25WOPTIONAL CONNECTOR A

16、ND MATING CONNECTORIMPCO Technologies can supply the tank valve (including temperature sensor) with either a 16” (40 cm) unterminated pigtail or with a standard connector on the end of 6” (15 cm) of wire. 9PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE (PRD)The valve is equipped with a PRD, to vent the tank in the event of

17、 a fire. When the valve is exposed to excessive heat, the PRD opens and vents the tank through the vent port. Models are available with either 103ºC (217ºF) or 109ºC (228ºF). Model numbers ending in “0”, such as TV-110 are 103ºC, whereas those ending in “5” are 109ºC. T

18、he 103ºC (217ºF) contains cadmium, which is being phased out, while the other does not. IMPCO Technologies suggests that the non-cadmium version be used unless there is a legacy reason to do otherwise.The PRD is permanently connected to the interior of the valve. Because of this, it cannot

19、 be intentionally or unintentionally shut off.The PRD is capable of flowing about 200 grams per second of hydrogen, although actual flow rates will vary. The vent line should be sized to adequately handle this flow, and to guide it safely away. The line must also be protected from intrusion of water

20、 or other contamination.MANUAL LOCKDOWNThe valve includes a manual lockdown for service work, which shuts off all flow into and out of the tank. The lockdown is a 1/4 hex located on the face of the valve (see page 2 for diagram). It is normally turned counterclockwise to the fully open position. By

21、turning it clockwise to 5.4 Nm 4ft-lbs, the only flow path into and out of the valve (except the PRD) is closed. Opening the solenoid will have no effect.When any work is done on the valve or related lines, engage the manual lockdown. If any leaks are detected in the system, engage the manual lockdo

22、wn.A separate tool is available to manually force the solenoid to open. This is only to be done when the solenoid has failed and is not capable of opening under power. Once the failure of the solenoid is confirmed, the lines into and out of the valve need to be emptied. The built-in manual lockdown

23、is removed, and replaced with the manual override tool (see the Special Tools section). This has the same effect as activating the solenoid. This should only be done if the solenoid cannot be opened normally, as it can damage the valve.The manual override tool should be used in accordance with the “

24、06396-T Manual Override Tool Procedures” (Document # GFIP 258) supplied with the override tool, or available from IMPCO Technologies.WARNING: Use of the manual override tool will damage the solenoid piston seal and the valve must be replaced. Return the damaged valve to IMPCO Technologies.DIAGNOSTIC

25、S10If problems with the valve are suspected, the following checks should be done. The following procedures, however, assume no other problems with the system are causing issues. These tests should be incorporated into a system suppliers test procedures, and modified as needed for system effects.SYMP


27、 when the solenoid is activated. This procedure assumes that the related components in the system have either been verified or do not affect the test. Since not all possible system configurations can be considered in this document, refer to the system test procedures as appropriate. Special consider

28、ation should be placed on interactions from other valves plumbed with the valve in question. If possible, isolate the valve in question from others.1. Is the manual shutoff is in the open position?-Yes: à Continue to step #2.-No: à Open manual shutoff valve.2. Verify 12v or 24v signal sent

29、 from vehicle.Probe the solenoid supply terminals of the vehicle-side connector with a voltmeter when a signal is expected from the vehicle. Although vehicle connectors and wires will differ, they should correspond to the white (12v models) or orange wires (24v models). Does it read 12 or 24 volts (

30、as appropriate for vehicle) when expected?-Yes: à Continue to step 3.-No: à Diagnose vehicle problem3.Verify resistance of valve connectors.Probe the solenoid pins of the valve connector with an ohmmeter. Depending on the voltage, these will either be orange or white. Resistance should be:

31、-10-15 ohms lead to lead for a 12v coil or-40-60 ohms lead to lead for a 24v coilà Valve and connector resistance correct, go to #4-lower than above valuesà Probable solenoid short. Vent the tank using the manual override procedure and remove the valve per system supplier instructions and

32、return to vendor.-Higher than above values:à Verify the connector and wires have no obvious failures. If possible, remove wires from connector and verify again at terminals. Unless obvious problems can be found in the connector or wires, there is a probable valve failure. Vent tank using manual

33、 override procedure and remove valve per system supplier instructions and return to vendor.114.Verify resistance from the solenoid leads to the valve body with an ohmmeter. Ensure that the meter leads are not touching anything but the connector and body, including fingers.-Greater than 1Mohm, or “op

34、en line”:à Correct, continue to step #5.-Less than 1Mohmà Probable valve failure. Vent the tank using the manual override procedure and remove the valve per system supplier instructions and return to vendor5.Valve activation test.This test must only be done when the valve is in a condition

35、 that opening of the valve will not cause a hazardous condition! This must be ensured according to the system suppliers procedures. If possible, a known good pressure gauge or sensor should be connected downstream of the valve without any unproven valves or other devices interfering with its functio

36、n. Apply 12 or 24 volts to the valve (as appropriate for the model) from a known good power supply or battery, while listening for a clicking noise.-click is heard or pressure rises downstreamà Normal function, no problem with valve.-No noise, and no rise in pressure.à Probable failure of

37、valve. Vent the tank using the manual override procedure and remove the valve per system supplier instructions and return to vendor-Clicking noise, but no pressure rise. à Ensure the tank is actually filled and that no other factors outside the valve are causing false readings. If nothing can b

38、e found, vent the tank using the manual override procedure and remove the valve per system supplier instructions and return to vendor.2) SYMPTOM: VALVE CONTINUES TO FAIL FUSES OR BREAKERS. The fuse or breaker protecting the valve or valves frequently or constantly trips.1.Verify problem is with valv

39、es.Disconnect all valves and replace the fuse or reset the breaker. Power the solenoid supply in the normal manner, per system or vehicle procedures.-Fuse/breaker still trips.à Vehicle or system problem-Fuse/breaker does not trip.à Continue to step 2.2.Reconnect valves.Connect each valve i

40、n turn, and apply power. -Fuse/breaker tripsà Probable problem with that valve. Perform tests starting at step 2 of symptom 1.-Fuse/breaker does not trip. à No trouble found. Problem may be intermittent.123) SYMPTON: INCORRECT OR SUSPECT TEMPERATURE READINGS. The vehicle is getting reading

41、s from the temperature sensor that are thought to be incorrect. The procedure below should work for most vehicle electronics, but steps 1 and 2 may differ on some vehicles.1. Verify the supply to the sensor.Disconnect the harness from the vehicle. Measure the voltage across the +5v and ground supply

42、. Pinout and wire color depends on vehicle connector and harness, but +5v should correspond to the valves red wire, and 0V to the valves black wire.-reads +5v, within vehicles tolerance.à Voltage is correct, continue to step 2.-reads slightly different than +5và Possible vehicle voltage va

43、riation may lead to sensor reading variation, depending on vehicle electronics. This may or may not lead to a problem.-reads drastically different than +5v.à Vehicle power supply or harness issues.2. Verify signal voltage.Connect +5v and ground to the red and black terminals of the valve connec

44、tor. This can be accomplished by using jumpers or an intermediate connector to connect the valve connector to the vehicle harness, or by removing the signal terminal from either connector and connecting normally. Read the voltage between the sensor signal (green wire on valve) and ground (black wire

45、). See the temperature sensor section of the manual for the voltage/temperature equation.-approximately 1.9 volts, depending on temperature. 0.4-3.4 can be expected over the operating range.à Correct voltage. No problem with valve. If problem persists, investigate vehicle for problems, or check

46、 for an intermittent problem.- values other than expected.à Probable valve failure. If possible, remove wires from connector and verify again at terminals. Unless obvious problems can be found in the connector, there is a probable valve failure. Remove the valve per system supplier instructions

47、 and return the valve to the vendor.4) SYMPTON: APPARENT INTERNAL LEAK. The pressure in the inlet/outlet line appears to rise, despite the valve being de-energized.Since leak testing is very dependant on the system configuration, verify the valve according to the system suppliers instructions. The m

48、anual shutoff can be used to isolate valves to aid in diagnosing. If trouble is found, remove the valve according to the system suppliers instructions, and return the valve to the vendor.5) SYMPTOM: VALVE APPEARS UNABLE TO CLOSE. The pressure in the lines stays high enough, despite de-energizing the

49、 coil, to suggest the solenoid is not closing.1. Perform click test. This test must only be done when the valve is in a condition that opening of the valve will not cause a hazardous condition! This must be ensured according to the system suppliers procedures. Repeatedly apply and remove 12 or 24 vo

50、lts to the solenoid connector. An audible click should be heard on every activation and release. Repeat about 20 times.-No click is heardà Probable solenoid failure. Remove the valve per system supplier instructions and return the valve to the vendor.-Click heard every time.à Valve is not

51、stuck open. Check for leaks per #4.136) SYMPTON: APPARENT EXTERNAL LEAK. Indications of hydrogen leaking to the atmosphere is found. Using soap solution or other methods, verify the existence and source of the leak. If any leak is found, consult with the system supplier. The manual shutoff can be us

52、ed to isolate the tank from most of the plumbing, but it will not isolate leaks through the PRD or at the valve to tank interface.SERVICE CHECKS14These checks are only a general recommendation and should be incorporated in a system check with due consideration for the system operation. Performing th

53、ese checks without proper consideration for the system function may lead to incorrect or even hazardous results. 1. Visual inspection.-Check the valve for mechanical damage.-Look for signs of corrosion.-Check the wires for chafing, burning, breaks or other damage.-If any damage is found that cannot

54、be adequately repaired, the valve must be removed according to the system suppliers instructions. Wire or connector damage can generally be serviced in the field, but other problems generally require return to IMPCO Technologies for repair.-The source of the damage must be investigated and resolved.

55、2.Pressure test-Unplug or otherwise de-energize the solenoid.-Check and note the pressure in the outlet lines.-Per system or vehicle procedures, significantly reduce the pressure in the lines. Note the resulting line pressure.-Wait 10 minutes, and check the line pressure again. -The pressure should

56、be close to what was measured after reducing the pressure. If it rises back to the initial pressure, an internal leak may have occurred. Proceed with diagnostic steps.-Without changing anything, proceed to step 3.3. Activation test-This should be done immediately after step 2.-Apply and remove power to the solenoid. -The pressure in the li


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