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1、精品文檔2011年10月公共英語三級(PET3考試全真模擬試題(一)PUbIiC En glish TeSt SyStem (PETS) LeVel3姓名準考證號考生注意事項1嚴格遵守考場規(guī)則。考生得到監(jiān)考人員指令后方可開始答題。2答題前考生須將自己的姓名和準考證號寫在試卷和答題卡上。3.律用2B鉛筆涂寫,按照答題卡上的要求答題。如要改動答案,必須用橡皮擦干凈。4答寫作題時,必須用鉛筆或圓珠筆在主觀題答題卡上答題。5.注意字跡清楚,保持卷面整潔。6考試結束時將試卷和答題卡放在桌上。不得帶走。待監(jiān)考人員收畢清點后,方可離場。本試卷任何單位或個人不得保留、復制和出版,違者必究。SeCti On I

2、 LiSte ning COmPrehe nsion(25 mi nu tes)DireCtiO ns:ThiS .secti On is desig ned to test your ability to Un dersta nd spoke n En glish. You will hear a SeIeCtiO n Of recorded materials and you must an SWer the questio ns that accompa ny them. There are two PartS in this SeCt ion, Part A and Part B.Re

3、member, while you are doing the test, you should first PUt down your anSWerS in your test booklet. At the end of the liste ning COmPrehe nsion SeCt ion, you will have 3 minu tes to tran Sfer your an SWerS from your test booklet o nto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questio ns, you may raise your

4、 hand NoW as you will not be allowed to SPeak OnCe the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is One questi Onand four POSSibIe an swers. Choose the COrreCt an SWer-A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You

5、will have 15sec OndS to an SWer the questi Onand you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W: Could you PIeaSe tell me if the Beiji ng flight will be arrivi ng On time?M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?A

6、A bus Con ductor.B A clerk at the airport.C A taxi driver.D A clerk at the StatiO n.From the dialogue, We know that Only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose anSWer B and mark it in your test booklet.SamPIe An swer: A B C DNow Iook at quest

7、i On 1.1. What do the girls have in com mon?A Both of them are going to Zimbabwe.B They are both from AfriCa.C They are of the Same age.D They are in terested in AfriCa n art.2. What do We lear n from this Con VerSatiO n?A Mr. Smith is the new man ager. B The man ager is a man.C The former man ager

8、has left. D The man ager is not here.3. What does the woma n Want to know?A Where to board the pla ne. B Where to find a telepho ne.C The flight number. D The departure time.4. What does the woma n mean?A She does n' t Want to ask Mr. JaCkS On herself.B She does n ' t Want to work for Mr. Ja

9、CkS on.C Mr. JaCkS On may have broke n the tape recorder.D Mr. JaCkSon might fix the tape recorder.5. What does the woma n mean?A They don't have to go to the Con cert. B HiS brother should let them USe the car.C The SUbWay is fine With her. D A Car would n ' t be any faster.6. Why is the ma

10、n tired?A HiS job is difficult. B HiS job isn't i nteresti ng.C He does n't know how to do his job. D He does n't sleep well at ni ght.7. What do We lear n from this Con VerSatiO n?A The woman will PrObabIy go to Canada for her VaCation.B The woma n will PrObabIy Wait Un til SUmmer to go

11、 to Mexico.C The woman will PrObabIy not go to Canada for her Winter VaCation.D The woman will PrObabIy Stay home during her VaCatiOn.8. What does the woma n mean?A The man n eeds to Con ti nue walk ing.B The man n eeds to go Straight back for two blocks.C He has already PaSSed the buildi ng.D The b

12、uildi ng is to his right.9. What WaS Peter doing at the hospital?A SOmeth ing is Wrong With his baby. B HiS Wife just had a new baby.C He Went to See a doctor. D He WaS See ing his sister.10. What does the man mean?A He is not free after dinner. B He Can go to the COnCert if he has time.C They Can n

13、ot go to ConCert together. D He will go to the Con cert.Part BYou are going to hear four conVerSations. BefOre Iistening to each conVerSation, you will have 5secOndS to read each of the questiOnS WhiCh accompany it. After Iistening, you will have time to anSWer each question by choosing A, B, C or D

14、. You will hear each PaSSage or conVerSation ONLY ONCE.Mark your an SWerS in your test booklet.QUeStiOnS 11-14 are based On the following ConVerSation. YoU now have 20 SeCOndS to read the questi OnS II -14.11. When did the Con VerSati On take place?A BefOre SUmmer VaCati on. B DUring SUmmer VaCati o

15、n.C After SUmmer VaCatiO n. D In class.12. Who are the two speakers?A BrOther and sister. B Un employed young man and woma n.C College StUdents. D High school kids.13. What kind of jobs does the man prefer?A CamP jobs. B A job at a hotel.C A job in the ope n air. D CUtt ing grass.14. What do We lear

16、n from this Con VerSati on?A CamP jobs are Very attractive.B CUStOmerS at hotels usually give tips to waiters.C High school kids usually help their Pare nts CUtt ing grass.D The man wants a job OUtSide because mach ines do all the work.You now have 40 SeC OndS to CheCk your an SWerS to questi OnS 11

17、 - 14.QUeStiOnS 15-18 are based on the following conVerSation. You now have 20 SeCOndS to read the questio ns 15 -18.15. Where does this Con VerSatiO n take place?A In Detroit. B At the railroad StatiO n.C At the bus StatiO n. D At Clevela nd airport.16. Why does the traveler Want to take a bus?A Th

18、e bus tickets are CheaPer than the train tickets.B The bus trip is comfortable because it is air-c On diti On ed.C BUS stops at SeVeraI CitieS along the way.D The traveler WantS to experie nce ano ther Way of traveli ng.17. Why are the bus tickets much CheaPer than the train tickets?A The bus trip t

19、akes Ion ger time.B The bus stops at SeVeraI cities.C FeW people enjoy bus trip.D There is no rest room in the bus.18. Why couldn' t the PaSSenger USe the train ticket to Pay for the bus ticket?A The train ticket costs more than the bus ticket.B The train Stati On bel OngS to ano ther compa ny.C

20、 Her Un cle and aunt don ' t agree With him to do so.D She does n' t Want to Pay extra money to the bus StatiO n.You now have 40 SeC OndS to CheCk your an SWerS to questi OnS 15 -18.QUeSti OnS 19-22 are based On the follow ing n ews report. You now have 20 SeC OndS to read the questio ns 19

21、-22.19. Why did the StUde nts clea n the cars?A They Wan ted to help the clea ner ' S daughter.B They Wan ted to earn some POCket mon ey.C They n eeded money for their CIaSSmate' S medical expe nses.D They Wan ted to help a hospital.20. What WaS the biggest problem the clea ner' S daught

22、er faced?A She had a SeriOUS heart disease.B She would not clean the CarS herself.C Her father WaS ill and She had no family in Hong Kong.D Her school friends Were too poor to help her.21. Whom did they also tur n to for the fun eral expe nses?A The girl's relatives. B The Car OWn ers.C Their Pa

23、re nts. D ReSide nts of the buildi ng.22. What did the girl Want to do?A To live With her relatives. B To be in depe ndent.C To become a doctor. D To Stay With One of her classmates.You now have 40 SeC OndS to CheCk your an SWerS to questi OnS 19 -22.QUeSti OnS 23 -25 are based On the follow ing Con

24、 VerSatiO n. You now have 15 SeC OndS to read the questi OnS 23 -25.23. What does the man Wa nt to do?A Play basketball With friends from work.B Try out for the compa ny basketball team.C Get in ShaPe and COmPete in a cycli ng race.D BeCOme a Star player.24. What is the woma n' S main concern?A

25、She is WOrried her husband will SPend too much time away from home.B She is afraid her husba nd will become a fitn ess freak.C She is ConCerned about her husba nd ' S health.D She is afraid her husba nd will become a laugh in gstock.25. What does the woma n advise about the man's diet?A He s

26、hould Con SUme less salt.B He should eat less fatty foods.C He should add more prote in PrOdUCtS to his diet.D He should avoid eati ng SWeet thin gs.You now have 30 SeC OndS to CheCk your an SWerS to questi OnS 23 -25.Now you have 3 mi nu tes to tran Sfer your an SWerS from your test booklet to the

27、ANSWER SHEET I.That is the end of the liste ning COmPrehe nsion SeCti on.SeCtiOn USe of English (15 minutes)DireCtiO ns:Read the follow ing text. Choose the best word or PhraSe for each nu mbered bla nk and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.TeXtGeOgraPhy is the StUdy of the relati On ShiP betw

28、ee n people and the land. GeOgraPherS ( 地理 學家)COmPare and con trast 26 PIaCeS On the earth. BUt they also 27 bey Ond the in dividual PIaCeS and ConSider the earth as a 28 . The word geography 29 from two Greek words: ge , the Greek word for "earth" and graphein, 30 . means "to write&q

29、uot;. The English word geography means "to describe the earth". 31 geography books focus on a small area 32 a town or city. OtherS deal With a state, a region, a nation, Or an 33 Continent. Many geography books deal With the whole earth. Another 34 to divide the StUdy of 35 is to distingui

30、sh betweenphysical geography and CUItUraI geography. The former focuses On the n atural world; the 36 StartS With huma n beings and 37 how huma n beings and their environment act 38 each other. BUt Whe n geography is Con Sidered as a Sin gle subject, 39 branch can n eglect the other.A geographer mig

31、ht be described 40 One who observes, records, and explains the 41 between places. If all PIaCeS 42 alike, there would be little need for geographers.We know, however, 43 no two PIaCeS are exactly the same. Geography, 44 , is aPoint of view, a SPeCiaI Way of 45 at places.26. A SimiIar B VariOUS C dis

32、tant D famous27. A PaSS B go C reach D Set28. A whole B Unit C Part D total29. A falls B removes C results D comes30. A What B that C WhiCh D it31. A Some BMany CMost DFew32. A OUtSide B except Cas Dlike33. A extensive B entire C overall D enOrmoUS34. A Way B means C habit D technique35. A world B e

33、arth C geography D globe36. A seco nd B later C next D Iatter37. A IearnS B StUdieS C realizes D Un dersta nds38. A upon B for Cas D to39. A neither B either C one D each40. A for . Bto Cas Dby41. A excepti OnS B Same ness C differe nces D divisi OnS42. A be ing B are C be D Were43. A although B Whe

34、ther C SinCe D that44. A still B then C nevertheless D moreover45. A working B Iooking C arriving D gettingSeCtiOn In Reading COmPrehension (40 minutes)Part ADireCtiO ns:Read the follow ing three texts. An SWer the questi OnSon each text by choos ing A, B, C or D. Mark four an SWerS On the ANSWER SH

35、EET by draw ing a thick Iine across the COrreSP Onding Ietter in the brackets.TeXt INo One knows exactly how many disabled (殘廢的)people there are in the world, but estimates SUggeSt the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is PrObabIy more tha n double the total po

36、pulati On Of Can ada.In the Un ited Kin gdom, about One in ten people have some disability. DiSabiIity is not just SOmeth ing that happe ns to other people. AS We get older, many Of US will become less mobile ( 可動的),hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.DiSabIeme nt Can take many forms and occur

37、at any time of life. Some people are born With disabilities. Many OtherS become disabled as they get older. There are many PrOgreSSiVe disabling diseases. The Ionger time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many OtherS may have a PeriOd of disability in the form of

38、 a mental illness. All are affected by people ' S attitude towards them.DiSabIed people face many PhySiCaI barriers. NeXt time you go shopping or to work or ViSit frien ds, imag ine how you would man age if you could not get UP steps, or On to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could no

39、t See Where you Were going or could not hear the traffic? BUt there are other barriers: PrejUdiCe Can be even harder to break dow n and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate What the SeVereIy disabled go th

40、rough, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the in dividual PerS on and their ability, not their disability, WhiCh cou nts.46. The first ParagraPh PointS out that. A J it is POSSibIe to get an exact figure of the world ' S disabled peopleB there are many dis

41、abled people in the worldC the nu mber of disabled people in In dia is the greatestD In dia has not much more disabled people tha n Can ada47. The key word in ParagraPh 4 is.A barriers B ignoranceC disability D PrejUdiCe48. The last word of the PaSSage "co Un ts" most PrObabIy means.A &quo

42、t;is most important" B "is inCIUded"C "is con sidered" D "is numbered"49. WhiCh of the followi ng Stateme nts is NoT true accord ing to the passage?A There are about 10 PerCe nt disabled PerS OnSin the UK.B The whole SOCiety should Pay due attention to the barriers

43、 faced by the disabled people.C EVen the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions Whe n they get older.D There still exists PrejUdiCe aga inst the disabled WhiCh results mainly from ignorance.50. It Can be Con CIUded from the PaSSage that.A We should try our best to PreVe nt disableme ntB W

44、e must take a PrOPer attitude towards the disabledC the able-bodied people will n ever fully Un dersta nd the disabledD both PhySiCaI and men tal barriers are hard to break dow nTeXt 2A small PieCe of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That' S the finding of an extensive StUdy of DUtC

45、h men in WhiCh deaths from heart disease Were more than 50 PerCent lower among those who Con SUmed at least an ounce of salt Water fish Per day tha n those who n ever ate fish.The DUtCh research is One of three human StUdieS that give Strong SCientific backing to the Ion gheld belief that eat ing fi

46、sh Can PrOVide health ben efits, PartiCUIarly to the heart.Heart disease is the nuinber-one killer in the United States, With more than 550,000 deaths oc- CUrring from heart attacks each year. BUt researchers previously have noticed that the inCidence ( 發(fā)生率)of heart disease is lower in CUItUreS that

47、 conSUme more fish than AmeriCans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the ESkimOS of Greenland, who conSUme about 14 OUnCeS of fish a day, and among the JaPanese, whose daily fish conSUmPtionaverages more tha n 3 OUn ces.For 20 years, the DUtCh StUdy followed 852 middle-aged

48、 men, 20 PerCe nt of whom ate no fish.At the Start of the study, the average fish Con SUmPti On WaS about two-thirds of an OUnCe each day With more men eating lean (瘦的)fish than fatty fish.DUring the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths Were among the group who

49、regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the JaPanese or ESkimos. ThiS relatio nship WaS true regardless of other factors SUCh as age, high blood PreSSUre, or blood cholesterol ( 膽固醇)levels.51. WhiCh of the following is NoT true according to the passage?A The DUtCh research has PrO

50、Ved that eat ing fish Can help to PreVe nt heart disease.B Heart doctors won't call your house so Iong as you keep eating fish each day.C Among all the diseases heart disease is the most dan gerous in AmeriCa.D There is a low in Cide nce of heart disease in SUCh CoUn tries as JaPa n and Gree nla

51、nd.52. The PhraSe "this relatio nship" (in Li ne 3, Para. 5) refers to the ConneCtion betwee n and the in Cide nce of heart disease.A the amount OffiSh eate n B regular fish-eat ingC the kind of fish eate n D people of differe nt regi OnS53. The PaSSage is mainly about.A the high in Cide n

52、ce of heart disease in some CoUn triesB the effect of fish eating on people ' S healthC the Cha nges in people' S dietD the daily fish conSUmPtion of people in different CUItUreS54. Why is heart disease the most dangerous killer in the United States?A BeCaUSe AmeriCa n people drink too much

53、spirits.B BeCaUSe there are a great nu mber of fat people there.C The author does n ' t give a definite answer.D BeCaUSe AmeriCa n people eat too much fatty fish.55. How many lives could PrObabIy be SaVed each year in the United StateS by eating fifth accord ing to the DUtCh study?A 550,000. B 2

54、75,000.LC 110,000. D 852.TeXt 3Being assertive ( 過分自信)is being able to com muni Cate With other people clearly. If you felt that you had expressed What WaS importa nt to you and allowed the oilier PerS On to resp Ond in their own Way then, regardless of the final outcome, you behaved assertively. It

55、 is important to remember that being assertive refers to a Way of coping With ConfrontatiOnS (對抗)。It does notmean getti ng your own Way every time or Winning some battle of WitS aga in St a no ther PerS on. In PraCtiCe assertive behaviour is usually most likely to PrOdUCe a result WhiCh is gen erall

56、y acceptable to all ConCern ed, WithOUt anyone feeli ng that they have bee n Un fairly treated.ASSertiVeness is Often Wrongly Confused With aggressiOn (侵犯行為 ).An aggressive Confrontation is When One or both PartieS attempt to PUt forward their feelings and beliefs at the expe nse of OtherS .In an as

57、sertive Confron tati on, however, each Party Sta nds UP for their PerS Onal rights, but each shows respect and Un dersta nding for the other's VieWPO int.The reas On Why assertive ness may not Come n aturally is that We Ofte n tend to believe that We must talk around a SUbjeCt rather than be direct, or that We must offer excuses or justificati OnS forour actions.In fact We all have a right to USe assertive behaviour in a Variety of SitUations. W


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