1、哈佛大學幸福課第二課中英文講義早上好H i. Good morn i ng.很高興你們都來了I *m so glad that you came.我還擔心在這種天氣沒人會來weather.I was worr ied that no one wouId show up in thi很高興你們都很好I'm glad you are Ok.首先做幾個聲明Just a couple of announcements.我通過郵件收到的幾個問題Questions that I received via email.在開始課程之前我要說的幾件事情A few things before we jum
2、p into the material.首先有人問我”這門課程是為誰設(shè)置的“Fi rst of al I, I was asked,"who i s th i s cI ass for“這是積極心理學“Is it for peopIe一一 you know it's pos i tive psycho Iogy 一一"它是為非常不開心的人設(shè)置的嗎“peopIe that are very unhappy"它只是為抑郁的人設(shè)置的嗎“Is it only for peopIe who are depressed"這門課程是為誰設(shè)置的“who i s
3、thi s cI ass for"這門課程的授課對象是Wei I,the cI ass i s for anyone who i s interested in對積極心理學有興趣的人及想更開心的人Positive psychology and anyone who wants to be happier. 如果你非常開心 你還可以更開心If you are extremeIy happy,you can still be happier.如果你非常不開心你也可以更開心If you are very unhappy,you can still be happier.所以這門課程適合任何
4、so the class essentially is for anyone對它感興趣的人who* s interested i n the mater ia I-我會邀請有興趣投入and I wouId add someone who is reaI Iy interested to work,我們上次談到的那種努力的人上來to put the kind of effort that we ta Iked about last time.你不需要投入那種Just not the k i nd of effort that we wouId requ i re you to為了明白某個槪念而大
5、為頭痛的努力wreck your head about understanding certain concept,而是努力把這些觀念融入你的生活but it is effort in terms of appIying these ideas to your I ives.也許你之所以上這門課程Now you may want to take this class,是因為你對積極心理學的理論感興趣because you are interested on academic I eve I i n pos i tive這也沒問題psycho Iogy that's perfectly
6、fine.你將會得到很多.And you'I I get many-一我們每節(jié)課都會談到非常多的研究we'll ta Ik about numerous stud ies i n every Iecture,從下節(jié)課開始starting next time.我們將接二連三地談到那些研究We'll ta Ik about study after study after study,所以你也可以得到理論方面的知識so you1I I get that eI ernent as well.但是如果你修積極心理學However, i f you are thinking abo
7、ut tak i ng pos itive psycho Iogy是為了個人利益那么你就需要努力for personal benefits,you need to put the effort in.對此今天我會作進一步的闡述And I'll ta Ik more about that today.所以這門課程任何人都可以修So the class is for everyone.包括那些非常開心而且想更開心的人Anyone who1s extremely happy and wants to be happier,及那些不開心但是想更開心的人and anyone who1s not
8、happy and wants to be happier.考試成績這不是個問題Pass/faiI一一 perfectly fine這門課程的宗旨以你們的利益為上Aga i n the idea abou t t his c I ass i s f i rs t and foremos t for you.所以我建議如果你想及格So I would urge you if you do take pass那么就要努力and faiI to put in the work,因此是否及格的決定因素之一and that's why the one element of pass/fai I
9、is not negotiabIe就是所有的回應(yīng)報告必須交上來that a I I the response papers have to be submitted.回應(yīng)報告不會評分Now the response papers,as you know,are not graded.它們基本上就是心得體會They are basically reflection papers也就是你會思考能夠融入Wi I I you ref Iect about the ideas about th ings你的生活的想法和事情嗎t(yī)hat can be appl ied to your Ii fe它們是必需要
10、交的But they are requi red.你交上來你就及格So you hand them i n,you pass.不交就不及格If you don't hand them in,you fail.除此之外But other than that,by a I I means,如果你想?yún)⒓涌荚嚹且矝]問題if you want to take this cI ass pass/fai I, it's perfect 丨y f ine.第三件事Thi rd thi ng,在這門課程你將會接觸很多理論和觀點you' I I be exposed to many t h
11、eor i es, to many i deas i n t hi s cl ass.不是所有理論觀點都會引起你的共鳴Not everything wouId resonate of you.2008年出版了 一本很棒的書There* s a wonderfuI book just came out in 2008,就在兩周前 書名叫快樂之道just two weeks ago,cal led HThe How of Happiness"它由 Sonja Lyubomi rsky 所著by Sonja Lyubomi rsky在書中她談到了一個槪念A(yù)nd there she ta I
12、ks about the concept她是加州大學河濱分校的教授she1s a professor at Riverside (UC),哈佛大學的畢業(yè)生 斯坦福大學的研究生Harvard col Iege graduate and went to Stanford for graduateschooI她談到了找到"適合”的重要性she ta Iks about the importance of finding fit,63也就是某種方法meaning the fit between certain technique,某種工具某種觀點是否適合你or tool,or idea, a
13、nd yourseI并不是你聽到的每種觀點Not every idea,每種研究not every study that you've heard about, 以及你運用的每種介入方法.not every intervent ion that you actually practice你在生活中將會運用介入方法and you wi11practice interventions in your 1ife,不管是作善舉whether it1sdoing acts of kindness,還是表達感激whether it'sexpressing gratitude,還是體育鍛煉還
14、是寫日記whether it'sphysical exercising,whether it's journaling.這些事情你在整個學期里都要做You wiI I do a I I these things throughout the semester. 然而并不是一切都適合你Not everything wouId be r ight for you.你將會接觸它You'I I be exposed to it.嘗試它You'I I try it.然后你將作出決定And then you1 I I make up your mind,"對我想把
15、它融入到生活中”"yeshis is what I want to incorporate"或者"不它對我沒什么意義”or "no, t hi s i s jus t not re I eva nt for me.”所以記住這一點很重要So it's important to keep that in mind.我所說的一切都有研究論證Anything that I ta Ik about is backed by research,但是研究沒有說它適合所有人but the research doesn11 say it's r ight
16、 for everyone.它說這對于大多數(shù)人或者對于很多人It says it's for most peopIe or for many peopIe;都有作用或者正在起作用this has worked or it is working.所以你要積極參與到課程中So aga in be an active participant in thi s cI ass而非某種學說的被動接受者as opposed to pass i ve rec ip ient of a doctrine.鑒別哪些東西適合你.不是一切東西And identify the things that work
17、for you一一 not everything.我敢說并非一切東西都適合你I guarantee not everything wiI I work for you,但是有很多東西會適合你but a lot of things will.關(guān)于我之前提到的回應(yīng)報告Your response papers that I just mentioned ear Iier:它們在下午五點鐘就要交很抱歉they are due at 5 pm, sorry,從下周二開始你將在每周二下午五點收到y(tǒng)ou'I I get them by 5 pm on Tuesday, starting next T
18、uesday.然后在周日下午五點前交到你的任務(wù)組And they wi I I be due at 5 pm on Sunday to your TF.回應(yīng)報告對大多數(shù)人來說Again the response papers are usually for most peopIe fun,都是有趣而好玩的活動interesting and engaging activities.它不會評分它讓你去思考Not graded,just bas icaI Iy for you to ref Iect,并通過它們?nèi)コ砷Lfor you to grow through them.要寫論文的人Thes i
19、s wr i ters你們中有多少人要寫論文How many of you are thes i s wr i ters請舉手讓我看看Just so I get a show of hand here好的 很抱歉 我沒有在開玩笑Ok, I am sorry. No I'm kidding. 要寫論文的人你們不用參加期中考試Thes i s wr i ters: you' I I not need to t ake the mid terms. 我知道那段時間里非常緊張.I know it's crunch time around that time-我自己也經(jīng)歷過那段時
20、期being through it myseIf here.所以你們不用參加期中考試So you1I I not have to take the midterm你的期末考占更多分數(shù)Your final wi I I account for more除非你想?yún)⒓悠谥锌荚嘦n less you want to take the midterm,當然我們非常歡迎你參加of course you'I I more than we I come to.我們不會把你扔到教室外面we won't throw you out of the cI assroom寫論文的人可以不用參加Your
21、thesi s wr iters may.網(wǎng)上將會有很多公告There'I I be many announcements on Iine請經(jīng)常查看網(wǎng)站Do check the webs ite on the reguI ar basis.我們會發(fā)布很多東西而不是向你發(fā)郵件We commun icate a lot of things. I nstead of send ing you ema i I s, 我們會發(fā)布公告we1 I I have the announcements.需要經(jīng)常查看一下大概每天六七次Check them regu I ar I y, about 6 7 t
22、i mes a day這只是開玩笑Just kidding.一兩天一次就已經(jīng)足夠了Once a day or once every two days i s more than enough在開始課程之前.I * d Iike Before I do jump into the material今天的課程非常令人興奮and we have a very exci ting lecture today,我們會邀請進修學院任務(wù)組組長Deb Levyto invi te Deb Levy who i s the head TF for extensi on schooI哈佛進修學院的同學們so ex
23、tension schooI students,我知道該學院的一些同學在這里I know there are a coup Ie of you here,還有一些在家里.those of you at home一一有請 Deb Levyhere she is. Deb Levy.00:06:13,050 > 00:06:14, 280好的Deb Levy:Alright.我大概有二三十分鐘的發(fā)言時間I have about 20,30 mi nutes to ta Ik所以我會從我小時候講起.這只是開玩笑so I'm gonna start with my chi Idhood.
24、 I am just kidding.我是進修學院的任務(wù)組組長我們很激動I am the head TF for the extension schooI and we are thr i I Ied.進修學院有296名學生在選修這門課程We have 296 extension students taking th i s course on Iine,也就是說他們會收看視頻which means they are going to watch videos,進修學院的學生們and then extension students你們會參加電話會議you'I I be in secti
25、ons on teIeconferenee,人們會打電話進來When peopIe are gonna caI I in,所以我們將會有電話會議there are gonna be teI econferences這是個很好的機會which is going to be a great opportunity.我們跟新西蘭的人打聲招呼Let's say h i to peopIe out there i n New Zea I and.還有法國的肯塔基州的萊克星頓的人Hi. France Kentucky Lexington.真是難以置信It's reaI Iy unbelie
26、vable另一件事就是我想拍一張照片So the other thi ng i s I want to take a p icture actually.教室里不準拍照(Tai: No pictures i n the cI assroom)也給你拍一張TaiYou* I I take a picture Ta I.我不會授課So I am not going to do any Iecturing但是Ta I和我有著相似的系統(tǒng)知識But since Tai and I have very s imiI ar systematic stuff,所以如果Tai因某種原因缺席的話so if Tai
27、 is absent for any reason,我會代你授課I'll be doing the Iecture for you.很好(Tai: Good.)另一件事就是進修學院的學生們The other is: peopIe who are extension,希望你們要耐心點I want to you be patient.我們會盡快把信息發(fā)出去we can.We are going to get information out there as soon as大槪下周你們就會分組And you'I I al I be sectioned in next week or
28、so.能來這里真是太激動了And fee I thr i I led to be here.好的謝謝你DebGreat Thank you Deb.我想以一個故事開始今天的課程So I want to start with a story,那是兩年前發(fā)生在我身上的事something that happened to me exactly 2 years ago,恰好兩年just about to the day,那是我上次教積極心理學的最后一節(jié)課when was the I ast time when I taught pos i tive psychology.那學期開始的時候As the
29、 semester started,同時那是壓力很大的一個時期 我的導師it was a very stressfuI per iod a I so,my mentor,我要把這節(jié)課程who I am ded i cating this cI ass as we I I as以及將來的積極心理學課程獻給a I I my future pos itive psycho Iogy cI ass i s to,在課程開始前一天去世的Phi I ip StonePhilip Stone passed away just the day before the c I ass started.那時候我壓力
30、非常大Very stressfuI per i od.我生病了病得非常嚴重And I got sick And I got very sick然而我還是上完了課Somehow I got through the cI ass.我教授周四的課程 它從兩年前開始I taught the Thursday cI ass That started 2 years ago.課程在周二上It started on Tuesday. So I taught on Tuesday后來改為周四我服了很多藥Somehow Thursday,comp Ietely drugged.然而我還是上完了課This Iec
31、ture I made it through somehow.我回家后無法入睡And I went to home and I cou I d n't fall as I eep.我感到非常痛所以我去看醫(yī)生了I was i n rea I pa i n. I went to the doc tors.那是周五下午我說That was on Friday afternoon,just saying"我必須要看醫(yī)生 我服的藥不起作用""you know I have to go. The medication I took d idn11 he Ip.我去看了
32、醫(yī)生驗了血Went to the doctors. Had some bIood tests.幾天無法入睡之后And finally after days I couldn*t sIeep由于痛苦我終于睡著了because of pa i n,fell as Ieep那是周五晚上This was Fr iday night.午夜的時候電話響了In the midnight, there was a phone caI I.我沒有去接我很快睡著了I don't hear it. I am fas t as I eep 我的妻子Tommy拿起了話筒My wife picks it up.
33、Tommy picks it up.那是醫(yī)生打來的It's the doctor.醫(yī)生對Tommy說And the doctor says to Tommy,結(jié)果出來了"the test resuIts just came in.Tai要立刻到醫(yī)院來And Tai shouId get to the hospitai now."她對醫(yī)生說She sa i d to the doctor,他剛睡著他幾天沒睡了"He just fell as Ieep He hasn11 sI ept for days.能不能等到明天再去Can it wait til tom
34、orrow morning”醫(yī)生說不行他要到Beth I srae I醫(yī)院And the doc tor said, ”N o. And he has to go to Beth I srae I, 那里有最好的實驗室可以給他提供治療because they have the best labs for what he needs r ight now 她沒有再說And she doesn't eIaborate it any moreTommy叫醒了我告訴我發(fā)生的事Tommy wakes me up,retells me the story of what's happeni
35、ng.我起來了Somehow I get up.她不能帶我去醫(yī)院因為DavidShe can't take me to the hospital because David,當時他才一歲他正在睡覺at that time one year old, i s as Ieep.我們不想叫醒他We don't want to wake him up.我們叫了一輛計程車帶我到Beth I srae I醫(yī)院So we get a cab to take me to Beth I srae 丨路上.這是我不做On the way一一 so this was the yearLeverett
36、的常駐導師資格的第二年after I was no Ion ger reside nt tut ors in Levere tt我們駛經(jīng)查爾斯河We were (), dr i v ing dow n the Char I es River.然后我們經(jīng)過哈佛Up and dr i ve and then next to Harvard我當時看著哈佛看著美麗的河I Iook at Harvard. I look at the beautiful river.四周靜悄悄It's very quiet.周五午夜之后沒有多少車輛Not many cars just after midnight
37、 on a Fr iday night.我情不自禁地想And I can't help myseIf but think,如果情況真的很嚴重呢uwhat if there1s something reaI Iy terr ibIe going on"他們?yōu)槭裁次缫菇形胰メt(yī)院I mean,why would they caI I me midnight to the hospitai-一還指定是Beth I srae I醫(yī)院Beth IsraeI, i ns isting on just one specific hospitai一定是出了很嚴重的問題There must be
38、 something reaI Iy wrong.我開始思考And my mind beg ins to wander.我說And I say,如果我只剩下一年時間呢 我在這一年里會做什么nwhat if I only have a year Ieft What would I do in that year我變得非常傷心 因為我看不到David長大I become very sad because I think I won' t see David grow up.我以后再也不會有孩子I won't see一一 I won't have any future chi
39、 Idren在上面要小心謹慎Be carefuI up there.我變得十分憂郁悲傷And I become very wistful and sad然后我問自己好的在職業(yè)上And t hen I ask myself, "Ok so profess i on ally,我在最后一年想做什么what would I want to do in that last year”我知道在生活在我要做什么So I know personalIy exactly what I'll do.我會用所有時間和家人一起度過I'll spend a I I the time that
40、 I can with my fami Iy.但是在職業(yè)上在這一年我想完成什么But professionally what do I want to accompI ish in this year我的第一反應(yīng)就是And my immed i ate response was我要留下一個系列的課程I want to leave behind a coherent body of work,一個向人們介紹積極心理學的系列課程a coherent course introduc i ng peopIe to pos i tive psycho Iogy.我到達醫(yī)院之后再進行了一些檢查While
41、I arr i ved at the hosp itai, I had some more checks.結(jié)果是沒什么嚴重情況It ends up being nothing too ser ious他們讓我服抗生素They put me on anti biotics幾天之內(nèi)我就開始復原了And with i n a coup Ie of days I am on the way to recovery但是今天我要和你們探討I want to share with you today though why.為什么對我最重要的事情.Why i s it the most important t
42、hi ng for me那時和現(xiàn)在都是如此at that time and still today,就是留下一系列is to leave behind a coherent body of work關(guān)于積極心理學的課程about pos itive psycho Iogy,向你們介紹這個奇妙的領(lǐng)域to introduce you to this wonderfuI field為什么是積極心理學為什么是這個領(lǐng)域Why pos i tive psycho IogyWhy i s it Its own field為什么不只是研究Why is it not-一well,just study happi
43、ness,社會心理學或臨床心理學的幸福we I I be i ng as par t of social psychology or cl inicaI psycho Iogy為什么世界上這么多學者Why have so many schoIars around the worId都在研究積極心理學這個槪念uni ted around th i s concept of pos itive psychology這是我今天要說的So t h i s i s wha t I wan t to do to day.2000 年 David Myers 做了一項研究I n the year of 20
44、00, a research was done by Dav id Myers.霍普學院的David Myers你們當中學過Davis Myers,from Hope Col lege一一 some of you社會心理學的可能讀過他的書who* ve stud ied socia I psychology may have read hi s textbook,他做了心理學槪念方面的研究did research, looking at psychological abstracts.他研究的是What he looked at was the ratio'*消極研究”和積極研究“之間
45、的比率bet wee n nnega tive research11 and Hpos i tive research11.這是他的研究結(jié)果Here i s what he found.從1967年到2000年From 1967 to year of 2000-這是積極心理學的形成期this was around the time when positive psychology started,他發(fā)現(xiàn)在這33年里有5000篇文章研究憤怒wha t he fou nd i n the 33 years are over 5000 arti c les on an ger,5000篇文章研究憤怒
46、5000 research articles on anger.超過41000篇文章研究焦慮He found over 41000 research articles on anxiety還有超過54000篇研究抑郁and over 54000 articIes on depression.然后他看看積極的概念積極的研究And then he Iooked at the positive words,positive research他尋找關(guān)于快樂的研究He Iooked for research on joy.他僅僅找到了 415篇研究And he found stagger i ng 41
47、5 stud i es.情況會有所改善It does get better.他尋找關(guān)于幸福的研究He Iooked at research on happiness他發(fā)現(xiàn)在33年里有接近2000篇文章研究幸福and he found cIose to 2000 articIes on happiness in 33 years.生活滿意度研究最多 超過2500篇研究文章Life satisfaction came on top: over 2500 studies.但是如果你看看Sti I I, if you look at that,消極研究和積極研究的對比the negative stud
48、ies versus the positive studies,你得到的比率是21比the ratio that you get is 21 to每份研究某個積極方面For every one article on some positive aspect,積極因素的文章some pos itive eI ement of life,不管是研究健康 滿意程度快樂還是幸福we I Ibei ng, sat i sfact i on, joy, happ i ness,都有21份消極方面的文章 包括抑郁 焦慮you get 21 articIes on depression,anxiety,精神分
49、裂神經(jīng)衰弱等等sch i zophrenia,neuros i s and so on.21比1的比率Rat i o of 21 to 1.我得承認這是非常令人郁悶的比率Very depressing ratio, I must admit.實際上它讓我非常生氣和憂慮In fact, it made me very angry and anxious.那些研究主要集中于不起作用的東西上Studies focus onprimarily on what doesn't work,大部分都是這樣而且這也不是新現(xiàn)象mos tly on wha t does n't work And
50、t h i s i s not a new phenome non.這是Abraham Mas Iow寫的一些東西Here i s something from Abraham Mas Iow,我們上次提到過他who we mentioned I ast time,他在1954年談到過這種現(xiàn)象ta Iki ng about th i s phenomenon in 1954:“心理學這一學科對于消極方面的研究“"The scienee of psycho Iogy has been far more successfuI"遠比對于積極方面的研究成功“on the negat
51、ive than on the positive side."它向我們展示了人類的短處“It has reveaIed to us much about man's shortcomings,"他的缺點他的過失“his i I Inesses,his sins,"但很少談到他的潛能他的長處”but little about h i s potential ities,hi s v i rtues,"他的實際愿望或精神高度“h i s ach i evabIe asp i rations or his psycho logical he i ght
52、."好像心理學自愿固步自封“It i s as i f psycho I ogy had vo I untar i I y res tri cted i tse I f to on I y"讓自己僅限于研究黑暗低劣的一半“half its r ightful jur isdiction and that darker, meaner ha If."心理學研究什么So what does psycho Iogy study學心理學的人I mean the psychology concentrators here know that,可能會猜probabIy gue
53、ss that.我們大量地研究偏見We study a lot of prejudice我們大量地研究抑郁和焦慮We study a lot depression and anxiety我們大量地研究相似性We study a lot about conformity.我們大量地研究判斷錯誤和過失We study a lot about misjudgments and errors,大槪就是專門研究這方面而很少.very much focusing on th i s aspect and very little-一21比1的比率表明很少研究積極方面aga i n,21 to 1,very
54、little-一 on the pos itive看到這個比率時我想And when I look at this ratio and I think about it,那是1954年 到現(xiàn)在也沒多大改變this is 1954一一 hasn't changed much sinee當我思考它調(diào)查它的時候And when I think about it and I Iook into it,我覺得心理學需要幫助I thi nk that psychology needs he Ip.我真的這樣覺得I rea I I y do.你可以從個人的角度想想它I mean thi nk abo
55、ut it at a personal I eve 丨如果一個人一天里有21小時感到消沉that if you had a person who 21 hours a day was depressed而只有一個小時感覺良好會怎樣and one hour in a day feIt good或者有一天感覺良好便有21天覺得焦慮Or one day fee Iing good and then 21 days fee Iing anxious和消沉會怎樣and depressed你會說這個人需要幫助You wouId say that this person wouId need help我覺得
56、這個領(lǐng)域需要幫助And the field I think,needs help但問題是 這是正確的比喻嗎But the question becomes "is it the r i ght ana IogyH我們應(yīng)該這樣去看待它嗎ShouId we Iook at it this way因為21比1的比率是不健康的Because the 21 ratio is unheaI thy,從個人的角度來看肯定也是這樣certainly would be so on the indi vidua I I eve I,但是它從多個角度反映了現(xiàn)實but it ref Iects reaIity in many ways因為我們今天所看到的Because what we are seeing today是越來越多的研究表明in more and more research showing that there is more and more世界上出現(xiàn)了越來越多的抑郁癥depression around the world,還有越來越多的焦慮 東南西北that there i s more and more anx i ety,east
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