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1、學生學生最最最最易錯詞易錯詞advice advise effort; effect effect affect smile ; smell anxious anxiety whether; weatherarrange arrangement quiet; quite attention attentive(ly) proud; pound cycle cycling expect; except discover discovery diary; dailythink thought beside; besides experiment; experiencethought; though

2、 ; through, throughout; thorough competition; competepresent; peasant; parent college, village , knowledgeYou was out for playing.You were out to play.I fell excited.I feel excited.optimistic-optimism-optimistpessimistic-pessimismpessimistenthusiastic-enthusiasmdifferent meansdiffenent meaningsget r

3、elaxget relaxedabsent absence be absent from active activity outdoor/ after-class activities agriculture agricultural industry industrialamuse amusement amazing/amazedIn the society social activitieshealth healthy dietsI can succeed a successful scientisteffect take effective measuresefficiency effi

4、cient study methodargue argumentvalue valuablesystem systematic (有系統(tǒng)有系統(tǒng),有組織的有組織的)get angry ; anger n. apology ; apologize to sb. for.careful carefully, carelessly, carelessness(粗心粗心)challenge a challenging decisionharmonious convenient (形形) The computer can bring us great convenience and high effici

5、ency. It is convenient to me. organize some outdoor activities.peace-peaceful give a performancea fundamental reason is thatpollute the environment environmental pollutionmake preparations for scientist scientific methodtechnological society express expression The bus is very crowded.danger n. dange

6、rous It is dangerous for us to take a risk.culture cultural exchangedecorate /nourish our heart and soul.beautiful beauty beautify our countrydifficult have some difficulty/trouble in doingdifferent opinions difference n.discuss ;discussion have a heated discussioneducate Under no circumstances shou

7、ld we ignore the significance of education.electricity electricenergetic dynamic energyenjoy enjoyment enjoyableentertain entertainmentexpect sb. to do sth. expectationexplain give us a clear explanationfail to do sth. Failure is the mother of success.foreigner visitor violinistfortunately unfortuna

8、telyharm be harmful to do harm to our health.independence independentlythinking abilityget injured/ hurt / wounded/ angry/hungryget annoyed/ upset / disturbed humor makes me popular with my friends.humorous characterknowledge have a good knowledge/command ofInvent-inventor-inventionI came late. Late

9、ly I have made progress.the latest newsunderstand understanding misunderstandinglisten to the music musiciannoise make noises The room is very noisy.22個常用動詞短語 1. break away from 逃脫,擺脫,破除,改掉 break in 強行進入,插話 break into 強行進入,突然開始 break down 身體垮了,(計劃)失敗,(機器等)壞了 break out 爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生 break up 散會,(會議)結(jié)束,學期結(jié)束

10、 break off 中斷,斷絕 2. bring about 引起,實現(xiàn),使發(fā)生 bring down 使下降,使倒下 bring in 收莊稼,提出 bring out 說明,出版 bring up 提出,撫養(yǎng),培養(yǎng) bring back 使回想起 3. call at 停留,???call for叫(某人)接某人,索取,需要有 call in 來訪,找(請)來,收回 call off 取消,不舉行 call on 拜訪,號召 call out大聲叫,請去 call up給-大電話,征召(入伍) 4. come about (某情況)發(fā)生 come across 碰到 come along

11、 一道去,趕快,生長,進行 come in 進來(站),存在 come down 下降,下落,傳下來,傳病 come for 來拿,來取 come from 出身于,來自 come out 出版,開花 come to 來到(某地),來參加(某項活動),合計,總共計,蘇醒過來 come up 走過來, 出現(xiàn). 5. cut down 消減,壓縮,縮短 cut off 切斷,斷絕 cut out 刪(?。┑?,戒掉 6.get along 進行,相處 get back回來,找回 get down記下來,打下來 get over 克服 get on 上(火車,公共汽車等),相處,進行 get off

12、下(火車,公共汽車等)起飛,不懲罰 get out 拔出,洗掉,傳出去 get rid of 消滅,擺脫,除掉 get up 起床,起身 get to 到達 get round 傳開 get in touch with 和.取得聯(lián)系 7. give in 屈服,讓步,投降 give off 散發(fā)出 give out 分發(fā),用完 give up放棄 8.go against 違反 go ahead進行,進展,先走,走在前面,干吧,說吧 go all out全力以赴 go down 下降,減弱 go in for 從事(某種事業(yè)或活動) go off 爆炸 go on 繼續(xù)下去,發(fā)生,進行 go

13、out 熄滅 go over 審閱,檢查 go round 夠用,夠分配 go down on ones knees 屈膝下跪 9.hold back 阻礙,阻止 hold down 控制,鎮(zhèn)壓 hold on 別掛(電話), 支持下去 hold out 維持,堅持 10. keep off 防止,擋住 keep on 繼續(xù)干 keep up with 趕上,不落在后面 keep (sth./sb.)out 不使進入 keep in touch with和保持聯(lián)系 keep ones word 守信,遵守諾言 11.know about 了解,知道的情況 know from 區(qū)分 know o

14、f 聽說過,知道(有) be known as 被稱為,是有名的 be known for 因而出名 be known to all 眾所周知 12.look after 照顧 look as if 看起來似乎 look back 回想,回顧 look for 尋找 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 調(diào)查,了解,研究 look like 看起來像 look on 旁觀 look out 注意 look on as 把看作,認為 look round 到外看看,來訪 look through 翻閱,瀏覽 look up 查找 look down upon看不起 13

15、. lose oneself 迷失方向 be lost in 消失在.中 be lost in thought 陷入沉思 lose heart 失去信心 14. pay attention to 注意 pay a visit to (a call on ) 拜訪,訪問 pay back 償還,報復 pay for 付款,償還 pay off 還清 ,回報 15.pick out 挑選,找出 pick up 拾起,順便用車來接,收聽廣播,學會 16. put down 寫下來 ,鎮(zhèn)壓 put into practice 執(zhí)行,實行 put off 延期 put on 穿上,戴上 put out

16、撲滅,出版 put through 接通電話 put up 舉起,安裝,蓋起,張貼,掛 put up for the night 住宿 put up with 忍受 put to death 處死 put into 譯成. 17. run across 碰到,遇到 run away 跑掉,逃跑 run down 撞到 run for 競選 run into 碰到(困難),遇到(某人) run out of 用完(某物) 18. send down 使降低 send for 派人去請 send in 交上去 send off 送行 send out 發(fā)出(光亮等) send up 發(fā)射 19.

17、set about 開始(著手)做某事 set back (把表)往回撥 set an example樹立榜樣 set down 放下,寫下,記下 set fire to 放火燒著 set off 動身 set out 動身,出發(fā),著手,開始 20. make ones living 謀生 make fun和 開玩笑(耍弄) make out 理解,看清楚,假裝 make sure 核實,一定要,弄清楚 make up 構成,編寫,彌補,補償,化裝,補上(功課) make up ones mind 決心 make use of 利用 make room (way) for 騰出地方(讓路) 2

18、1. take away 拿走 take back 收回 take care 注意,當心 take care of 照顧,負責 take charge of 負責(管某事或照顧某人) take down 記下 take for granted 想當然 take hold of 抓住 take interest in 對. 發(fā)生興趣 take it easy別緊張 take off 起飛,脫下(衣服等) take office就職 take on 開始從事,雇用,招收,具有新面貌 take ones seat 坐下,坐好 take out 拿出來 take part in 參加 take pride in 為感到驕傲 take t


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