



1、根據(jù)所給出的詞語(yǔ),組成句子,可根據(jù)需要增加或改變?cè)~語(yǔ)形式u11. get your up when does father ?2. do when morning he exercise ?3. usually breakfast she eat 7:154. what weekend mary do do ?5. ask some can i you questions ?6. play about at i sports 3:00 morning 7. for you tell me your about day thank 8. us hiking together let go 9.

2、climb i next mountains weekendu210. you what favourite season ?11. season do which like you best ?12. the like what weather winter ?13. can with play i snow .14. is winter cold me for too.15. he to in sea like swim the .16. why spring like you ? 17. i a long can sleep because time .18. when best to

3、to go time is beijing the ?19. fall what weather beijing like is in in ?20. can what i there do ?21. from winter december february is to .22. season is what in fall beijing it in ?u323. is your when father birthday ?24. june he in birthday .25. there how birthday in are many january ?26. july is bir

4、thday your in ?27. may are three there birthday in .28. i family making birthday chart our a for 29. day when teacher is ?30. date what the today?31. time now what it is ?32. day it is today what ?33. i e-card sending grandma .34. she a computer have do ?35. us make card let a birthday .36. like eve

5、ryone birthday get to card .u437. drawing i pictures .38. i to taiking you39. you want to to children center go the ?40. doing you dishes ? 41. he music listen is now .42. they clothes are wash now ?43. speak him can please i ?44. is there for call you .45. cooking parents kitchen in the dinner .u54

6、6. see elephant you any ?47. its drinking the elephant water trunk is .48. see can the monkeys you .49. you see what ? 50. big a nature what park !51. animals where the ?52. come two here tiger .53. really swim tigers can ?54. see mother elephant the i .u655. are they woods in .56. are picking they leaves ?57. are experiment do an they ?58. do ants to eat like what ?59. come have the a ants look at .60. on do me experiment an please .61. he count are insects.62. h


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