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1、英文外貿(mào)實(shí)習(xí)報(bào)告實(shí)習(xí)單位:Shani Chemicals C., Ltd實(shí)習(xí)時(shí)間:某年 某月 某日至 某年 3 月 25 日Freign Trade Practice Reprt1. the purpse and significance f practiceIn undergraduate educatin, the practice is an imprtant practical teaching. Thrugh practice, yu can familiarize urselves with the specific peratinal prcedures f freign tra

2、de practices, enhanced perceptual knwledge, and frm which further infrmatin, cnslidate and deepen the already learned the thery and methds t imprve identify prblems, analyze issues and slve prblems.Specific training curse in the cmpany, access t the internatinal sale f gds t the specific perating pr

3、actices, imprt and eprt csting, inquiries, ffer and ffer ther basic skills, but als n an in-depth understanding f the industry and t the immediate eperience in internatinal trade faced by the different parties t the specific wrk and the interactin bntact the cmpany develped varius strategies t achie

4、ve crss-brder business and gd peratin f the market; understanding supply and petitin and ther macrecnmic phenmena, have access t real Cmmercial real, understand their shrtcmings and have accumulated sme eperience, g t wrk fr the future and lay a gd fundatin.Thrugh nearly ne mnths f internship, I dee

5、ply appreciate the cmbinatin f thery and practice is nt easy, but als thrugh This mnths effrts, I am familiar with the business prcesses f freign trade, freign trade functins f the cmpanys rganizatin, fr my future int the jb really accumulated a certain amunt f practical eperience. This article is d

6、ivided int intrductin, cntent and summary f three parts internship, internship fr the past mnth made life a general analysis.Three years f systems thery t learn, s I basically mastered the basics f freign trade, such as: trade terms, imprt and eprt prcedures, custms declaratin, inspectin peratin prc

7、esses. Hwever, it shuld be recgnized, if nt learn the thery itself was thrugh the practice f his wn truly master, it shuld be said that the future f their wn t find a desirable jb r will cause sme difficulties. nly thrugh a perid f training t be able t apply the knwledge learned frm bks t practical

8、situatins t slve practical prblems fr future wrk t lay a slid fundatin.2. Backgrund f PracticeShani Chemicals C., Ltd is a cmprehensive chemical enterprise which integrates the scientific and technlgical develpment, prductin, sales and service int a whle.We are a diversified chemicals cmpany that cm

9、bines the pwer f 20 chemical manufacturing sites in ur wn regin and 3 grups f cnvenient transprting teams. The cmpany is cmmitted t manufacture and eprt the chemical raw materials t verseas.It delivers a brad range f rganic chemicals, Inrganic chemicals, pigmentdyestuffs etc.3. Eperience3.1 Early tr

10、ainingAlthugh the study is that ecnmic, trade and English, prfessinal cunterparts, r are cnfused, after all, nly a cncept n the bks, the specific peratin and did nt teach yu. The net day the tw sisters I cpy, fa, g t the bank, pen wire I d very seriusly. I like the trade, and I want t d it well. I a

11、m very active discussin t d, because the dry sat depressed really d nt knw why, my smile drpped almst stiff. During that time learned sme f the mre trivial things, but d appreciate the wrk f the bitterness felt in schl a serius shrtage f epertise, can nt meet the requirements f intense wrk, such as

12、custms clearance, inspectin, this highly practical peratinal wrk t us, just ut f n wrk eperience, and its n gd schl specialized curses in schls fr peple wh simply can nt cmpete with thse veterans, their freign trade cmpanies The vast majrity f cases are simple wrds, and that are freign terms, d nt u

13、nderstand, said merchandise cde, the ther I was surprised that ne f them is actually in English, Japanese can speak (in the and freign custmers t d business, althugh thats nt very gd, but I can understand Japanese, in additin t utside)There is a serius lack f wrk eperience. Sunds like wrk eperience

14、and time, but des mst f ur graduates is the sft underbelly, smething yu d nt persnally try, simply d nt knw hw t start. Tday, the sister sitting n my left check ut a thusand dllars t the fd safety regulatr let me help him buy a GSP certificate. I d nt understand anything f this t the fd safety regul

15、atr, t buy a certificate is still very smth, after buying a certificate after the windw, the relevant dcuments shwed that as the master f view, I asked him after reading what is nt t things t sign, and he heard me say this, frwned, and yu d nt knw hw this is nt in yur right hand t sign the bk at it?

16、 After signing I asked a silly questin B, asked him if he is nt gd, he glared and said yu d nt yu give me five, and fur did nt take it, yu are nt the first time t, ah, cugh ! Whatever the utcme, als a schl f freign undergraduate students, was said t be like this.ver time, Ive perfected a lt. Needles

17、s t say the letter in English t mentin, check ut the cumbersme cntainers each have a single wner himself will nt be recnciliatin, the Israeli cabinet fight bulk f custmers will nt let me a splitting headache, is als a day t listen t the Arabic will nt be a d nt understand. The same as grass, and the

18、n withstand the weight f large stnes and then have t grw up. I believe my ability and fr their prgress.3.2 Interim PracticeHas been training fr almst tw weeks, and als summed up hw t teach yur clleagues d nt have internship eperience under way, are summarized as fllws:3.2.1. T practice befre the bas

19、ic knwledge f freign trade must have a general understanding f (the best sales staff has been passed, inspectin staff, custms eaminatin.) Fr eample, dcuments that sme cmmnly used trade terms f the cncept. therwise it will feel very difficult, and very easy t waste valuable time in 3 mnths!3.2.2. Fir

20、st, thick skin, t the residential gas and clleagues t help him teach yu what yu must d t cmplete, and certainly nt t dissatisfactin n the face (n matter what trivial matters!). Secnd, t ask the questin, g beynd that. If my clleagues, when in answer t yur questin is very simple, fr eample, asked him

21、what was t pay, he answered that is the meaning f FB, and that this time yu shuld nt ask anymre, r easy t make him feel yu This man was a stranger, he was s tired easily lead t the secnd, s that yur future is nt very easy t ask him questins, but nw the era f the infrmatin age, the cmpany will give e

22、ach f the general cnfiguratin f a cmputer, yu have t d is pen the Baidu knw r FB Business Frum, enter the keywrd (the reasn why these tw sites are recmmended because they are the mst current infrmatin n Chinas freign trade f the tw full Sites, especially FB almst cver all the knwledge yu want t knw

23、the trade! )3.2.3. Many peple t nt lng after the units bdy can functin, the respnsibilities f each department, the cmpanys perating prcesses t find ut. There is als a trick t check ur class frums and Eprt (internal management) prcess, and then t see my clleagues are ding every day, peple in ther dep

24、artments are ding, say nthing, and then imprt and eprt prcesses crrespnding icn n the map up, this way yu can play a multiplier effect.3.2.4. A psitive attitude adjustment. Ges wrng at wrk, when encuntered, this time d nt have negative emtins, it is easy t affect the evaluatin f the bss f yu encunte

25、r this situatin, recmmend a way t g t ur class frums t epress their feelings ut, then let everyne cmfrt yu (I tried this apprach wrks well!)3.2.5. As t what kind f persn suitable fr freign trade, I always think t pay return there, peples verall quality is dynamic, cnstantly sum up their eperience as

26、 lng as the lessns learned after 10 years will be int yu after all.3.3 Late PracticeThe last ne week, I als fund the eistence f this enterprise in fact, a lt f prblems. First, the enterprise system is nt perfect, the business units perate independently, almst n cntact between departments, I believe

27、that althugh the prducts f the business sectr but it can be briefed each ther n different client resurces, and epand the market. It als invlves anther questin, is that cmpanies d nt have lng-term develpment plans, ften heard them say that the rders f these custmers have been busy enugh that they d n

28、t need t g t new custmers, the private sectr may be a cmmn prblem which is it, mst f them t meet certain sales in each year regardless f business develpment and grwth.Secnd, divisin f labr is nt clear. Salesman ften say their wrk is nt very clear what each persn in need had t d, althugh this may hav

29、e mre training s that each sales pprtunity, re thanpleted cause ut f tuch, the flw f infrmatin distrtin.Third, a single sales channel. Althugh the cmpany set up a website, but the cntents inside the ld management, there is n gd use f e-cmmerce. ur prducts mainly thrugh participatin in Cantn Fair, Ep

30、, g t the market.4. Summaryne-mnth internship ended, recalled the ne mnths f life, a persn living in the new envirnment, but als t cpe with new relatinships. This has always been very hard t d, including busy wrk and intense pace f life, this mnth can be hard t really describe it. Frtunately, this i

31、s all I hang arund, n the cntrary these difficulties made me mre understanding f their wn, and I derive a deep understanding. Practice, by definitin, in practice learning. After a perid f study, after, r when the study ended, we need t understand their needs r shuld have learned hw t apply in practi

32、ce, and because the practice f any knwledge are derived frm, attributable t practice, therefre, t put int practice what they have learned t eamine learned. Hwever, we certainly d nt want t practice nly t d the etent which is t narrw. Frm here I knw that language learning is mst imprtant is the envir

33、nment, rather than grammar and vcabulary and the like. Language is used t cmmunicate with the fastest way is t speak! I truly appreciate this.Thrugh the practice I fund trade this specialty is dr practice-needed prfessinal, it nt nly requires us t have slid theretical knwledge and must have strng ha

34、nds-n ability, mre imprtant is t learn hw t cmmunicate with peple, hw t establish a business relatinship, these are nt nly the tetbk middle schl, the big stage int sciety and cnstantly f eperience can imprve and strengthen all aspects f the quality f the imprved. Trade wrk als is a freign industry,

35、because fr the requirements are very high, freign representative is nt nly persnal image, even the image f the state, s must strengthen yurself all aspects f the quality f the training, such as etiquette, etc. Mastering the prfessinal knwledge. Prfessinal knwledge is ur fundatin in trade, trade high

36、-risk requirements we must wrk skillfully gd mastery f prfessinal knwledge.In this internship prcess, I realized prfundly, ut f schl, nly the first step in the lng march, in ur wrk eperience, scial eperience, interpersnal reflected n the puerile, in this time the practice fully shw, and we lacked nt just s, s later in life and wrk, I will cnstantly enrich and t enrich themselves, dnt give up any can eercise their wn pprtunities, make neself can rapidly grw t be an ecellent business peple.Thrugh the practice I fund


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