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1、湖南工業(yè)大學(xué)理學(xué)院實驗名稱熟悉quartusii的圖形輸入法實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 10. 16實驗成績、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù)掌握quartusii的使用方法(1) 熟悉圖形輸入法(2) 理解編譯方法(3) 了解定時仿真二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 設(shè)訃一個二選一數(shù)據(jù)選擇器、全加法器。(2) 根據(jù)圖形輸入法編譯和波形仿真。三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序 二選一電路圖::lmb2'"'":-tchiinstdijamd2?.40jinstl: ° 一4 unstllf 譏全加器電路圖:f6汀.i '' 四、實驗結(jié)果 二選一結(jié)果圖:全

2、加器結(jié)果圖:14.95 ns jjj pointerend:r mdster time bar:to實驗名稱熟悉quartusii的vhdl語言描述輸入法實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 10. 23實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù)(1) vhdl語言描述輸入法(2) 理解編譯方法(3) 熟悉波形仿真二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 設(shè)計一個4位并行奇校驗發(fā)生器(2) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編譯和波形仿真三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序vhdl程序: library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_l 164.all;entity parityjoop isport (a : in st

3、d_logic_vector(0 to 2);b : in stdjogic; y : out std_logic);end parityjoop;architecture a of pa rityoop is signal s : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);begin process(a) begin s(0)<=b;for i in 0 to 2 loop s(i+l)<=s(i)xor a(i); end loop; yv=s ;end process; end a;電路圖:四、實驗結(jié)果simulation mode: timing愴 master t

4、ime bar:14.95 n$ 打彳 pointer:114 p$ interval:-14.84 n$ start:end:anamevdue fj ps10.0 ns20.0 ns30. 9 ns40里 ns50.0 ns160. 0 ns英14.9514.95 ns,1ipoel au 1od( 2/3x4x5x 6寸1-a0u 0alu 0rl3l訂2u 111rya 01u!lj1i"ltiu 0吐/t 實驗名稱jk觸發(fā)器的設(shè)計實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 10.31實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù) 掌握quartusii的vhdl語言描述輸入法(1) 掌握vhdl語

5、言描述輸入法(2) 掌握vhdl語言二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 設(shè)計一個jk觸發(fā)器(2) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編譯和波形仿真。輸入輸出prnclrelkjkqqb01xxx1010xxx0100xxxxx11上升沿00不變不變11上升沿010111上升沿101011上升沿11翻轉(zhuǎn)翻轉(zhuǎn)其屮 預(yù)置端pm 復(fù)位端clr 時鐘端elk三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序源程序:|邑 jk wave.vwfab1234567891011121314151617181920jlibrary ieee;use ieee.std_logic_ll64.all;use ieee.std logic unsigned.

6、all;h entity stk_f lip_f lop ishpore (prnr clrclkjk: in stci_logic;qz qb : buffer stci_logxc); end jk_flip_flop;q arciii-cecture a of ctk flip flop is beginendprocess(prnz clrz elk,kz q) beginif (prn=0 and clr=11> then q<=111; elsif (prn= 1 and clr= 0 ) tlien q<= * 0 1 ;elsif(prn=,1 and clr

7、=11) thenif (elk' event and elk 11 ) tlienq<=(j and (not q)or(not k)and q); end if;end if;qb<=not q;end process;a;四、實驗結(jié)果實驗名稱6位雙向移位寄存器的設(shè)計實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 11.03實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù) 掌握quartusii的vhdl語言描述輸入法(1) 掌握vhdl語言描述輸入法(2) 掌握vhdl語言(3) 理解if語句進行描述計數(shù)器。(4) 設(shè)計一個6位雙向移位寄存器二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編譯

8、和波形仿真。 端口說明:預(yù)置數(shù)據(jù)輸入端:predata 脈沖輸入端:elk 移位寄存器輸出端:dout 工作模式控制端:ml, m0 左移串行數(shù)據(jù)輸入:dsl 右移串行數(shù)據(jù)輸入(低位向高位):dsr 寄存器復(fù)位端:reset用quartusii軟件編譯和波形仿真(3) 工作模式控制表:mlm0模式00保持01右移10左移11預(yù)加載三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序 源程序:| "w*| b r ©qister. vwfud rs>r.tt*&*7 e9 io xx x2 x3 x-4 xs xe x*7 xe a.9 20 2x nn n3 2 t 2 s>x

9、工 fc>x3 x v jlww:unu dluuu . n匸c_xoxc_x x *1 . o xxxacr* dllll.cud_xcs_dclc c 1. x =c5 ucu 工 u、r 曰 auqrdnuuh 丄 ngsp>o = ugx le. ds x r unart 工 cn u d_乂 oqdu =口zruddud 二 me n u c± xocyju"vesutoxt ( 5 dowcuoo > ;xn : xn n u d_doudu buu匸ox (丄 dovzcuo o > ; cioviu = ova匕匸ci_z.od五u_

10、"veuuo= « sciowc匸o o > > ;空 cd exeoe 匸 ew=aixunil 匕 eudvixe loeceiw o jt breo丄匸 ex xs k>eoxn四、實驗結(jié)果前半段k>xooe 0 &buodc3r x 匸 xa n xl x x x dr m 0_c-c10l ( gx r* > :工士 larunuu x > uhuc doxau v " o o o o o o = dnuuonu m ss whu c wwcsr vzhesc wcec wrien ued ooioc: e*n

11、d 九 r tued parouunn;bucc'vu 二o) ” do ”adoviu vdnx & r> = uddud ( s dowcuo x ); adouu vp = e dd 匕 0 < -4 dowcdo o >& ds x ;rr 1 x =adu>ud v=m>xvd3 匸 3 ; ”oo " =acu jl 工: o trie x« = > rival x : intodc(dxl2tz】jli| ; 1 : : : : 1曰 predata-prtdata(5 -pr«d*t

12、71;4pred“a3 -pr«bat«2 -pr<d«t«l -predat«0沈莎紀0歐;工決1(3 dout -dout(5)-dout【4】-doat-dout-dout1-dout0'x.k t"*vy yy"t丁' 了、丫"*ru"ln_run_rlru"ilttttj"u"u"l_n_tulan后半段none130.0 ns 140.0 ns 150.0 ns 160.0 ns 170.0 ns 180.0 as 190.0 ns

13、 200.0 ns 210.0 ns 220.0 ns 230.0 ns 240 0 ns卜3 pred&ta-predata5)predata4 -predata(3 predat<(2 predatacl -pred«tao駁丨!丨砂】!丨咖!丨jn:tjjjjju:;!iui:i:n!:ii:tj1i:|fi! i:h:i!|1 ;i ii:i inij i nii;i iiti i-dont6) -dout-dout3-dout2 -doutl-dout0實驗名稱電子鐘的vhdl程序設(shè)計實驗地點 理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 11. 10實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募?/p>

14、任務(wù)掌握quartusii的vhdl語言描述輸入法(1) 掌握vhdl語言描述輸入法(2) 掌握vhdl語言(3) 掌握vhdl語言描述和圖形設(shè)計的結(jié)合(4) 設(shè)計一個含時、分、秒的時鐘(5) 用quartusii軟件編譯和波形仿真二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 設(shè)計電子鐘的vhdl程序(2) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編譯和波形仿真。三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序 源程序:(1) 60進制(分和秒):裁 mos.vhd|盡1library ieee;2useieee.srd_logic_1164.all;3useieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;a:"4s entity

15、 mos isb5sport(resets elk:in std_logic;亓6d:buffwr std logic vector(6 downto0);7c:buffer std logic);8endmos;9s architecture behave of mos is10signal s:std logic vector(1 downto 0);11scoirponenr countslo12sport(resets elk:in std logic;13d:bstd logic vector(3 downto0);14c:out std_logic);15end component

16、;16hcorr.ponent counts617hport(resets elk:in std_logic;18d:bstd logic vector(6 downto4);19c:out std logic);20end component;21b egin26726822uo:countslo port map(resets clkfd(3downto0)2(0);ab23ul:counts6 port map(resets s(0)r d(6downto4)zs(d);124c<=s(1);125endbehave;(2)十進制vhdl:count$24. vhdcountsl

17、o. vhdts)>67123456789|lxk>rary ieee ;use ieee.sed loaxc 1164.all;use xeee . sc.ci logxc unsxgned . all ;s entity countslo xs=por-die: in s匸d_logic;d : k>x2f f er s匸d_logic_vector* ( 3 down匸o o > ; c : out;sed_logic> ;ioq axcxcecure behave ofcounts io xs loegxn11o process ( resets cl)c

18、>12begin13sif ( resetl= 1 )匸dvuroooo";c<=o;14delsxf ( x-xsing_edge ( cl)c) >匸hexi15sif ( d= 1001 rr > then dv = r oooo " ; c<= 1 116selse dv=d+3.;uv= o ;17end xf;18end if;19endprocess:20endloe>ia.ve ;21end councslo;(3)六進制vhdl:simulation report - simulat. icounts:6.vhdplxk

19、>xaxy ieee;vise ieee s td_logic_116 4 all ;vise xeee std_logxc_uinsxgned . all ;e3 exi-cxty counts 6 xscqoxp ( reset cl jc : in 3匸d_logic ;d : k>uif f er std_logic_vector ( 2 downto o > ; u : 00匸 std_jlogxc > ;end co tints ;s a.x'ctixtectu.re iceriave of coxxn*cs 6 xs joeqxns process

20、 (resets cl)c>k>eginxdt ( x*eset.= 1 )匸hen d< = rr ooo r, ; c<= 1 o ;else if ( rising_edge ( cl jc> > t-heirxif ( d=rrtoi rr )匸hen d< = rrooort ; uv= d ; else dv = d+3l ; c< "o'end xf;end xde;end if;process; ksenatve ;(時):endend(4) 24進制counts24.vhd3? countsl 0. vhd1

21、jlibrary xeee;2 use ieee . st;ci_logic_1164 . all;3 use ieee . s-cci_logic_unsigzieci. all;45678910111213141516171819202122s entity counx;s24 issport; (rese-cr elk: in scd_logic;d:buffer scd_logic_veccor(5 down匸o 0); c:out std_log±c>end uoun匸h architecture behave of counts24 is beg±ns p

22、rocess(resets elk)beginif(reset=1) elsxf (r±sing_edge (cl)c) if (d= rt110011rr ) cnenelsif (<1=001001 or else dvd+l;c<0; end if;end if;end process;end behave;rhen dv="000000"c<=0 ;thend< = rtoooooorf ; c<= 丄;d="0工3.001" ) t:hen d<=d+7 ; c<= 0 1 ;(4) 電子時鐘

23、頂層文件12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728endmap(resetz clsec(6 downto 0),s (0);map (resets s (0) firiin (6 downto 0)3(!);port map(resets 3(1)fhours(5 downto 0)f s (2);library ieee;use ieeestd_logic_1164all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;|h entity electronic ishport(resets elk:in std_logic

24、;minr sec:buffer std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); hours:buffer std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); c:out std_logic);end electronic;architecture behave of electronic is signal s:std_logic_vecror(2 downto 0); component mosport(resets elk:in std_logic; uffer std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); c:buffer std_logic);end

25、 component; coir.ponent counts24 port(resetselk:in std_logic;d:buffer std_logic_vector(11 downto 6); c:out std_logic);end coirponent;beginuo:mos portul :irios port u2:counts24 c<=s (2); behave;四、實驗結(jié)果 simulation report - simulation waveformson waveforms:ion mode: functionaltime bar20.25 n$pointer:

26、61.79 winterval:6177 u$startopsend:實驗名稱七段數(shù)碼顯示譯碼器設(shè)計實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 11.24實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù)(1)掌握使用并行下載程序(2)掌握數(shù)碼顯示的原理(3)掌握fpga開發(fā)板的基本結(jié)構(gòu)(4)設(shè)計一個能顯示19數(shù)字的程序,用數(shù)碼管顯示數(shù)字二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1)設(shè)計譯碼器的vhdl程序(由計數(shù)器得到譯碼器的輸入值)(2)將vhdl程序下載到fpga芯片中(3)連接連線,觀察數(shù)碼顯示的結(jié)果(共陰數(shù)碼管)三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序s sssssb0/v個譯碼器個譯碼器譯碼器/、譯碼器fpga/cpld目標芯片pio3-pio

27、0pio7-pio4pi011-pi08pio15-pio12pio22pio16 接 g,f,e,d,c,b,apio22-pio16pio30-pio24 接 g,f, e, d, c, b, a 七段pio30-pio24pio38-pio32 接 gj, e, d, c, b apio46-pio40 接 gj, e, db, a直接97段顯示器相接pio38-pio32pio46-pio40clockocl0ck2cl0ck5clock9鍵8進7建6戲5進41鍵2鍵1磴3、/pio49pio48實驗電路結(jié)構(gòu)圖n0.2源程序:密 decoder_tube. vhd(t267268567

28、891011121314151617181920212223242526library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity decoder_tube isport(data:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); std logic vector(6 downto 0);dout:out end decoder_tnbe;s architecture a of beginh process(data) b egincase data when when when

29、 when when when when when when when when end case; end process; a;enddecoder tube isisr,0000n=>dout<=r,0111111r,; w0001n=>dout<=n0000110n; r,0010n=>dout<=r,1011011r,; r,0011n=>dout<=r,1001111r,; w0100n=>dout<=w1100110n; w0101n=>dout<=w1101101r,; w0110n=>dout<

30、;=w1111101r,; w0111n=>dout<=n00001llr,; n1000n=>dout<=nlllllllr,; n1001n=>dout<=w1101111r,; others =>dout<=r, 0000000r,;四、實驗結(jié)果實驗名稱預(yù)置分頻器實驗實驗地點理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 12.01實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù)(1) 掌握使用并行下載程序(2) 掌握vhdl語言(3) 掌握分頻器的設(shè)計方法(4) 設(shè)計一個預(yù)置分頻器,用揚聲器測試分頻結(jié)果(5) 掌握if語句二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編

31、譯和波形仿真(2) 將vhdl程序下載到fpga芯片中(3) 連接連線,用揚聲器聽不同分頻數(shù)的聲音三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序754揚聲器譯碼器譯碼器譯碼器譯碼器譯碼器譯碼器譯碼器cl0ck9cl0ck5cl0ck2clockospeaker嚴 2d7 $d6d5d4d3 cd2 d1pio39 pio38pio37 pio36pio35pio34 pio33pio32、pio19-pio16pio23-pio20pio27-pio24pio31-pio28fpga/cpld 目標芯片d16d15rr鍵8鍵7鍵6hexhexhexhex鍵4鍵3鍵2pio39-pio32pio49pio48pio

32、15-pio12 pi011-pi08pio7-pio4pio3-pio0實驗熔構(gòu)圖pre_frequency_divider. vhdsimulation report - sir1library leee;2useieee.std logic 1164.all;3useieeestd logic unsigned.all;4useieee nurrleric std. all;5s entity pre_frequency_divider is6sport(elk:in std_logic;7fre:in std logic vector(2 downto 0);8d:out std lo

33、gic);9endpre frequency divider;10s architecture a of pre frequencydivider is11signal s:std_loglc_vector(7 downto 0);12signal p:integer range 0 to 7;13s begin14apre:process fre |15begin16acase fre is17when r,000r,=>p<=0;18when rf001r,=>p<=l;19when n010n=>p<=2;20when n011fi=>p<

34、=3;21when n100n=>p<=4;22when r,101r,=>p<=5;23when ri110r,=>p<=6;24when r,lll,=>p<=7;25end case;26end process;27scoral:process (elk)28begin29aif (elk1event and clk=,11)then30s<=s+l;31end if;32d<=s(p);33end process;34enda;四、實驗結(jié)果.master time bar20 25rt$pointer0 p$irietvat2

35、0 25 mstartopsend:)ps10.0 ns20.0 ns30. ij) ns40ns20 2rln rln n n rutrln rlrnjin rln rln ns nsrlrlrlnnjlrlnjinrlrlnrlnrlrlrulrlrl"131-j""lr-1r20.25 nsa 茨gname10elk|pls £re襯5& |' master tme bar)ps10. 0 ns20. 0 ns30.0 ns20 2n n muutjlrmnjmjln n muum5 ns1rmnjmrlnrlnjlanjlf vi

36、zri1iinii"勺勺porterstart:-20.14 n$114p$interval實驗名稱交通燈控制器實驗實驗地點 理學(xué)樓210實驗時間2016. 12. 12實驗成績一、實驗?zāi)康募叭蝿?wù)(1) 掌握使用并行下載程序(2) 掌握vhdl語言(3) 掌握時序邏輯電路的設(shè)計方法(4) 設(shè)計一個交通燈控制器,用led顯示控制過程(5) 掌握使用process進程二、實驗內(nèi)容與步驟(1) 根據(jù)vhdl語言描述輸入法編譯和波形仿真(2) 將vhdl程序下載到fpga芯片中(3) 連接連線,模擬觀察交通燈控制的過程 三、實驗電路或者實驗源程序(1)頂層模塊圖:(2)數(shù)碼管vhdl:1 l

37、ibrary leee;2 use ieeestd_logic_1164all;3 s entity shuiriaguan is4 hport(x:in std_loglc_vector(3 downto 0);5 y:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);6 end shuiriaguan;7 s architecture behave of shumaguan is8 egin process (x)9 h begin case x is|10whenrr0000rr=>y< = rr0111111rr.11whenrr0001rr=>y&l

38、t; = rr0000110rr;12whenrr0010rr=>y< = rr1011011rr;13whenrr0011rr=>y<=n1001111n;14whenrf0100rr=>y<=rr1100110rr;15whenrr0101rr=>y< = rr1101101rr.16whenrr0111rr=>y< = rr0000111rr;17whenrr1000rr=>y< = rrlllllllrr;18whenrr1001rr=>y<=n1101111n;19whenothers=>nul

39、l;20end case;21end process;22end behave;(3) 狀態(tài) vhdl:33 seise34 th:=r,oooor,;35 tl:=m0001r,;36 a:='o'37 state:=stl;38 end if;39 end if;4040 when stl=>if a=,01 then41 th:=n0000r,;42 tl:=r,0101r,;43 a: = w44 lightl_y<='l,;45 light12g<=*o'46 h else47 sif not (th=moooor, and tl=m

40、0001r,) then48 s if (tl=n0001r,) then49 tl:=n0101r,;50 th:=th-l;51 h else tl:=tl-l;52 end if ;53 seise th:=noooor,;54 tl:=n0001r,;55 a:='o'56 state:=st2;57 end if;58 end if;6059 when st2=>if a=,01 then60 th:=n0011r,;61 tl:=r,0000r,;6462 lightl_r<='l,;63 light12y<=*o'66676s69

41、7071727374757677787980818283848586lightl_y<=,01;s elseh if not (th=r,oooon and tl=r,0001r,) then bif (tl=n0000n) then tl:=n1001n;th:=th-l;s elsetl:=tl-l;end if ;s elseth:=noooort;tl:=n0001n;a: = 'o'state:=sto;end if ;end if;end case;end if;qh<=th;ql<=tl;end process; process (elk)86h

42、 process(elk)type states is(st2,stor stl);variab丄亡 aa:std_logic;variab丄亡 thhf til:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable statee:states;b eginh if elk'event andthenh case statee ishwhen st2=>if aa=,01 thenthh:=n0011n;tll:=n0000n;aa:='l'light2_r<=,l,;light2_y<='01;h elsesif no

43、t(thh=n0000n and tll=n0001n)then if (tll=n0000n) then tll:=n1001n;thh:=thh-l;h elseend if ;h elsethh:=n0000n;tll:=n0001n;aa:='0'statee:=sto;end if ;end if; when sto=>if aa=, 01 thenthh:=n0010n;tll:=n0101n;aa:='l'light2_r<=,01;light2_r<=,0 *;h elsehif not(thh=n0000n and tll=n

44、0001n)then if (tll=n0000n) then tll:=n1001n; thh:=thh-l;h elseend if;h elsethh:=n0000n;tll:=n0001n;aa:=,0' when stl=>if aa=, 0' then thh:=n0000n; tll:=n0101n;aa:='l' light2 y<=111;140light2 g<='o'140 light2_g<=101;141 d else142 h xf not (thh=rf0000rr and cll=rr000

45、1rr > then143 s if (tll=rr0001rr ) men144 til :=rt0101rr;145 thh:=thh-l;146 d else til:147 endif;148 s else thh : =rr0000;149 til :=rt0001rr;150 ": = 0;151 statee:=st2;152 endif;153 endif;154 endcase;155 endif;156 zqh<=,cii.ti;157 zql<=t11;158 end process;159 end behave;a0 ns460 0 ns540 (0 ns620 0 ns700.0 nst80 ,0 ns包uocbcmnnnjmnjvlrnntlnnnjmnjvlrnnjtrutrlrlnnrlrlnnnjtrutrlrlrlnnjvij 1::jj! 02light眥23lishtl


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