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1、轉(zhuǎn)載注明出處:倚浪電腦網(wǎng)程序菜單概述轉(zhuǎn)自:倚浪電腦網(wǎng) 程序菜單如圖1所示, HRT就是由這些常用的菜單組成的。一些菜單項(如Test, Info等)在綜合工具里有詳細的描述,這里只對Maxtor硬盤驅(qū)動器的特征作一些必要的補充及說明。如圖1. 主程序基本菜單結(jié)構(gòu)圖驅(qū)動器轉(zhuǎn)儲的特性與綜合工具里的其它修復程序相比較而言,考慮到當前程序分為兩種ATA轉(zhuǎn)儲方式,第一種是Reset-> ATA,這種方式較為常見,控制驅(qū)動器的轉(zhuǎn)儲并定義其參數(shù)。這種方式也可以在改變驅(qū)動器任何特性后再使用等等。同樣地相對于其他應用程序, ATA信息轉(zhuǎn)存比較有效的方式有兩種.第一種是 (Reset-> ATA),如

2、果執(zhí)行這項操作,程序會對儲存器發(fā)出一組信息,通過轉(zhuǎn)存結(jié)構(gòu)信息程序可以準確地辨認存儲器的緩存和定位儲存器的參數(shù).如果轉(zhuǎn)換成功以后就可以針對Maxtor儲存器進行其他的測試操作了.無論如何在進行其他測試操作的前提下,讀出和定位儲存器的詳細信息是必需的.如果儲存器信息轉(zhuǎn)存操作失敗. (描述如下),在任何情況下程序讀取存儲器細節(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)文件的前提都不允許這種錯誤出現(xiàn)的.然而它是必要的,調(diào)和過程是在<不可能>和<必要>之間的.如果要在菜單上進行新的操作就必需執(zhí)行(Reset-> Universal) .如果選擇了這項操作程序就會向儲存器發(fā)出一個簡單的復位信號,在這種復位狀態(tài)下程

3、序是不會讀取儲存器的詳細參數(shù)的.版本的一些組成特征Maxtor公司生產(chǎn)的儲存器里面有很重要的微程序版本信息, 而且它們之間都有一些相同的代碼.因此我們可以通過這些代碼把他們的微程序版本信息分成兩部分. 第一部分是在一定條件下控制和管理只讀存儲器(ROM)芯片工作的程序.第二部分是微程序識別儲存器型號和版本信息的程序.,在工作窗口里我們將看到儲存器的重要信息.例如, 主窗口如下:如圖2. 系列代碼由兩部分組成如果查看只讀存儲器(其內(nèi)容保存于CP00)并在它的末尾就會看到有兩個字節(jié)為CF E7: 如圖3. 紅色部分是儲存器設定在某些條件下唯一讀取的代碼因此在微代碼中它的值及儲存器代碼總是固定的,而

4、不需要修改的。這樣就可以利用這個值來判斷微代碼版本、資源文件是否兼容。固件概念只讀存儲器作為只讀存儲器,它很是令人驚訝,共由四個部分組成,兩個是真正的物理存儲器,另兩個只是只讀存儲器鏡像文件,它們是用來替代基本的只讀存儲器。第一部分只讀存儲器被固化在微處理器內(nèi)部,第二部分是FLASH或NVRAM被焊接在驅(qū)動器的PCB電路板上,第三部分及第四部分是基本模塊保存在驅(qū)動器的伺服區(qū),它們的作用就是在驅(qū)動器初始時取代物理識讀存儲器。如圖4. 各種微代碼資源從下面內(nèi)容可以知道,當您對驅(qū)動器的只讀存儲器操作時,您應當對驅(qū)動器的只讀存儲器的工作原理有一個充分的了解。如果NVRAM沒有焊接在PCB電路板上,那么

5、可直接對它進行訪問,雖然有時它直接固化在封裝的微處理器內(nèi)部。第二部分物理只讀存儲器是安全模式只讀存儲器,只有當您對驅(qū)動器將要替換不同版本的固件時才需要用著,這種鏡只讀存儲器只是用來做工廠測試用的。如果對只讀存儲器執(zhí)行不正確的寫操作,驅(qū)動器就會不能撤消這種操作了,而進入了一種“掛”的狀態(tài)。因此在對只讀存儲器進行寫操作時,要用permanent模式才是最恰當?shù)摹E渲庙摳鶕?jù)Maxtor驅(qū)動器伺服區(qū)的一些特征,固件只有三種形式:伺服區(qū)、 配置頁、只讀存儲器。 它們本身不是這么劃分的,但是為了操作方便,HRT程序?qū)⑺鼈冞M行了單獨的分類,而不只是伺服模塊部分了,您可以通過CP操作對話框?qū)λ鼈冞M行操作。有關

6、CP00 驅(qū)動器只讀存儲器模塊就是基本這種思想而設計的,它在Temp及Perm模式,僅僅是用來進行讀取操作的,為了使ROM在儲存器工作時不受損害的基礎上,專門設定的一種模式。它只能在Unlock模式,可能才會寫入,在對cp操作中cp00是為了讓你能夠讀取儲存器后面的程序.其他的« 配置頁 »是覆蓋的. 我們都可以對它們執(zhí)行讀出和寫入的操作.CP00是特意放在列表的末端,原因是對它的處理很特殊.見圖. 5. CP00位于列表的末端,它的操作方法不是兩個而是三個伺服模塊對于模板的特性服務區(qū)域Maxtor硬盤列入某種程度同樣的結(jié)構(gòu)中,某些模板是含有標題的,而有些是沒有的。還有一些

7、模板的檢測數(shù)據(jù)被看作是所有的,還有一些是沒有意義的部分。在單獨的模板中,總得來說有一些檢測數(shù)據(jù)。但是特殊的話是沒有的。搜索一下模板的數(shù)據(jù)就可以得出,整個服務區(qū)或者沒有,或者是不允的。瀏覽標題的規(guī)則/模板檢測數(shù)據(jù)參考DMP8(N40P)硬盤,如下:CRCB BLOCK-1 CRC -1 NON ZERO PARTSM SMART, 1-BYTES STANDARD CRC=N40P=37 U_LIST B1F GMAP B78 RZ_TBL B18 AT_PDL -121 RCT B1E SRV B1A SECU B2F SMART SM30 SMART SM63 SMART SM41 SMAR


9、OVERLAY 3 CODE, EACH PART = B圖. 6. 是儲存器的結(jié)構(gòu)表But fortunately, typical malfunction of stores Maxtor - operatively enough to reveal and remove rather simply. It is enough to sort modules by name and to thumb through them up to the letter "N". All "" modules, as a rule, begin with &qu

10、ot;NO". If she is - means it is necessary to make automatic, or manual "". If is not present - to understand with the list of modules all details. Some words about modules of defects - sheetsMaxtor驅(qū)動器缺陷表基本模塊是HLUTL/HUSR,以編譯器模塊為基礎,像AT_PDL、 AT_POL、DMCS、ULIST、ULIST 伺服缺陷表、AT_PDL 服務區(qū)和工作區(qū)的缺陷

11、列表, 它是通過工廠測試后生成的(P-list),但是也可以通過模塊AT_POL把缺陷轉(zhuǎn)換進去. AT_POL 缺陷增長表(G-list), 當儲存器出現(xiàn)缺陷扇區(qū)的時候可以通過普通軟件把缺陷加進缺陷增長表. 因此HRT可以對HUSR進行操作, and all other modules can be received at submission of a command of recalculation of the compiler. At "" Maxtor corrects contents of modules of the compiler, sometimes

12、spoiling it. Therefore at "" it is possible to copy all modules AT_PDL, AT_POL, DMCS, RZTBL, ULIST, and then to execute a command of recalculation of the compiler.Distinction of the same modules on different Copies on different are not identical. Therefore in the program for the modules la

13、ying on different it will be compulsorily modified ID. For example, different copies of the same module can have ID0044, ID4044, ID8044, IDC044. The given fact creates problems for display of the name of modules in a field what is it which easily are solved through commenting of modules not on their

14、 identifier, and on coordinates on which the given modules settle down. More in detail about differences of the mechanism of commenting of modules it will be told in the section devoted to files.非常重要的提示注意! COPY MODULES OF SERVICE AREA FROM RESOURCES ONLY AS A LAST RESORT! FIRST TRY TO COLLECT THE NA


16、 physics the cylinder is equal a minus to one number of sector sets number UBA. 磁頭號就會顯示真正的物理磁頭,相對對的驅(qū)動器操作概念«假物理磁頭»(它的起始編號總是0),stores Maxtor work with truly physical . And it means, that the card in dialogue for work on physical parameters ceases to be simple formality and starts to work on

17、the direct purpose(由下圖結(jié)果可以發(fā)現(xiàn),在0位置顯示有一個3號磁頭),磁頭分布表在具體驅(qū)動器在初始化時,程序自動定義的。如圖7. 柱面總是等于-1,磁頭分布表不只是一種形式Alternative service areaFeature of stores Maxtor on Poker/Ardent the processor is that at them is present two service areas. The first is basic area which is used at work of the store, the second, is initi

18、ally latent from the user and used only at creation of the store at a factory.If the store does not have problems in the basic service area alternative thus it is inaccessible, but here if suddenly in the basic area have been spoiled - modules the store itself "is thrown out" in alternativ

19、e area. Thus it will work completely in a "service" mode, i.e. with service area, but to not work at all “ on logic ”. such stores it is identical , stores, but it is necessary to be made from Safe Mode. Thus it is necessary to use that way at which the store will not be anything from disk

20、s.Mach FirmwareAt "" modern stores, it is important to guess the correct version of service area. As against old stores ATHENA, it to make not so it is simple. However, it is possible to not guess the version, and to pick up her, touching all possible variants. For this purpose item Servic

21、e-> Mach Firmware is entered. After his choice, on the screen the following dialogue will appear:如圖8. Dialogue Mach FirmwareChoose subdirectory in which touched resources in format CPS are located and press the button start. In a grey line touched files will start to be displayed. If after the te

22、rmination burns light-emitting diode ERR, the store means has rejected all variants offered to it. If the message submitted below has appeared, the store that resource which name is displayed in a grey line means has accepted. Remember it. Resources of this version can be used for work with the give

23、n concrete store.如圖 9. An attribute of successfully picked up version更新 FlashFunction Update Flash causes a standard ATA-command of updating of a microcode. According to the standard, updating with a code 1 - time (in the RAM), with a code 7 - constant (with record on disks). As the store will proce

24、ss inquiry with a code 7 - depends on circuitry of the store (depending on a version, -memory can be stitched, it can not be stitched, and can be - in the store is used not -memory, and the READ-ONLY STORAGE). First of all, item Actions-> Update Flash-> With code 1 is used for operation "

25、" the store.然而需要考慮的是,現(xiàn)代Maxtor驅(qū)動器有一個奇怪的現(xiàn)象:需要了解作為微代碼稱之為DISKWARE - the module pseudo the READ-ONLY STORAGE which is stored on a surface of a disk in a service zone (對于N40P系列,例如它將會是ID39) and after start of the store in memory and management is transferred it. Actually, primary initialization of the

26、 store, start, base service modules and loading diskware in memory is carried out -. It is a small code on the size which is stored either in a flash-microcircuit, or in internal flash-rom the processor. It as can be updated and rewritten, but in 99 % of cases in it there is no necessity.In practice

27、 a great variety of versions - on modern families of stores Maxtor has been established and looked through implicit while dependence in compatibility of various versions - and a base microcode on a disk.如圖10. Typical codes of an insertion of the READ-ONLY STORAGE初始化系統(tǒng)變量"" stores Maxtor it

28、is necessary to attribute that strange fact to features, that the ambassador all necessary , they start to read service area without any problems, and here write - with displacement. Displacement - not constant. For different UBA it variously. Therefore if "" the store, having filled it an

29、d there and then to rush to restore service area anything good from this will not leave. You can jam either restored modules, or their neighbours. To result displacement of record in norm, it is necessary to choose item of menu Actions-> Reinit Variables. If the store will not give out a mistake,

30、 all means has passed successfully, and it it will be fine to read and write. If light-emitting diode ERR has lit up, means, most likely, you have filled or an image of the READ-ONLY STORAGE, or , incompatible with the microprogram of the current payment.重運算地址譯碼器To count the compiler (to take into a

31、ccount the defects brought both in P, and in G-LIST, having united them only in P-List), choose item of menu Actions-> Misc-> Merge G-> P. At successful performance of a command, the store will independently clear module AT_POL.Change of a configuration of the storeTo change the current adj

32、ustments of the store, choose item of menu Actions-> Misc-> Configuration. Thus, on the screen the following dialogue will be given:如圖11. Change of a configuration of the storeThe special attention should be turned on item Security Set Supported. If the given tag is reset, the store will rejec

33、t operation Actions-> Quick Clear as she is carried out just on the basis of subsystem Security. But no mean virus can your store.Clearing SMARTTo clear attributes SMART, choose item Actions-> Misc-> Clear SMART and EL. Thus, the store will execute clearing not only clearing of attributes a

34、nd threshold values, but also will clear sector of magazine of mistakes (module EVTLG_00).Record on one sectorSome stores after operation "" start "to hang" at work with modules of service area if to read them entirely. If reading and record go on one sector no problems arise. Fo

35、r such stores in the program it is possible to include mode Options-> Write Spec Area by 1 sec. If about the given item there is a tick, the mode means is included.Ignoring of single mistakes of modulesFrequently there is a necessity to subtract the module entirely, despite of defective sectors c

36、ontained in it. For this purpose it is possible to take advantage of item Options-> Ignore single errors. Thus, sectors of the module which did not manage to be read, will be filled in the final buffer with the signature “ BAD! ”. From the point of view of the user of the utility, the similar opp

37、ortunity allows to restore in most cases in part damaged module with the minimal expenses on time.儲存器典型的故障Typical malfunction of stores Maxtor - "". If the store feels, that at him something not so (the defect - sheet, repeated mistakes in the same place was overflew and .), it automatical

38、ly modifies heading of one of modules of service area. At the following start, store ATHENA it will not be simple to be defined, at more modern stores - at the end of the version of the microprogram the symbol "Z" will appear. Presumably, developers have deliberately made this feature when

39、ever possible to keep the information on the store leaving out of operation. Means of OS with such disk already to make nothing, so, the information will be kept with the greater probability."" the store it is possible to count more serious case a condition when - the store it was not poss

40、ible to execute correct start and-or initialization of the service modules necessary for the further work, and start diskware. Such mode can be named safe-mode and, usually, his opportunities of the store by way of work on the ATA-interface are very strongly limited. In this case, the store will be

41、defined with a name of family instead of model and the version - as the version . For example, for store N40P it will look so:In this case it is possible to recommend some times to make the store a feed since at Maxtor there is a specific feature periodically astably to read service area, or to try

42、loading flash (cp0) in mode TEMP with the subsequent loading other pages (cpXX) and the store through ATA-> Reset.Unfortunately, in most cases, "start" of the store at unsuccessful start in safe-mode speaks that the service area is strongly damaged. Restoration of such store probably in

43、 rare cases also demands an individual approach.儲存器ATHENA and Romulus的操作步驟對于ATHENA儲存器來說,典型的操作可以表示為如下步驟:1) 將驅(qū)動器的跳線模式設置為下列位置:如圖12. ATHENA, Romulus驅(qū)動器系列安全模式跳線設置在修復過程中不是100%一定需要跳安全模式的.有時候沒有他也可以的。但是還有一種情況就是,在儲存器排斥所有的基本操作的情況下.那怎么辦呢?儲存器的初始化與磁盤的什么地方有關聯(lián),是我們難以估計的.但是如果存儲器一開始就調(diào)用安全跳線模式的話。那么以上的問題就不會發(fā)生了,在存儲器開始工作,又

44、停止轉(zhuǎn)動的情況下.(附帶的端口在表面),調(diào)用安全跳線的模式,就可以對它進行有效的操作2) 給儲存器提供電源3) 選擇菜單項 Actions-> Update Flash-> With Code 14) (作為文件)在電腦找出任意微程序版本,此微程序的程序版本是和硬盤驅(qū)動器表面上所標示的版本是一致的。5) 選擇菜單項 Reset-> Universal6) 選擇菜單上的按鈕Service->CP Operations,把startup ROM以及這個文件里面的所有tag file頁都roll in。把所有的頁面都移進Temp里.7) 選擇菜單項 Reset-> AT

45、A8) 選擇菜單上的按鈕Actions->Reinit Variables.如果在這個過程中,沒有出現(xiàn)錯誤,意味著你成功地選擇了匹配的程序,步驟就可以忽略了。9) 選擇菜單項 Service-> CP Operations10) 選擇 CPO,進入dump,來到dump的結(jié)尾,檢查符合條件的KC的程序。11) 選擇 Reset-> Power Click12) 選擇菜單項 Actions-> Update Flash-> With Code 113) (作為文件)在電腦找出weaving,此weaving是和startup ROM里符合條件的KC相匹配的。(看選項

46、“verson”).14) 選擇菜單項 Reset-> Universal15) 選擇菜單項service->CP Operations,裝載配置參照成套的裝置,及ROM,將所有的頁面轉(zhuǎn)到temp狀態(tài)。16) 選擇菜單項 Reset-> ATA17) 選擇菜單項 Actions-> Reinit Variables.至此應該不會有錯誤.重點注意 通過執(zhí)行actions->reinit Variables ,是對于存儲器必須的。如果沒有選擇他的話,剛才所有操作都有可能讀與寫在兩個完全不同的扇區(qū)上。After performance of the specified

47、actions, the store also can be passed to editing the service area described below.儲存器 FB3, DMP8, DMP9 的操作步驟For given stores SAFE position of the crosspiece the following:如圖13. FB3, DMP8, DMP9驅(qū)動器系列安全模式跳線設置通常, Flash for the given stores it is not necessary. It is possible even to try to take advantage

48、 of function Service-described earlier> Mach Firmware. In some cases, after this operation, the store will leave for an operating condition and will allow to carry out editing of modules.However, some stores after such operation "will hang". In this case, it is possible to try to make t

49、he following sequence of actions:1)在CP操作對話框中選擇載入CPS文件2)選擇最下面的Unlock模式3)按send All按鈕,在Unlock模式下將會只剩下CP27、CP28及CP00.4) 儲存器執(zhí)行 (Reset-> Usual)5)在Temp模式下載入所有配置頁, 在這個狀態(tài)下加載所有CP, 除CP00以外.If also it will not help, it is necessary to connect intuition and to try to pick up any working combination from earli

50、er described methods.內(nèi)存,復位驅(qū)動器的資源對于DMP8及DMP9驅(qū)動器的其它固件資源,建議保存它的內(nèi)存鏡像。例如當驅(qū)動器的所有配置頁(事實上它是一個微程序,and program ),command Rein it Variables is sent, but nevertheless, the store instead of a card 2, 3 gives a card 3, 255. Besides, attempts of work with the head 2 lead to to a mistake. 這樣, will help before the k

51、ept image of the RAM with subsequent submission ATA Reset. To keep the area of memory from 0 address in length 0x 1D8000 byte follows.如圖14. 內(nèi)存鏡像 重要的資源文件編輯模塊After the store , it is necessary to remove the reason . For this purpose it is necessary enter dialogue Service-> Special Area-> Structur

52、e and in it to choose I/O-> Read All Blocks.常常需要對以下部分模塊進行編輯:模塊 a nameATPDL 0NO_PLISTATPOL 1NO_GLISTULIST00NO_ULISTULIST00 (in the beginning of the list)ULIST01DMCS 1NO_DMCS顯然,大多數(shù)模塊開始都處于"NO"狀態(tài),可以通過選擇ID下面的復選框來選它們 Service-> Special Area.有兩種方式可以對它們進行編輯:手工和自動。手工編輯時,需要對它們有一定的了解;在自動編輯時 是利用了

53、一個INI初始化文件。對于自動編輯,在work with service area對話框中,選擇菜單Maxtor-> Repair All Headers。這樣就會檢查所有的模塊頭,如果在If the heading is found in section UNLOCK a file Maxtor.ini it will be modified, according to a rule from given a file then for him the control sum will be automatically counted. At those modules which h

54、ave undergone to automatic editing, allocation remain, at other - will disappear. You can keep on a disk or all modified modules, or what will consider necessary.如圖15. After automatic editing modules, are allocated only modified伺服缺陷在伺服區(qū)(SA)存儲著驅(qū)動器許多重要的代碼程序及模塊,如果伺服區(qū)出現(xiàn)了一些未能讀取的壞扇區(qū)(缺陷),那么驅(qū)動將可能不能正常工作,多數(shù)情況

55、下是根本不能工作的。為了對伺服區(qū)進行存取,Maxtor驅(qū)動器對其采取了一種邏輯塊尋址方式。這種尋址方式與LBA尋址方式很相似,但能適用于伺服區(qū),且對每個磁頭都單獨運用這種UBA(UNIT BLOCK ADDRESSING)尋址方式。因此對于UBA尋址方式有一種特性可以參考,那就是它的第一伺服柱面是一個負值。與LBA尋址方式一樣, in UBA the miss of defective sectors which for 動力 will be worn out in the table of defects of the service area, located in module HLUT

56、L is used. 但是這里有一個很重要的問題在添加缺陷后,對于UBA尋址方式而言,所有的伺服模塊都發(fā)生了偏移,從而導致驅(qū)動器進入了一種非工作狀態(tài)(不能正常工作)。為了將這些伺服區(qū)存儲塊轉(zhuǎn)換到一種工作狀態(tài),這就需要對伺服區(qū)的所有與缺陷相關聯(lián)的模塊進行重運算,在此過程中可以返回所有模塊記錄并查看這種消除偏移的過程。HRT綜合工具可以自動對必要的模塊及這些模塊的記錄進行重運算。如前所述可知,在對伺服區(qū)進行操作時,這種操作要求很嚴格,要求計算很精確,一個錯誤的操作將會導致驅(qū)動器立刻進入一種禁止狀態(tài)。在對伺服區(qū)缺陷進行操作之前,有必要對所有伺服模塊進行保存操作, 在進入伺服缺陷表時需要等待程序進入就

57、緒狀態(tài)才能進行操作.如果驅(qū)動器的伺服區(qū)已經(jīng)含有缺陷,那么可以這些缺陷添加到伺服缺陷表中。在對伺服缺陷進行操作時,就需要進入這個專門的伺服缺陷表,所有的原缺陷記錄及后來發(fā)現(xiàn)的缺陷就會記錄在這個缺陷表中。在伺服缺陷表中添加缺陷記錄時,對保存在P-list 及G-list缺陷表不會有任何的影響。這就像如果對P-list及G-list缺陷表進行操作時,伺服缺陷也是一樣沒有任何改變。對伺服缺陷的操作可以看作為在對驅(qū)動器維修時的最基本的操作,這是因為驅(qū)動器在初始化過程中首先要讀取這些伺服信息的。因此查找及隱藏伺服缺陷,可以選擇菜單 Test-> Special Area. 將會出現(xiàn)下列對話框窗口:如圖16.伺服區(qū)測試首先,需要查找缺陷,可以點擊 Test 測試按鈕。程序就會UBA方式來查找Search of defects will be carried out with UBA which number is registered in field From sector


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