1、談濟南市大氣污染的成因及防治濟南市的空氣質(zhì)量自去年 1 月 28 日向社會公布以來,已成為廣大市民十分 關(guān)注的熱點難點和焦點問題。 就濟南的大氣污染成因和防治措施, 提出初步的看 法和意見,以供探討。一、濟南市的環(huán)境空氣質(zhì)量狀況 幾年來,濟南市的城市建設(shè)和經(jīng)濟建設(shè)有了較大的發(fā)展。 濟南作為一個北方內(nèi)陸城市,空氣質(zhì)量具有北方城市的普遍特點,呈現(xiàn)典型的煤煙型污 染。盡管近年來不斷加大環(huán)保執(zhí)法力度, 強化環(huán)境綜合整治, 環(huán)境質(zhì)量有了明顯 改善,但空氣質(zhì)量仍不盡人意。 同全國其他城市相比, 濟南空氣質(zhì)量處于中下水 平,大氣污染的程度是比較嚴(yán)重的。 在 1998年 46個發(fā)布空氣質(zhì)量周報的城市中, 濟南
2、的空氣質(zhì)量一半以上的時間在倒數(shù) 10 名內(nèi),最差的一次為倒數(shù)第二位,最 好的名次為正數(shù)第 25 位。二、濟南市大氣污染的成因 濟南市大氣污染的形成原因是復(fù)雜的,既有自然原因,又有人為原因, 既有歷史遺留的原因,又有近年來發(fā)展不協(xié)調(diào)的原因。1. 能源結(jié)構(gòu)以煤炭為主,煤炭占總能源的 70%以上2. 大氣污染的首要污染物是總懸浮顆粒物,即塵類污染 塵的來源除了燃煤煙塵外,工業(yè)粉塵和因建筑、垃圾、風(fēng)沙、及車輛行駛的 揚塵均不可忽視。3. 長期形成的城市工業(yè)布局不合理加重了濟南市區(qū)的大氣污染 濟南市常年的主導(dǎo)風(fēng)向是東北一西南風(fēng)。 王舍人工業(yè)區(qū)、 黨家工業(yè)區(qū)和幾個 主要的污染企業(yè)都處于主導(dǎo)風(fēng)向上, 在主導(dǎo)
3、風(fēng)的作用下, 加重了市區(qū)的大氣污染 .4. 地形條件對空氣質(zhì)量十分不利 眾所周知,濟南四面環(huán)山,北倚地上河黃河,地形呈淺碟狀,不利于大氣污 染物的水平輸送和擴散,使污染物容易在市區(qū)積聚,從而加重污染。 5冬季特殊的氣象條件大大加重了大氣污染在污染源相對穩(wěn)定的情況下,氣象條件對空氣質(zhì)量的好壞有至關(guān)重要的影 響。6 機動車保有量的迅速增加,使機動車尾氣污染占整個大氣污染的負(fù)荷越來 越大. 由于汽車排放的污染物正處于人的呼吸帶,往往形成較穩(wěn)定的近地面污染 層,對人體危害很大。7地面綠化和硬化不夠,揚塵污染較重盡管濟南市近兩年實施造綠工程, 建成了市區(qū)五大廣場, 但同其他城市相比 市區(qū)綠化率和人均綠地
4、指標(biāo)仍比較低,而且草多樹少,種類配置欠合理。另外, 由于施工等原因而造成的裸露地面不能及時覆蓋或硬化, 在風(fēng)和車輛行駛的作用 下形成較重的塵污染。三、濟南市大氣污染的防治措施 濟南市的大氣污染問題已經(jīng)引起省市領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的高度重視和全社會的關(guān)注, 按照 省委“五年大變樣”和近期市政府創(chuàng)建文明城市抓“容貌工程”的要求, 針對污 染形成的原因即將采取種種措施進行綜合污染防治。 對于自然形成的不利的地形 和氣象因素我們現(xiàn)今還無法改變和干預(yù), 也不應(yīng)怨天尤人, 而應(yīng)面對現(xiàn)實對人為 的污染源采取有效措施從根本上加以防治。1. 依法大力加強對各類排煙設(shè)施的監(jiān)督管理。2提高燃煤質(zhì)量,改變能源結(jié)構(gòu),從源頭控制大氣污染
5、( 1) 推廣使用低硫、低灰分煤炭。( 2) 改變低空排煙設(shè)施的燃料結(jié)構(gòu)。3 如快調(diào)整產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)和工業(yè)布局,努力減輕結(jié)構(gòu)性污染(1)逐步將污染嚴(yán)重,治理困難的企業(yè)遷出市區(qū)。(2)關(guān)停和取締小水泥廠、小石灰窯和小石子粉碎點。4. 加強老污染源的治理并嚴(yán)把新上項目(1)加快黃臺發(fā)電廠煙氣脫硫步伐。(2)對 1-130 噸時的鍋爐進行煙氣脫硫除塵。(3)對 1-130 噸時煙塵超標(biāo)排放的 720 多臺鍋(窯)爐進行限期治理。5. 實施城市環(huán)境綜合整治,增強城市污染防治能力 環(huán)境保護工作絕不是依靠環(huán)保部門一家就能搞好的, 它涉及到方方面面, 需 要各個部門的相互協(xié)作和全社會的支持。( 1) 大力發(fā)展城市
6、集中供熱、供氣。( 2) 加強城市綠化和大環(huán)境綠化工作3)加強建筑工地的管理。4)引逐步改變道路保潔方式。5)取締露天燒烤6加強汽車尾氣的污染防治為了控制機動車排氣污染,濟南市已禁止銷售、使 用含鉛汽油,立法工作正在緊鑼密鼓的進行。(1)對我市機動車制造廠生產(chǎn)的車輛加強監(jiān)督管理,達(dá)不到徘放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的, 不允許出廠。(2)市區(qū)內(nèi)新增車輛提倡購買使用電噴技術(shù)的車輛;新車掛牌,經(jīng)監(jiān)測尾 氣排放不達(dá)標(biāo)的,不發(fā)牌照;年檢和抽檢尾氣排放不合格的機動車,經(jīng)維護、保 養(yǎng)仍不能達(dá)標(biāo)排放的,吊銷牌照,不準(zhǔn)繼續(xù)上路行駛。(3)嚴(yán)格出租車管理,加快出租車更新?lián)Q代。 2000 年底前所有“面的”更 換完畢,新更換的車輛必須
7、具備雙燃料功能。(4)限制柴油車的發(fā)展。除特殊行業(yè)需要外,對柴油機動車不再辦理掛牌 業(yè)務(wù);對超標(biāo)排放尾氣的柴油公交車,按照“一換、二改、三?!钡脑瓌t進行淘 汰。(5)限制輕騎摩托車的發(fā)展,從今年元月 1 日起不再辦理輕騎摩托車掛牌 業(yè)務(wù)。(6)嚴(yán)格按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行車輛報廢制度。對達(dá)到報廢條件的車輛, 應(yīng)堅決報廢、 淘汰。盡快制訂輕騎摩托車報廢辦法, 對達(dá)到報廢條件的進行淘汰, 逐年減少輕騎摩托車的數(shù)量。(7)推廣使用雙燃料汽車。對運營車輛(公交車、出租車)進行雙燃料改 造,今年改造 200 輛,明年改造 500 輛, 2001年進行大面積的推廣。(8)加強農(nóng)用車和外地進濟車的管理。 從 2
8、001年起,農(nóng)用車和經(jīng)監(jiān)測尾氣 超標(biāo)的外地車輛一律不準(zhǔn)進入濟南市區(qū)。7 加強環(huán)境宣傳教育,大力提高領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和廣大市民的環(huán)境意識要通過各種渠道強化可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的宣傳,提高各級干部和廣大市民的環(huán) 保意識,形成濃厚的“環(huán)境保護,人人有責(zé)”的輿論氛圍,使那些違反環(huán)保法的 行為無立身之地。讓我們攜起手來,既要發(fā)展經(jīng)濟,又要保護好濟南的環(huán)境,為 廣大市民創(chuàng)造一個美好的空氣清新的生活環(huán)境。通過各個方面的了解,我們可以看到雖然政府采取了相應(yīng)的措施, 但濟南的 天氣污染總體上比較嚴(yán)重,因此對于廣大群眾當(dāng)然也包括我們來說是任重而道 遠(yuǎn),所以從現(xiàn)在起,我們要樹立保護環(huán)境的決心,并且要付諸于行動,從點點滴 滴做起,
9、只有這樣我們才能慢慢改變這種現(xiàn)狀, 讓環(huán)境變得越來越好,我們也就 生活的越來越快樂。通過我們小組的共同努力,基本上達(dá)到了預(yù)期的目標(biāo),也讓我們學(xué)到了團隊 協(xié)作的重要性。在這個時代,無論你多么優(yōu)秀,你終究是一個人,但是只要是一 個團隊能夠齊心協(xié)力,無論多么艱巨的任務(wù),終會被解決的,這就是團隊的力量。 這也是現(xiàn)代社會所需要的,這就是我們從這次活動中所學(xué)到的。About Jinan causes and prevention and control of atmospheric pollutionJinan air quality since last January 28 publish to th
10、e society, has becomethe general public is very difficult and focus issues of concern. Jinan cause and the preve nti on and con trol measures of atmospheric polluti on and puts forward prelim inary views and opinions, to discuss.First, the situation of air environmental quality of Jinan cityOver the
11、 past few years, Jinan urba n con struct ion and econo mic con struct ion has a larger developme nt. As an in la nd city in the n orth, Jinan has the com mon features of the n ortherin city air quality, and presents the typical MeiYanXing fouling Dye. Although in recent years, grow ing en vir onmen
12、tal law en forceme nt, stre ngthe n the comprehe nsive improveme nt of the en vir onment, the en vir onmen tal quality has improved significantly, but the air quality is still unsatisfactory. Comparedwith other cities in China, Jinan air quality at a lower level, the degree of air pollution is mores
13、erious. Released in 1998, 46 city air quality weekly report, the air quality in Jinan more than half of the time within the last 10, the worst of times for the second place, the best place is positive to 25th.Second, the Jinan the cause of air pollutio nJinan atmospheric pollution is the cause of fo
14、rmation of complex, bothnatural causes, and others, for reasons, both the historicalreasons, andin rece nt years developme nt not harm onio us.1. The energy structure is given priority to with coal, coal accountedfor over 70% of the total en ergy2. The primary pollutant is total suspended particulat
15、e matter airpolluti on, dust polluti onDust sources in additi on to coal dust, in dustrial dust and due to thebuild in gs, garbage, dust, and vehicle traffic dust can not be igno red.3. The long form of Jinan city in dustrial layout is not reas on able toin crease the urba n air polluti onJinan pere
16、 nnial dominant wind directi on is a southwest n ortheast.Scheere n wang in dustrial zone, party in dustrial zone and several major polluti ngen terprises are dominant wi nd directi on,the dominant un der theaction of wind, in creased urba n air polluti on.4. The terrain con diti ons on the air qual
17、ity is very badAs is known to all, Jinan and surro un ded, n orth relies on the river,the Yellow River on the ground, terrain saucer shaped, detrimental to the level of the atmospheric polluta nts tran sport and diffusi on, the pollutants easy to accumulate in city, thus increasing pollution.5. Spec
18、ial win ter weather con diti ons add greatly to air polluti onUnder the condition of the pollution sources are relatively stable, the sta nd or fall of weather con diti ons on the air quality has a crucial impact.6. Motor vehicle own ership in creased rapidly, the motor vehicle exhaustpollution load
19、 of the atmospheric pollution is more and more big. Due to vehicle emission pollutantsare in the humanbreathing zone, tend to forma stable layer nearthe ground pollution, does great harm to human body.7. The ground gree ning and harde ning is not eno ugh, the heavier dust polluti onAlthough Jinan tw
20、o years impleme ntati on to build gree n projects, completed five square dow ntow n, but compared with other cities urba n afforestationand green space per capita indicators are still relativelylow, more trees and grass, less species configuration unadvisable. In additi on, due to reas ons such as c
21、on struct ion of bare ground harde ning or not covered in time, in the wind and vehicle traffic un der the in flue nee of forming the heavier dust pollution.Third, Jinan atmospheric polluti on preve nti on and con trol measuresJinan atmospheric polluti on problems has caused provin ces leadership at
22、taches great importa nee to and the atte ntio n of the whole society, accord ing to the provin cial party committee "five-year makeover" and the city gover nment to create civilized city catch "face project" requirement, for the reason of the pollution would be taken for integrat
23、ed polluti on preve nti on and con trol measures. For n atural unfav orable terrain and meteorological factors we could n't change now and in terve nti on, also should not compla in, but should face the reality of man-made polluti on sources, take effective measures to fun dame ntally to the pre
24、ve nti on and con trol.1. In accorda nee with the law, stre ngthe n the supervisi on of all kindsof smoke exhaust facilities man ageme nt.2. Improve the quality of coal, change the energy structure, the control of air pollution from the source(1) Promote the use of low sulfur, low ash coal.(2) Chang
25、e the low fuel exhaust facility structure.3. Such as fast adjusti ng in dustrial structure and in dustrial layout,efforts to reduce structural polluti on .Step by step(1) The pollution is serious, difficult companies out of urban areas.(2) Shut dow n and clamp dow n on small ceme nt pla nt, small li
26、me kil n andgravel crush ing point.4. Strengthen the managemenbf old pollution sources and strictlycontrolnew projects(1) To speed up the pace of yellow machi ne power pla nt flue gasdesulfurizati on.(2) For 1-130 ton s/boiler flue gas desulfurizati on dust removal.(3) For 1-130 tons/excess emission
27、s of soot whenmore than 720 pan (furnace) within the furn ace.5. Impleme ntati on of the comprehe nsive improveme nt of the urba nen vir onment, enhance urba n polluti on preve nti on abilityEn vir onmen tal protecti on is not rely on a can do a good job inen vir onmen tal protect ion departme nt, i
28、t invo Ives many aspects, n eed toeach departme nt .Mutual cooperati on and support of the whole society.(1) To develop the urba n cen tral heati ng, gas supply.(2) To stre ngthe n urba n gree ning and Ian dscape gree ning(3) To stre ngthe n the man ageme nt of the con structi on site.(4) Gradually
29、cha nge the way of road clea ning.(5) To ban outdoor barbecue.6. Strengthen automobile exhaust pollution control to control the motor vehicle exhaust pollutio n, Jinan has banned the sale and use of leaded gasoli ne, the legislati on work is un derway.(1) Stren gthe n supervisi on and man ageme nt o
30、f city motor vehiclemanu facturers product ion vehicle, are not up to sta ndard is put outside, not allowed to leave factory.(2) Vehicle in new urba n recomme nd buying vehicles using ems; New carlisting, by monitoring emissions substandard, not licensing; Annualin specti on and check the motor vehi
31、cle exhaust emissi on is unq ualified,the preve ntive maintenan ce, still can't satisfy the, revocati on oflice nses, not allowed to con ti nue on the road.(3) Strict taxi man ageme nt, speed up the upgrad ing taxi. All "the" completed at the end of 2000, the new replaceme nt vehicle m
32、ust have the fun cti on of the fuel.(4) Limit the development of diesel. In addition to the special industry n eeds, to diesel motor vehicle no Ion ger deal with trad ing bus in ess; Ofexcess emissions exhaust of diesel buses, according to the change "one, two, three stop" the prin ciple o
33、f weed ing.(5) The light motorcycle developme nt, starti ng from January 1 this yearto deal with the light no Ion ger motorcycle tradi ng bus in ess.(6) In strict accorda nee with the releva nt regulati ons of the state system of scrapped vehicles. To achieve scrap con diti on of vehicles, should be
34、 resolutely discarded, elim in ated. Devis ing the light motorcycles scrapas soon as possible, to achieve scrap con diti on to elim in ate, reduce the nu mber of the light motorcycles. Year by year(7) Promote the use of dual fuel automobile. Of operating vehicles (bus, taxi) dual fuel innovation, re
35、form 200 vehicles this year, next year, 500, 2001 acres of promoti on.(8) To stre ngthe n the man ageme ntof agriculture and in to the economyfrom vehicle. Since 2001, the agriculture and the monitoring tail gas exceeds bid is allowed before the non-local vehicles in Jinan city.7. To strengthen environmental propaganda education, improve the leading cadres and the gen eral public's en vir onmen tal aware nessTo stre ngthe n the strategy of susta in able developme nt through various cha nn els of publicity, improve the cadres at various levels and the gen eral public's en
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