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1、高中英語選修七單詞及語言點總結(jié)Unit 1 LiVi ng WeIl一、根據(jù)所給提示,用本單元所學的詞完成句子1. AS he has no OPPort Unity to achieve his a, he intends(resig n)from the compa ny.2. Whe n SOmeth ing Can help people or improve their lives, We Say it is(有益的)to people.3. I ' m afraid it ' ll be Very hard for you(adapt) this story for

2、 ChiIdren.4. You ' d better not get(annoy) at his ignorance.5. Finland gained (independent) from RUSSia during the FirStWorld War.6. The man ager Chis bus in ess carefully.7.1 ' m interested in the CIaSSiCaI文學)of France.8. We must give(assist) to the elderly.9. A(伙伴)is a friend that you SPe

3、nd a lot of time with, or some oneyou are traveli ng with.10. I offer you my hearty(con gratulate)11. Being afraid of losing d, he doesn' t dare to take on any challengtask.12. He received a lot of鼓勵)from his teacher.二、寫出所給詞的相應(yīng)形式1. StUPid(同義詞)2. absent名詞)3. handkerchief(復數(shù))4. access形容詞)13 / 115.

4、 disabled名詞)7. harmful(反義詞)三、短語翻譯1. 換句話說 3.取笑5.特別7. 祝賀某人某事Unit 2 Robots6. former(反義詞)2. 總而言之4. 一切順禾U 6.在于8. 上氣不接下氣一、用方框中所給的動詞短語的正確形式填空leave Sb aloneturn aroundtestoutSet asidering UPsmooth away1. HoWpeoplewhile I WaS out?2. The model mustbefore We PUt it into mass PrOdUCti on.3. , I SaW an Old frien

5、d of mine, whom I haven' t Seen for y4. She is Very upset.for a few minu tes.5. It ' tsne for USour differences and work together for acom mon purpose.6. There are still a few problems to bebefore We Can complete theproject.二、完成句子1. 她陪朋友去聽音樂會Sheher friend _ the.2. 我真羨慕你的才能??!HoW Iyou!3. 他們不斷的

6、講她是如何的聰明時,她覺得不好意思。She When they kept telling how CIeVer She was.4. 出于對無家可歸的孩子們的同情,他留他們過夜。for the homeless ChiIdre n, he gave them SheIter for the ni ght.5. 運動使我的肌肉變得很結(jié)實。EXerCiSemy muscles Very.6. 他解釋了聲音如何在水中傳導。He gave anof howin water.三、根據(jù)所給提示,用本單元所學的單詞完成句子1. We all(desire) PeaCe and happ in ess.2.

7、He(PiIe) old PaPer in the Corner of the room.3. He(SCa n) the horiz on, I ooki ng for land.4. They(declare) the results of the electio n soon.5. Tom and JaneWant to get(divorce). That means they intend toend their m.6. The n ews that a lion escaped from the zoo(alarm) the local people.7. To his滿意),h

8、e PaSSed the exam in ati on.8. Flower arrangement is an(高雅的)art.9. It is(荒謬的)to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.10. He(Pai nt) the gate blue.11. She is in bed With an(可怕的 嚴重的)cold.12. He told me to keep my Word and I(obey).Unit 3 Un der the Sea、從下面方框中選擇適當?shù)亩陶Z填空,注意實用其正確形式ahead ofin the mean

9、 timehelp outbeaware ofUPSide downSCare to deathsort outaPaCk of1. There WaS a roadblock Straightus.2. Wome nofte n moretheir feeli ngs tha n men.3. I ' ll phone for a taxi., you must get packed.4. They Wereby the terrible sno WStorm.5. The cook ' S ill, so I amthis week.6. They metwolves in

10、 the forest.7. We ' Ve got a few little problems.8. EVerythi ng isin his house.二、用所給動詞的適當形式填空1. anyone(Wit ness) the Car accide nt yesterday?t you See them?2. The clouds(reflect) in the lake. Did n3. (not yell) at me like that.4. The sailor had(aba ndon) the Sinking ship.5. They all(flee from) t

11、he bur ning buildi ng last ni ght.6. He(drag) his SUitCaSe along the platform, for they Were too heavy tocarry.7. We(rent) this house from Mr Smith.三、根據(jù)所給的漢語提示填空1.1 have a(鮮明的)memory of that dreadful night.2. What is your(年收入)?3. Can We find(住所)at a hotel for ton ight?4. She has a Very good關(guān)系)With h

12、er classmates.5. The air in the forest is(純潔的)and cleaner than that in the city.6. The boy WaS Very(敏捷的)at physics.7. HiS Strength WaS(令人畏懼的)四、根據(jù)提示寫出所給詞的適當形式1. deep名詞)3. beautiful(名詞)5. narroW(反義詞)7. deep反義詞)Unit 4 Shari ng一、完成句子1. 我昨天收到了紐約的姐姐的來信。2. la nguage同義詞)4. poison形容詞)6. taste名詞)Imy SiSter in

13、 NeW York yeaterday.2. 她渴望出國Shego abroad.3. 她在抽屜里偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)一些舊照片。SheSome OId photos in a drawer.4. 不要把頭伸出汽車窗外。Don' tyour headthe Car Wi ndow.5. 最近非洲許多河流都干涸了。Many rivers in AfriCarecently.6. 你的衣服要很長時間才能干透。Your clothes will take ages.7. 患難之交才是真朋友。A friendis a friend.8. 這桌子可以配合小孩的高度任意調(diào)整。You Canthis deska

14、ny child.二、根據(jù)所給提示,用本單元所學單詞的正確形式填空1. She SPeakS in a輕柔的)voice.2. I ' JJ(燒烤)you some fish.3. On Iy members have the(特權(quán))of USing the SPOrtS facilities.4. The new(布置)of the furniture Cha nged the atmosphere of theroom.5. I had two SIiCeS of tand a glass of Orange juice for breakfast.6. He(PUrChaSe)

15、the Iand for $200, 000 dollars.7. They CeIebrated their 10 th Wedding a.8. you(SeW) me a butt on on my shirt, please?9. ThiS is a Well(tailor) coat.10. My iisn ' t enoISghPPOrt my family.11. She ShOWed great技能)in winning the hearts Of the ChiIdre n.12. The teacher(distribute) the books to the st

16、ude nts.13. PrOfeSSi On als Cannot參與)in the COmPetitiO n.14. Tokyo and NeW York are major fCen ters.15. IS there any(保護)aga inst nu clear WeaP ons?16. ThiS SeWi ng mach ine(not OPerate) properly.17. HiS idea WaS遠離的)from reality.18. I ran all the Way to school, oI' d have been late.19. He(don ate

17、) blood to a blood bank.Unit 5 TraVeIIi ng abroad一、完成句子1. 身體很快適應(yīng)溫度的變化。The body quicklyCha nges in temperature.2. 只要他堅持不懈,他就能打破世界紀錄。If only he could, he Wouldthe World.3. 我們必須與時俱進。It ' S necessary for US toWith the times.4. 就他而言,他很滿意你的答案。, he WaS SatiSfied With youran SWer.5. 我相信你會適應(yīng)鄉(xiāng)間生活的I '

18、m Sure that you WiIlCountry life.6. 盡管她很少在舞臺上露面,這次在臺上她感覺很自在。SheOn the Stage this time, though She seldomappeared.7. 他忙于準備期中考試。HePrePari ng for the mid-term exams.8. 我們上個星期才搬的家,還沒安頓下來呢。We Only moved house last Week and Weyet.二、根據(jù)所給提示,用本單元學過的單詞完成句子1. PIeaSe bthe pla ne immediately.2. The PrOfeSSOr(IeC

19、tUre) On ShakeSPeare last term.3. What sort of(資格)do you n eed for the job?4. I did little(準備)for the exam in ati on.5. Would you rme a good dicti on ary?6. HiS great kindn ess gave her great(安慰).7. Can I Smilk for cream?8. I CannOt meet your(要求).9. My fin gers Were nWith cold.10. She(ack no WIedge)

20、 hav ing bee n cheated.11. He WaS too modest(SUCCeed) in life.12. He made SeVeraI Con the book.13. The tree is ain fruit.14. What factors(gover n) your decisi on?by the eve ning.15. We ' Il arrive at Our d參考答案Unit 1一、1. ambition, to resign 2. beneficial 3. to adapt 4. annoyed 5. independence6. c

21、on ducted 7. IiteratUre 8. assista nce 9. compa nion 10. con gratulati ons 11.dig nity12. en COUrageme nt二、1. CIUmSy 2. abse nce 3. han dkerchiefs/ han dkerchieves 4. accessible5. disability 6. Iatter 7. ben eficial三、1. in other words 2. all in all 3. make fun of 4. all the best 5. in PartiCUIar6. l

22、ie in 7. congratulate Sb on Sth 8. out of breathUnit 2一、1. rang UP 2. be tested out 3. TUrning aro Und 4. LeaVe her alone 5. to Set aside 6. smoothed away二、1. accompa ni ed, to, Con cert2. envy, your tale nt 3. felt embarrassed 4. Out Of SymPathy 5. made, firm 6. explanation, sound, travels三、1. desi

23、re 2. piled 3. SCa nned 4. will declare 5. divorced, marriage 6. alarmed 7.SatiSfaCti On 8. elega nt 9. absurd 10. Pain ted 11. awful 12. ObeyedUnit 3一、1. ahead of 2. are aware of 3. In the meantime 4. SCared to death 5. helpingout 6. a PaCk of 7. to sort out 8. UPSide dow n二、1. Did, Witness 2. Were reflected 3. Don' t yell 4. to abandon 5. fled from 6.dragged 7. ren ted三、1. ViVid 2. annual in come 3. accommodati ons 4. relati on ShiP 5. PUrer 6. SharP7. awesome四、1. depth 2. ton gue 3. beauty 4. pois onous 5. wide/ bro


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