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1、 大學英語四級寫作作文寫作的過程是痛苦的,尤其是用英語寫作。但只要有心,多多閱讀,多加練習,我們就會痛苦與快樂并存,寫出能傳情達意的作文,把痛苦留給自己,把歡樂留給讀者。實用句型:1. 眾所周知,現在社會上有不少商品存在有過度包裝的現象。2. 我們不能忽視的是,商品過度包裝會損害顧客的利益。3. 人們普遍認為互聯網在社會發(fā)展中將發(fā)揮更重要的作用。4. 現在,隨著互聯網的普及,越來越多的喜歡在網上交友。5. 不過,也有人認為網上交友壞處多于益處。6. 說到春節(jié)晚會,人們可能會有不同的看法。7. 當然,網上購物可以給消費者帶來極大的便利,但網購也可能誤導消費者。8. 無論技術如何迅猛發(fā)展,人的作用

2、仍是第一位的。9. 我認為,電視和電影對人們的影響極大。10. 常識告訴我們,地球上的自然資源是不可 再生的。11. 毋容置疑,我們在作任何結論之前都必須進行一番調查。12. 有人想當然地認為電話會取代人們的書信往來。13. 從這一角度來考慮的話,這個問題將具有很重要的意義。14. 在所有的交通工具中,單車在中國是最為普及的。15. 他認為對一個青年醫(yī)生而言,重要的不是技術,而是信心。16. 有跡象表明,人們的購買能力正的提高。17. 不用說,經常參加體育運動,可使一個人具有強壯的體魄,良好的胃口,并延緩衰老。18. 總而言之,掌握一定數量的句型對寫好作文會有很大的幫助。 Sentence P

3、atterns 參 考1. In modern society, many commodities, as we all know, tend to be excessively packaged. It is generally acknowledged that many commodities in modern society tend to be excessively packaged. 2. What we cant ignore is that excessive package of commodities will result in the damage of custo

4、mers benefit.3. There is a popular belief among people that the Internet will play an increasingly important role in social development.4. At present (Currently), with the popularity of the Internet, an increasing number of people chose to (prefer to) make friends on-line.5. However, some people arg

5、ue (insist/hold) that the disadvantages of friends on-line overweigh the advantages.6. When it comes to the Gather-together of Spring Festival, people may have different opinions.7. It is true that on-line shopping will offer great convenience to consumers, but it is also true that shopping on-line

6、may turn out to be misleading. 8. In spite of the rapid development of technology, man still plays the dominant role.9. As I see it, TV and movies have a great influence on (over) people. 10. Common sense tells us that the resources on earth are never renewable.11. Undoubtedly, (There is no doubt th

7、at) an investigation is necessary before we can come to a conclusion.12. Some people take it for granted that telephone will ultimately take the place of letter writing.13. In this sense (Considering from this respect), this issue (problem) is of great importance.14. Of all the transport means in Ch

8、ina, bicycle is the most popular one.15. In his opinion, what really counts for a young doctor is not his skills, but his confidence.16. There are indications that peoples purchasing power is on the rise.17. Obviously, regular participation in sports will enable a person to build a strong body, to h

9、ave a good appetite and to delay the process of aging. 18. On the whole, a good mastery of some sentence patterns will facilitate essay writing.句 型 的 運 用2009年6月20日四級作文真題Free admission to museums1. 越來越多的博物館免費開放的目的是什么?2. 也會帶來一些問題3. 你的看法 At present, an increasing number of museums offer free services t

10、o the public. Undoubtedly, this will enable more citizens to explore a variety of preserves about human history, to learn about the progress achieved by our forefathers and to enjoy the fine arts of the famous artists. Admittedly, (It is true that) people can learn history from books, but it is also

11、 true that people can trace the footsteps of mankind in museums. Actually, museums serve like live books of the yesterday of our society. In spite of the convenience of free admission to museums, the possible problems cannot be ignored. There are indications that more visitors have resulted in the d

12、ifficulty of the protection of the preserves in the museums. Undoubtedly, more guards and electronic equipment are needed to keep the safety of the exhibits. This requires the financial support of the government if the museums are to run as usual. As I see it, the free admission will be beneficial t

13、o more people who are interested in visiting the museums. They will surely enrich their knowledge and enjoy the fantastic things created by people in history. For young students, they will have more opportunities to experience human civilization which they can hardly get in the classroom. In this se

14、nse, the advantages of the free admission outweigh the disadvantages.篇章語言表達能力 英語作文寫作過程中,中國學生難免會有從漢語過渡到英語再表達出來的習慣,如果轉換太慢或吃力,作文會寫得較為艱難,表達也會受到很大影響。從某種意義而言,良好的語言轉換能力是寫好英語作文的基本保證。 試試不查詞典,包括手機等電子詞典,將下面的漢語作文轉換為英語:作文題 Traditional teaching with teachers and students in class will not exist in 50 years. Do yo

15、u agree or disagree with this statement? 互聯網和遠程通訊技術使遠距離學習成為可能。現在的學生可通過各種資源獲取知識和信息,尤其是學習網絡課程。因此,有人認為傳統(tǒng)的教學在將來某一天將會消失。 現代技術在教學中的運用極大地改變了學習方式。在線課程克服了地域的局限,使學生能在家里學習,而不必每天都趕去學校,尤其是對于那些行動不便的學生。通過網絡,學生可以與其他學生或教師溝通,詢問問題并提交作業(yè)。老師也不必費勁地站在教室前面,在黑板上書寫或在教師里走來走去?,F在,只要坐在家中,敲擊鍵盤,或通過視頻,老師就可以給學生上課。 然而,傳統(tǒng)的課堂教學不會消失。學生在學

16、校除了學習知識和技能,還能通過與教師和同學面對面的交流學會行為規(guī)范。傳統(tǒng)的教師與視頻里的教師不同,他可以在課堂里觀察到所有學生的表現,并發(fā)現每個學生的具體問題。教師與學生間的適時交流,哪怕是眼神的接觸,都可以鼓舞學生在課堂上解決問題。學生一旦遇到難題,也可以在老師幫助下進行小組討論。 總之,對某些學生而言,遠程課程將給他們提供極大便利。但是,傳統(tǒng)教學依然會發(fā)揮重要的作用,特別是對初級程度的學生更如是。不論互聯網技術多么發(fā)達,教師與學生面對面的溝通決無任何其他方式可以取代。 The internet and telecommunication technology has made it pos

17、sible for long distance-leaning. Students today are able to get access to knowledge and information from a variety of sources, especially the online training courses,because of this, some people believe /maintain that traditional teaching will die out someday in the future. Application of modern tec

18、hnology in education has greatly changed the way of learning. On-line courses have overcome the geographical barriers and enable students to learn at home without rushing to school everyday, especially for students who are handicapped. Students are able to communicate with other students or teachers

19、 through Internet, asking questions and submitting home assignments. Teachers need not take the trouble to stand in the front of classroom, writing on the board and moving around the classroom, instead, they can teach students by just sitting at home and clicking the keyboard or talk via on-line vid

20、eo. However, traditional teaching in classroom will not disappear. Apart from knowledge and skills, students in school also learn how to behave themselves by face to face communication with fellow school mates and teachers. A traditional teacher, unlike the teacher in video, will observe the perform

21、ance of all the students at class and find out what the specific problems each individual student has. The timely interaction among teacher and students, even an eye contact, will inspire a student to try a problem at class. Should students come across any confusing problems, they can have a peer or

22、 group discussion with the aid of the teacher. To sum up, learning from long-distance courses will offer great convenience to some students, but traditional classroom teaching will still play an important role in learning, especially at the elementary level. No matter how advanced the internet may b

23、e, there can be no replacement for the face to face teacher-student interaction. 段落展開的方法段落主題句 段落主題句是表達全段主題的核心句。主題句以簡要的語言概括出段落要討論的主題,決定全段的發(fā)展方向。全段其它句子則圍繞主題句,對其提出的論點進行說明、支持或擴展。 Television programs usually give falsely romantic account of doctors lives. Currently there are four medical dramas on prime-t

24、ime TV. These programs are very popular, but only a fool would mistake their heroes for the typical real-life physicians. A doctor on the screen is always well-meaning, handsome and self-sacrificing. He (rarely she) also has plenty of free time to solve other peoples intimate, non-medical problems.

25、Strangely, the television doctor always happens to have only one patient to care for during each episode of the show. Real doctors will faint if they are not too tired to watch the program at all.1. Components of a Topic Sentence2. Positions of Topic Sentence in a paragraph3. Function of Topic Sente

26、nce4. How to test a Topic SentenceWays of Paragraph Development 了解主題句的作用和段落中不同位置的主題句,有助于借助主題句來展開不同段落。但如何有效展開段落,卻是值得研究的問題。雖然一般都知道主題句是段落中最具概括性的句子,其它句子是用于支撐和論證主題,但究竟如何有效拓展段落,使段落內容更為細化具體,正是問題的關鍵所在。下面,介紹幾種經實踐證明較為快捷和實用的幾種段落拓展方法。1)主題句解答法 根據給出的主題句或自己寫出的主題句,先用why或how設問,然后把段落主題句視為一個總的問題,用解釋、討論或描述等方式來給予解答。這樣,段

27、落展開過程就變?yōu)樵O問和答問,而問與答的方式將極大程度上減輕思維負擔。試以幾個不同的主題句為例:Try The following1) Internet will increase the efficiency of study and work   (The reasons 1, 2 and 3.)2) Disposal Bags will surely bring about some problems.  (The reasons for that are?) 3) The significance of free admission to museums is obv

28、ious.  (Because) 4) Electricity is very important to people.  (We need electricity to? )1) a. distant education   b. download resources for study c. remote control d. on-line meetings 2) a. harmful to the soil b. cannot be dissolved  c. hazardous to our body3) a. enrich peoples l

29、ife  b. broaden horizon c. learn history4) a. study  b. work c. lifeDevelop a paragraph by asking questions Spring Festival is the traditional festival for all Chinese. (How?) It comes at the end of the lunar year and lasts for about 15 days. Spring Festival eve is the time when Chinese en

30、joy the reunion of the family members with delicious dishes, wines, and fireworks, (what?) chatting about the past days and expecting the lucky New Year. Years ago, CCTV began to present the Spring Festival Get-together to Chinese people both at home and abroad, hoping that Chinese all over the worl

31、d will have a happy get together on the Eve. (so what?) Gradually, many people become to like this new form of celebration. On the Eve of the New Year, they choose to stay at home, watching the colorful TV show of performances instead of going outdoors.(the significance?)The Gather-together is a sym

32、bol of the arrival of the New Year and has won a number of advocators ever since it came to our life.Exercise:試用解答主題句法展開下面的段落: 博物館免費開放也會帶來一些問題 Free admission to museums is likely to cause some problems. (How?) Obviously, more people will pay visit to the museums and this will force the museums to ta

33、ke measures to ease the pressure. (So what?) To strengthen the management, more workers, equipments and money are needed. Moreover, (What?) if museums are crowded with visitors, the valuable historical relics will be exposed to so many people that damage is unavoidable. When treasures are lost, they

34、 can never be renewed.Negative approach Electricity plays a very important part in our modern society. A world without electricity will be a terrible one in which things will go out of control. Factories have to be closed because of power failure. Busy traffic lines will be in a state of chaos and s

35、uffer from great loss. Moreover, modern communication systems will fall apart and it will be impossible for us to enjoy the convenience and entertainment in our daily life. Such a world will look like a hell.Exercise:試用反證法開下面的段落: It is generally believed that life without leisure is horrible. A pers

36、on who keeps working day and night will gradually feel rather tired. This tiredness, if continues for quite long time, will result in great depression on the person. Gradually, he will find his routine work or even his life have become a burden, oppressing him both bodily and mentally. In the end, h

37、e will feel that life is meaningless and probably he tends to become more and more restless, finally he loses control of himself and goes crazy. As we know, “Too much work without play makes Jack a dull boy”. In this sense, no matter how busy a person is, he should try to find some time for leisure,

38、 playing and relaxing. This will be a good medicine that can help the heavy-loaded people get rid of anxiety and oppression, and more significantly, to be ready for future work.分項補述法根據主題句提出的論點, 再提出分論點。逐一補充說明,例如:Traveling is beneficial to people. First, traveling will enrich peoples knowledge. (補述) B

39、y going to different places, we will get to know the colorful customs, life styles, and many new things we cant obtain from books. Second, traveling is enjoyable. (補述)Travelers are sure to get relax when they walk in green mountains, run on sea beach and skiing on the icy hills. Third, traveling is

40、also a good training. (補述)The fresh air, the sunshine and the outdoor activities will help release our stress from work and make our body stronger. Exercise: Write a paragraph on the following Topic Sentence by listing three points and add the details respectively: Some people maintain that the Inte

41、rnet has a bad effect on teenagers. Some people maintain that Internet has a bad effect on teenagers. First, computer games will be attractive. The games are usually stimulating and to win the game, one has to play for quite a long time. Second, making friends on-line is fashionable. Actually, frien

42、ds on-line may distract students from their study or even cheat the students. Third, the simulated world seems to be more fascinating. One can be indulged in the world and detach himself form the real life and study. 假設法 遇到難以闡述的論點,可用If設問方式假設可能發(fā)生的情況,再作相應的推論、得出結果。 The teaching method of a teacher will

43、 surely affect students study. A student will be more receptive to anything, including the subjects being taught, if the lesson is presented in an interesting and enjoyable manner. They will be more attentive and ready to learn what is new to them, because learning becomes an enjoyable thing with th

44、e interesting talk of the teacher. If a teacher just teaches the class in a mechanical way, the student tend to become absent-minded or even tired of the boring talk of the teacher, and teaching becomes a failure because the student will consider learning is boring and even a burden.作文常用連接詞 為體現文句和內容

45、的連貫,英語句子常借助于各種過渡詞 (transitions / connectors)。一般而言,英語作文中的連接詞比漢語要用得多一些。此外,連接詞的運用也可體現英語作文的水平。根據其本身的意思和作用,常用過渡詞語可以分為以下幾類:Sample of CET-4 WritingGet-together on the Spring Festival Eve1. 許多中國人喜歡在除夕夜觀看春節(jié)晚會 2. 但有些人提出取消春節(jié)晚會 3. 我的看法 Of all the Festivals in China, the most significant is Spring Festival. On S

46、pring Festival eve, families in China enjoy the reunion of the family members, tasting delicious dishes, watching fireworks and expecting the lucky New Year. Years ago, CCTV began to present the Get-together to Chinese both at home and abroad, hoping that they will have a happy New Year. Gradually,

47、people become to like this new form of celebration. On the Eve of the New Year, they choose to stay at home, enjoying the colorful TV show instead of going outdoors. The Gather-together symbols the arrival of the New Year and has attracted a number of advocators ever since. Some people, however, sug

48、gest that the Get-together be cancelled. They prefer to go out visiting friends, dining in restaurants or touring in some beautiful scenic spots. Being confined to home and watching the familiar performances every year on the eve is really something you do not want to do but have to do. Life is colo

49、rful and Spring Festival evening is so pleasurable a time for us to satisfy ourselves. Why should we stay at home for hours and sacrifice ourselves for the little screen? If the Get-together is cancelled, people may have a variety of activities to entertain themselves. As I see it, people who have a

50、 partiality for the CCTV Spring Festival Gather-together can stick to the elaborately prepared performances, and to attract the ardent audience, the producers may try to make variations preferable to people. For those who decide to celebrate the Eve in other activities, they can entertain themselves

51、 by whatever they like. The Spring Festival Gather-together is not mandatory. It is just like chocolate. If you like it, you taste it, if not, you are free to make other choices.2007年6月英語四級作文申請加入一個社團An announcement to welcome students to join a club 1. 本社團的主要活動內容 2. 參加本社團的好處 3. 如何加入本社團Welcome to Our

52、 Spoken English club! Hello, fellow students, welcome to join the Spoken English club! The aim of our club is to offer you the opportunities to practice your spoken English. Many of the students, as we know, have trouble in speaking English and are eager to improve the ability. Join us and you will

53、meet a number of spoken English fans here. Not only will you be able to have the chance to speak English, but also you can share with others the experiences of learning English, the knowledge of different cultures, as well as views about the current affairs with others. We will have topics about man

54、y interesting things and what is fascinating is that you can speak to native speakers from other colleges and universities. They will sure to encourage you to talk whatever you would like to talk in English. You will become more confident in our club by communicating with them. We will be very happy

55、 if you will become a member of our club. You can either email us by SpkenEnglish or call us directly. The phone number is 6666799. We are looking forward to seeing you! 2007年12月大學英語四級考試作文1. 各大學開設了各種各樣的選修課 2. 學生因為各種原因選擇了不同的選修課3. 以你自己為例Selective Courses From the beginning of this semester, students i

56、n our university were encouraged to choose some favorite courses from among a variety of the selective courses. These courses aimed to enrich our knowledge of arts, cultures, economics and modern science. Teachers of these courses are supposed to be the best ones in the university. Students have cho

57、sen their preferable courses because of different reasons. Some students are interested in the course of cross-cultural communication, for they want to get in contact with people from different countries. Some students have chosen computer science because they that the future world is the world wher

58、e the knowledge and skill of computer will enable one to make greater achievements in study and work. I have picked up the course of photography. I love to take photos of the wonderful scenes of nature and the changes of the society. But I am sorry for my skills. Hopefully, with the knowledge and training o


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