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1、幫助別人的諺語英文1、雪中送碳。Carbon in snow.2、施比受更有福。It is more blessed.3、給予是快樂的。Giving is happy.4、為朋友兩肋插刀。As a friend.5、助人為快樂之本。Help ing people to be happy.6、眾人拾柴火焰高。All the people gathered the fire.7、該出手時就出手。The shot whe n the shot.&病人之病,憂人之憂。The sick of the sick, the sorrow of sorrow.9、前人栽樹,后人乘涼。Pla nt tr

2、ees for the ben efit of posterity。10、路見不平,拔刀相助。At the sight of injustice, draw a sword and render help.11、贈人玫瑰,手有余香。You share rose get fun12、財富不是真正的朋友,而朋友卻是真正的財富。Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a true treasure.13、人人為我,我為人人。The every one is 1,1 is an every one.14、贈人玫瑰,手留余香。You share rose

3、 get fun15、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。The wolf howl.16、風大便涼,人多便強。The wind is cool, people are more h2.17、助人為樂是一種美德。Help ing others is a virtue.18、花要葉扶,人要人幫。Flowers to leaf help, people want people to help.19、每有患急,先人后己。Every sufferi ng from acute, very quick.20、舉手之勞,何足掛齒。No, not worth botheri ng about.21、千里送鵝毛,物輕禮重。T

4、housa nds of miles to send goose, ritual light weight.22、助人是人格升華的標志。Help ing people is the symbol of sublimati on of pers on ality.23、救人一命勝造七級浮屠。Save a life Better tha n build a sevenstoried pagoda.24、樹直用處多,人直朋友多。Trees are more useful, more people tha n frien ds.25、千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重。Thousa nds of miles to

5、 send goose, courtesy light weight frien dship.26、磚連磚成墻,瓦連瓦成房。Eve n the brick brick wall, Walia nwache ng room.27、情深恭維少,知己笑談多。Love small complime nt, many friends joke.28、柴多力量高,人多力量大。Firewood is more powerful and more powerful.29、好事須相讓,惡事莫相推。Good to go, the evil thing is to push.30、幫人幫到底,送佛送到西。Help

6、people in the end, sent to the west.31、荷花雖好,也要綠葉扶持。Lotus is good, but also to support gree n leaves.32、君子貴人賤己,先人而后己。The gen tlema n Guirenjianji an cestors, and the n have.33、獨學而無友,則孤陋而寡聞。Scie nee alone without frien ds, is solitude and smell.34、最好的滿足就是給別人以滿足。The best satisfacti on is to satisfy oth

7、ers.35、幫助他人的同時也幫助了自己。Help others and help yourself.36、窮者獨善其身,達者兼善天下。The poor are spared, to ben efit all the people in the world.37、怯懦的人,會把朋友送給劊子手。Timid people, will be a friend to the executioner.38、我?guī)蛣e人的人,能得別人的幫助。I help others, can get the help of others.39、勿因惡小而為之,勿因善小而不為。Do not for the sake of e

8、vil and small, do not be good for small and not for.40、助人為樂是共產(chǎn)主義世界觀的體現(xiàn)。Helpi ng others is the embodime nt of the Commu nist world outlook.41、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪倫送我情。Profound frien dship a thousa nd feet deep, less tha n Wang Lun gave me love.42、良言一句三冬暖,惡語傷人六月寒。Three sentence stateme nt in June, abusable col

9、d.43、酒逢知己千杯少,話不投機半句多。Frie nds, disagreeable conv ersatio n half sen ten ce.44、幫助別人的人,能得到別人的幫助。Help others, can get the help of others.45、幫助別人要忘掉,別人幫己要記牢。Help others to forget, others have to help jilao.46、金銀財寶不算真富,團結(jié)友愛才是幸福。Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happ in ess.47、誰要求沒有缺點的朋友,誰就沒有朋友!H

10、e who asks for a friend without faults will have no friend!48、朋友間保持一定的距離,而使友誼永存。Keep a dista nee betwee n frie nds, and keep frien dship forever.49、幸福就是用我的愛讓每一個人感到溫暖。Happ in ess is to use my love to make every one feel warm.50、誠心能叫石頭落淚,實意能叫枯木發(fā)芽。Sincerely call stone tears, real meaning can be called

11、wood germ in atio n.51、世間最莊嚴的問題是:我能做什么好事?The world's most sole mn questi on is: what can I do?52、一個籬笆打三個樁,一個好漢要有三個幫。A fence of three stakes, a hero to have three.53、朋友需要你今天幫助,千萬不要等到明天。Friends need your help today, do not wait until tomorrow.54、助人要從日常小事做起,不因善小而不為。Help people to start from the lit

12、tle things, not because of the good and not small.55、朋友看朋友是透明的,他們彼此交換著生?Frie nds see friends are tran spare nt, they excha nge with each other?56、信任一位虛偽的朋友,增加一個敵對的證人。Trust a false friend, add a hostile wit ness.57、人家?guī)臀?,永志不忘;我?guī)腿思遥浶纳?。People help me, I will always bear in mind; help others, Mo in mind.58、真正的朋友應該說真話,不管那話多么尖銳。A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how hard it is.59、老


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