1、come vi. ( comes; came, come; coming ) 來 come about(v.+adv.)1. 發(fā)生it came about in this way.它就是這樣發(fā)生的。2. 改變方向the wind has come about in the last hour.最后一小時風向變了。 come across(v.+adv.)過來;過訪when the traffic has all passed, it*s safe to come across.車輛都過去后再過馬路就安全了。2. 被理解或接受your speech came across very well.
2、你的講話很成功。3. 吐露,說出for hours the police questioned the man, and finally he came across with the story.好幾個小日寸 警察都在審問那個人,最后他說出了實情。4. 償還;被迫把交出來the robber told the woman to come across with her purse.攔路搶劫者勒令那個女人把錢包交 出來。5. 穿過,越過be careful when you come across the street.過馬路要小心。6. 偶然發(fā)現(xiàn),偶然遇見i came across him
3、in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上無意中碰到 了他。7. 出現(xiàn)在頭腦中,留下印象a good idea came across my mind.我忽然想到一個好主意。 come across as(v.+adv.+prep.)像是,似乎是he came across as being rather nervous.他好像有些緊張。 come after(v.+prep.)跟蹤;緊跟the dog is coming after me.那條狗跟在我的后面。 come along(v.+adv.)1倒來do come along if you're free th
4、is afternoon.今天下午你有空一定得來!2. 取得進展his work is coming along well.他的工作進展得很順利。3. 加緊;趕快come right along!快走!4. 再努一把力come along, let's push it to the corner.加把勁兒,我們把它推到角落里去吧。 come apart(v.+adv.)1. 破碎he says that the cup came apart in his hands, but i think he must have dropped it.他說杯子是 在他手里碎的,但我想一定是他摔碎的
5、。2. 被拆開,被打開the machine came apart when he started it up.當他啟動時,機器就散架了。 come around (round) (v.+adv.)1調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)方向the wind came around at dawn.拂曉時風向轉(zhuǎn)了。2. 繞道而行we had to come around by the wheat fields.我們不得不繞著麥地而過。3. 開始接受或理解he has come round.他已同意了。4. 周而復(fù)始;重又來到i am always glad when pay-day comes round.當領(lǐng)工資的日子來到時
6、,我總是很高興。5. 蘇醒,恢復(fù)知覺he got faint, but soon came around.他昏死過去,但不久就蘇醒了。6. 從你家來我家come round when you have time.有空來玩。7. 息怒,消氣he's very angry now, wait till he comes round.他現(xiàn)在正在氣頭上,等他氣消了再說吧。 come at(v+prep.)1. 襲擊,威脅the man came at me with a big stick.那人拿了根大棒向我撲來。2. 找到,得到put the food where the cat can
7、39;t come at it.把食物放在貓夠不著的地方。3. 弄明白,弄清楚it was a long time before we came at the truth.過了很久我們才弄清事實。 come away(v.+adv.)離開the handle of the cup came away in my hand.我用手一拿,杯子的柄就掉了。 come back(v.+adv.)1. 回來i'm going away and i may never come back.我要走了,可能永遠不再回來。2. 再度時興classic music is coming back.古典音樂又
8、開始流行了。3. 記起,回憶起it never came back to me where i saw it.我始終想不起在哪兒見過它。4. 強烈反駁“but you're just as guilty!mjane came back. u可你同樣有罪!”簡回擊道。5. 非正重復(fù)說;再次發(fā)言_i didn't hear you, could you come back?我沒聽見你說的什么,你能重復(fù)一遍嗎? come before(v.+prep.)1. 在之上,比重要in his mind, his work should come before his family.在他看來
9、,工作應(yīng)該在前,家庭在后。2. 交付討論this is one of the important problems that must come before the plenary meeting.這是需要提 交全會討論的重要問題之一。 come between(v.+prep.)離間,使分開he never lets anything come between him and his smoking.任何事情都不能使他不抽煙。 come by(v.+adv./prep.)1. 經(jīng)過,從旁走過just now a number of people came by.岡9才有些人從旁邊走過。2.
10、 美來串門,來訪why don't you come by some afternoon and have coffee with me?為什么不在哪天下午來我這 兒和我一起喝咖啡?3. 得到,獲得i don't know how she came by such an idea.我不了解她怎么有這樣的想法。 come down(v.+adv.)1下來,下落the price of beer is coming down soon.啤酒的價格很快就要下跌。2. 倒塌,被拆除_the roof came down during the night.房頂在夜間塌下來了。3. 代代相
11、傳this ring has come down from my great-grandmother.這只戒指是我曾祖母傳下來的。4. 敗落,社會地位降低he has come down in my heart他在我心目中不如以前了。5. 屈尊做某事he had come down to begging when his father found him.他父親找到他時,他已淪為乞丐。6. 從大城市到小地方,從北方到南方;離開大學i can't come down till i've finished my last examinations.#加完最后的考試,我才能離開大學。
12、7. 精簡;歸結(jié)起來(為)when it all comes down, there isn't much in his story.他的故事經(jīng)精簡后,就沒什么內(nèi)容了。8提供錢財do you think your uncle will come down when we need more money?我們再需要錢時,你認為 叔父還肯接濟嗎?9.非正申斥;抨擊he came down hard on drinking in his speech.他在演說中激烈地抨擊飲酒。10 粗暴地向索?。ㄥX財)what w川you do if the debt collector comes dow
13、n on you?要是討債人來向你要錢,你怎么辦? 笛.患病,病倒he came down with pneumonia last week.上星期他得肺炎病倒了。12. (降)落到(某人)頭上things like this don't come down on one suddenly.這類事并非一下就落到一個人的頭上。 come for(v.+prep.)1. 向沖去he took a knife and came for his enemy.他操起一把刀向敵人砍去。2. 來??;來找;來接his cousin just came for him.他表哥剛才來找他。 come fo
14、rth(v.+adv.)出來,涌現(xiàn)i went to his talk with great interest, but to my disappointment, no thing very new came forth.我 抱著極大的興趣去聽他的講話,但使我失望的是講話中沒有什么新東西。 come from(v.+prep.)1. 來自某處they came from all parts of the country.他們來自全國各地。2. 出生于what part of south america did she come from?她出生在南美的哪個地方?3. 出身于he came f
15、rom a very good family.他出身名門望族。4. 由造成,源自knowledge comes from practice.知識來源于實踐。 come in(v.+adv.)4 .進來,進入;來到,到達come in, please!請進!2. (天氣)開始變得it's coming in chilly; we had better go home.天冷了,咱們還是回家吧。3上市when do strawberries come in?草莓什么時候上市?4. (潮水)漲the tide is coming in.漲潮 了。5. 流行_this style is cert
16、ain to come in this year.這樣式今年一定流行。6. 當選;就任;上臺the party came in at the last election.上次大選中該黨獲勝執(zhí)政。7. 回復(fù);回話8. calling all stations, come in please.各站注意,請回答。8. 就位上場the next player was very nervous as he came in.另一個球員上場的時候很緊張。9. 接受;遭受his conduct came in for much criticism.他的行為招來 了不少批評。 come into(v.+prep
17、.)1. 進入come into my house, please.請進屋來。2加入;參加several new members have come into the club since last year.自去年以來,又有些新成員加入 了俱樂部。 come of(v+prep.)由引起skill comes of practice.熟能生巧。 come off(v.+adv.)1. 非正成功the play doesn't quite come off.這出戲不大成功。2. 表現(xiàn)he came off well by comparison with the others.跟別人相比
18、他表現(xiàn)好。 come on(v.+adv./prep.)1前進,出擊the general ordered the soldiers to come on.將軍命令士兵進攻。2. 隨后登程you go first. i'll come on in a minute.你先走,我隨后就來。3. 開始工作_亠just as i entered the house, all the lights came on.我剛走進房門,所有的燈都亮了起來。4. 登臺,出場the new play comes on tomorrow.這出新戲明天上演。5. 開始;來到winter is coming on
19、; you can feel it in the air.冬天要來了,你從空氣中就能感覺到。6. 快點;趕緊come on, it's getting dark!快點,天就要黑了!7. 加油;振作起來come on, be a sport.拜托!拿出男子漢大丈夫的氣概來!8提出討論,審問the case will come on for trial tomorrow.這個案件明天將開庭審理。9. 進步,發(fā)展how has he come on recently?他近來進展如何?10上班the new man doesn't come on till midnight.新來的人午
20、夜時分才上班。笛偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)i came upon this idiom in the newspaper.我是在扌艮纟氏上看至ij這個成語的。12. 發(fā)生于,降臨于_fear came upon him as he stood in the empty house.站在空蕩蕩的房子里,他感到一陣恐懼襲 上心頭。13. 攻擊,襲擊the enemy came upon the town by night.敵人夜間襲擊 了這個鎮(zhèn)子。14. 回到記憶中來at last the name of the book came on her.最后她想起了那本書的書名。 come out(v.+adv.)1出來
21、my tooth has just come out.我的牙剛掉下來。2. 說出the meaning comes out as you read further.你接著往下讀意思就清楚了。3. 可去掉do you think that dirty mark will come out?你說那塊污跡能去掉嗎?4. 出獄;獲釋it's been a long year, but he will come out next friday.這一年的時間真長啊,但他下星期五要岀 獄了。5. 出現(xiàn)the sun came out as soon as the rain stopped.雨一停,太
22、陽就出來了。6. 開花 bloom or flowerthe tulips have come out early this year because of the mild winter.郁金香今年開得很早,因為 冬天不很冷。7. 出版;發(fā)表when this masterpiece came out, nobody cared for it.這部杰作在它問世時沒人注意它。8. 顯像you come out well in that photo.你那張相片照得很好。9. 結(jié)果是;得出答案let me know how the voting comes out.告訴我投票結(jié)果如何。10拒絕工作
23、,罷工the coalminers have come out for about two weeks.煤礦工人已罷工約兩周了。 笛.初入社會she came out last season.她在上個季節(jié)里踏入社會。 come over(v.+adv./prep.)1. 過來;從遠處來come over! here's a seat for you.過來,這兒有個座位。2. 在上空或上方經(jīng)過it's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are comi ng over all the time.在機場附近住吵死 了,飛機
24、總是從上空飛個不停。3. 順便來訪why don't you come over to our place one evening?你何不找個晚上到我們這里來坐坐?4. 逐漸變得the sky came over dark as a thick cloud passed before the sun.烏云蔽日,天色一日寸昏暗起來5. 被理解并完全接受;被通過did his speech come over?他的講話通過 了嗎?6. 發(fā)生于,降臨于a strange feeling came over me.我突然產(chǎn)生一種奇怪的感覺。7. 口擺架子don't try to com
25、e it over me!別對我神氣活現(xiàn)的! come through(v.+adv./prep.)1倒達has the train come through?火車到達 了 嗎?2. 傳來,接通listen, a message is just coming through.注意,電報來了。3. 明顯地表現(xiàn)出來his ability came through after he began to work.他參加工作后,開始表現(xiàn)出他的能力。4. 穿過;袒透the sun came through after days of rain.下了幾天雨之后,太陽出來了。5. 獲準well, last w
26、eek, whe n i was sure that the parole was comi ng through,! wrote her again.噢,上個 禮拜,當我得知就要同意我假釋出獄時,我又給她寫了封信。6. (健康)恢復(fù);脫險i hope he will come through all right.我希望他能安然無恙。 come to(v+adv./prep.)蘇醒;清醒in a few moments she suddenly came to.過 了 一會兒,她突然蘇醒過來。2. 到達;達成please come to me.請到我這兒來。3. 共計ask the waite
27、r what our bill comes to.問問侍者我們一共應(yīng)付多少錢。4. 突然想起i was already on my way when it sudde nly came to me that i had n't hung out my washing.我上 路以后才想起我沒有把洗完的衣服晾出去。 come to that(v.+prep.+pron.)事實上i was not very well off at that time. come to that, only a few of us were so.當時我們的生活不太富裕。其實,我們大多數(shù)人都是那樣。 come to this(v.+prep
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