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1、Chapter One Language1. Def ine the fol lowing terms1) d i sereteness2) des i gn features4) duaIity3) arbitrar iness5) d i spIacement6) culturaI transmi ssion7) the imaginative function of Ianguage8)thepersonal function of language10) Ianguage9) the heur i stic function of Ianguage2. Multiple Cho i c

2、eDirections: In each question there are four choices Decide which one wouId be the best answer to the question or to comp Iete the sentence best.1)Which of the fol lowing wordsi s entirely arb itraryA. treeB. crashC.typewr iterD bang2) The func tion of the sen tence “Wa ter bo i I s a t 100 degreesA

3、. interrogative B. di rectiveC informativeD. performst i ve3) In Chin ese whe n someone breaks a bowl or a p I a te the host or the peopIe present are I ikeIy to say sui sui ping an (every year be safe and happy) as a means of controlling the forces which the be Ii evers fee I mi ght affect thei r I

4、ives Which function does it performA. I nterpersona I B. Emot ive.CPerformat i ve.D. Recreat i onaI.4) Which of the fol lowing properties of Ianguage enab Ies I an guage users to overcome the barr i ers causedby time and place, due to this feature of Ianguage, speakers of a I anguage are free to t a

5、 I k abou t anyt h i ng in any situationA. interchangeabi I ity.B Dua I ityC Di spI acement.D. Arb itrariness5) Study the fol low ing dia logue. Wha t function does it p I ay according to the functions of Ianguage A nice day, isn? t it Right! I reaI Iy enjoy the sun I i ghtA. Emotive B. Phatic.CPefo

6、rmative.D. I nterpersonaI6) Uni ike animal communi cat ion systems, human IanguageA. stimulus freeB. stimulus boundC. under immed iate stimu I us controlD. stimu I ated by some occurrenee of communaI interest.7) Which of the fol lowing is the most important function ofI anguageA. i nterpersona1 func

7、t i onfunctionBperformat i veC.informative functionD.recreat i ona1function8) In different languages, different terms are used toexpress the animal “ 狗”,this shows the nature ofof humanI anguage.A arb itrariness B cultural transmi ss i ond i spIacement D d i sereteness9) Which of the fo I I owi ng d

8、 i sc i p I ines are re I a ted to app I i edI inguisticsA. statisticsB. psycho Ii ngu i st i csC.phys i csD. ph iIosophy10)A. ChomskyB. SaussureC.BIoomf i eIdhas bee n widely accep ted as the fat her ofmodem I inguistics.D. John Lyons3. Word Comp Iet i onDi rections:Fill inthe bIanks with the most

9、suitablewords.1)Des i gn features, aframework proposed by the Amer i canIinguist Char lesHockett,refer to theproper ties of huma nIanguage that distinguishes it fromany anima I system of commun i cation.2)refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in aIanguage are meaningfuI Iy distinct. For instance,

10、 the d i fference bet wee n the sounds /p/ and /b/ i s not actual I y very great, but when these sounds are part of a Ianguage I ike English, they are used in such a way that the occurrence of one rat her than the ot her i s mean ingful.3) In any Ianguage words can be used in new ways to mean newthi

11、ngs and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on I imited ruIes. This feature is usuaI Iy termed p or c4) Language has many functions. We can use Ianguage to ta I kabout Ianguage itseIf.This function is mfunct ion.5) CulturaI transmission refers to the fact that Ianguageis ctransmitted. I

12、t is passed on from onegeneration to the next through teach ing and I earning, rat her than by i.6) One genera I principle of I i ngu i st i c ana lysis i s thepr imacy of over wr i ting.7) Thefunction refers to the use of Ianguage tocommunicate knowledge about the wor Id, to report events, to make

13、stat emen ts, to give acco unts, to exp lain re I ationships, to re I ay messages and so on.8) The function refers to Ianguage used to ensuresociaI maintenance.Phatic communion is part of it.The t erm phatic commun i on introduced by the anthropologist Bronislaw Ma Iinowski refers to language used f

14、or estabIishing an atmosphere or maintaining sociaI contact rather than for exchanging facts.9) Language is a system of arbitrary symboIs usedfor human Commun i cation.10) Language has two I eve I s. They are I eve I and I eve I.11) Language i s a because every Ianguageconsists of a set of ruIes whi

15、ch underIie people1 s actual speech or wr iting.12) The function refers to Ianguage used in anattempt to control events once they happen.13) Thedes i gnfeaturesof Ianguage are (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and (7) .14) By sayi ng u Ianguage i s arbitrary,',we mean thatt here i s no logical connection betwe

16、en meaning and 15) The four pr i nciples in the I i ngui s tic study are (1)(2) (3) and (4).4. True or False QuestionsDi rections: Decide whether the fol lowing staternents are true or fa I se Wr i te T for true and F for fa I se i n the bracket before each of them1) ( ) The re I ation between form

17、and mean i ng in human Ianguage is naturaI.2) ( ) When language is used to get information from others, it serves an informative function.3) () The reason for French to use cheva I and for Engl ish to use horse to refer to the same animal i s in exp I icable 4) () Mos tani ma I comm uni cat ion sys

18、tems I ack the primaryI eve I of articuI ation.5) () Language change i s universal,ongoing andarb itrary.6) ( ) Language i s a system of arbitrary, wr itten signs which perm it a I I the peop I e i n a gi ven cu I ture, or ot her peop I e who have I earned the sys tem of that cult ure, to communicat

19、e or interact.7) ( ) In theory, the I ength of sentences i s limited.8) () The re I a t i onsh i p between the sounds and the i r me a n i ng is arbitrary.9) () Linguistic symboIs are a kind of visuaI symboIs, which i ncIude vocaI symboIs10) ( ) Linguistic symboIs are produced by human speech orga n

20、s.11) ( ) Every Ianguage has two levels: grammaticaI Iy meaningless and sound 一 meaningfuI.12) () Such fea tures of Ian guage as be in g crea tive, vocal, and arbitrary can differentiate human languages from animal communicative systems.13) ( ) DuaIity is one of the character istics of human Ianguag

21、e It refers to the fact that Ianguage has two I eve I s of st rue tures: the sys tem of sounds and the sys tem of meanings14) ( ) Language i s a means of verba I communi cat ion.Therefore, the communicat ion way used by the deaf-mute is not Ianguage15) ( ) Arbitrariness of Ianguage makes it potentia

22、llycreative,and conventionality of Ianguage makes aIanguage be passed from generation to generation. As a foreign Ianguage I earner, the latter is more important for us.5. GIossary trans I at i on1) persona I function2) heaur i s ticfunction3) ideationalfunction4) i nterchangeab i I i ty5) 控制功能6)7)8

23、)9)10)11)12)13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)表現(xiàn)功能 文化傳遞性分離性區(qū)別性特征不受時(shí)空限制的屬性Interactional function instrumentat i onaI function imaginative function 寒暄功能元語(yǔ)言功能PersonaI function performative function 娛樂(lè)功能信息功能人際功能6.Short Essay Questions1) What are the functions of Ianguage ExempI ify eachfunct ion.2) Exp I a i n wh

24、at the term duaIity means as it is used to descr ibe a property of human Ianguage3) Is Ianguage productive or not Why4) What is Ianguage5) What are the major des i gn features of Ianguage PI ease exp I a i n three of them with examp Ies<Key to Chapter One1. Define the followina terms1) Di sere te

25、n ess refers to the phe nomenon that the sounds i n a Ianguage are meaningfuI Iy distinct. For instance, the d i fference bet ween the sounds /p/ and /b/ i s not actu ally very great, but when these sounds are part of a Ianguage I ike Engl ish, t hey are used i n such a way that the occur re nee of

26、one rat her than the ot her i s mea ni ngful. The fac t that the pro nun c i a tion of the forms q日dand bad Ieads to a distinetion in meaning can only be due to the d i ffere nee bet wee n the sounds /p/ and /b/ in Engl ish Each sound in the Ianguage is thought of as diserete. It is possible to prod

27、uce a range of sounds in a continuous stream wh i ch are a I I genera I Iy Ii ke the sounds /p/ and /b/.2) uDesign features” refer to the defining properties of human Ian guage that tel I the d i fference bet wee n huma n Ian guage an d any sys tem of a ni ma I commun i ca tion. They are arb i trari

28、ness, duaIity, productivity, d i spI acement, cultural transmi ss i on and interchangeabiIity. (3 分)3) “Arbi trariness, mea ns that t here i s no logical connection between meanings and sounds A dog might be a pig if only the f i rst person or group of persons had used it for a pig.Language istheref

29、ore IargeIy arbitrary. But language is not absolutely arbitrary, because there are cases where there are or at least seem to be some sound-meaning association, if we think of echo Words, I ike “bang” , "crash”,n roar v ' which are mot iva ted in a cer tain sense Second I y, some compounds a

30、re not entirely arbitrary either. “Snow” and “storm” are arb i trary or unmotivated words, while u snowstoW i s I ess so. So we can say “arbi trariness” i s a matter of degree.4) L i ngu i sts refer “ dua I i ty " of st rue ture to the fac t that i n a I I Ian guages so far i nves tiga ted, one

31、 finds two I eve I s of strueture or pattern ing. At the fi rst, higher I eve I, Ianguage i s ana I yzed in t erms of comb i na tions of me a nin gfu I units (such as morphemes, words et c.) ; at the sec ond, I ower I eve I, it is seen as a sequenee of segments which I ack any meaning i n themseIves

32、, but which combine to form units of meaning According to Hu Zhuangl in et al. , Ianguage is a system of two sets of struetures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. Th i s is important for the workings of Ianguage. A smalI number of sounds can be grouped and regrouped into a Iarge number of sema

33、ntic units (words), and these units of meaning can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences (For example, we have dietionar ies of words, but no dictionary of sentences!) DuaIity makes it poss i bIe for a person to ta I k about anythi ng with i n h i s knowledge No animal comm

34、unicat ion system enjoys this duaIity, or even approaches this honor.5) uDisplacement” , as one of the design features of the human language, refers to the fact that one can ta Ik about things that are not present, as easi Iy as he does things present. In other words, one can refer to reaI and unrea

35、I things, things of the past, of the present, of the future Language itseIf can be ta Iked about too. PeopIe can use language。 to descr ibe some thing that had occurred, i s occur r i ng, or is to occur But a dog cou I d not bark for a bone to be I ost The bee' s System has a sma I I share of ud

36、 i sp I acemen t” , but it is a n un speakab I e tiny share6) Language is not biological I y transmitted from generation to generation, but the details of the I inguistic system must be I ear ned anew by each speaker. It is t rue that the capac i ty for Ianguage in human beings (N Chomsky cal led it

37、 “l(fā)anguage acquisition device”,or LAD) has a geneticbasis, but the particuI ar Ianguage a person I earns to speak i s a cuItural one rat her than a gene tic one I i ke the dog' s bark ing sys tem. If a human be i ng i s brought up in iso I ation he cannot acqu i re Ianguage The wo If-ch i Id rea

38、red by the wo Ives turned out to speak the wolf' s roar ing “tongueM when he was saved. And it was difficult for him to acqui re human language.7) The imaginative function refers to language used to create imaginary system, whether these are literary works, phi losophical systems or utopian visi

39、ons on the one hand, or daydreams and idle mus ings on the ot her hand. It is a I so Ianguage used for sheer joy of using Ianguage, such as a baby' s babbIing, a chanter' s chanting, a poes pleasur ing.8) The persona I function refers to language used to express the individual' s fee I i

40、ngs, emotions and personality.9) The heur istic function of Ianguage refers to Ianguage used i n order to acqu i re know I edge and understand i ng the wor I d The heur i stic functioning prov i des a bas i s for the strueture of knowI edge in the d i fferent disci pl ines. Language a I Iows peopIe

41、to ask questions about the nature of the wor Id they I i ve in and to construet possibIe answers10) Language i s a system of arb i trary voca I symbo I s used for human communication.2. Multiple Choice1) - 5) : A C C C B 6) - 10) : A C C B B3.Word Comp Ietion.1) def ini ng 2) Descreteness 3) product

42、ivity or creativity4) meta IinguaI 5) cuIturally, instinct or inher itance 6) speech7) representational 8) interactiona I; 9) vocaI;10) gramaticaI Iy meaningful, sound meaning less; 11) system; 12) reguI atory 13) arb i trariness, duaIity, productivity, cuItural transmission, interchangeabi Iity, di

43、sereteness, displacement.14) sound; 15) exhaustiveness,economy,objectivity,cons i stency4. True or False Questions1 - 5: FFTFF 6 - 10: FFTFT 11 - 15: FFTFT5 GIossary TransI at i on1) persona I funct ion:人際功能2) heaur ist ic function: 啟 發(fā)功能3) i deat iona I funct i on: 槪念功能4) i nterchangeab i I i ty: 互

44、換性5) 控制功能:reguIatory function6) 表現(xiàn)功能:represen tati ona I func tin7) 文化傳遞性:cul tura I transmisssion8) 分離性:d i sere ten ess9) 區(qū)別性特征:design features10) 不受時(shí)空限制的屬性:displacement11) Interactional function:互動(dòng)功能12) instrumentat iona I function: 工具功能13) imaginative function: 想象功能14) 寒暄功能:phat ic funct ionmeta

45、funet ion of15) 元庁吾言功能:met al ingual function orIanguage16) persona I function:自指性功能17) performative function:表達(dá)功能18) 娛樂(lè)功能:recreational function19) 信息功能:i nformat i ve funct i on20) 人際功能:interpersonaI functionShort Essay Questions1) What are the functions of I anguage Exemp I i fy each6.func t i on.

46、According to Wang Gang (1988: 11), the functions of Ianguage can be mainly embod ied in three aspects. i) Language i s a tool of human communi cation; i i) Language i s a tool whereby peopIe learn about the wor Id; i i i) Language is a tool by which people create art.As a matter of fact, different I

47、 inguists have different terms for the var ious functions of Ianguage The Br itish I inguist M. A. K. Ha I I iday uses the fol lowing terms to refer to the initial functions of children' s Ianguage:(1) InstrumentalThe instrumental function of language refers to the fact that Ianguage a I Iows sp

48、eakers to get things done It a I Iows them to control things in the envi ronmerit. People can cause things to be done and to happen through the use of words alone. An immediate contrast here is with the animal worId in which sounds are hard Iy used i n thi s way, and, when they are, they are used in

49、 an extremeIy Iimited degree The instrumental function can be pr imitive too in human interaction.Performative utterances such as the words which name a ship at a I aunch i ng cerem on y clearly have i ns trume ntal func tions if the r ight ci rcumstances exist; they are acts, . / name this ship L i

50、berty Bel/.(2) Regu I atoryThe reguI atory function refers to Ianguage used in an attempt to controI events once they happen. Those events may invoIve the self as well as others PeopIe do try to controI themseIves through Ianguage, . Why did / say that / Steady! / And Let me think about that again.

51、Language he Ips to regu late encounters among peopIe. Language provides devices for regu I a ting specific kinds of en cou nt ers and contains words for approving or disapproving and for controI I ing or disrupting the behav i or of ot hers It a I I ows us to estab I i sh comp I ex patt erns of orga

52、nization in order to try to regu I ate behavior, from game playing to poIi t i caI organ i zat i on, from answer i ng the teI ephone to address ing in foreign affairs. It is the regu I atory funct i on of 丨 anguage that a I I ows peop I e some measure of control over events that occur i n the i r li

53、ves.(3) Representat i onaIThe representationaI function refers to the use of Ianguage to communicate knowledge about the wor Id, to report events, to make staternents, to give accounts, to exp I a i n re I ationships, to re I ay messages and so on. Th i s function of Ianguage i s represented by a I

54、I k i nds of record-keep ing, such as h i stori cal records, geographicaI surveys, business accounts, scientific reports, government acts, and pub Ii c data banks. It is an essential domain of Ianguage use, for the avai Iabi I ity of this material guarantees the knowledge-base of subsequent generati

55、ons, which is a prerequi s ite of soci a I deveI opment.(4) I nteractionalThe interactional function refers to language used to ensure soc i a I ma i nt enance Pha tic comm union is par t of it. The t erm phatic commun i on introduced by the anthropoIogi st Broni slaw Ma Iinowski refers to language

56、used for estabIishing an atmosphere or maintaining socia I contact rather than for exchang i ng facts. A greet i ng such as how are you i s re I at i ve I y emp ty of co ntent, and an swers I i ke fine or very we 11, thank you are equa I I y empty, because the speaker i s not interested i n the hear

57、er ' s hea I th, but rat her to dem onstrate h i s pol it eness and genera I attitude toward the other person whe n he gives a conversati onaI greet i ng.(5) PersonaIThe personal function refers to Ianguage used to express the i nd i v i duaI' s fee Ii ngs, emot i ons and personaIi ty. A per

58、son * s in dividual ity is usua I I y charac terized by his or her use of personal function of communi cat ion. Each i nd i v i duaI has a "voice" in what happens to him He is free to speak or not to speak, to say, as much or as littl e as he p I eases, and to choose how to say what he says The use of Ianguage can tel I the


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