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1、一、學習目標知識目標復習Unit 1 Unit 2的知識點能力目標學會歸納句型,梳理語法知識 二、重點、難點重點12 單元的重點單詞、短語、句型和語法 難點12 單元的高頻考點三、知能提升(一)詞匯復習【重點詞匯串講】Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?1. CanadaCanadianEnglish / French2 .FranceFrenchFrench3. JapanJapaneseJapanese 4. AustraliaAustralianEnglish5. the United StatesAmericanEnglish6. the United

2、KingdomBritishEnglish7. pal n. 好朋友,伙伴8. country n. 國家9. language n. 語言10. world n.世界11. live vt. 居住12. like v.喜歡 n.(pl.)愛好13. dislike v.討厭,不喜歡 n.不喜歡Unit 2 Wheres the post office?場所及地點:1. post office n.郵局 2. hotel n. 旅館,酒店3. library n. 圖書館4. restaurant n. 飯店,餐館5. bank n. 銀行6. supermarket n.超市7. pay p

3、hone 投幣式公用電話 8. park n. 公園 9. garden n. 花園 10. airport n. 機場 形容詞:1. quiet noisy 2. free busy 3. new old 4. dirty clean5. big small(二)知識要點復習【知識要點串講】Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?1. Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia.【考點】 be from 來自 Where are you from? 你來自什么地方? I am from Japan. 我來自日本

4、。 Where is John from? 約翰來自什么地方? be from = come from 來自She is from France. 她來自法國。= She comes from France. pen pal = pen friend 筆友I have two pen pals. 我有兩位筆友。I want a pen pal in China. 我想在中國找一位筆友。pen pal wanted 尋求筆友 What nationality are you? 你的國籍是什么?I have British nationality. 我是英國國籍?!究紙鲋蓖ㄜ嚒?(1)They _

5、 from China. They dont speak_.A. come, Japan B. comes, Japan C. come, Japanese D. comes, Japanese (2)One of these boys _ from Canada. A. am B. is C. are D. be 答案:(1)C (2)B 2. Where does she live? She lives in Paris.【考點】 live vt. /vi.居住在某地常用“l(fā)ive in + 地點(國家/城市)”。Where does he live? 他住在哪里? He lives in

6、 Paris. 他住在巴黎。I live in Toronto, Canada. 我住在加拿大的多倫多。英語中小地方在前,大地方在后。 live with 和某人一起居住He lives with his parents. 他和他的父母一起住?!究紙鲋蓖ㄜ嚒?(1)My parents and I live in the same house. (同義句轉換) I _ _ my parents. (2)Mary lives in Shanghai. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ Mary _? 答案:(1)live with (2)Where does, live 3. What languag

7、e does your pen pal speak? He speaks English.【考點】 language n. 語言He is young, but he can speak seven languages. 他雖年輕,但他能說七門語言。 speak English 說英語 “speak + 某門語言”意為“講語”。Can you speak Chinese? 你會說漢語嗎?I can speak Chinese and a little English. 我會講中文和一點兒英語。 the spoken English 英語口語 the written English 英語書面語m

8、other language 母語 foreign language 外語 body language 肢體語言【考場直通車】I can speak French. (對劃線部分提問)_ _ can you speak?答案:What language 4. Does she have any brothers or sisters? She has a sister.【考點】 選擇疑問句不能用yes或no 回答。要選擇其中一項進行回答。結構:一般疑問句 + A選擇 + or + B選擇?Do you like to play football or basketball? 你喜歡踢足球還是打

9、籃球? I like to play football. 我喜歡踢足球?!究紙鲋蓖ㄜ嚒緿oes he speak English or French? (根據對話情境回答問題) _. Because he is from England. 答案:He speaks English. 5. I think China is a very interesting country.【考點】 an interesting country 一個有趣的國家 an interesting book 一本有趣的書 country 國家two countries兩個國家 country 農村,鄉(xiāng)村 I thin

10、k + 從句 我認為I dont think + 從句 我認為不(否定前移) I think he is from Japan. 我認為他來自日本。I dont think he is from Japan. 我認為他不是來自日本?!究紙鲋蓖ㄜ嚒浚?)He visited many foreign _. A. country B. a country C. countries D. the countries (2)I have a brother. He likes animals. So he lives in _. A. country B. the country C. city D.

11、 the city (3)I think he is a good teacher. (變?yōu)榉穸ň?I _ _ he _a good teacher.答案:(1)C (2)B (3)dont think, is 6. Can you write to me soon?【考點】 write to sb. 給某人寫信 = write a letter to sb.Do you often write to your friends? 你經常給你的朋友寫信嗎? get a letter from sb. =hear from sb. 收到某人的來信I often get a letter from

12、my parents. 我經常收到父母的來信?!究紙鲋蓖ㄜ嚒縋lease write _ me and tell me _ yourself.A. about;to B. to;about C. to;to D. about;about答案:B Unit 2 Wheres the post office?1. Asking ways: (問路) Where is (the nearest) ?(最近的)在哪里? Can you tell me the way to ?你能告訴我去的路嗎? How can I get to ?我怎樣到達呢? Is there near here / in the

13、 neighborhood?附近有嗎? Which is the way to ?哪條是去的路?Showing the ways: (指路) Go straight down / along this street.沿著這條街一直走。 Turn left at the second turning.在第二個路口向左轉。 You will find it on your right.你會在你右手邊發(fā)現它。 It is about one hundred metres from here.離這里大約一百米遠。 Youd better take a bus.你最好坐公交車去。(Youd better

14、+動詞原形)【考場直通車】句子配對AB(1)Is there a pay phone around here?A. Yes, it is.(2)Excuse me. How can I get to the hotel?B. OK. Lets go.(3)Is the library next to the park?C. Go straight and turn right.(4)Shall we play games in the video arcade?D. Yes. Its next to the bank.(5)Where is your house?E. Its on Cente

15、r Street(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_答案:(1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)E2. Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. across 側重從一個物體表面的一邊到另一邊 You must be careful when you go across the street. 過馬路時你要小心。 across the road/ street through 側重從空間內部的一頭縱穿到另一頭 She takes a walk through the park every day. 她每天步行穿過公園。th

16、rough the forest/ window【考場直通車】 用across和through填空 (1)The old man walks _ the road with the help of the police.(2)The road goes _ the forest. 答案:(1)across (2)through 3. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.旅館旁邊是一座帶有一個有趣的花園的小房子。 倒裝句: 主語為a small house,但為強調地點,將地點狀語next to the ho

17、tel 放在句首,構成倒裝。 with an interesting garden 作定語,修飾house。with 表示“帶有,具有”。“with + 名詞” 構成介詞短語后置,說明附帶情況?;蜃鳡钫Z修飾動詞,表示動作的伴隨、方式。The man with glasses is my father. 戴眼鏡的那個人是我的爸爸。We work with our hands. 我們用手工作。【考場直通車】 (1)那是一幢樹木環(huán)繞的美麗房子。(填入適當的介詞) That is a beautiful house _ trees _it. (2)我妹妹經常面帶微笑走進教室。(填入適當的介詞) My

18、sister often comes _ the classroom _ a smile. 答案:(1)with, around(2)into, with4. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.大橋街是個很有趣的地方。 動詞不定式短語to have fun 作place的定語 Beijing is a good place to visit. 北京是個游覽的好去處。 【考場直通車】 (1)今天我有好多事情要做。(翻譯句子) _答案:I have a lot of things to do today. 5. If youre hungry, y

19、ou can buy some food in the supermarket.如果你餓了,你可以在超市買一些食品。 if是一個連詞,是“如果,假如”的意思,用來引導條件狀語從句。If you are free, please come to see me. 如果你有空,請來看我。If tomorrow is fine,I will go to the park. 如果明天天氣好,我就去公園。 (三)語法復習【語法解析】1. Where引導的特殊疑問句句式:Where +一般疑問句?用法:表示“在哪兒”,提問地點,方位等。(1)詢問來自何處Where are you from?I am fro

20、m England.(2)詢問去何處 Where are you going? I am going to the zoo.(3)詢問物品位置 Where are my shoes? They are under your bed.(4)詢問某人位置 Where is Tom? Look! He is in the tall tree.2. There be 句型 表示某地存在某物。 be的形式與后面的名詞的數有關。There is a river near my hometown. 我的家鄉(xiāng)附近有一條河。There are some libraries in this city. 這座城市里

21、有一些圖書館。否定式:There be +not There isnt a post office around me. 我周圍沒有郵局。There arent any books in the box. 箱子里沒有書。疑問式:Be there ? Is there a park near your school? 你(們)學校附近有公園嗎?Are there any new books in the book store? 書店里有新書嗎?3. 反身代詞 (1)自身代詞也稱反身代詞,表示“某人自己”。(2)單數 : myself, yourself , himself, herself, i

22、tself復數:ourselves, yourselves, themselves (3)Do you want to talk about yourself? 你想談談你自己嗎?I hope you will enjoy yourselves. 我希望你們玩得開心。My grandmother often speaks to herself. 我奶奶經常自言自語。I teach myself English. 我自學英語。下學期期中復習(二)Unit 3Unit 4一、預習新知整理復習Unit 3Unit 4 知識點二、預習點撥思考問題一:你還記得祈使句的用法嗎?思考問題二:都可以用哪些句型

23、來詢問職業(yè)呢?(答題時間:80分鐘)基礎知識運用一、單項選擇從下列各題所給的四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。( )1. Why do you like monkeys? Because _ smart.A. it isB. they areC. I amD. we are( )2. Lucy can _ English and a little Chinese.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell( )3. Excuse me, where is the library? Its _ the hotel and the mall.A. next B. acro

24、ss C. throughD. between( )4. Do you want to be a reporter? Yes, its_.A. excitingB. relaxing C. dangerous D. boring( )5. _ do you want to go to the movie? Lets go at 6:00.A. WhatB. When C. Where D. Why( )6. Go and ask the teachers for help _ you dont know the answer. A. if B. but C. and D. or( )7. Mr

25、. Green likes swimming. Look, he and his son _ in the pool.A. swims B. swim C. is swimming D. are swimming( )8. Is there a library near where you live? _ I read books there every day.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there isnt. ( )9. What does he do? _A. He is tall. B. He is a

26、 student. C. He does his homework. D. He is playing basketball.( )10. Hows it going? _A. Its raining. B. Its sunny.C. Not bad. D. Its interesting. 二、完形填空(A)Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The World show. Today, were in Australia. Its a beautiful, 1 day! There are many people here on 2 . Some are

27、taking photos and others are lying on the 3 . Look at this group of people 4 beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very 5 !( )1. A. rainyB. snowyC. cold D. sunny( )2. A. telephoneB. radioC. vacationD. net(

28、 )3. A. floor B. groundC. beach D. water( )4. A. workingB. playingC. makingD. taking( )5. A. relaxedB. tiredC. quietD. shy(B)As a boy, Ben loves to read. Once he 6 a book about swimming. He soon studies to 7 by himself. He also wants to know if (是否) there is some way to 8 people swim faster. He thin

29、ks a 9 of wooden paddles (木槳) grows in his mind. He begins to work on the 10 . A few days later the paddles are ready. Ben tells his 11 that he will try the paddles out the next Saturday afternoon at Greens pond. About 100 boys come to the pond that afternoon. They 12 to see if the paddles will work

30、.He fixes (固定) his hands and feet with the paddles. 13 he gets into the water, Ben begins to paddle. At first he swims slowly, then faster and faster until he is going through the water 14 a fish. The boys have never seen such a 15 swimming. The paddles do work. All of the boys cheer for Ben, jumpin

31、g up and down happily.( )6. A. readsB. wantsC. buys D. writes( )7. A. eatB. runC. swim D. skate( )8. A. take B. helpC. makeD. let( )9. A. bookB. storyC. songD. picture( )10. A. bikesB. busesC. paddlesD. boats( )11. A. daughtersB. doctorsC. actorsD. friends( )12. A. wantB. hopeC. likeD. ask( )13. A.

32、WhereB. HowC. IfD. When( )14. A. asB. likeC. withD. for( )15. A. fastB. friendly C. busyD. slow三、閱讀理解(A)The dog for youAre you thinking about getting a dog? Find the dog thats right for you. ( )1. Which dog is medium height? A. German Shepherd B. Dachshund C. Doberman Pinscher D. Soft-Coated Wheaten

33、 Terrier( )2. Which of the following is true of German Shepherd?A. Thin.B. Not clever.C. Friendly with children.D. Good for apartment.( )3. If you have children and live in an apartment, which dog is good for you? A. Dachshund B. Doberman Pinscher C. German Shepherd D. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier(B)

34、Today, Travis White is a singer, but his first job was very different. When he was 14, he started selling newspapers after school. He went to peoples houses and knocked on their doors. Some people got angry with him. One day, a man shouted, “I dont want a newspaper!” and slammed the door. Travis wen

35、t back to visit the man and tried again. Finally, the man agreed to start buying the newspaper. Travis soon became the top salesman. But when he was 18, he decided to become a singer. Travis says his selling experience was very useful for his new career. It taught him how to work with different kind

36、s of people. It also taught him he should never stop trying. ( )4. How long did Travis White sell newspapers? A. 1 year. B. 4 years. C. 14 years. D. 18 years.( )5. What taught him how to work with different kinds of people? A. The newspaper. B. His new career. C. His selling experience. D. The top s

37、alesman. ( )6. What is the main idea of this reading? A. Newspapers are important in daily life. B. Travis White learned a lot from his first job. C. Young people should have jobs after school. D. Travis White is a great singer.(C)Latikas class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch. Getting there

38、was fun because there was so much to look at through the bus window. The leaves on the trees were so pretty. They had started to change colors. Before Latika knew it, they had arrived at the pumpkin patch.First, the class walked through the barn. The farmer showed the students some of his farm tools

39、, and told them what it was used for. Latikas favorite farm tool was the tractor. She wished that she could take it for a ride.After touring the barn, everyone got to go for a hayride! A big green tractor, like the one in the barn, pulled a large cart full of hay. The class had fun throwing hay into

40、 the air.The last thing the class did was picking out a pumpkin. Each student got to take home one pumpkin. Evan picked a big round pumpkin. Stewart chose a tall, skinny pumpkin. Latika took her time looking over the pumpkins before she picked one. Finally, she decided on a very small, round pumpkin

41、. She thought it would look nice on the windowsill in her kitchen.( )7. What season was it when Latikas class went on the field trip? A. Spring.B. Summer. C. Fall.D. Winter.( )8. The underlined word “They” refers to _. A. the fieldsB. the leavesC. the classD. the pumpkins( )9. Which of the following

42、 is the right order of the events?a. Everyone picked out a pumpkin.b. The class took a tour of the barn.c. Latika and her classmates were on the bus.d. The class went on a hayride.A. c, b, d, aB. c, b, a,dC. b, c, d, a D. b, d, a, c,( )10. Latika picked a small, round pumpkin because _.A. she didnt

43、like to eat pumpkinsB. she wanted to leave big ones to othersC. she thought small pumpkins were sweetD. she wanted to put it on her kitchen windowsill 語言綜合運用(共35分)一、單詞拼寫(共5分,每題1分)根據句意和所給單詞的首字母,補全句子所缺的單詞。1. Lets go to the z_ and see the elephants.2. My mom is a n_. She works in a hospital.3. Students

44、 w_ school uniforms at school.4. Green Street is not a busy street. Its a q_ one.5. She likes her job because she e_ meeting people.二、句型轉換(共5分,每空0.5分,每空一詞)1. Theres an old bank on Apple Street. (改為否定句) There _ an old bank on Apple Street.2. Theyre talking on the phone. (改為一般疑問句) _ they _ on the phon

45、e?3. Is your father reading a newspaper? (作否定回答)_, he _. Hes cooking.4. I want to be an actor. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ you want to be?5. Nancy lives in Paris. (劃線提問) _ _ Nancy _?三、補全對話(共5分,每空1分) 根據對話內容,從對話后的選項中選出最佳選項,并將其答案標號填入題號后的空白處。A: Hi, is that Peter? This is Tom.B: Yes, this is Peter. Hello, Tom.A: Hello

46、, Peter. What are you doing? B: Im visiting my uncle in Australia. 1 ?A: Im eating outside. 2 ?B: Pretty nice. Its usually like this. A: I know koalas are from Australia. Do you see koala bears there?B: Yes, many of them. A: What do you think of them?B: 3 . A: Do they really eat leaves and sleep in

47、the day?B: Yes, thats right. They eat eucalyptus (桉樹).A: 4 .B: Yes, many people like them and there are many toys of koalas, too. I bought one for you as your birthday present.A: Thank you very much.B: 5 .A. Youre welcome B. Are they very popular there?C. How about you?D. How is the weather there?E.

48、 They are so cute and I like them very much.四、閱讀短文,回答問題。(共5分,每題1分)Dear Mother, Im writing to you in the hotel at Sludge Beach. Ralph and I are on vacation with children for a few days. We are happy to be here, but to tell you the truth: we are having a few problems. The weather isnt very good. In fact, its cold and cloudy. Right now I am looking out of the window and it is raining cats and dogs. The children arent very happy. In fact, theyre bored and theyre having a terrible time. Right now theyre sitting on the bed, playing cards and watching TV. The restaur


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