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1、第一章1. what is your favorite TV program?你特別喜歡什么電視節(jié)目?My favorite TV program is CCTV News. 'fevrt 2. what is your favorite Web site?你特別喜歡什么網(wǎng)站?My favorite Web site is Baidu. sat3. what is your favorite day of the week? Why?你特別喜歡一周中的哪一天?為什么?Sunday is my favorite day because I can play basketball

2、 with my friends.4. what is your favorite kind of movie?你特別喜歡哪類電影?My favorite kind of movie is action movie. mu:vi5. what is your favorite kind of music?你特別喜歡哪類音樂?My favorite kind of music is pop music. pp (流行的)6. what is your favorite magazine ?你特別喜歡什么雜志?My favorite magazine is Readers.7. what

3、 is the population of your hometown?你家鄉(xiāng)有多少人口? ppjulenThere are over 5 million people in my hometown. mljn8. what is your population of your country?你的國家有多少人口?There are 1.4 billion people in my country.9. what is the best thing about your hometown?你家鄉(xiāng)最好的事情是什么?My hometown is famous for seafood. f

4、ems 10. what is the worst thing about your home town?你家鄉(xiāng)最不好的事情是什么?The pollution is becoming more and more serious.  plu:n sris 11. whats your hometown like?你家鄉(xiāng)怎么樣?My hometown is a beautiful coastal city. kst 12. what do you think is the most popular sport in the world?你認為世界上

5、最受歡迎的體育運動是什么?ppjl(r)I think foodball is the most popular sport in the world.14. which ports do you often call at?你們經(jīng)常掛靠哪些港口?I often call at Shanghai, Tianjin and Lianyungang.15. what do you think is the most important thing on board?你認為船上最重要的是什么?I think safety is the most important thing on board.16

6、. whats your captains nationality?你們船長是哪國國籍?My captains nationality is Chinese. nænælti 17. whats your date of birth?你的生日是哪一天?My birthday is May 8th,1978.18. whats your Seamans Book number?你的海員證號是?Sorry I havent Seamans book.19. where are you from?你來自哪里?Im from Lianyungang, Jiangsu Pr

7、ovince, china.  prvns20. what is your daily timetable?你每天的工作時間是什么時候?I am a chief officer. I keep watch from 0400 to 0800 hours and 1600 to 2000 hours.21. what do you like most about your job?你最喜歡你工作的哪方面?It is challenging and I can go around the world. tælnd 挑戰(zhàn)。22. what is your favorit

8、e food?你最喜歡的食物是什么?My favorite food is sea food.23. what is your favorite movie?你最喜歡的電影是什么?My favorite movie is Harry Potter. hæri 24. what do you usually do during your shore leave?你上岸期間通常會干什么?During my shore leave, I usually go home.25. what do you expect about your future?未來你期望干什么?I want

9、 to be a captain in the future.第二章16. what ships particulars will pilot station usually ask for?引航站通常會尋問船舶規(guī)范中哪些事項?ptkjl(r) (規(guī)范,特征) ju:uli(通常)The ships identity ,LOA, maximum draft, arrival draft, ETA, etc. adentti et setr17. what should be reported to the pilot station?向引航站應報告什么內(nèi)容。The ships ide

10、ntity ,LOA, maximum draft, arrival draft, ETA, etc.18. what should be confirmed from the pilot station?應該和引航站確認什么?Time and place for picking up the pilot.19. what should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?引航員登船前應準備什么?Before the pilot comes on board the vessel, we should confirm the embarkin

11、g place; Stand by engine and get the pilot ladder and everything ready. knf:m確認 20. what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?船舶請求引航員時需要掛什么旗。It is“G”flag.21. what must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilots embarkation?在引航員登船之前必須將什么放在引航梯附近處?Saf

12、ety line, throwing line, life buoy, etc. r22. what flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?船員已有引航員時掛什么旗?It is “H” flag.23. list the main items to be updated on the pilot card.請列舉航航卡上應更新的事項。Maximum draft, air draft, freeboard, displacement, etc.24. who should be in attendance when a pilot

13、 is on the ladder?引航員攀登引航梯時應由誰來照料?An officer with radio communication to the bridge, Another crewmember should also be in attendance in case of an emergency. tendns 出席,參加25. how can a ship get in touch with a port authority before her arrival?船舶抵港前怎樣與港方取得聯(lián)系?By Telex or VHF.26. what should an of

14、ficer report to the pilot station before her arrival?船舶駕駛員在船舶抵港前應向引航員報告什么內(nèi)容?The ships identity ,LOA, maximum draft, arrival draft, ETA, etc.27. what kind of information is usually provided by pilot station?引航站一般向船舶提供什么信息?Time and place of embarkation, the side on which pilot ladder to be rigged. Boa

15、rding speed, etc.第四章4. what is the call sign of your ship?你的船舶呼號是什么?My ships call sign is BLCP.5. what is ships nationality? 船舶的船籍是什么?Nationality of the ship is China.6. what is your IMO number of your ship?船舶IMO編號是多少?IMO number of my ship is 9007533.7. what type is your vessel?你的船舶是什么類型的船。My ship i

16、s a container ship.8. how can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?抵港前船舶和港口如何聯(lián)系?By telex or VHF.9. when the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?在船舶進入VTS區(qū)域時,需要報告什么?It is usually requested to report “ships name, call sign, present maximum draught or other relative par

17、ticulars, etc. reltv 相關的 ptkjl(r)細節(jié)10. if you are ordered: “stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report?如果接到命令“備雙車”,你如何回答和復訟?I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both engines stand-by”.11. what does the abbreviation ETD stand for? bri:vien縮寫ETD stands for Estimated T

18、ime of Departure.  estmt 預測 dp:t(r)離開12. why must you consider ships speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?松出船首制鏈器時,為什么必須考慮航速和水深?knsd(r) 考慮To ensure safety and not to exceed the SWL of the bow stopper.13. can you list at least three mooring lines?Yes, I can. They are h

19、ead line, stern line, breast line, etc.14. you are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you say?你船打算駛?cè)牒降溃阆氚驯敬鈭D告訴VTS,使用標準航海通信英語語段標識和用語,你該怎么說?I should say: “VTS VTS VTS, this is MV Utopia, Question. Is it

20、permitted to enter fairway?”第六章2. what does VHF stand for?VHF stands for very high frequency.5. what should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?到駕駛臺時,船長期望值班駕駛員報告什么信息?Brief summary of ships position, course, speed, visibility and other important imformation.bri:f 簡短的 smri

21、60;總結(jié) 6. how do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?離開港口時,你如何知道要守聽的VHF頻道?mnt(r) 監(jiān)聽By asking the pilot and consulting the Admiralty List of Radio Signals. knslt翻閱7. why is it important to fog signals?霧號為何很重要?To attract the attention(注意) of other vessels and comply with CO

22、LREG.  trækt吸引 8. when would you sound the general alarm?你什么時候發(fā)出全船警報?When the vessel is in real emergency or carrying out drills. ri:l 現(xiàn)實的9. when should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.緊急操船或航行狀況復雜多變時,值班駕駛員什么時

23、候應立即通知船長?請舉例。ntfa 通知 kmplketd 結(jié)構(gòu)復雜的The OOW will notify the master in such conditions as: equipment failure, distress call, heavy traffic, low visibility or at other critical moment. felj(r) 失敗 hevi重的 krtkl嚴重的 mmnt 時刻10. if a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel, who h

24、as the right of way?如果帆船追越機動船,哪個是直航船?The power-driven vessel has the right of way.11. a power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way? 機動船與拖網(wǎng)漁船航行在碰撞航向上,哪個是直航船?tr:l(r)拖網(wǎng)魚船The fishing trawler has the right of way.12. how many “position lines” are needed

25、to make a position?需要多少條船位線來定位?At least 2 lines are needed.13. can you define the very important term “underway”?你能給“在航”這個很重要的術語下個定義嗎?dfan 下定義 t:m 術語Yes, I can. When the vessel is not at anchor, not aground or made fast to the shore.14. how does OOW assess risk of collision generally?值班駕駛員

26、一般怎么樣判斷碰撞危險?ses評定 rsk 危險 By the bearing and range of the coming vessel. ber方位15.can you list 3 famous canals in the world?Yes, I can. Panama Canal, Suez Canal, and Kiel Canal.16.what is the sound signal to warn a vessel of immediate danger?警告船舶緊迫危險的霧號是什么?Five short and rapid blasts. ræpd&#

27、160;快速的 bl:st響聲19.describe the proper way of using VHF.簡述正確使用VHF的方法。dskrab描述 prp(r)正式的The operation of VHF is very easy. First, turn on the power. Then, choose a correct channel, Use the transmitting power as low as possible. Press the transmitting button to speak. Speak slowly and clearly.20. how t

28、o rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication?海上VHF通話中怎樣糾正錯誤?rektfa改正Say “mistake” followed by the word “correction” plus the corrected part of the message.21. how to give an emphasis on the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?海上VHF通話中怎么樣強調(diào)重要部分?emfss強調(diào)Say “repeat”, follow

29、ed by the corresponding important part of the message.22. besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?在能見度降低的情況下,除了碰撞危險,在值班中你還要注意監(jiān)控什么?els另外Generally monitor the compasses, navigation and signal lights and other navigational equipment on the bridge.第七章1.wh

30、at does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?在搜救作業(yè)中“初如航向”是什么意思?nl最初的 “Initial course” refers to the course directed by the OSC (on-scene commander) or CSS (coordinator of surface search) to be steered at the beginning of a search. drekt 直接的2.what does “jettison of corgo” mean?拋棄

31、貨物是什么意思?detsn拋棄It means to deliberately throw cargo overboard for ships safety. dlbrtli故意的 r拋 3.what does SAR stand for?SAR stands for Search and Rescue.4.what is INMARSAT short for?INMARSAT is short for International Maritime Satellite Organization.5.what does UTC stand for?UTC stands for Universal

32、 Time Coordinated. ju:nv:sl全世界的6.can you list three or more search patterns? pætn Yes, I can. Expanding square search pattern, sector search pattern, aircraft coordinated search pattern. kspænd擴展  skwe(r)正方形 sekt(r) 扇形 7.what does a “hampered vessel” mean? “操限船”什么意思? h&

33、#230;mp(r) 限制A hampered vessel means a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver because of the nature of her work.因其工作性質(zhì)操縱性能受限的船叫操限船。8.what does MMSI stand for?MMSI stand for Maritime Mobile Service Identity.9.what does OSC stand for?OSC stands for ON-scene Commander, or On-scene Coordinato

34、r, etc. 現(xiàn)場指揮,現(xiàn)場協(xié)調(diào)人。10.when will a parallel sweep search usually be used?通常什么時候用平行搜尋方式?pærlel 平行When search a large area or where only approximate location is known. prksmt近似于11.when will the expanding square search usually be used?扇形搜尋什么時候使用?kspænd擴展When the position of the target is

35、known with reasonable accuracy, but the target is small. ri:znbl合理的,適當?shù)?ækjrsi 準確性12.when will the expanding square search usually be used?擴展方形搜尋什么時候用?When search a small area with last position of the target known.13.when you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communicati

36、on, what do you say?在甚高頻中你要求接受者保持在16頻道,你要說什么?I should say: “stand by on Channel 16.”14.how to rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication?在VHF中你如何糾正錯誤?rektfa 改正If theres mistake in maritime VHF communication, say “Mistake” followed by the word “Correction” plus the corrected part of the m

37、essage.15.how to give an emphasis on the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?怎樣強調(diào)VHF通信中的重要信息?emfss強調(diào)If an emphasis is placed on the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication, you should say “Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message.16. what does MA

38、YDAY mean in marine communications?It means that the vessel is in distress and requires immediate assistance in case of fire, collision, etc.17.what should be included in MAYDAY messages?It may include the ships name, ships position, nature of distress, the assistance required, etc.18.what does PAN-

39、PAN mean in marine communications?It refers to an urgent massage about a serious danger for vessel, crew and passengers. :dnt急迫的 sris嚴重的19.what does SECURITE mean in marine communications? It means the message concerns the safety of navigation.  kns:n 涉及20.what are passengers advised to pu

40、t on while abandoning the vessel? 棄船時應通知乘客穿什么?dvaz通知The passengers are advised to put on lifejackets while abandon the vessel.21.what can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?棄船后可用什么方法引起他方注意?trækt 吸引By orange smoking signals, rockets, sound-signaling appliances, shapes,

41、 etc.22.coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies. What frequencies are they?海岸無線電臺不間斷值守的遇險頻率有哪些? knstnt 不斷的The frequencies are 2182 KHZ, 2174.5KHZ, 8291KHZ, CH16, etc.23.a ship is signaling you with his “Aldis lamp”(morse lamp) the letter “U”. What is the messag

42、e for you? 某船向你船發(fā)出莫爾斯信號燈字母信號U,這對你船意指什么?:ldis It indicates that your vessel is running into danger.24.what is IAMSAR stand for?IAMSAR stands for International Maritime Satellite.25.what does RCC stand for?RCC stands for Rescue Coordination Center.26.can you list any search patterns?能否列舉一些搜尋方式?Th

43、ere are sector search , expanding square search , and parallel sweep search ,etc.27.why should you learn to use SMCP as developed by IMO? 為什么要學習使用IMO制定的國際海事組織標準航海通信用語?Because, the SMCP is the standard maritime communication phases, it is very useful especially when different ship encounter with each

44、 other. ju:sfl有用 speli格外地 nkant(r)遭遇28. could you please talk about different ways send off emergency signal?請你講述發(fā)送遇險求救信號的不同方法?When a vessel is in distress, many a way can be used to send off emergency signals. For instance, “SOS” signal can be sent to the nearby vessels or to the coast station

45、s through VHF, MF on HF DSC or INMARSAT, etc. you can also burn something handy(手邊的) to make smoke signals, and you may also dial 12395 in China for help, etc. b:n 燃燒 dal撥打電話號碼第九章1.how often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? 貨船上救生學習多久進行一次?Once a month.2.how often

46、 will the lifeboat be launched into water?救生艇多久放入水里一次?At least once every 3 months.4.could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?Yes I can, such as compass, sea anchor, radar reflector, hand flare, etc.5.what is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?船上所要求的救生衣絕對最小數(shù)量是

47、多少?One lifejacket for each person, and two spare ones for persons on duty on the bridge and in the engine room respectively. spe(r) 備用的 rspektvli 備用的6.you are a survivor at sea when an SAR(search and rescue) aircraft drops a red container. What is it?你是海上幸存者,搜救飛機扔下一個紅色容器。里面是什么?svav(r) 幸存者d

48、rp 投下Lifesaving appliances which can float in water.能夠在水上漂浮的救生設備。7.what does “EPIRB” stand for?It stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.  bi:kn8.what is SART?SART stands for Search and Rescue Transponder.9.by regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per pers

49、on in the life boat?根據(jù)規(guī)則,救生艇上要求的每人最少水量是多少?3 liters.  'li:t(r) 公升10.what altitude must a “recket parachute flare” reach to comply with regulation?根據(jù)規(guī)則,火箭降落傘火焰信號必須達到多高?ælttju:d 高度 pæru:t 降落傘It must reach over 300 meters.11.what is the difference between a “radar beacon” an

50、d a “radar reflector”?雷達信標和雷達反射器的區(qū)別是什么?radar beacon can transmit a radar signal, while(而) a radar reflector can only reflect it.12.what is the general emergency alarm?什么是通用緊急警報?Its a signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast. Its an emergency alarm for fire, collision, grounding, etc.13.c

51、an you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets? 你能介紹一下怎樣穿救生衣嗎?Yes, I can. a. Put the lifejacket on with the reflection belt outside.穿上救生衣,反光帶一面朝外。belt帶狀物 b. pull the strings around your waist and tie in the front.把帶束系于腰間扎緊。str 繩子 west腰 ta打結(jié) in the front 在前面 c. check the condition of the wh

52、istle and the self-igniting light.檢查哨子和自亮燈狀況。gnat 點燃的14.how many portable radios must be fitted on a survival craft?救生筏上必須配備幾臺便攜式無線電?At least one.16.if you should fall overboard, what would you do?如果落水,你要怎么做?I should swim outward quickly and avoid the ships propellers. Call for help. atwd 

53、向外的17.can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels?你能列舉一些棄船時船員的危險嗎?Yes, I can. they are shortage of food and fresh water, hypothermia, the crews will power and health.它們是食物和淡水的短缺,低體溫,船員的意志力和健康狀況。:td缺少hap:mi 低體溫20.if you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect of being rescued

54、, how soon should you issue food and water?如果在救生艇里沒有立即被救的希望,你應當多久之后發(fā)食物和水? prspekt 期望After 24 hours.21. what should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?為確保每個救生艇都有藥品應當怎么做?The officer in charge should check the medicines regularly on each lifeboat.  regjlli

55、0;定期的如果沒有火箭信號,旗號,信號或無線電,你如何向視線范圍內(nèi)的船只表示你需要援助?By body language, fire, mirrors, etc.  bdi  lægwd  mr(r) 23.could you list any equipment in an open lifeboat?Yes I can, such as compass, sea anchor, radar reflector, hand flare, etc.24.what is the minimum number of motor lifeboats

56、fitted on board?船上配備機動救生艇的最少數(shù)量是多少?For cargo vessel, 200% of the number of crew, for passenger vessel 100% of the number of passengers.25.what is the minimum quantity of life jackets required on board ship?船上所要求的救生衣的最低數(shù)量?kwntti數(shù)量 One lifejacket for each person, and two spare ones for persons on duty

57、on the bridge and in the engine room respectively.第十二章1.what does SSO stand for?SSO stands for Ships Security Officer. 船舶保安員2.what does SSP stand for?SSP stand for Ship Security Plan.船舶保安計劃。3.What does DOC stand for? 符合證明DOC stands for Document of Compliance.4.what does SSAS stand for?SSAS stands for Ship Security Alert System.舶舶保安報警系統(tǒng)。5.what Does CSO stand for?CSO stands for Company Security Officer.公司保安員6.what does ISSC stand for?ISSC stands for International Ship Security Certificate. 國際船舶保安證書。7.what does CSR stand for?CSR stands for Continuous Synopsi


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