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1、-1、IntroductionShanghai Ocean Oilfield Service Co supplied Downhole Motor to Drilling Department of Bohai Offshore Oil Company LTD.(Tianjin), on base of mastering foreign and domestic advanced technology and linking China national situation, has developed and manufactured some types of screw drills

2、in cooperation with oilfields and scientific research institutes. With them, we may provide satisfactory services to the oilfields.This manual mainly introduces screw drill property, application and cautions, so as for the customers to know well our screw drills, and to do better selection, applicat

3、ion, repair and maintenance of screw drill according to drilling demand. As a result, our screw drill may bring into play in its reliable technical function, to enhance drilling economic efficiency.2、PrincipleScrew drill is a kind of downhole dynamic drilling tool upon the power of drilling mud. Mud

4、 stream from the outlet of mud pump flows through a by-pass valve into the motor. This stream produces pressure loss at both inlet and outlet of the pump, to push the rotor into rotating, and to transmit the torque and speed onto the bit. The screw drill property mainly depends upon its property par

5、ameters3、ConstitutionScrew drill is composed of four assemblies of by-pass valve, motor, cardan shaft and drive shaft ( Fig. 1) .1、 前言 上海奧森油田服務有限公司為渤海石油有限公司(天津)鉆井部提供螺桿鉆具設(shè)備服務,與此同時聯(lián)同各油田、科研院所,在消化國內(nèi)外先進技術(shù),結(jié)合我國國情的基礎(chǔ)上,開發(fā)和制造出多種型號的螺桿鉆具,能為油田提供滿意服務。本手冊主要介紹螺桿鉆具的性能和使用要求以及注意事項,便于用戶更好地了解我公司的鉆具,結(jié)合鉆井的需要,選好、用好、維護好鉆具,

6、發(fā)揮其應有的技術(shù)性能,提高鉆井經(jīng)濟效益。2螺桿鉆具工作原理螺桿鉆具是以泥漿為動力的一種井下動力鉆具。泥漿泵泵出的泥漿液流經(jīng)旁通閥進入馬達,在馬達進出口處形成一定壓差推動馬達的轉(zhuǎn)子旋轉(zhuǎn),并將扭矩和轉(zhuǎn)速通過萬向軸和傳動軸傳遞給鉆頭。螺桿鉆具的性能主要取決于螺桿馬達的性能參數(shù)。3螺桿鉆具的組成 螺桿鉆具由旁通閥、馬達、萬向軸和傳動軸四大總成組成(如圖1)3.1By-pass Valve AssemblyIt has two positions of by-pass and close (Fig.2). It is in by-pass position during trip operation,

7、circulates mud fluid in the drill string into the annular space by-passing the idle motor, so that no mud may spray out onto the platform during the trip operation. When mud flow rate and pressure reach the setting value, the valve stem moves down and closes the valve. Meanwhile, mud stream flows th

8、rough the motor, and converts the pressure energy into mechanical energy. As mud flow rate is too low, or mud pump stops, and as the created pressure is not enough to overcome spring force and static friction force, the spring presses the stem upward ,and by-pass is in open position.3.2Motor Assembl

9、yIt consists of stator and rotor. Stator is made by squeezing rubber sleeve on the wall of steel tube. There forms spiral structure with a certain geometric parameter. Rotor is a crome-plated screw rod.Stator and rotor matches with each other, to form spiral line and seal cavity through their guide

10、rail difference. With rotor running in the stator, the seal cavity is moving along its axial direction, continuously forms and disappears ,to complete its energy conversion. This is the basic principle of screw drill.Spiral seal line on rotor is divided into single end and multi-end ( stator with on

11、e more end than rotor). The less ends the motor has, the higher speed and the lower torque is. The more ends it has, the lower speed and the higher torque is. Fig.3 shows the sectional profile of several typical motors.31旁通閥總成 它有旁通和關(guān)閉兩個位置(如圖2),在起下鉆作業(yè)過程中處于旁通位置,使鉆柱中泥漿循環(huán)繞過不工作馬達進入環(huán)空,這樣起下鉆時泥漿不溢于井臺上。當泥漿流量

12、和壓力達到標準設(shè)定值時,閥芯下移,關(guān)閉旁通閥孔,此時泥漿流經(jīng)馬達,把壓力能轉(zhuǎn)變成機械能。當泥漿流量值過小或停泵時,所產(chǎn)生的壓力不足以克服彈簧力和靜摩擦力時,彈簧把閥芯頂起,旁通閥孔又處于開啟位置。32馬達總成 它由定子和轉(zhuǎn)子組成。定子是在鋼管內(nèi)壁上壓注橡膠襯套而成。橡膠內(nèi)孔是具有一定幾何參數(shù)的螺旋。轉(zhuǎn)子是一根有鍍鉻硬層的螺桿。 轉(zhuǎn)子與定子相互嚙合,是用兩者的導程差而形成的螺旋密封線,同時形成密封腔。隨著轉(zhuǎn)子在定子中的轉(zhuǎn)動,密封腔沿著軸向移動,不斷的生成與消失,完成其能量轉(zhuǎn)換,這就是螺桿馬達的基本工作原理。 馬達轉(zhuǎn)子的螺旋線有單頭和多頭之分(定子的螺旋線頭數(shù)比轉(zhuǎn)子多1)。轉(zhuǎn)子的頭數(shù)越少,轉(zhuǎn)速越高

13、,扭矩越小; 頭數(shù)越多,轉(zhuǎn)速越低,扭矩越大。圖3是幾種典型馬達配合的截面輪廊:馬達定子一個導程組成一個密封腔,也稱為一級。每級額定工作壓降為0.8Mpa,最大壓降為額定工作壓力的1.3倍,如四級馬達,額定壓降應為3.2Mpa,最大壓降為4.2Mpa。壓降超過此值馬達就會產(chǎn)生泄漏,轉(zhuǎn)速很快下降,嚴重時會完全停止轉(zhuǎn)動,甚至造成馬達損壞,用戶應特別注意。為了確保馬達的密封效果,轉(zhuǎn)子與定子之間的配合尺寸與不同井深的溫度有關(guān),因此在選擇鉆具時應盡可能準確地提供給廠家鉆具應用場所的井溫情況,以便推薦使用松緊配合狀態(tài)適合的馬達?,F(xiàn)場使用的泥漿流量應在推薦的范圍之內(nèi),否則將影響馬達效率,甚至馬達磨損加快。馬達

14、的輸出扭矩與馬達的壓降成正比,輸出轉(zhuǎn)速與輸入泥漿量成正比,隨著負載的增加,鉆具的轉(zhuǎn)速有所降低,因此在地面只要根據(jù)壓力表控制壓力,根據(jù)流量計控制泵的流量,就可以控制井下鉆具的扭矩和轉(zhuǎn)速。321中空轉(zhuǎn)子馬達為了增加鉆頭的水馬力和泥漿的上返速度,將轉(zhuǎn)子加工成為帶噴咀的中空轉(zhuǎn)子。此馬達的總流量應等于流經(jīng)馬達密封腔流量和流經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀流量的總和,每種規(guī)格的馬達都有其推薦的最大和最小流量值。如果流量過大,轉(zhuǎn)子會超速運轉(zhuǎn),定子和轉(zhuǎn)子會出現(xiàn)提前損壞,如果流量過小,馬達將停止轉(zhuǎn)動。因此在選擇轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀尺寸時,應確保馬達密封腔流量始終保持或高于最小推薦流量值,這樣才能使馬達正常運轉(zhuǎn)。 A guide rail for

15、ms a seal cavity in motor stator. This is called one stage. When the rated working pressure of each stage lows down to 0.8 Mpa, the maximum pressure loss will be 1.3 times of the rated pressure. For an example, for 4-stage motor, the rated pressure loss shall be 3.2 Mpa, maximum pressure loss shall

16、be 4.2 Mpa. As the pressure loss is over such value, motor may bring about leakage and speed will quickly slow down. More seriously, it may cause operation into complete stop, even cause the motor to be damaged. This is the caution for the customers. In order to ensure rotor seal in good condition,

17、the matching size between rotor and stator relates closely to depth temperature. Therefore, correct downhole temperature shall be provided to the manufacturer for reliable selection of appropriate motor. The actual mud flow rate is required in the recommended range. Otherwise incorrect flow rate may

18、 affect the motor efficiency, even cause speeding up motor wear. Motor torque is proportional to its pressure loss, but its outlet speed is inversely proportional to mud flow rate. With load increasing, screw drill speed decreases. Thus, pressure shall be controlled by the pressure gauge and flow ra

19、te shall be controlled by the flow rate gauge on surface. This way may control both torque and speed of downhole screw drill.321 Hollow Rotor Motor To increase hydraulic horsepower and upward speed of mud stream, rotor is manufactured into hollow rotor with nozzles. Thus, motor total flow rate is eq

20、ual to the sum of the flow rate through seal cavity and rotor. Each type of motor has its own recommended maximum and minimum flow rate value. If flow rate is too high, rotor may be running at over speed, earlier damage would occur onto stator and rotor. If it is too low, motor will stop operating.

21、Therefore, the flow rate through seal cavity shall be ensured or even higher than the recommended maintenance value ,while selecting nozzle size. Only in this way, can motor be kept in normal operation. 在泥漿密度、 噴咀尺寸和馬達流量為定量時,流經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀的流量和流經(jīng)馬達密封腔的流量總是隨負載變化而變化的。鉆頭離開井底,馬達負載近似為零,此時流經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀流量最小,而流經(jīng)馬達密封腔的流量最大。鉆

22、頭鉆進,使馬達壓差不斷增加,使流經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀流量增加,而此時流經(jīng)馬達密封腔流量減少。 流經(jīng)馬達密封腔的流量為Qm,通過馬達噴咀的流量Qz。即:總流量Q=Qm+Qz設(shè)定馬達轉(zhuǎn)速n值計算Qm值容積效率hv 取 0.90 Qz = Q Qm (L/s)噴咀直徑Qm-馬達密封腔流量 (L/s)Qz-轉(zhuǎn)子噴咀的流量 (L/s)Q-中空轉(zhuǎn)子馬達的總流量 (L/s)hv -容積效率馬達壓降DP = DPst + DPopPst馬達啟動壓降(Mpa)Pop馬達工作壓降(Mpa)泥漿比重(kg/L)計算公式中q為中空轉(zhuǎn)子馬達的每轉(zhuǎn)排量 (L/r)其數(shù)值參見表1。 When mud density, nozzle

23、size and total flow rate is a constant value, the flow rate through nozzle and seal cavity always changes with the load. On bit leaving hole bottom ,the load is approximately zero . Whereas, the flow rate becomes minimum through nozzle on the rotor, but the flow rate becomes maximum through the seal

24、 cavity. While the bit dropping down, motor pressure loss will continuously increase, and the flow rate through rotor nozzle will become higher, but the flow rate through the seal cavity will become lower. Flow rate through seal cavity is Qm, Flow rate through nozzle is Qz.Then ,total flow rate Q =

25、Qm + QzSuppose motor speed n, calculate QmVolumetric efficiency hv is 0.90So Qz = Q Qm (L/s)Nozzle diameterQm-Flow rate of motor seal cavity (L/s)Qz-Flow rate of rotor nozzle(L/s)Q-Total flow rate of motor with hollow rotor (L/s)hv -Volumetric efficiencyMotor pressure loss DP = DPst + DPopPstMotor s

26、tart pressure loss (Mpa)PopMotor operating pressure loss (Mpa)Mud density (kg/L) In the equation, q is flow rate of hollow rotor motor (L/r)For the parameters, see table-1 Based on the above recommended equation, the customers can timely change different diameter nozzles according to the actual dema

27、nd, so as to reach ideal effect. 按以上推薦計算公式,用戶可以根據(jù)使用需要隨時更換不同直徑的噴咀,從而達到理想的效果。表 1 Table 15LZ165X7.0Y BH5LZ165X14.0 BH q = 8.55LZ197X7.0Y BH5LZ197X14.0 BH q= 14.05LZ120X7.0Y BH q = 5.05LZ95X7.0Y BH q = 2.633 萬向軸總成 萬向軸的作用是將馬達的行星運動轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閭鲃虞S的定軸轉(zhuǎn)動,將馬達產(chǎn)生的扭矩及轉(zhuǎn)速傳遞給傳動軸至鉆頭。萬向軸大多采用瓣形,也有采用撓軸形式的。渤海啟明鉆具的瓣型萬向軸采用線切割技術(shù)制成,

28、切口平行度高,粗糙度可達且不破壞金屬化學成分,因此使用壽命高、機械損失?。ㄈ鐖D4)。鉆具使用后,應立即拆卸,檢查萬向軸,如磨損量超過維修標準,應及時更換有關(guān)易損件,否則會因萬向軸的使用過度致使鉆具無法正常工作。34傳動軸總成傳動軸的作用是將馬達的旋轉(zhuǎn)動力傳遞給鉆頭,同時承受鉆壓所產(chǎn)生的軸向和徑向負荷。我公司制造的鉆具傳動軸總成有兩種結(jié)構(gòu):(1) 鉆頭水眼壓降為7.0Mpa,采用硬質(zhì)合金徑向軸承和中間有一組推力軸承的傳動軸總成(如圖5);(2) 鉆頭水眼壓降為14.0Mpa,采用硬質(zhì)合金徑向軸承和金剛石復合片(PDC)的平面止推軸承,其壽命更長、承載能力更高。3.3 Cardan Shaft T

29、he function of cardan shaft is to convert planetary motion into fixed constant rotation of drive shaft, to transmit torque and speed from motor on the drive shaft ,and to the bit. Cardan shaft mostly use flat shaft ,but some are flexible shafts .Our flat type shaft used on our screw drill is made by

30、 linear cutting technology. So the cut has high parallelism ,roughness can reach And it doesnt damage metal chemical composition. Thus, it has longer running life and less mechanical loss (Fig.4).Screw drill shall be disassemblied as quickly as possible after use to examine cardan shaft. If it is fo

31、und out that wear degree is over maintenance standard, relevant consumable components shall be changed promptly. If it is not, screw drill can not be running normally due to over run time of cardan shaft.3.4 Drive Shaft AssemblyDrive shaft is to transmit motor rotary dynamic force onto the bit, mean

32、while to withstand axial and radial load from drilling weight. We have two types of drive shafts, as follows:1) Bit nozzle pressure loss is 7.0 Mpa, using hard alloy radial bearing and drive shaft assembly with thrust bearings (Fig.5);2) Bit nozzle pressure loss is 14.0 Mpa, using hard alloy radial

33、bearing and PDC cutter flat thrust bearing. It has longer lasting life and higher bearing capacity.4螺桿鉆具型號說明 4. Model Number例:5LZ165×7.0BH 表示為轉(zhuǎn)子頭數(shù)與定子頭數(shù)比為56的、外徑為f165mm螺桿鉆具,鉆頭水眼壓降為7.0Mpa。BH(渤海)。5使用須知51井場鉆井技術(shù)人員和司鉆必須了解鉆具的結(jié)構(gòu)原理和使用參數(shù)。按使用手冊的要求合理使用鉆具。52根據(jù)整個井眼的鉆井作業(yè)計劃,由鉆井工程師根據(jù)任務結(jié)合地層結(jié)構(gòu)、井眼孔徑、深度、機械轉(zhuǎn)速選定所用鉆頭與鉆

34、具型號,決定水眼直徑和鉆具組合?,F(xiàn)場施工必須嚴格按制定的鉆井作業(yè)計劃執(zhí)行。53對鉆井液的要求:螺桿鉆具的馬達為容積式,決定鉆具性能的因素是馬達的輸入流量和作用于兩端的壓力降,而不是鉆井液的類型。鉆井液的物理化學性能除個別有損鉆具壽命外,一般不影響鉆具性能,應注意考慮鉆井工藝的需要。但鉆井液所含的各Example: 5LZ165X7.0BH It expresses: Ratio of the number of rotor ends and the number of stator ends is 5:6;O.D of Screw drill is f165mm; Bit nozzle pre

35、ssure loss is 7.0 Mpa; BH is Bo Hai5. Application Notices5.1 Site drilling technical persons and drillers shall know well screw drill structure principle and technical parameters, correctly apply screw drill in accordance with requirements specified in this manual.5.2 Drilling engineer shall make op

36、eration program upon the whole hole, and select the model of screw drill and bit to be used , determine nozzle size and screw drill combination according to formation edge structure, hole size, depth and mechanical speed . The determined drilling program shall be strictly carried out accordingly on

37、the location. 5.3 Drilling Fluid Requirement: Screw drill motor shall be volumetric. The key factor to screw drill property is motor inlet flow rate, and the pressure loss functioning onto both ends. But it is not the kind of drilling fluid. Physical and chemical property of drilling fluid, except t

38、he individual damage to screw drill running life, normally does not affect its property.This shall be considered for the need of drilling process. However, the content of hard grains in mud stream must be limited since they can speed up wear of bearing and motor, may cause shortening screw drill run

39、ning life. It is suggested that solid sand content should not be over 1%( actually when sand content is 5%, running life will be reduced by 50%). Also, take care, not let drilling fluid mixed with any gas , because the fluid with gas may easily cause “Gas Erosion”. It may speed up tool damage with c

40、hange of pressure. In particular, the rubber on stator is more easily damaged by gas erosion. Enough attention shall be paid to this problem.5.4 Bit Selection: For bit selection, it is important to combine and match screw drill to be used. It relates to success of screw drill application. It is advi

41、sed site operators shall take care of this matter. Application factors to combine bit with screw drill are as follows:(1) Drilling Plan and Program;(2) Formation Edge Structure;(3) Structure of Mud Flowing Channels;(4) Determined Mechanical Drilling Speed;(5) Estimation of Bit and Screw Drill Runnin

42、g Life;(6) Design of Bit Nozzle Pressure Loss Please refer relevant professional information for detail bit selection on formation structure. Hereby it briefly describes bit selection for performance of drilling operation with screw drill.A: Except bit nozzle pressure loss, in order to avoid produci

43、ng higher pressure loss while drilling fluid flowing through bit bottom, attention shall be specially paid to this matter when the nozzle pressure loss has reached the specified loss value of this kind drilling tool. This does not affect rock bit, but for the crown passage design of PDC bit. The pro

44、blem shall be considered that passing fluid area may cause much extra loss, meanwhile to ensure prompt discharge of cuttings and bit cooling.B: Rock Bit : When this kind of bit is used with screw drill it is more appropriate to shorter drilling period, such as directional deflection and re-entry etc

45、.工藝的需要。但鉆井液所含的各種硬顆粒必須予以限制,因為它會加速軸承、馬達的磨損而降低鉆具的使用壽命,建議固相含砂量不超過1%(事實證明:若含砂量達到5%,鉆具壽命會降低50%)。同時注意鉆井液中不要混有各種氣體,因為混有氣體的鉆井液在鉆具中壓力的變化下容易產(chǎn)生“氣蝕作用”,加速鉆具的損壞,尤其是定子橡膠更容易被氣蝕壞,必須予以足夠的重視。54使用鉆頭的選擇:與螺桿鉆具一起使用的鉆頭在選擇上是十分重要的問題。因此螺桿鉆具是否能成功的發(fā)揮作用的幾個因素中,鉆頭與鉆具的匹配是最重要的,希望能引起現(xiàn)場使用人員的重視。選擇鉆頭與螺桿鉆具配套使用的因素應是:(1) 鉆井方案及計劃;(2) 針對地層需要的

46、刃部結(jié)構(gòu);(3) 鉆井液流通通道的結(jié)構(gòu);(4) 預先計劃的機械鉆速;(5) 使用該鉆頭,鉆具運轉(zhuǎn)的時間估算:(6) 鉆頭水眼壓降的設(shè)計。 什么樣的地層結(jié)構(gòu)、地層軟硬、使用哪類鉆頭、用什么樣的刃部設(shè)計,請參考有關(guān)鉆頭的專業(yè)資料,這里僅就使用螺桿鉆具完成各種鉆井作業(yè),對鉆頭的選擇作些簡要說明。A:除了鉆頭水眼造成的壓降外,要使鉆井液流經(jīng)鉆頭底部時別再形成其他較大的壓力損失,尤其是鉆頭水眼壓降已達到該型號鉆具規(guī)定的壓降值時更應注意。這對牙輪鉆頭不必擔心,但是PDC鉆頭冠部液體通道的設(shè)計,就必須考慮通道過流面積是否可能造成額外過多的壓力損失問題,同時并能保證巖屑及時排出及鉆頭冷卻需要。B:牙輪鉆頭:這

47、類鉆頭在螺桿鉆具配合使用時,更實用于鉆井周期不長的作業(yè),如定向造斜、側(cè)鉆等。C: PDC Bit: It is not only used for directional deflection, and also more appropriate to longer drilling period, such as vertical well drilling. During longer period of drilling operation, the more important factor is to integrate bit and screw drill. It is to a

48、void unnecessary trip operation due to some problem. It is known that PDC bit can last longer time than rock bit, and it is integral in structure, having more advantages.D: It is also an important factor to prolong running life of bit and tool. It is helpful to extend screw life and to develop bit p

49、roperty by improving stability of drive shaft, e.g. stabilizer. And it shall be considered the close relationship between diamond geometric dimension, allocation , drilling weight load and the required high speed and lower drilling weight of downhole tool. In general, it is hard to obtain satisfacto

50、ry effect without strictly matching bit and screw drill, it can also cause earlier damage onto the tool.5.5 Requirement for Hole Bottom Temperature: It is unfavorable to the motor property, and it may intensify all disadvantageous factors if temperature goes too high. When using oil base mud, the ho

51、le bottom temperature shall be lower than 90°C, screw drill shall be working in optimum condition. When temperature is over 150°C, stator life may be greatly shortened, even by using optimum oil base mud or using water base mud. In order to keep screw drill working normally at high tempera

52、ture of oil base mud, the way shall be adapted to conduct trip-in by sections and intermittent recycling , to ensure the actual temperature of stator below the ultimate value by using hollow rotor with splitter hole to speed up recycling or improve heat radiation of the fluid and other property.Our

53、company manufacture two kinds of stators. One is conventional stator, with 95°C of rated temperature and 120°C of maximum temperature; another is hi-temperature stator, with 105°C of rated temperature and 150°C of maximum temperature.5.6 Requirement for Flow Rate of Drilling Flui

54、d: One of the screw drill features is that the output speed is proportional to the input flow rate of drilling fluid. Each screw drill has a certain effective range of working flow C:PDC鉆頭:PDC鉆頭不僅適用于定向造斜,更適用于鉆井周期較長的作業(yè),如打直井等。在較長周期的鉆井作業(yè)中,最重要的因素就是鉆頭與鉆具作為一個整體,不要由于其中的哪一部分出了問題,而造成不必要的起下鉆。大家已熟知:復合片鉆頭較牙輪鉆頭壽

55、命長,而且結(jié)構(gòu)是整體的,具有很多優(yōu)點。D:提高鉆具和鉆頭的使用壽命,也是一個重要因素。改善傳動軸的穩(wěn)定性,例如加穩(wěn)定器,對提高鉆具壽命發(fā)揮鉆頭性能是有幫助的。考慮鉆頭金剛石的幾何尺寸、布置方位、鉆壓負荷與要求井下鉆具轉(zhuǎn)速高、鉆壓小的甚密關(guān)系??傊?,使用螺桿鉆具不對所匹配的鉆頭進行認真選擇,要想取得滿意的效果是困難的,還會造成鉆具過早地損失。55對井底環(huán)境溫度的要求:溫度過高對鉆具馬達性能十分不利,會使所有不利因素加劇。使用油基泥漿液,井底溫度低于95°C,鉆具工作狀態(tài)最佳。當溫度超過150°C時,即使使用最佳的油基鉆井液,甚至使用水基鉆井液,鉆具定子壽命也會大幅度縮短。 為

56、使鉆具在較高的油基鉆井液下正常工作,可以采用分段下鉆,間歇循環(huán),使用帶分流孔的空心轉(zhuǎn)子,以加速循環(huán)或改善鉆井液的散熱性及其它性能的方法。保證實際定子工作溫度低于極限值。我公司生產(chǎn)兩種定子。一種是普通定子,額定溫度為95°C,最高溫度120 °C。一種是耐高溫定子,額定溫度105°C,最高溫度150°C。56對鉆井液流量的要求:螺桿鉆具特點之一,輸出轉(zhuǎn)速與輸入鉆井液流量成正比。每種鉆具都有一定rate. It is advised to choose the range according to the recommended parameters. Otherwise, it may shorten the screw drills working efficiency and running life.5.7 Feature


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