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1、會計學1英漢對比與翻譯好英漢對比與翻譯好A Chinese poem says, “A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.”海內存知己,天涯若比鄰海內存知己,天涯若比鄰Wishing you happiness every day! 翻 譯歡迎光臨英對 比 與 翻 譯漢Three Parts 1. Language transfer (語言遷移)(語言遷移) 2. Linguistic contrast(語言對比)(語言對比) 3. Contrast and translation (對比與翻譯)(對比與翻譯) Part OneLangu

2、age Transfer in FL Learning: Interference or Facilitation?外語學習中的語言遷移:外語學習中的語言遷移:干擾還是促進?干擾還是促進? Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 對兩種語言相似與相異點的敏銳意識能促進外語學習。1、這位作家喜歡晚上寫作。 The writer likes writing at light. (night) 他不怕死。 He does not h

3、ear to die. (fear) 2、他一天只吃兩頓飯。 Morphological transfer (詞形遷移)(詞形遷移) Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese. 在漢語中,名詞和動詞都沒有形態(tài)變化。 (eats) (meals)我去年到北京去了三次。I go to Beijing 3 time last year.(went) (times)3、據(jù)說上海有三千三百萬人口。 Collocation transfer ( (搭配遷移搭配遷移) ) The noun renkou, the Chinese equivale

4、nt of population, can have a numerical pre-modifier. Population的漢語對應詞“人口”在漢語中可以用前置數(shù)詞來修飾。 Shanghai is said to have a population of thirty-three million. Shanghai is said to have thirty-three million people. 4、要采取措施縮小貧富差距。 Word order transfer (詞序遷移) 東南西北 或遲或早 悲歡離合 衣食住行 廢寢忘食 水陸交通 饑寒交迫 田徑項目 生老病死 the ric

5、h and the poor 5、他建議我接受這個報價。 Syntactical transfer (句型遷移) The verb jianyi, jianyi, the Chinese equivalent of suggest, can be used in VOC pattern in Chinese. Suggest的漢語對應詞“建議”在漢語中可以用“動詞+賓語+補語”的結構。He suggested that I (should) accept this offer . He suggested my (me) accepting this offer . Pragmatic tra

6、nsfer (語用遷移) The negative reply to a compliment is considered in Chinese as modest and courteous. 對贊揚的否定回答在漢語中被視為謙虛有禮貌。- Your English is wonderful.- Thank you, but I still have a long way to go before I really master it. We could turn negative transfer (interference) into positive (facilitation) by

7、making analysis on differences between the two languages and arouse the learners awareness of avoiding or reducing errors from analogy. 我們可以通過分析兩種語言的差異,提高學生避免或減少類推錯誤的意識,把負遷移(干擾)轉化為正遷移(促進)。 Part TwoA Contrastive Study ofA Contrastive Study of English and Chinese English and Chinese英漢語對比研究英漢語對比研究語義型與形

8、態(tài)型語義型與形態(tài)型Dont say what others have said.Whether you do it or he does it, Im afraid neither will do it well.Policies were constantly strengthened to support and benefit agriculture.Measures must be taken to develop new energy resources before petroleum are used up.If you should refuse to get up, I wo

9、uld pull off your quilt. If bin Laden hadnt died, the US wouldnt have stopped hunting for him.Tense (時態(tài))Voice (語 態(tài))Mood (語氣)ChineseEnglish病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。Sickness comes like an avalanche, but goes like reeling silk.I wont go so long as he does.他去我不去。人無遠慮,必有近憂。他人老心不老。Although he has aged physically, he r

10、emains young at heart.If one has no long-term considerations, he will find trouble at his doorstep.我來他已去。 He had left when I arrived.(Condition 條件條件)(Contrast, Opposition 對照、轉折對照、轉折)(Time Order 時間先后時間先后)(Concession 讓步讓步)翻 譯歡迎光臨Another Major DifferenceLook at the sentence structures of the two langua

11、ges from another perspective. My little grandson is very naughty. The colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside. You should have thrown away the clunker. It is by no means easy to learn the English language.Chinese Structure:Topic-Comment 話題話題- -評論評論English Structure:

12、Subject-Predicate 主語主語- -謂語謂語 開始我和母親是不讓父親抽煙的,得了絕癥后,想開了,抽吧,揀好的買,想抽就抽。 At first Mother and I wouldnt let Father smoke. After ( ) contracted the fatal disease, ( ) thought differently. ( ) Just ( ) smoke, ( ) buy the best cigarettes, ( ) smoke whenever ( ) liked to. At first Mother and I wouldnt let Fa

13、ther smoke. After ( Father ) contracted the fatal disease, (we ) thought differently. (We would) Just (let him) smoke, (and we would) buy the best cigarettes, (and let him) smoke whenever (he) liked to. Rhythmic speech or writing is like waves of the sea, moving onward with alternating rise and fall

14、, connected yet separated, like but different, suggestive of some law, too complex for analysis or statement, controlling the relations between wave and wave, waves and sea, phrase and phrase, phrases and speech. H. W. Fowler (1858 1933) :H. W. Fowler (1858 1933) : 節(jié)奏感強的語言或文字(指漢語),浪峰、浪谷似分似合,彼此相像,又各不

15、相同;隱含著某些規(guī)律,但卻過于復雜,難以分析或表述;這些規(guī)律規(guī)范著波浪與波浪、波浪與大海、詞組與詞組、詞組與語段之間的各種關系。 呂叔湘(1979)說,“漢語口語里有特多流水句,一個小句接一個小句,很多地方可斷可連。” 英語的句子結構好似一棵大樹,樹干、樹枝、分枝、樹葉互相連接,結構緊密,形式規(guī)范。主謂必須一致,構成樹干;定語、狀語等其余成分均為枝葉,由連接詞語與樹干相連,形成一棵完整的大樹。Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributesTrunk line: S + V + (O)Branches and sub-branches

16、: Adverbials and attributesTrunk line: S + V + (O) As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. - Jimmy Carter As a nation of gifted people who comprise about

17、 one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. - Jimmy Carter the Russian people, the people of Russia, the people living in Russia, the people who live in Russiaan important event an event of importancePhra

18、ses:志同道合,友誼才會持久。Friendship will last only if it is based on a common goal.Only if friendship is based on a common goal, it will last.天下雨,運動會延期了。The sports meet was postponed because of rain.Because of rain, the sports meet was postponed.Sentences:Pay attention to Chinese order of time and space. 我們看

19、到很多住人的跡象,當漫步街頭走過一個很大的棚戶集中地,離中央大道不遠。 我們漫步街頭,在中央大道附近發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個很大的棚戶區(qū),有很多跡象表明茅棚里還住了人。 我們漫步街頭,在中央大道附近發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個很大的棚戶區(qū),有很多跡象表明茅棚里還住了人。樹 一棵樹一棵枝繁葉茂的大樹校園里一棵枝繁葉茂的大樹海事大學校園里一棵枝繁葉茂的大樹臨港新城海事大學校園里一棵枝繁葉茂的大樹 青島是一座氣候宜人、風景秀麗、建筑風格多樣、令人流連忘返的海濱城市。 青島是一座海濱城市,這里氣候宜人,風景秀麗,建筑風格多樣,令人流連忘返?!癐 can lick you.”“No, you cant.”“Yes, I can.”“N

20、o, you cant.”“I can.”“you cant.”“Can!”“Cant!”“I can lick you.”“No, you cant.”“Yes, I can.”“No, you cant.”“I can.”“you cant.”“Can!”“Cant!”cancancancancantcantcantcant揍敢試瞧怕逃 Six Major Differences Between English and Chinese英漢六大差異英漢六大差異Topic-prominent Topic-prominent LanguageLanguage話題突出型語言話題突出型語言Subje

21、ct-prominent Subject-prominent LanguageLanguage主語突出型語言主語突出型語言 Part ThreeContrast and Translation對比與翻譯對比與翻譯Enlightenment on translation from the contrast between the two languages從兩種語言的對比中獲得的有關翻譯的啟示從兩種語言的對比中獲得的有關翻譯的啟示 請翻譯并作對比分析 Please translate and makecontrastive analysis.Difference 1English : Imper

22、sonal (物稱) Chinese: Personal (人稱)Difference 2English : Passive (被動) Chinese: Active (主動)Difference 3English : Static (靜態(tài)) Chinese: Dynamic (動態(tài))Difference 4English : ? Chinese:?Difference 4English : Complex (繁復) Chinese: Simple (簡明)Difference 4English : Complex (繁復) Chinese: Simple (簡明)Difference 5En

23、glish : Abstract (抽象) Chinese: Concrete (具體)chaosstability jealousy flexibilitydecisivenesslightheartedness 混亂狀態(tài)穩(wěn)定局面妒忌心理靈活姿態(tài)果斷作風輕松心情Ardent loyalty 赤膽忠心Total exhaustion筋疲力盡With great eagerness 如饑似渴Feed on fancies畫餅充饑Difference 5English : Abstract (抽象) Chinese: Concrete (具體) Difference 6English : Hypo

24、tactic (形合) Chinese: Paratactic (意合)Explicit cohesion (顯性聯(lián)接)Implicit coherence (隱性連貫)Difference 7English : plain and Chinese: rhythmic and factual symmetrical (講平實) (重韻律)English 英語英語Chinese 漢語漢語Form-focused 形態(tài)型Meaning-focused 語義型Right-extending 孔雀型Left-extending 獅子型Sight-fixed 視點固定Sight-moving 視點流動T

25、ree-like 樹型結構Bamboo-like 竹型結構Subject-prominent 主語突出Topic-prominent 主題突出Order-flexible 語序相對靈活Order-fixed 語序相對固定英漢語言對比英漢語言對比English 英語英語Chinese 漢語漢語Impersonal 物稱Personal 人稱Passive 被動Active 主動Static 靜態(tài)Dynamic 動態(tài)Complex 繁復Simple 簡單Abstract 抽象Concrete 具體Hypotactic 形合Paratactic 意合Plain and factual 平實Rhythmic and symmetrical 韻律英漢語言對比英漢語言對比 Dont you think you can do Dont you think you can do translation better when you know translation better when you know the differences between the two the differences be


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