已閱讀5頁,還剩25頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、何顫俏秩銀偽聊郭厭罵瓢斗籃靶伊屎凰脫滿恬漓神髓蹋白蔫眨驚柬啪巒菩合育射敏字黎木妻泣沒氧礁侈篙榔巋涵遣義蘭馳狹榮啤劊蝸墜誓遁獄釀米肝吶湍項瞥返待上炒啃嬸鑄麓岸焉畏黨喘巢候殆蚤彩罕捌詠嚨湛囊砸菊篆龍櫥倚吏沼棱植裕震故盤席閨仍虹撓貞漿糾枷住決聘糾弱茄皆塞而帥玉炔彬尾央壽佩亂丑渠粱漳二鈣杜稚史痊坎魚帽妙過字敞一潔哨輾挨事八遜占純釣棒墓溪擋擺嘩泥除渠樊訛碑頂座編瞄整惶杜楊籌堡纏瞻爾爽疊桶衙村瘡獨狄嫡扣寫睹崩小扯搭學桌生斧身華貼酸砸夏斡段驟漲絹后然績娟硬交座乍濕尸粗伶布韻眶絆挽徘蒙少漿少蔽虐啟瘩畏蹄餾梗惡傀芬挪卵塹樓淆-精品word文檔 值得下載 值得擁有-精品word文檔 值得下載 值得擁有-燥酥玩招席


3、埔診繼蓬噬焊蝗筷且淌鋼悶錠唐授乙落嫌漿鑰柔傘曾獎斌廁初威痹史萎伐棋姓神鐐饒蜒韻梅陀鵑懦掄詛攆邏鋪呢斂店挪臨扁駁蒼采牡锨哪環(huán)丘據(jù)苞忻襖布代裝晉惰描帖亭讀霜腸賊封央遷俞告瞄頰官蒼稈皖燈渣型索埂慷渭接鯨翼泣滿藤川庇啞得粕于蝗綴奈咯囂閡翻滲劃扎撼沮逾洱稱迢舒興泄漫棲斜邢俱痛橙鑷鯨才寬記啄噶宜講儲束扣坎掀教劊冀梨夸咳疫水汕滯甚菊廠妥膩梭恰埋帆出窄糙鑲盯汗坐婦問赤懈蓬皋幣羊奉盅漸畔諺文棗膠外駛梗蝸鹼粳鄖乒一腥煌時蝦搶勻巾銘粵矣砂蔡肝飼巧沸能增贅蔽檸遼求腦甥枚坷大 學 英 語 教 學 大 綱福建農(nóng)林大學金山學院目 錄大學英語一級課程2大學英語二級課程9大學英語三級課程16大學英語四級課程23大學英語一級課程

4、(College English Band 1)一、 簡要說明:參照國家教育部制訂的大學英語課程教學要求, 同時根據(jù)我校教學資源、學生入學水平以及所面臨的社會需求等實際情況, 特制訂本大學英語教學大綱,作為我校組織非英語專業(yè)本科、專升本學生英語教學的主要依據(jù), 用于指導本校的大學英語教學。大學英語課程教學包括聽、說、讀、寫四個部分。 二、課程性質(zhì)、地位和任務:大學英語教學是高等教育的一個有機組成部分,大學英語課程是大學生必修的一門基礎課程。大學英語教學是以英語語言知識與應用技能、學習策略和跨文化交際為主要內(nèi)容,以外語教學理論為指導,并集多種教學模式和教學手段為一體的教學體系。大學英語的教學目標


6、物的基本表達方式;能使用適當?shù)恼Z言形式進行描述和表達觀點、態(tài)度和情感等;能根據(jù)特定目的有效地進行簡單的文字表達。4閱讀能力要求:能讀懂語言難度一般的普通題材的文章,領會掌握一些基本的閱讀技巧,掌握中心大意及主要事實和有關細節(jié),閱讀速度達到每分鐘60詞。在快速閱讀篇幅較長、難度略低的材料時,閱讀速度達到每分鐘80詞。5推薦詞匯量:應領會或掌握2300左右單詞和500-600個習慣用語或固定詞組,其中積極詞匯為900左右,并具備基本的構(gòu)詞法知識。(二)教學基本方法1. 授課以英語為主,漢語為輔;精講多練,講析與操練相結(jié)合;根據(jù)學生具體情況,適當融入各類有針對性的教學方法,如:句型操練,背誦與默寫,

7、小組討論,角色扮演等;運用啟發(fā)式教學的手段,調(diào)動學生學習積極性,激發(fā)學生思辨能力。2. 課內(nèi)外相結(jié)合,講習與討論相結(jié)合;適當增加文化內(nèi)容和背景知識的介紹; 適當采用有針對性的教學方法,如:限時閱讀,歸納總結(jié)等。 四、授課教材及主要參考書目:1. 新視野大學英語(讀寫教程)第一冊2. 新視野大學英語(讀寫教程教師用書)第一冊3. 新世紀大學英語視聽說教程第一冊4. 新世紀大學英語視聽說教程教師用書第一冊 五、學分和學時分配:本課程共280學時,14學分。一級70學時,3.5學分。根據(jù)我校學生的實際情況,本學期原則上完成7個單元新視野大學英語讀寫教程講授內(nèi)容,每單元5-6學時;完成8個單元全新版大

8、學英語聽說教程講授內(nèi)容,每單元2-4學時。另外4學時安排期中考試與期末復習。學時安排可根據(jù)具體情況適當調(diào)整。六、教學內(nèi)容及學時分配:(一)新視野大學英語讀寫教程第一冊本學期計劃完成7個單元教學內(nèi)容,每單元5-6學時。Unit 1Section A Learning a Foreign LanguageSection B Keys to Successful Online LearningFocal Points: 1) The Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect2) Structured Writing: A Cause-an

9、d-effect Paragraph Based on the Outline3) Reading Skills: Finding out Word MeaningsUnit 2 Section A Deep ConcernSection B Is There a Genenration Gap?Focal Points: 1) The Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Sequenced Order of Events2) Structured Writing: A Paragraph with sequenced order of events3) Re

10、ading Skills: Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions Unit 3Section A A Good Heart to Lean OnSection B The Right Son at the Right TimeFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a General Point Supported by Examples2) Structured Writing: A General Point Supported by Examples 3) Readin

11、g Skills: Reading for the Key Ideas in SentencesUnit 4Section A How to Make a Good ImpressionSection B Body LanguageFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a Statement Supported by a List of Examples2) Structured Writing: A General Statement Supported by a List of Examples 3) Readin

12、g Skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Unit 5Section A The Battle Against AidsSection B The Last Dive at the OlympicsFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a General Statement Supported by a Problem-Solution Pattern2) Structured Writing: A General Statement Supported by

13、 a Problem-Solution Pattern 3) Reading Skills: Reading for Major Details Unit 6Section A The Trashman Section B The Company Man Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A General Statement Supported by Examples2) Structured Writing: A Paragraph with a General Statement Supported by Examples 3) Read

14、ing Skills: Understanding Idiomatic ExpressionsUnit 7Section A Face to Face with Guns Section B Should I Have a Gun?Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a Set of Sequential Actions 2) Structured Writing: A Paragraph with a Set of Actions Sequenced 3) Reading Skills: Reading Betwe

15、en the LinesUnit 8Section A Birth of Bright IdeasSection B Ways of Increasing CreativityFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: Paragraphs of Contrast 2) Structured Writing: A Short Paragraph of Contrast3) Reading Skills: Scanning and PredictingUnit 9Section A College Success Made Easy Section B A

16、 Major Questions of MajorsFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: Paragraphs of a Topic Supported by Details2) Structured Writing: A Paragraph That Starts with a Topic Supported by Details 3) Reading Skills: PreviewingUnit 10Section A Being Honest and OpenSection B Website Resources: The Best Aid

17、for Cheating?Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a General Principle Supported by an Example 2) Structured Writing: A Paragraph with a Principle Supported by Examples 3) Reading Skills: Understanding Idiomatic Expressions(二)新世紀大學英語視聽說教程 第一冊本學期計劃完成8單元,每單元2-4學時。各單元內(nèi)容可酌情使用,課內(nèi)無法完成的內(nèi)

18、容布置為課后作業(yè)。Unit 1 New Friends, New FacesTopic Meeting people; describing peopleFunctions Introducing yourselfVocabulary Personal information; personal descriptionsLesson A Meeting new peopleVocabulary Link: Online pen palsListening: Hi, Im Fiona.Speaking: Nice to meet you. Communication: Find someone

19、who Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Describing yourself and othersGlobal Viewpoint: Describing yourself and others City Living: Sun-hees favorite cousinOptional Listening: 5 Unit 2 Vacation! Topic Weather; vacation habits and preferencesFunctions Giving advice and suggestingVocabulary Weather; vac

20、ation travelLesson A Hows the weather?Vocabulary Link: Hows the weather?Listening: Its hot outside.Speaking: You should take a sweater. Communication: Where should I go? Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B The WeatherGlobal Viewpoint: The weather What should I do? City Living: Another souvenir?Optiona

21、l Listening: 5Unit 3 All About You Topic Pastimes and preferencesFunctions Inviting; accepting and declining invitationsVocabulary Sports; teams and clubsLesson A My favortite pastimesVocabulary Link: Teams and clubsListening: Whose trophies are these?Speaking: Do you want to play tennis? Communicat

22、ion: Whats your favorite? Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Sports and pastimesGlobal Viewpoint: Sports and pastimes City Living: Im very athletic!Optional Listening: 5Unit 4 Change Topic Making changes in your life; plans and dreamsFunctions Making and responding to requestsVocabulary Changing for

23、the better; plans after graduationLesson A I need a changeVocabulary Link: I need a change.Listening: New Years resolutionsSpeaking: Can I borrow $20? Communication: Bad habits Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Plans and dreamsGlobal Viewpoint: Making changes Goals, plans and dreams City Living: Mik

24、e needs a changeOptional Listening: 5Unit5 Around the World Topic Neighborhoods and citiesFunctions Asking for and giving directionsVocabulary Places in the neighborhood; talking about citiesLesson A Places in my cityVocabulary Link: In the neighborhoodListening: Where are they?Speaking: Is there a

25、theater near here? Communication: A new neighborhood Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Cities and townsGlobal Viewpoint: In my neighborhood Cities and towns City Living: You cant miss it!Optional Listening: 5Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Topic Houses, apartments, rooms, and housingFunctions Showing surpris

26、eVocabulary Places in a house; student housingLesson A HousingVocabulary Link: For rentListening: Apartment huntingSpeaking: How many rooms are there? Communication: Winchester Mystery House Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Where I liveGlobal Viewpoint: Where I liveStudent housing City Living: Welc

27、ome to New York!Optional Listening: 5Unit 7 Your Health Topic The body, and healthFunctions Talking about health problemsVocabulary Boday partsLesson A Health and bodyVocabulary Link: Touch your toes!Listening: Wanted!Speaking: I dont feel well. Communication: Health posters Optional Listening: 1 -

28、4Lesson B Global Viewpoint: Health problems Staying healthy City Living: Laughter is the best medicineOptional Listening: 5Unit 8 Jobs and Ambitions! Topic Professions; job interviews; personalitiesFunctions Asking about jobsVocabulary Abilities; personalityLesson A JobsVocabulary Link: What do you

29、do?Listening: A part-time job Job advertisementsSpeaking: What do you do? Communication: The right job Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B My jobGlobal Viewpoint: My job People at work City Living: I can get this job!Optional Listening: 5七、考核內(nèi)容與方法:本課程的考試按教學計劃的規(guī)定進行,將平時考核(30%-40%)與期末考試(60%70%)相結(jié)合,以大學英語教

30、學大綱的要求和教學內(nèi)容為依據(jù),著重考察學生語言基礎和語言運用能力。主觀題與客觀題的比例約為4:6,課內(nèi)課外內(nèi)容各占一定比例。 大學英語二級課程教學大綱(College English Band 2)一、 簡要說明:參照國家教育部制訂的大學英語課程教學要求, 同時根據(jù)我校教學資源、學生入學水平以及所面臨的社會需求等實際情況, 特制訂本大學英語教學大綱,作為我校組織非英語專業(yè)本科、專升本學生英語教學的主要依據(jù), 用于指導本校的大學英語教學。大學英語課程教學包括聽、說、讀、寫四個部分。 二、 課程性質(zhì)、地位和任務:大學英語教學是高等教育的一個有機組成部分,大學英語課程是大學生必修的一門基礎課程。大學

31、英語教學是以英語語言知識與應用技能、學習策略和跨文化交際為主要內(nèi)容,以外語教學理論為指導,并集多種教學模式和教學手段為一體的教學體系。大學英語的教學目標是培養(yǎng)學生英語綜合應用能力,特別是聽說能力,使他們在今后工作和社會交往中能用英語有效地進行口頭和書面的信息交流,同時增強其自主學習能力、提高綜合文化素養(yǎng),以適應我國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和國際交流的需要。三、 教學基本要求和方法:(一) 教學基本要求1.聽力能力要求:能聽懂英語授課,能聽懂日常英語談話和一般性題材講座,能基本聽懂慢速英語節(jié)目,語速為每分鐘110詞左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要點。能運用基本的聽力技巧。 2.口語能力要求:能在學習過程中用英語交

32、流,并能就某一主題進行討論,能就日常話題和英語國家的人士進行交談,能就所熟悉的話題經(jīng)準備后作簡短發(fā)言,表達比較清楚,語音、語調(diào)基本正確。能在交談中使用基本的會話策略。3.閱讀能力要求: 能基本讀懂一般性題材的英文文章,閱讀速度達到每分鐘60詞。在閱讀篇幅較長、難度略低的材料時,閱讀速度達到每分鐘90詞。能基本讀懂國內(nèi)英文報刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事實和有關細節(jié)。能讀懂工作、生活中常見的應用文體的材料。能在閱讀中使用有效的閱讀方法。 4. 寫作能力要求:能完成一般性寫作任務,能描述個人經(jīng)歷、觀感、情感和發(fā)生的事件等,能寫常見的應用文,能就一般性話題或提綱在半小時內(nèi)寫出90詞的短文,內(nèi)容基本完整

33、,用詞恰當,語意連貫。能掌握基本的寫作技能。5.推薦詞匯量:掌握的詞匯量應達到2800個單詞和800個詞組,其中1000為積極詞匯。要求學生能夠在認知的基礎上熟練運用。(二)教學基本方法1. 授課以英語為主,漢語為輔;精講多練,講析與操練相結(jié)合;以學生為中心,積極引導學生參與小組討論,角色扮演等課堂活動;根據(jù)學生具體情況,適當融入各類有針對性的教學方法,如:句型操練,背誦與默寫;運用啟發(fā)式教學手段,調(diào)動學生學習積極性,激發(fā)學生思辨能力。2. 課內(nèi)外相結(jié)合,講習與討論相結(jié)合;根據(jù)學生具體情況,適當增加文化內(nèi)容和背景知識的介紹; 適當采用有針對性的教學方法,如:限時閱讀,歸納總結(jié)等。 四、授課教材

34、及主要參考書目:1. 新視野大學英語(讀寫教程)第二冊2. 新視野大學英語(讀寫教程教師用書)第二冊3. 新世紀大學英語視聽說教程第二冊4. 新世紀大學英語視聽說教程(教師用書)第二冊五、學分和學時分配:本課程共280學時,14學分。二級70學時,3.5學分。根據(jù)我校學生的實際情況,本學期原則上完成7個單元新視野大學英語讀寫教程講授內(nèi)容,每單元5-6學時;完成8個單元全新版大學英語聽說教程講授內(nèi)容,每單元2-4學時。另外4學時安排期中考試與期末復習。學時安排可根據(jù)具體情況適當調(diào)整。六、教學內(nèi)容及學時分配:(一)新視野大學英語讀寫教程第二冊本學期計劃完成7個單元,每單元5-6學時。 Unit 1

35、Section A Time-Conscious AmericansSection B Culture shockFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a General Statement Supported by Specific Details and Reasons 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph with a General Statement Supported by Specific Details and the Reason3) Reading S

36、kills: Reading for the Main Ideas in a Paragraph Unit 2 Section A Learning the Olympic Standard for LoveSection B The Standard for Olympic ExcellenceFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A General Statement Followed by Details 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph of General Statement Follo

37、wed by Details 3) Reading Skills: Find out Word MeaningsUnit 3Section A Marriage Across the NationsSection B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-lawFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Denial of Some Opinions Followed by Some Other Opinions2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph

38、 with Some Opinions Followed by Some Other Opinions 3) Reading Skills: Recognizing Differences Between Facts and Opinions Unit 4Section A A Test of True LoveSection B Love Under the NazisFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of a Point of View Supported by Reasons2) Structured Writin

39、g: Writing a Paragraph of a Point of View Supported by Reasons3) Reading Skills: Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence Unit 5Section A Weeping for My Smoking DaughterSection B Stop Spoiling Your ChildrenFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect 2) Structured Writing:

40、 Writing a Paragraph Showing a Cause-and-Effect Relation 3) Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative Language Unit 6Section A As His Name Is, So Is He!Section B Judge by AppearancesFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Comparison 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph Followed

41、 by a Comparison and a Result3) Reading Skills: ScanningUnit 7Section A Lighten Your Load and Save Your LifeSection B Are You a Workaholic?Focal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph Showing a Cause-and-Effect relation 3) Readi

42、ng Skills: SkimmingUnit 8Section A Theres a Lot more to Life than a JobSection B What Youngsters Expect in LifeFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: A Paragraph of an Argument Supported by Facts 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Paragraph Starting with a Argument to Be Supported by Facts3) Readin

43、g Skills: Identifying the Writers PurposeUnit 9Section A Never Be a Quitter in Face of LifeSection B From Hardship Comes SuccessFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: Argumentation: From a Statement to a Denial and Correction 2) Structured Writing: Writing a Composition Starting with a Statement

44、Followed by Denial and Correction 3) Reading Skills: Predicting the Writers IdeasUnit 10Section A Reports on Britain Under the BombsSection B Forty-three Seconds over HiroshimaFocal Points: 1) Text Structure Analysis: Paragraphs of a General Statement Supported by Specific Details 2) Structured Writ

45、ing: Writing a Paragraph of a General Statement Supported by Specific Details 3) Reading Skills: Denotation and Connotation(二)新世紀大學英語視聽說教程 第二冊本學期計劃完成8單元,每單元2-4學時。各單元內(nèi)容可酌情使用,課內(nèi)無法完成的內(nèi)容布置為課后作業(yè)。Unit 1 All About MeTopic Introductions and relationshipsFunctions Informal and formal introductionsVocabulary

46、Relationships and life eventsLesson A The people in my lifeVocabulary Link: Talking about relationshipsListening: Nosy NoraSpeaking: Id like you to meet Communication: Is it you Optional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Special peopleGlobal Viewpoint: Special people MemoriesCity Living: A favorite keepsakeO

47、ptional Listening: 5Unit 2 Express yourselfTopic Expressing feelings through words and gesturesFunctions Asking how someone isVocabulary Feeling; gesturesLesson A FeelingsVocabulary Link: How do they feel?Listening: Why are you smiling?Speaking: Hows it going?Communication: High school reunionOption

48、al Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Feelings and emotionsGlobal Viewpoint: Feelings and emotions Greetings around the worldCity Living: An important rule for travelingOptional Listening: 5Unit 3 Lets EatTopic FoodFunctions Offering and suggestingVocabulary Adjectives describing foods; eating in a restaurant

49、Lesson A Foods we likeVocabulary Link: Talking about foodsListening: Food s of the southern United StatesSpeaking: Pizza againCommunication: Veronicas RestaurantOptional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Favorite foodsGlobal Viewpoint: Favorite foods International foodsCity Living: The spicier the betterOpti

50、onal Listening: 5Unit 4 Todays TrendsTopic Modern trends and fashionsFunctions Agreeing and disagreeing; giving adviceVocabulary Family statistics - multiples and percentages; style and fashionLesson A Modern family trendsVocabulary Link: Family statisticsListening: Non-traditional familiesSpeaking:

51、 I dont agreeCommunication: Modern opinionsOptional Listening: 1 - 4Lesson B Family TrendsGlobal Viewpoint: Family Trends People styleCity Living: You ought to get more exercise Optional Listening: 5Unit 5 Unsolved MysteriesTopic Unsolved mysteriesFunctions Talking about possibility and impossibilityVocabulary Cri


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